Wednesday, October 29th, 2003
2:10 pm - thanks for the cola flavored nuggets!
| Monday, October 27th, 2003
10:04 pm
| Sunday, October 26th, 2003
12:51 pm
| Thursday, October 23rd, 2003
8:32 am
yesterday, i spent more than 15 minutes in a strip club. jack and i were the only ones who didn't back out, and we went with handfulls of dollars. (minus right when we got there and jack tried to go to the atm and comes back out and sits there for a second and then goes"....i only have 3 dollars in my bank account" but all was not lost, because i deposited my paycheck right before we left, because i was too broke not to! therefore, i saved the day and made those ladies nights brighter, one dollar at a time!) those ladies were so fucking nice to me and talking to me and complimenting me and didn't even barely talk to jack, haha. one of them all came up to me and was like rubbing her face up in my tits and like, licked my chest, it was pretty hotttttt with like six t's, but i hope i don't get some weird rash or anything.
alright, and then we went to the graveyard in harpers ferry, the one that overlooks the town. first, i was like, "oh yeah, this isn't scary, look at the stars!" they were really bright and pretty. and then jack had to be like "hey, what's that?" and then i started getting kinda spooked, i mean, it IS a haunted graveyard from the civil war! and then we heard something walking in the woods, and i freaked out and ran away. and seriously, i heard something thud-thud-thuding behind me on the climb down, so i made jack run behind me after that. it was awesome!
this sunday is kings dominion!! if anyone else wants to go.
current mood: cold current music: outkast
(1 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Sunday, October 19th, 2003
8:21 am - holy fucking headache!
uh yeah, sorry to anyone for being an obnoxious and overly talkative drunk last night, alright? it definitly lifted my mood, though, getting out and not sulking and moping at home, thanks dudes! today is the great pumpkin patch experience, yay!
current mood: okay current music: judge
(2 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Saturday, October 18th, 2003
5:57 pm
| Thursday, October 16th, 2003
9:44 pm - call the waaaaahhh-mbulance!
i'm super fucking down and depressed and shitty today and it's pissing me off. i had a bad doctors appointment, and it all went downhill from there. my car is fucking up, like always! and i'm broke and i can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars on that piece of shit anymore. that dude never called me about rear ending me, i stopped by his house and no one was home. asshole. i feel really lonely and my unrequited crush feelings are pissing me off. my mom is drunk and dumb and i think has made it like a goal to make my stay here as miserable as possible. i feel fucking worthless and what's the point of everything or even anything?
it's just today, i hope tomorrow is better.
current mood: depressed
(6 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Monday, October 13th, 2003
7:04 pm
| Sunday, October 12th, 2003
10:54 am
so i got pulled over on friday, for speeding (43 in a 30), breaking my year long record of not getting a ticket. i was hoping to have lasted until at least 2004 without any infractions. oh well. he marked it down to "failure to obey a highway sign", the fucking court costs are more than the goddamn ticket. this weekend was uneventful. i hung out with this guy that i met on myspace/friendster for the first time. we ate taco bell and watched 'sixteen candles' and 'old school' on friday and then we hung out again on saturday night and went to this place on 14th called 'hamburger marys' and watched 'freeway'. i hadn't seen freeway before, i thought it was pretty good. hamburger marys was the best gay resturaunt ever. our waiter even called me "boo-boo".
A - Act your age - 22!!! but i've been accused of acting much younger. :( B - Boyfriend - negatory C - Chore you hate - all of them!! D - Dad's name - sean james E - Essential make-up item - eyeliner F - Favorite actor - i like to look at jake gyllenhaal G - Gold or silver - silver H - Hometown - norfolk, VA I - Instruments you play - the recorder! J - Job title - 'head salon coordinator' K - Kids - maybe in like 20 years L - Living arrangements - in my brothers old room at my moms for now M - Mom's name - susan pier N - Number of people you've slept with - none of your goddamn business! unless you're putting out... O - Overnight hospital stays - 7 or 8 P - Phobia - i don't really consider it a phobia, but i'm pretty terrified of abandonment and getting into car accidents Q - Quote you like - "is your crotch hungry , girl? cause it's eatin' yo pants!" HAHALMAOROTFL R - Religious affiliation - not for me, thanks! S - Siblings - 1 T - Time you wake up? - by 8am, usually U - Unique habit - haha, plenty, i'm sure V - Vegetable you refuse to eat - olives, artichokes, cauliflowers! squash is the worst, man. W - Worst habit - i'm undeniably lazy X - X-rays you've had - i dunno, less than 10 but more than 5 Y - Yummy food you make - everything i make is yummy! Z - Zodiac Sign - aries
current mood: dorky current music: this monsta jams cd that nick gave me
(hit me with your best shot)
| Friday, October 10th, 2003
1:48 pm
i went to see 'school of rock' with jack last night. it was mighty funny! i think i am embarrassing to be with at funny movies because i laugh really loud, even when no one else is laughing, and then people stare at me. i tried to cover my face with my jacket so it wouldn't be as loud, but it was still loud. i need to practice laughing more dainty or some shit. we also went to the silver diner afterwards, and got deserts. i love hanging out with jack, he is the best!
