04:26pm 02/02/2004
  OK, so everybody's all upset about Janet's boob...which I didn't see...until this morning, cause it's everywhere. But my personal !! moment of the Superbowl was the Charmin commercial. I love the fact that they got away with that. Maybe I have the mind of a twelve-year-old (Nah, I'll admit it, I definitely have the mind of a twelve-year-old) when looking at that commercial, but I thought it was great.

The Chevy one was pretty cute too.

But really, what happened to the days when the commercials were the highlight of the show as oppossed to the nekid singer at halftime? *Sigh*

(2 smart asses | mouth off)

12:30pm 02/02/2004
  Just got off the phone with my mom. She ends saying. "I love you. I do miss you, but you're in a better place."

I'm in grad school, not the hereafter. I mean, yeah, my social life might be flatlining, but I do still have a pulse.

Three posts in one morning. Can you tell I don't want to get any work done?

(3 smart asses | mouth off)

12:13pm 02/02/2004
  The icon really says it all.  

(mouth off)

07:55am 02/02/2004
  MMMMMMMMMM....luke warm showers. The only thing nice to say about them is at least they're not cold showers.

Now that I have early classes all week, I am competing with both roommates for the shower. Methinks I may have to switch to evening showers. I miss me some hot water, people. Besides, being in the routine of evening showers will help at the AAAS conference when we decided to be economical and bunk 4-5 a room. That 's going to be some shower competition.

(mouth off)

09:47pm 01/02/2004
  Well, I tried. I could only make it until halftime. The commercials just weren't good enough to pull me through the football. I guess I'm not a good MA resident.  

(7 smart asses | mouth off)

05:14pm 30/01/2004
  Went and saw Calendar Girls last night. It was entertaining. Gotta love british comedy. Took me forever to figure out that the husband was Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre (A&E;). Drove me up the wall for about an hour trying to make that connection.

Was very impressed by the previews for "The Clearing." Mainly because Robert Redford is actually playing across from a leading lady that's *gasp* almost his age! Only seven years difference, which isn't that big of a stretch, unlike most of his roles. I mean in "The Horse Whisperer" there was a 23 year gap, "Up Close and Personal 21 years, and "Indecent Proposal" was 25 years. At least this is within a decade.

Robert Redford was born in 1937. That number just seems wrong somehow. I mean, the thirties?! He can't be older than my dad. Although, there have been moments in some of his movies where he reminds me of my dad. So, that got me thinking, and since I'm bored (and procrastinating) I decided to check out IMDB

Same age as my dad you get:

Gimli...I mean John Rhys-Davies
Jerry Springer (Who shares the same birthday and year as Stockard Channing...huh?!)
Rutger Hauer
Jimmy Page
and Roger Daltrey (Guess it was a good rock and roll year)

Same age as my mom you get:

Barbara Hershey
Diane Weist (Who my mom looks at least a decade younger than)
Sally Struthers (only made up for by the fact that Terry Pratchett was born the same year)
Bernadette Peters
and Rhea Perlman (A good year for short, curly-haired, assertive women, maybe?)

This pointless entry was brought to you by the letter M and the number 0.

(1 smart ass | mouth off)

The saga of the meetup   
01:45pm 28/01/2004
  Well, did the whole LJ meet-up thing last night. Went fairly well, especially after after we figured out there were actually TWO versions of the restaurant within the Prudential Center. Only took about 45 minutes to accomplish that. Yeah, we smart.

Anyway, I was a wee bit early. Looking around there was a table of two young priests and a table of a young man sitting by himself talking on a cell phone. I figured (correctly as it turns out) that I was the first to arrive. [info]darkartscat showed a few minutes later. We eyed each other off and on for several minutes and between the mutual watch checking and unreadable sign creation I finally just walked over and asked if she was with the meetup.

We chatted for a bit, or as she kept pointing out, she chatted whilst I listened, before being joined by a third whose name I could not catch. Anyway, discussed movies and religion a bit amid tales of [info]darkartscat's life. She definitely fits the description of loquacious more than anybody I've ever met. But it was good because it takes me so long to open up to people and our third was almost painfully quiet.

Anyway, we decided to move to the nearby B&N; 'cause, you know...books, when we noticed that hey, there's a second restaurant of the same name here. We checked it and, lo and behold, there were [info]bram and [info]being_homeless.
Cut, because I prattle on for several more paragraphs here before ending with a really bad joke. It's really bad...don't say I didn't warn you. )

(6 smart asses | mouth off)

Telling tales about school   
05:01pm 27/01/2004
  Had a lecturer who kept saying "Mmmmmkay." No sign of Mr. Hand, but it could becuase she was using a computer for the presentation and needed both hands available.  

(7 smart asses | mouth off)

Procrastination Quiz-type Fun   
12:36am 22/01/2004
  Do You Know Your Music? )

Where have I been (Stateside anyway) )

And, in honor of the State of the Union:

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You? )

What Threat to the Bush Administration Are You? )

And finally, Who is Your Ideal Candidate? )
And can I tell you how frightened I am that I had somebody with a lower score than Bush. You mean it can get worse?

