LiveJournal for -insert something clever here-.

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2003

Time:11:07 am.
Mood: anxious.
Music:Blackthorn - Lord of the Dance.
For those of you that care, this journal is about to become even more dead than it has been. Homework is seriously seriously behind, and I've realized it's partially because I have such easy access to the internet. So, I'm taking it out. I'm not sure when I'll be back. But I'm going to treat this sort of like a sobriety test, except with the internet. I'll only be back when I think I've broken myself of the need to be on-line constantly. I might update occasionally from a computer lab, but don't be surprised if this is my last update for the semester.

In other news, in the continuing "new icon" series, today I present... hmm... well, I've got a new Eye of Sauron one, a new Snoopy one, and a new Hobbes one, but I think I'm going to show you my new one of Azreal from the wonderful online comic Casey and Andy, to be found on lj at [info]c_and_a. As I doubt that I will be posting much more any time soon, I'd recommend going to my icon page if any of you really care to see the rest. But they're really not anything special, I'm just proud of them, as I made most of them. Anyhoo.

Another consequence of this is that I'll only be doing the most brief skims of my friends page (As it is, it's a whole new page every 9 hours. Maybe I'll unsubscribe from some stuff before I go, so that it won't be so full.) So, for those of you that actually care, don't be upset when I don't reply, or even know what's going on in your life.

Of all the money that e'er I spent
I've spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I did
Alas it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So drink with me a parting glass

Oh, all the friends that e'er I had
They're sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They'd wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
- From Blackthorn's version of "Parting Glass"

And with that, goodbye, for now!
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Sunday, November 16th, 2003

Time:1:08 pm.
Music:Tell her about it - Billy Joel.
Again with the Tom Friedman!

Wanted: Fanatical Moderates )
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, November 15th, 2003

Time:2:28 pm.
[info]mactavish described this with one of her friends a few minutes ago, and someone explained that it was just lj messing with code, temporarily.

(and just like her phenomenon, mine, too was gone only minutes after showing up.)

But still, I found this odd, and amusing.... )
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Monday, November 10th, 2003

Time:7:53 pm.
Thank's to [info]mactavish for this one, it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long while. Is it lesbian porn or ursaline porn? (don't worry, there're no pictures, no actual porn of any kind, it's a discussion on a spelling error.)

By the way, I'll use this post to show off my newest icon. It a picture of me just after my wedding to [info]thisgirliknow. Those of you that were there may remember the ring she gave me... and a lovely, precious, preeeecccciiiooouuusss ring it was... Ahem. Anyhoo. oh, I'm thinking of changing my name to [info]sauronbodyelse. What'dya think?
Comments: Read 9 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, November 4th, 2003

Subject:on established or inside jokes, and the difference therein.
Time:3:47 am.
Music:Senator Speak- The Verve Pipe.
Ok, this is one thing I don't get. Trying to recreate something funny. [info]thisgirliknow and [info]anditut Have both tried to recreate the song "bulbous bouffant" with me. Here's there attempt, if you care:
It would have helped, I suppose, if I'd ever actually heard the song. )

So, I don't get it. Maybe, if it had been a spontaneous thing between us once, so it was an inside joke? or maybe if it was acceptable to change it, so you got something completely new each time? I suppose if I actually understood the joke, I might see the point, but still, if you're telling it to the same people over and over, why not change it every once in a while. I got the impression that they didn't really like my adaptations, though. oh well.
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, November 1st, 2003

Subject:on the affairs of the world, and the affairs of the individual.
Time:11:35 pm.
You know, I don't think I've ever disagreed with Thomas Friedman, and this is no exception. )

So, it's interesting watching people on my friends list go through adolescence, and comparing it to my own experiences... so I present to you, those that care, my newtheory on life )

Why am I updating so much? At least there were no meme's this time.
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Subject:on confusion, and stories of times past
Time:8:14 pm.
Wait, so let me get this straight... It's snowing in Southern California, and yet, here in Chicago, it was 60 degrees yesterday. Well, we had hail... Tuesday, was it? for about 15 minutes or so. But it was still a warm day. bah.

Ok... so, another established meme... this is getting scary. eep. but at least there're still no quizes. But still, what's going on with me?

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

Now, for the real update.

So, the trip to Dayton to visit [info]suzzwuzz was cancelled, as she thinks she wouldn't have time to entertain us, so it would just be a waste of our time to come out to visit her. She doesn't, however, realize that we'd probably be (and in fact, I am, though I can't speak for [info]wildpersimmons) wasting our time anyway. Ah well, I hope Hamlet came out well, and strike was fun, etc. PS, [info]suzzwuzz, you owe me $10 on the ticket refund. ;-p

Oh, so little anecdote about that... I told my mother that I was going to Dayton for fall break, and she told my father. Apparently, my father misheard her, so when I was home last weekend, he asked me "Why on earth would you want to go a) to Daytona and b) for fall break??!?. He was relieved to find out the truth...

Ah well... So on to last weekend's adventures, since there's not much to tell about this week's. So I went home for MFJCL (Michigan Fall Junior Classical League- for those of you that don't know, it's a organization of high school Latin clubs. I'm a member of the MSCL, college kids who help out) So, I get in to Ann Arbor Friday night, and hang out with Peg until the morning when JCL starts. That was fun. I went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show in the theatres for the first time. It was a bit more subdued than I thought it would be (for instance, the theatre outlawed them throwing things at the screen.) but it was still great fun. Then we went home, and wrote a combined letter to Andie. Speaking of which, both Suzy and D have gotten postcards from her. She's apparently figured out that D was one of the people that wrote the letter, but not Suzy, and not me. (Which is odd, it was my address that we used as the return address on the envelope, and Suzy left SO many hints.) Ah well, I let Andie know in the letter Peg and I wrote. and the Suzy and I are possibly going to write another one when I see her next saturday after the plays. Oh, so on the way back from RHPS, we passed these people talking, and the one guy there said "In 2 years, I'll be heterosexual." Doncha just love quotes completely out of context?

So, then JCL Saturday. There were only 4 SCLers, [info]renniegirl (last years MJCL president, and a wonderful, if silly, girl), Betsy, and Kevin. But we had fun. Nothing all that special to report, except for another beautiful out-of-context quote: "So, you know, eventually we got around to respecting the dead."