(mouth off)

10:19pm 21/01/2004
  I'm always uncomfortable meeting people that, without intending to, make you feel...less. Had dinner tonight with the professor I'm TAing for, his son, a guest speaker and her editor. His son is a little younger than me, still in undergrad. He took a year off from school to work set up a charity in his hometown that helps out Mexican immigrants. Teaches them English, gets them the paperwork they need to get jobs, checking accoutns etc, helps set up healthcare...all that stuff. Just he and a friend, took a year off and built this thing from the ground up. It's still up and running with the friend back in school part-time and directing the work the rest of the time.

I always fell so little next to people like that. I mean, what have I done in my life other than live in a nice, happy little bubble of school and home? People like that just astound me.

(1 smart ass | mouth off)

Rambling procrastination   
04:40pm 20/01/2004
  I know, I know...been MIA for a wee bit. Just, I don't know, haven't been in the LJ mood that much. Course now there's homework to do so I need to do something to procrastinate. Just did a quick recap of a few people's journals and thought I'd do a brief "yes, I still have a pulse" entry.

Into the second week of classes and have the sneaking suspicion that this semester is going to kick my ass. Especially as I haven't even started my cool Harvard class yet. ("I'm going to Harvard Medical School"...that's just fun to say).

Hmmm...really not much to say, hence the lack of updates. OH! Got to write an article about Bush's "affordable" Mars program. The one thing about journalism I hate thus far is the inability to express my own opinion. One of the things I love? When sources do it for me! Got a great quote along the lines of "I don't think Bush had the courage to present the real numbers. Somebody is going to have to put a real price tag on this thing."

Also got to talk to the NASA news chief, which was just...nifty. He even called himself the CJ Cregg of NASA, so he has to be a cool guy, right? Course my fellow student who used to constantly report on NASA for a FL paper says the man constantly talks to a woman's breasts, but hey, it was a phone interview so not an issue.

Anyway, that's my procrastinating babble for today. Just be glad I took that brief sabbatical or you would have had to suffer through entries where I bitched about how fuckin' cold it's been. I don't like it when being outside hurts.

(5 smart asses | mouth off)

03:18pm 14/12/2003
  I have nothing to do today. Do you know how absolutely fabulous that feels? I have tons of things I can do, but nothing I have to do. I am so going to enjoy these next four weeks.

Tomorrow I get to go to the editing suite and play. I'll be editing [info]schwa242's and [info]mezdeathhead's wedding video. It's going to be fun.

Tuesday night I'm having dinner in Salem with some friends.

Wednesday I'm flying back to CO (just in time to see LotR with all my fanatic friends!)

Life is just good right now, you know?

(2 smart asses | mouth off)

02:05pm 12/12/2003
  And I am officially one third of the way to completing a degree I'm no longer 100% sure I want. Woohoo?  

(5 smart asses | mouth off)

07:52pm 11/12/2003
  Everybody must go check out my final project for Broadcast Science and tell me how cool I am.  

(1 smart ass | mouth off)

12:02am 11/12/2003
  Just 1 (ONE!) assignment left. The end is so near I can taste it.  

(mouth off)

10:56pm 10/12/2003
  "I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short." - Blaise Pascal

Too true. I hate it when I have all this great information and such a limited space to cram it into. Probably one of the hardest parts of journalism so far is sticking to the word count. What can I say, I'm verbose. I have th perfect 1200 word profile...too bad the assignment is for 1000. Oh well, back to more cutting.

(mouth off)

11:28pm 09/12/2003
mood: pleased
Well, I'm finally on the downhill slope of the end of semester stress peak. It's kinda nice. Have four huge end of the semester projects due this week.

The broadcast piece is completely done and I'm really happy with it. I'll see if I can quicktime it somewhere so others can see. It's all about bats and computers and bats and infrared cameras and...just some really cool footage.

The pediatric drug piece is almost done (I'm taking a break from it now) and on this, the third draft, I think I've done a pretty damned fine job.

The profile is mostly done, just one more interview tomorrow and a few loose ends to tie up. No biggie.

The HIV microbicide piece is doing ok. I just need more interviews, but I have several scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday and I've barely dented my list of possible sources so (knock on wood) it shouldn't be too tough.

And that's IT!!!! It's mind boggling to think that by Friday I will be a third of the way through with my Masters. Wow...just wow.

(3 smart asses | mouth off)

07:32pm 08/12/2003
  Yeah! Other than the two presents I need to buy once I get back to CO, I am done with Christmas shopping. Yipee!

Now ask me how much home work I have done. Heh...right, so work now?

(1 smart ass | mouth off)

10:34am 08/12/2003
  Five days and counting. Wheeee!

So much to do, so little time, so little ability to care.

(mouth off)

10:31am 07/12/2003
  I can't believe it's STILL frickin' snowing. For you CO folks, it's about like the big blizzard we had in March. I think a person should only have to go through one of these a year. I'm getting a little stir crazy here. Plus I had all sorts of Christmas shopping plans for this weekend that are now totally out the window. Wish I was as prepared as the cross-country skier I saw outside the apartment a little while ago. Now that's thinking ahead.  

(mouth off)