Ah well.

./` Hey kid, good morning. You look like an angel. I don't remember when we fell asleep. ./`
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Friday, October 31st, 2003

Time:3:09 am.
alright, I just had to mention this. Today's New York Times Quote of the Day was:

"It's hard to explain. You can't believe the horror of being in that car."
- NELLIE CONNALLY, recalling the day President Kennedy and her husband, John,
were shot.

That whole thing is verbatim from NYTimes. It took me a minute to figure out that "her husband, John" was referring to Ms. Connally, whose husband was also in the car, and was wounded. I thought for a while that that was one major gaff on the Times' part. hehehe... President Kennedy and her husband, John... yeah for grammatical ambiguity.

By the way, I'd like to unveil my newest icon. If you can't tell, it's a self portrait. ;p
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Thursday, October 30th, 2003

Subject:on the miscellaneous, pt. 1
Time:6:28 pm.
me... doing an established meme? and posting it?? at least it's not a quiz... )

Well, the vast majority of you missed my wedding. tsk tsk tsk.

It was great, because [info]thisgirliknow got married to [info]somebodyelse.

Anyway, I should do another real update soon, but for now the big news:
I'm going to be dropping one of my classes, but I don't know which one yet. I'll know tomorrow.
The trip to Dayton to see [info]suzzwuzz was cancelled. *sniffle* but I'll see her next weekend. We'll hang out after the plays.
Andie's gotten the letter from [info]wildpersimmons, [info]suzzwuzz, and I. She's figured out that it was from [info]wildpersimmons, but not [info]suzzwuzz, and we still don't know if she knows I'm part of it. Which is odd, as it was my address we used as the return adress...

Oh and with a paid account comes more icons than I could possibly use. This one, from Amelie, was created by the masterful [info]dlocke. Thanks!

That's all for now...
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Monday, October 27th, 2003

Time:1:17 am.
ok [info]_melissa_, now [info]thisgirliknow is one of the coolest people ever. She just bought me a paid account. I never could decide to get one myself, but oh man... this rocks.

I said for a long time now, as soon as I got a paid account, I'd put up a poll that I've been thinking of. So, without further ado, here it is:

Poll #196910: Casablanca
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Who are you really?

And what were you before?

And what did you do?

And what did you think?

Now then, on to other cool stuff. I now have enough RSS units to read all the feeds I could possibly want, including the only person on deadjournal that I read anymore Sailormoonbeam. I no longer have to go to my dj friends page to read her. this rocks!

and now, to go slightly icon crazy...
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Thursday, October 23rd, 2003

Time:3:50 pm.
"I've got my country's five hundredth anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped."

Ok, so only 2 out of 4, but I can still see where he's coming from with this. It's a lot of work!
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Time:3:20 pm.
Mood:busy from planning.
Music:the cacophony of life. well... just the air conditioner..
The depressing stuff. )

The wedding stuff. )
^There's a change in time, and an announcement of places.
The travel plans. )
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Sunday, October 19th, 2003

Subject:On the phantasmagorical.
Time:1:03 pm.
one odd dream )
Comments: Read 32 or Add Your Own.

Subject:on an obsession with a dead physicist.
Time:5:16 am.
ok, I was looking through an old entry in [info]iknowitsover's old journal [info]girlxlovesxmoz and I came upon this quote, which exemplifies why Richard Feynman is possibly the coolest man of the 20th century.

He had this van that was painted all around, you know, with large Feynman diagrams. And you know, most people would look at those diagrams, of course, and they would look like some squiggly lines and they would mean nothing. But every so often, obviously, someone would see them and say, "Why do you have Feynman diagrams on your van?" And he would say, "Because I'm Richard Feynman." - NOVA: "The Best Mind Since Einstein"

The man who cracked locks at Los Alamos just for fun, the man who played the bongos at Caltech parties, and drew nude drawings of stripers for brothels, the man who, when asked in his waning months if he wished to read his prepared obituary, replied: "I have decided it is not a very good idea for a man to read it ahead of time; it takes the element of surprise out of it."

The man won a noble by answering a problem that arose from studying the physics of a plate that wobbled when it was thrown in the air.

The man whose last words were "I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring."

That totally made my day. Richard Feynman rocks like no other...
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Saturday, October 18th, 2003

Time:3:55 am.
Mood: tired.
Music:the air conditioner..
so, I just found the rough draft of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. There's SOOO much that's different. like, in the script he never says "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

but here are some extra scenes or lines that didn't make it in to the movie.

imagine what could have been )
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Thursday, October 16th, 2003

Time:7:04 pm.
Her bridesmaids will be:
Co-Maid of Honor: Andrea [info]anditut
Co-Maid of Honor: Sara [info]pandora48sch
Vivi [info]subjectivity
Kim [info]g8rbabe06
Honorary (without LJ) Maid of honor: Indira
Bridesmaid: Deborah

My groomsmen:
Best Man:Josh [info]leftwinger
Dave [info]rightwinger
Matt [info]tevarin
Dietrich [info]wildpersimmons (if he accepts it)
Jeremiah [info]odcjst
Honorary (without lj) Best Man: Devin
Groomsman: David

and if you need reminding..
Groom: [info]somebodyelse
Bride: [info]_melissa_

You're all invited!
5 Eastern/4 Central
October 28th, 2003.
Wedding place to be set later.
Reception in [info]parties_only
Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Subject:Interviewed by [info]_melissa_
Time:1:12 pm.
Music:Nuetral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers, pt. 1.
ahh! I thought I was done with this meme ages ago! )
Comments: Read 12 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

Time:4:34 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:How I wish I were in Sherbrooke now....
Alright, I'm going to do something a bit out of the ordinary. I'm going to answer a survey. That, in itself, is a bit out of the ordinary, but that's not quite what I mean...

I'm going to do it as if I were Agamemnon. )
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, October 14th, 2003

Time:12:26 am.
I'm getting married on the 28th to [info]_melissa_. You're all invited!

(There, that's my side, I'm inviting people, I'm not embarrased about it. :p)

Don't forget to RSVP!
Comments: Read 24 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003

Subject:Variations on a theme, v. 1
Time:2:16 pm.
Mood: contemplative.
Music:Billy Joel -The Entertainer.
I turned 20 Saturday. GOOD
Went home this weekend. EH
Mother gave me a book, after I expressly said that I don't want books for gifts ever again. BAD
My uncle getting my birthday wrong: EH
That means that my birthday is moved to the 3rd, so I actually am catching up to Glenn and Justin, like I said I would. GOOD
French Silk pie for a birthday cake: GOOD
It melting, and then freezing solid as I take it back to Chicago and put it in the fridge: AMUSING
When I got back to Chicago, Holly baked me a birthday cake: GOOD

I talked to Dietrich until about 6 in the morning yesterday, in what was one of the best conversations we've had. (and that's saying something): GOOD
Figuring out thing about him, and using that to solidify my theories about myself and my interests: GREAT
Joining the Classics Club: GREAT
Meeting Marguerite at the Classics Club: WONDERFUL
Marguerite inviting me to the first ever meeting of the Euchre club that night: WONDERFUL
Me being the Left of the Euchre club: GOOD
Me being the Censor of the Classics club: GOOD
Me taking over Classics club while Marguerite is in Rome next semester: GREAT
Marguerite helping me study Greek: GOOD
Mike and I starting a conspiracy against Marguerite: GREAT
Not having had to use it yet: GOOD
I think I scare Marguerite with how much I hug, and my tendency to just show up places: AWFUL
Marguerite and Mike and I creating Late Night Haikus: GREAT
Mike finally asked Marguerite out: GOOD
Jalepeno Rice Krispy Treats: OKAY
There are plans to visit Suzy in early November: GREAT
Andie's still in Ghana: HORRIBLE
She's doing well there: GREAT

-8 (some good, but a) a lot of bad from the start, and b) it's starting to slip a bit.) but I don't feel like going in to it. I think I'm going to make History a minor, and take a few education classes. (and make classical studies officially a major.)

Wonderful = +3 x3 =6
Great = +2 x6 = 12
Good = +1 x10 = 10
Okay/Eh = 0
Bad = -1 x1 = -1
Awful = -2 x1 = -2
Horrible = -3 x1 =-3
amusing=good = 1x1=1
extra: -8 = -8

Total: =15. not bad, not bad at all. a bit exxagerated, but not all that much.
Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Monday, October 6th, 2003

Time:1:43 am.
stolen from [info]leftwinger who stole it from [info]rightwinger who got it from a friend of his.

Oscar Wilde Jeff Shaara Charles Williams Franz Kafka Karl von Clausewitz
Douglas Adams Voltaire Aristotle
J.R.R Tolkien Joseph Conrad Aristophanes
Kurt Vonnegut Tom Shippey Graham Greene Bruce Catton
John Keegan St. Thomas Aquinas John Keegan (sorry to repeat, but he's great) Donald Kagan
Dan Jenkins Murray Rothbard Bob Woodward Umberto Eco Paul Johnson
Albert Camus Ludwig von Mises Ann Coulter Wesley K. Clark Alfred Thayer Mahan
F. A. von Hayek Pope John Paul II Dostoevsky Sun Tzu
Neal Stephenson Boethius Joseph Campbell Stephen Hawking
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn St. Augustine of Hippo Robert Kagan Lawrence Stone

Take it, strike who you don't have, replace it with someone you do.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, October 5th, 2003

Time:2:36 am.
50 points to the first person who can tell me what movie Richard Blaine was a major character in.

No cheating!
Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Monday, September 29th, 2003

Time:12:49 pm.
some late night Haiku for you all:

Jalepenos are
harmonious ecstasy
in rice crispy treats

Of trash cans and cheese
We dare not write in verses
Only in Haiku

Milk does a body
Better than formaldehyde.
I should know. Don't ask.

Frolicking naked
It is really great to be
Invisibly me.

Strange pink beverage
That we are quite wary of
Taints the tiny spoon.

man... I need to get more sleep...
Comments: Read 10 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 21st, 2003

Time:6:40 pm.

you know who you are. join. (there's even info about the NSCL reunion, but it's a pretty penny...)

So anyway, in the same vein as [info]_melissa_ it's another series of trivia:

Name the four rivers that flow out of Eden

the five good emperors or Rome

The seven wonders of the world

Santa's 10 (that's right, 10!) reindeer

The 12 tribes of Isreal (double points if you can name the ones that still exist.)

The 10 plagues

The 11 confederate states

The 12 gifts of Christmas

The 12 Olympians (double points if you can name all 13, and who switched with who)

Triple points if you can name the 12 Titans

The five ruling Queens of England (Mary, of William & Mary doesn't count.)

Alright, that's enough. take that! and no cheating.
Comments: Read 21 or Add Your Own.

Time:1:23 pm.
Music:Pippin - Extraordinary.
several points:

Happy birthday to Suzy.

In case any of you ever decide to send me anything *ahemcoughhackwheezecough*
my address has changed. It's now

box #1078
1134 W. Loyola
Chicago, IL 60626

In a similar vein, I've got a bunch of postcards, and a bunch of postcard stamps, but no addresses. This is where you people come in to the picture. Give me your addresses, and you might get a postcard or two. Or if you're really lucky, a letter even. (Speaking of which, [info]biggerstaff, if you and Sam ever come up for air again, I left your address at home when I moved, so I need yours too.)

I'd also like to state that I now know more about the sexual practices of Early Modern England than I ever cared to know.
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Monday, September 15th, 2003

Time:3:02 pm.
Ok, so one of the many cool people on my friends list, [info]_melissa_, is putting together a list of the top 10 ways to annoy your Latin teacher.

Her list so far:

2. Translate the passage into French
1. Every time your teacher says "Cicero" you shout out "Lipschitz"

my suggestions:

3. Decline your verbs and conjugate your nouns
4. Ask if there are any differences in the language between, say Costa Rica and Peru.
5. Look up EVERY word in your dictionary, including et, sum, in, yadda, yadda, yadda.
6. Ask how to decline "ixnay"

I also told her about the Killer Eye game Ellen & Co. just played.

but, considering how many of you all have had experience with this, what suggestions can you folks come up with?
Comments: Read 5 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 14th, 2003

Time:6:13 pm.
Mood: rejuvenated.
Music:tv in the background.
so LJ just ate a long entry. grr... ok, so back to the tried and true +/- scale system.

Her even coming at all: superly-wonderful
Celtic fest:great
dancers and bands and expensive jewelry that we can't buy: great
Mara (d's friend) and Suzy both got Henna-like temp. tattoos: good
Dinner at Duck Walk: good and a half (accidently ordered the wrong thing, but it was still pretty good.)
Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind: awesome
Getting Mara and D to go to Standee's (every loyola student must go at least once. It's tradition or old charter or something): great
(40 points to anyone that gets the reference in the last sentence)
Afterwards, we (minus Mara) went to my apartment, and sat around chatting: awesome
We wrote a letter to Andie in Ghana: Wonderful
(we each wrote a few lines, and passed the letter on)
Not using any references to who we were or any such thing, and not signing it: great
Suzy being probably the most comfortable that I know: wonderful
Sleeping on the floor: alright.
but it got better in the morning when she came back down from the bed: great
leaving around 12:30: horrid

Superly-wonderful: (4+5=9)x1= 9
wonderful: (4)x2= 8
awesome: (3)x2= 6
great: (2)x5= 10
good: (1)x2.5= 2.5
alright: 0
horrid: (-2)x1= -2

so... +33.5... that's about right. :D

alright, g'night all!
-Volvo, Tho, BFG, etc.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, August 29th, 2003

Subject:on thoughts leading to mild depression
Time:12:23 pm.
so, I've decided that I thoroughly dislike the old aphorism "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" because it is simply far far too true, and is going to ruin the next 4 months of my life. ah well.
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Monday, August 25th, 2003

Time:10:10 am.
oh, and in case anybody cares, this year's address:

Andrew Kyser
1134 Loyola Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Time:8:27 am.
Music:Jimmy Eat World - Blister.
I forgot, there was a point in the party for Andie, where she and Andy recited a Catullus poem in latin. I wasn't paying much attention, certainly not enough to translate it from verbal alone. but I remember it was the one about raping a guy...

anyhoo, I had a pretty interesting first day of classes, so I thought I'd tell you all.

So Classical Greek was alright, Professor Dobrov is still fun and cool and all that, and Ally was there, and everything was good.

Social History of England 1500-1750: Dr. Bucholz is awesome, as always. Turns out though, he won't be here Friday, because he'll be TAPING A SHOW IN ENGLAND for Channel 4. It's about one of the old castles in England, the one that most of the famous kings and queens lived in, and it was bigger than Versaille, and it burned down so no one knows what it looked like.

Philosophy of Ethics is alright, the teacher is almost exactly the way I pictured him. it was freaky... he's short, kinda scatter-brained, and very professor-ry. But the cool thing about that class is that there's a completely and utterly OPTIONAL FINAL. I only have to take it if I want to. that rocks...

and then Classical Comedy and Satire, has the same Professor (Dobrov) as my Greek class. but the odd thing was, he didn't show up. he'd apparently gone AWOL. odd. so we all left after 20 minutes.

and that was my day.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, August 24th, 2003

Subject:On Ill-Gotten Streetsigns, Sherpas without yeti-skin hats, and Other Wonderful and Sad Goings on.
Time:11:23 pm.
Mood: depressed.
Music:They Might Be Giants - Flood (the whole album).
I guess it all started last Monday night. D and I went out into our neighborhood, and in three hours (from 1AM to 4AM) we were more delinquent than the entire rest of our lives combined. Between us, we stole a Belden Ave. sign (where d lives) Fairfield (where I live) Margareta Ave. (for Margaret) two no standing signs, a bus stop sign and a stop sign. Was this the start of a multi state crime spree? Possibly, but more importantly, it was just one more task in our return to college. (well, my return, d's a frosh.) That Tuesday night, D and I fit all of his stuff into his father's minivan, plus one bag of clothes for me. His brother Thaddeus drove us to his fathers apartment. There we slept for the night, and then in the morning drove to Chicago.

When we got to Chicago, we got moved in to D's room, which is about 20 ft down from my room last year. That was about all that happened Wednesday, then I slept in his roommates bed, as he wasn't there yet.

Thursday, not much happened, until The first Evanston trip this week. D and I went up to see Andie, and play some frisbee. well, the game of Ultimate didn't last too long because a) at half time we were all dead b) the score was 2-0 but it was obvious that it wasn't going to get any more competitive and c) we had decided to play on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far. So then we all went to the beach for a cookout. It was fun, except that the hamburgers were awful. they were more gelatinous than meaty. *shudder* but a good game of Euchre, and meeting people like Aaron and Nathaniel. Then back to Andie's apartment, where D an I stole about 25 CD's from Andie (to rip then give back). Then D went back to Loyola, but I stayed in Andie's apartment, because D's roommate had moved in that day. And because it's Andie. I slept in her womb; it was really comfortable. And no, there's nothing sexual about that. perverts. I woke up as she left for work, and hugged her goodbye, then went back to sleep once she left. around 1 or so I went back to Loyola. I pretty much bummed around the rest of the day, trying to get in touch with Andie or D, to see if I had a place to sleep. Andie called around 2:15, saying that if I could get up there, I could stay with her, but the Purple Line stops running for the night at 2 in the morning. Luckily D was done hanging out with whoever it was about 20 minutes later. So we walked his friend Maggie back to Coffee, then I snuck into Campion again, and slept on his floor.

The next day I moved into my temporary housing in a single on the 12th floor of Mertz. and then I went out with D and my parents (who had just brought the rest of my stuff to Chicago) out to dinner. After that they dropped us off at Andie's place for her sleepover, and we helped her whip her icing. but we decided that a fork just wasn't cutting it anymore (she had been whipping it for two hours by then.) So the three of us were going to go to Osco to buy a whisk, when Nathaniel showed up. and we decided that someone should stay at Andie's, in case some more people showed up. so Nathaniel, D and I all went to Osco, and Andie stayed home. As Nathaniel was the one that knew where it was, he was declared the Sherpa, and led us there. He complained about it, because the Osco, from Andie's apartment, is about a block past his apartment, so he had to walk to Andie's, walk back, and walk there again. We decided it was because he didn't have his Yeti-skin hat, so he was being punished by the Sherpa Union. So we got the whisk, went back, and started whipping it properly. As he was whipping it, the Sherpa declared that the frosting "smells warm." After much debate and laughter and confusion, we decided that it wasn't whipping properly anyway, and started on a new batch. The Sherpa quit the union, and became a 2-speed KitchenAide, and he and Andie made a new batch of frosting, with tremendous amounts of sugar and microwaved butter. It turned out wonderful. While all this was happening, more people were showing up, and more and more fun was being had. It was great. So we then put the successful batch of frosting in the fridge. that was the end of the Icing Adventure. So we went and played Taboo. It was much fun. And then people watched Ghost World, but Andie, Andy and I went into her room, and listened to "O Brother Where Art Thou?" and then went out to the kitchen. Out in the kitchen she washed dishes, and I intermittently read from Steve Martin's Pure Drivel while Nathaniel occasionally dropped in because he was embarressed for the characters in the movie, and couldn't watch it all. Then we all hung around in the kitchen (once the movie was over) and chilled, and then by this time there were maybe 7 people left. (the max was about 13 at one point, i think) We played Volleyball and World Cup Soccer on the NES. that was fun. after a few more readings of various chapters from Pure Drivel and eating of what I think was the kool-aid version of pixie stix. dip-somethings? oh, and somewhere in there, we had the cake that the icing was made for (oh and somewhere else in there Andy, someone else (whose name I can't remember) and I and maybe someone else, got a concert from Andy on her Banjo. It was really good, Andie's a great cook. then most people went to bed or left. The only people that actually slept over were D (who went to sleep shortly after the movie) Andy, myself, Laura (who also lives there) Andie and Aaron (the two of whom didn't actually sleep.) Then we all got up in the morning, helped Andie with the last little bit of packing, and hung out, including about 15 minutes to half an hour where Andie Aaron and I were all cuddling on the bed. that was fun. After all that was done (which was mostly taking the stuff off her walls) her mother showed up, and we all packed her stuff up (except D, who was still asleep.) that took 20 some minutes, and then a series of hugs and kisses and group hugs and the like, and she started the car, and we waved her off, and 40 ft. later, she was stopped at a stop light, so we all moved down and waved to her some more, and blew kisses, and danced for her, and other greatly fun stuff.

but now she's gone. and I'm sad. it's going to be a long semester. hopefully the classes will make it fun.

./` while my banjo gently weeps... ./`
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Sunday, August 17th, 2003

Time:1:48 am.
Mood: nostalgic.
ok, so Glenn is one of the coolest people ever... When he and Andie and I hung out in Chicago, he got there about 8 or 9 hours before me. We were staying with a friend of mine, Tim, whom I met through Osh. So, when he got to Tim's house, (slightly late) Tim had already had to leave to go to work, so he left a note on the mailbox outside, in an envelope addressed "Andrew's Friend". Glenn just moved into his new apartment at CWRU, and he took down the nametag on the door, and replaced it with that envelope. That totally makes my weekend.

I have to say, despite all the work, this summer has been amazing. it's currently 4th on my list of best summers, largely because #'s 1, 2, and 3 all contain a trip to Quetico. but this summer, had it had a trip itself, would have so far outshone everything else as to be absurd. (absurd is fast becoming my favorite word, as it's neck-and-neck with amused at the moment.)

I think I've started to slip out of a lot of the everyday friendships of high school, and so have lost touch with a lot of people. But that isn't too troubling, as all of the strong friendships have stayed so, and a few have blosomed quite well, though I've only spent a few days with each. But Glenn, Andie, Suzy, Ellen, and Kristina are all terribly, terribly wonderful people.

And so, I bid you all the best of friends, and a good night's sleep

P.S. Finally got a copy of Order of the Phoenix (though, alas, not the British version) and read it in all of 26 hours. power outages are good for something, I guess. I spent all of it at Dave's house. after a full day of games, of which we got sick, we started doing dramatic readings from it, and, well, the rest is history.
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, August 12th, 2003

Time:1:53 am.
Mood: complacent.
Music:chatter with d..
ok, I just cleaned out my friends list. don't be offended if I deleted you, it's just... I have way too many people... and you don't need to be a friend to read mine, so it's not that big a deal.

ok, so post:

Suzy's back from Quebec: great
Ellen C.'s a really fun girl: good
d's grad party: good +1/2
movie party tonight: great
I can hang out with Andie for a day, maybe two in Chi.:good.
andie's leaving: horrid
Ren fest saturday: good
playing poker at work tomorrow: good

yay for fun girls...

I won't add it up, but it's definately positive. except for Andie. the silly, silly, silly girl. but we love her.

ghana. sheesh.
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Monday, August 4th, 2003

Time:11:32 pm.
Mood: indifferent.
Music:Scotland the Brave, a la VWP, but in my head..
alright. an update. but, i don't feel like doing a whole update, so i'm going back to the tried and true +/- scale.

it's summer: great
I have a Summer job: ok.
It requires work: bad
It pays: good
I'll be proctoring the MPRE this Friday: great
I don't know what the MPRE is: doesn't matter
Going to Stratford to see Sartre's No Exit: good
Another roadtrip with the gang (minus ted and carl): great
Watching a great number of musicals and good movies lately: great
Going with Josh to an Irish Music concert tomorrow: good
plans to balance two obsessions off of each other, so neither would grow too big are failing: worse
Andie's leaving in less than a month, and I'm not positive I'll be able to hang out with her before then: worse
I haven't written two letters that very much need to be written: bad
having some really good talks with old friends and new: great.
summers almost over: bad
schools about to start: good
living arrangements are a bit up in the air still: worse
having had my phone stolen, and not yet replaced: horrid
the rest of Jess's grad party: great

best (+3):0 =0
great (+2):6 =12
good (+1):4 =4
bad (-1):3 =-3
worse (-2):4 =-8
horrid (-3):1 =-3

I suppose that's about right.

not spectacular, but decent. It'll be good when it gets to be christmas time.

[Edit: I forgot to mention, my father is currently up 4-3 in a best of 9 series of Cribbage. It's not looking good for the home team.

Oh and I thoroughly trounced D in a rousing game of Scrabble. it was supposed to be dirty-words scrabble, but the dirtyest word on the board at the end of the game was "damn" (oh, and "ho"). I guess we just don't think like that. ah well.]
Comments: Read 5 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, July 17th, 2003

Time:9:19 am.
So D and I are planning a movie night next week. a musical movie night. He has Victor Victoria, Into The Woods (I think that's what he said...) and something else. I don't remember. other suggestions would be appreciated(sp?)

It'll most likely be thursday or friday next week. If you're planning on coming, RSVP. If it's going to be a small crowd, it'll be at D's house, if not, it'll prolly be at mine.

I guess that's it for now, I'll do a real update soon.
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, July 9th, 2003

Time:6:23 pm.
Mood: listless.
She stands still on the grass. Takes a deep breath.
She can't quite remember the tune. Or all the words.
-from It's a Free World by Carol Potter

A man in his life has no time.
When he loses he seeks
When he finds he forgets
When he forgets he loves
When he loves he begins forgetting

And his soul is knowing
And very professional,
Only his body remains an amateur
Always. It tries and fumbles.
He doesn't learn and gets confused,
Drunk and blind in his pleasures and pains.

In autumn, he will die like a fig,
Shriveled, sweet, full of himself.
The leaves dry out on the ground,
And the naked branches point
To the place where there is time for everything.

Anyhoo. Work royally sucks at the moment, because the new shelves are finally in. So we're shifting books like crazy, combined with the fact that BOTH AC's are out. Sweating way too much. Whatever.

So is anyone else bugged by the somewhat new AT&T; commercial with a Ramones song in the back ("Blitzkrieg Bop")?

That's really all I've got to say. Devin's Fourth of July party was nice, but we couldn't see the fireworks from his roof. (trees... oops.) But it's always good to get the group together again. alas, Ted was AWOL. ahh well.

I think that's about it.
Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, July 1st, 2003

Subject:Just more quotes that I want to save; don't mind me.
Time:5:23 pm.
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.

George Santayana
--Soliloquies in England

Physics investigates the essential nature of the world, and biology describes a local bump. Psychology, human psychology, describes a bump on the bump.

Willard Quine
--Theories and Things

The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity - designed largely to avoid the fatality of death, to overcome it by denying in some way that it is the final destiny of man.

Ernest Becker
--The Denial of Death

Poets...though liars by profession, always endeavour to give an air of truth to their fictions.

David Hume
--A Treatise on Human Nature
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Time:2:59 am.
Many things to say. Where shall we begin? How about at the end? That's always fun. None of this in media res crap, I'm starting at the end, at the Now.

So, [info]wildpersimmons's over, but he's on the phone with someone, most likely Katie. (Actually, he just left. So much for that.) We've been working on our movie. We've been talking about writing a movie, or a book, or something together, just to see how crackpot it could be. After our brainstorm last... Thursday?... it's looking quite crackpot indeed. It'll be good.

Moving back in time, I just checked the mail, and got my letter from [info]biggerstaff. I must say, I'm impressed. You write a good letter, especially considering you hardly know me! My response will be in the mail in a day or so.

About 10 minutes before that, I got home from Chicago. It was a most wonderful vacation, and I really hope that my plans to go back in a couple weeks for a full week come to fruition. I suppose with that it's best to start at the start and work forwards. But I think I may skip around, just to confuse you all.

So, I got there Friday night. I hung out with [info]lamusemalade. I got to listen to her bitch about art school, that was fun. Though, I owe her an apology for not hanging out with her on Sunday, like I promised I would. There are reasons, though. In my continued dorkdum, (along with Andie, Glenn, Kris, and Andy) I went to a true Latin Mass Sunday morning. It almost makes me wish I were Catholic. And Conservative. Yeah Latin. Yeah Gregorian Chant. But it was kind of weird, in that in the amount of time it took them to sing "Pater Noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum," I would have been done with the whole thing. Ahh well. After that we left Glenn, for he had to get back to Cleveland. And Andie, Andy, Kris (Anderson) and I (Andrew, for those of you that don't know) all decided we had to couteract the conservatism in the mass, so we went to the gay pride parade. It was ... interesting. If I had had food and or water, it would have been better. But it was good. I had fun.

I also saw Glenn and Andie Friday night after leaving Adrienne. And Saturday. I think those two and Peg (and maybe Kris?) are forming "the Group v.2" which would be awesome. I had so much fun with them... They've got a long ways to go before they begin to challenge The Group (v.1) but they are moving quite fast...

Sunday night I just hung out with Kris, and we played Clue, and then I taught her a whole bunch of card games, because she had a very deprived life, and never learned many card games.

Other adventures happened, too, like getting up to see [info]fiestypumpkin, and consequently almost missing the train back home, actually missing the last El train after hanging out with Kris, and hanging out with Tim and Maria and Sam, (and even seeing Osh once, though briefly), and being interviewed by WNUR (northwestern's radio station) about the gay pride parade, and finding my opinions in that interview completely contradicted by all the newspapers the next day. All in all, a successful trip, and I can't wait to go back there soon. And start school again. But alas! Andie and her foolishness... Ghana! I understand her reasoning... but still why?

anyhoo, it's now 4:30, and I should get to bed. I might write about the rest of that stuff later, or I might just leave you all with that.

So I'll leave you all with a quote:
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams, "Last Chance to See"
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2003

Time:4:45 pm.
I'm feeling very Office Space-ish today. I got in maybe half an hour of work today. and you know what that work was? I had to go around the second floor of the library and test all of the chairs, by sitting in them. If they sagged, I replaced them. Pretty dull... yeah, I need to get a better work ethic. but the sick thing is that I'm one of the better workers at the library. The reason I didn't do anything today was mostly a lecture from my co-worker Dwight yesterday, about the fact that I work too hard. most of the staff is getting pissed at Gene, the task-master who never does any work himself, and even more so, his son who comes in and chats with Mike or Debbie or Gene, sipping his big-glug or whatever from 7-11. The guy does half an hours work in a week. It's disgusting. So there's a sort of informal at work strike until something happens.

The amusing part:
So anyway, while I was checking the chairs on the second floor, I found a guy reading books at his desk -- and spouting demagoguery (spelling?) to all those around him. Normally I would ask him to shut up of leave the library, but as the only other person on the floor was as far away from him as possible, and asleep, I didn't really care. I just chuckled, finished with the chairs, and went back to reading Time.

So, I think I owe [info]leftwinger a dinner for all the anguish I 've caused him. But maybe we should go in his van, not his fathers car...

Well, the movie party last night was a mild success. Fun was had by all. all 6 of us. Ahh well, it was fun. I'm sure [info]renniegirl was thoroughly surprised... And I must say Clerks, Who Is Cletis Tout, and Best In Show are all funny, but really messed up, movies. I also must say, I like [info]renniegirl's gift from Rome. A Roman Ruler. (It's a really bad joke, and it's about the Classics. It just doesn't get any better than that...)

And tomorrow night, something is happening with the Regina crowd. I don't know what. I don't how much of the Regina crowd is going to be there. I don't know that well when it's happening. But our sources say something will happen...

and with that, adieu!
Comments: Read 6 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, June 21st, 2003

Subject:If you say it in Latin, it looks more profound.
Time:1:31 am.
quidquid latine dictum sit, profundum viditur

just some random quotes I want to save. )
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, June 19th, 2003

Subject:Interviewed by [info]leftwinger
Time:11:24 pm.
Interview #2 )
Comments: Read 5 or Add Your Own.

Time:9:42 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:Garbage- Cherry Lips.
Man, giving these interviews is fun. But I think I'm running out of questions. (Every interview so far cosists of one question about their childhood, one about their death, one about the biography after their death, and two more (usually one about something that would only apply to them, and one that's a variation on "if you were stuck on a desert island with one person..."))

By the way, to all the people I've given interviews so far, for question 5, the biography is being written after your life (as you want it to be now) is over, and complete. It of course requires some bit of fantasy, but please don't be too unrealistic.

If anyone thinks they can come up with a really good one for me, I wouldn't mind doing another one.

[info]leftwinger decided to pop over on his way down to work to pick up something he left, and I joined him, in what turned out to be a very nice dinner at Niki's diner in Greektown, after the visit to his work. Since we were down there, I showed him around the Law School. Much fun was had by all.

And [info]rabbitonthemoon was out wandering in the rain storm last night, and afterwards decided to come over, and we had another good talk. He wanted to borrow a number of my books (The Dynamics of Global Domination, The Universe in a Nutshell, and The Elegant Universe.) I should start my own library. Maybe not catalogue them, but stickers in them, and keep track of who's borrowed what, etc.

So my current projects for the summer are to teach myself the basics of Greek (I've memorized the order, shape, and transliteration of the alphabet so far.) and to relearn Latin, as I never knew it very well in HS, and it's been a year since my last class (I'm starting with the 1st year book, and doing two lessons a night. so far, I'm up to lesson X)

What with the propensity of my current book on the history of philosophy to leave key phrases in Latin or Greek, I'm getting lots of chance to practice. With the transliteration I can do with Greek, a surprising number of words are familiar (anthropon, mathmatikos, philosophias, polis, politikos, etc.)

goodness, but I'm a dork.

I've also added bunches of new friends, and joined a smattering of new journals. So a semi-formal hello to: [info]_melissa_, [info]biggerstaff (from whom I am eagerly awaiting snailmail, if only just to see what she could have to say to someone she's known a matter of days.), [info]k4olin, [info]reamens, and [info]wageslave.
and a special thanks to [info]catiffseros for letting me steal from him my spiffy new icon.

and, in my continuing dorkdom, i've joined [info]classicalgreek, [info]classics, [info]dulljournal, [info]latinitas, [info]linguaphiles, [info]peoplewatching, [info]roma_antiqua, and [info]terra_linguarum. Anyone see a common thread?

All that plus work, and that accounts for my last week or so.

I'll say it again. Goodness, but I'm a dork.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, June 18th, 2003

Subject:interviewed by odcjst
Time:3:17 pm.
1. What's your favourite movie? Why?
umm, it's been a while since i've figured this out. It was What Dreams May Come. I think it still is. but that's not if I have to watch it over and over. The only two movies I could watch constantly without getting sick of are Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Princess Bride.

2. If you could travel anywhere in the universe where would you go?
The closest planet besides Earth that has intelligent life, and that I could live on.

3. Have you ever kicked a puppy? If you have, why did you do it you sick, sick bastard? Not to my knowledge. If I ever have, I was younger, and most likely tripped over my aunt's then puppy Willie.

4. If you had one of your legs amputated would you want a prostetic limb or a wheelchair? Why? Can I have the prosthetic leg for convienence, and the wheelchair for racing? please? If not, the prosthetic leg. Too bad I can't have the leg now, but "they want to stop the ones who want prosthetic foreheads legs on their heads legs"

5. Is there any language that could possible be cooler than German?
Yes! It's called GREEK! Because I'm a dork. And I'm starting to learn it. It's so much fun. I wish I could type it here...

[edit: i forgot this little bit. ]
Five rules to this fun little game.
1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Comments: Read 13 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, June 12th, 2003

Time:9:34 pm.
katmandu63: yeah
katmandu63: but
katmandu63: it is andie
katmandu63: ^_^
SomebodyElse10: it very much is.
SomebodyElse10: i'd say it's more than worth it. there's nothing quite like andie ;-)
katmandu63: she's her own element
katmandu63: on the periodic table of ........... human elements
SomebodyElse10: indeed. the proverbial platinum, i should say.
katmandu63: but with some of the explosive properties of cesium
SomebodyElse10: just for fun.
SomebodyElse10: and i suppose the random-ness of a uranium.
katmandu63: hmmm
katmandu63: andivium
katmandu63: whoops
katmandu63: andivia*
katmandu63: :-)
SomebodyElse10: hahahaha
SomebodyElse10: she's a very very rare one. i've heard she can only be found around detroit, chicago, and ghana...
katmandu63: hehehehe
katmandu63: and she's been referenced in ancient roman texts, several times

If he actually gets to chicago, the 3 of us are going to have some fun... that'll be another one for the history books, lemme tellya.
Comments: Read 6 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, June 8th, 2003

Time:1:37 am.
Mood: content.
Music:the whir of the machines and the beat of life..
so tonight was definately a good night. I think this movie night group of ours works really nicely. Josh, Devin, Carl and I were all at my house. We had a viewing of The Dirty Dozen and Road to Perdition. Devin and Carl didn't get there until halfway through Dirty Dozen, and then Carl had to leave 20 minutes into Perdition. It's a generally agreed upon sentiment among our group, Carl's mother is a sweet woman, and she can really cook, but we all are quite thankful she's not our mother...

anyhoo. both are damn good movies, but Perdition is defintately in my top 10 now. When Hanks asks his son what his favorite subject in school was, i sat there and quite audibly muttered "history, history, come ooonnn history" and when the kid said "bible history" my arms went up, i was victorious. ;-)and then we proceeded to joke that he of course wouldn't say foriegn affairs or poli. sci. and since Chemistry wasn't invented until the birth of Fr. Kurtz, and this took place in '31, that's out too. (josh=poli. sci. devin=chem.) good times.

There's nothing quite like old friends back together. speaking of which: Megan, if you read this in time, say hi to dave for me (and yourself, too, i guess ;p ).

ok. so. definately need to talk to jess. i'm debating something about this deadline. hmmm....

This evening has strangely left me... content.
content is not something normal for me. I haven't been content for years now, except for brief moments. like after Kairos, or at various points in Quetico, or during The Sleeping after the laser tag, or after my prom, at pegs house. various other points too. no matter how blissfully happy I am, I'm usually lacking, somewhere. with happiness the feeling is hiden for a few moments, with content, it doesn't exist. I'm not sure if this can be acurately described as fatalism, but for the past few years I've had the feeling that if I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't really mind. Everybody dies, it's just a question of when. I haven't led a particularly good or bad life, it just sort of is. There's nothing wrong with that. But when i'm content, if I died tomorrow, I'd die a happy man. My life is complete- for the time that I've lived it. The longer my life is the more things I must do to make it complete. I don't know why tonight left me content. It wasn't remarkably different from any of the other movie nights. And I don't think Perdition was quite that good of a movie. but maybe it was the combination. who knows. I just know tonight was a good one.

and with that, I bid you all a restful night.
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, June 7th, 2003

Subject:Plagiarised curiousity.
Time:1:24 am.
This is a survey question that I'm stealing from another LJ user: What currently "lost" text (and feel free to interpret "text" broadly) do you most wish had survived to the present day?

and from the conversation that arose out of that question: what city would you most like to see excavated?

as the vast majority of you aren't recent college graduates and soon to be grad students in history and/or classics departments, as were the majority of the people in the conversation following the post i stole this from, i don't expect quite so intellectual answers, but still, i'm curious...

personally it would be another of the Nostoi (return stories of the Trojan War. the only one left is the Odyssey, which seems to have swallowed up most of the rest. true, some were made into plays later, but those hardly count)

and for the city, the Greek city of Thebes, that Alexander destroyed in... 430's? but was the greatest power in Greece for 10 years in the 470's and 60's.

goodness i'm a dork sometimes...
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Friday, June 6th, 2003

Time:7:46 pm.
I think this is as close to a survey as I'll ever do.

oh, and to steal from one person is plagerism. but I stole it from Elisa, Jess, and Frankie. Therefore it's "research."

I ____ Somebodyelse.
Somebody Else is ____.
if I were alone in a room with Somebody Else, i would _______.
I think Somebody Else should _____.
Somebody Else needs ______.
I want to ____________ Somebody Else.
someday Somebody Else will ________.
Somebody Else reminds me of _______.
without Somebody Else _______.
memories of Somebody Else are ________.
Somebody Else can be __________.
__________ is how I describe meeting Somebody Else.
worst thing about Somebody Else is _________.
best thing about Somebody Else is _________.
I am ________ with Somebody Else.

I wonder what's gotten into me. why this sudden burst of updating. odd.
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Monday, June 2nd, 2003

Time:6:27 pm.
so, some interesting news today at work... they need people to proctor the LSAT next monday... so I am... I'm more than a little amused by this turn of events... but hey, it's easy money.

So I think I'm going to start going in to work really early (7ish) so I can get out of it really early (1-2ish). definately a plan. yep.
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Time:12:21 am.
Why don't fantasies ever come true? Not the big ones, those I know won't happen anyway. But the small ones, the ones that would bring an earnest smile to my face and nothing more...

It's far to easy to idealize things when they're not around you at the moment... There's a reason absence makes the heart grow fonder, because you never remember the little things...

There were so many people I was going to be happy to see. I was going to have a blast this year. But a year makes more difference than I thought. Of the people I've seen again this summer, the ones I'm actually glad to have seen could be counted easily if I weren't wearing socks at the moment. and if you took for granted The Group, then it's prolly doable right now.

and no. I'm not going to list them. Guess.

Lemme tell ya, being cynical is no fun. When did all these people become such drunks and potheads? Is it really that hard to resist the temptations people? I will never understand the "why."

There is one bit of good news. I remember Justine once saying that she thinks that it's impossible for teenagers to really know anything about love. I think it's a slight corruption of what Loveland taught us as the Catholic definition. And I think it works really well. But it makes it really hard to really love more than a few people. I think outside of The Group, and my immediate family, I only love two people... but total that's 11 people. I'm spent. and it involves a lot of self-pariah-ing, which can't be good for myself mental/emotional health-wise. ah well.

goddamned cynacism. I'll be better in a few days. or at least by then the mask will be fixed. I still haven't figured out yet how much of this entry is genuine, and how much is a cry for attention. goddamned cynacism!
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Saturday, May 31st, 2003

Time:2:13 am.
so! Peg is leaving for New Mexico tomorrow morning. It's severly possible that I won't see her until Christmas... no good, I say, no good at all. And I'll see Andie B. only a slight handful of times this summer, until she leaves for Ghana. The silly girl... so I won't get to hang out with her in Chicago. I swear... we're never going to get to the Art Museum. It's just not going to happen.

silly girls abound...

speaking of which, Jess:

213 hours, 36 minutes.
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