anyway, tonight, i have a pseudo date with some guy from friendster haha. but, apparently, he's seen me before at the blackcat, so i guess i don't feel as weirded out as i usually do when i meet people from the online world.
misty and jenny, you guys better come out here tomorrow for the fall festival and 80's mayhem, bitches! also, i am planning a trip to kings dominion. sunday, october 26th the weekend before halloween for frightfest. who wants to go ride some roller coasters and puke on people?!
current mood: bouncy current music: depeche mode
(4 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Thursday, October 9th, 2003
8:23 am
woah, man, yesterday. i've concluded that one, i will never, ever wear my glasses up front at another hardcore show again and two, i think i'm too old to be up in the front in the first place because afterwards, i just hurt! also, i got punched in the face by some random dude and got a pretty sweet bloody nose. my right nostril is like, 4 times the size of my left nostril today. hot, lemme tell you what!
anyway, we missed the first band, the bled, i dunno what they even sound like. the daughters, who i think are good, played and were not very well received by the crowd in baltimore, judging by the boo's. then fairweather played, but i didn't know any of the songs except for the one old they played before i went upstairs. and then the hope conspiracy played and played a bunch of new songs, but some old ones too, so that was pretty good. and then american nightmare played, it ruled, they played all my favorites. the highlight of the evening, of course, was touching gus's tight ass of steel. oh boy, what a treat that was!
current mood: okay current music: metroschifter
(6 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Tuesday, October 7th, 2003
10:10 pm
i love fucking idiots when they're talking on their cell phones and not paying fucking attention and then they rear end my car and THEN THEY DONT HAVE MOTHERFUCKING CAR INSURANCE. FUCK VIRGINIA AND ALLOWING UNINSURED MOTORISTS TO DRIVE, SHITFUCKERS! there isn't really any damage to the body of my car, as far as i can tell, that wasn't already there, but now my muffler is all sorts of loud and weird and plus my neck snapped and cracked and it seriously hurts. god, what the fuck, what am i supposed to do now? god, everything sucks.
current mood: crappy
(2 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
8:28 am
yeah so let's see, uhh...last night, misty came out because we were gonna go see "school of rock" but then she got there late and i didn't wanna miss any of the movie and the next one playing wasn't until like 10, so instead we picked up my friend john and went to georgetown. stopped by smash! and also i saw this dress that i really wanted from urban outfitters, but of course it was like 3740834734 dollars. i also saw some really cute shoes that i wanted, but they were like 80 bucks out of my price range, also. fiddlesticks!! anyway, then we stopped by that stupid hippie store run by old foreign men who are assholes and have shit written on the door like "hey stupid, idiot please close the door" when the door is like, wide open all the time. and the guy yelled at me and also made fun of the way that i laugh. and misty had a firecracker, we shoulda thrown it! anyway, then we went and picked up jack and went to bob and ediths and had a gay old time. anyway, i would just like to say that i love you, misty dawn loy, and i am glad that you are my friend AND YOU BETTER GO ON WEDNESDAY!!!!
current mood: awake current music: the mr t experience
(2 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Friday, October 3rd, 2003
2:34 pm
| Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
8:01 am
it was about a year ago and i still havn't completely recovered. i still hold on to this tiny sliver of an idea that you may come back. stupid, right? you aren't, you won't. things would have been so much easier for me if i had some sort of closure, i think. but you left without a word, and it really makes things a lot worse when you just don't know what the fuck is going on or what the fuck just happened. i'm moving out of here. the last straw was last night. i just don't feel strong enough to be helping my mother in this way. she refuses to go to any sort of treatment or programs or counseling, and it sucks. i've tried to get her out of the house on numerous occasions, to do an activity, instead of sitting at home boozin' it up. it sucks when someone you love won't admit that they have a huge problem. i wonder sometimes if she really believes that she only had "one glass" and is "not drunk". so anyway, i'll be moving into the kansas house in arlington on either nov. 1 (hopefully!) or dec. 1, depending on if i can get this surgery and all these appointments leading up to my surgery rescheduled for earlier dates. tonight, jack and i are going to peaches, and it's going to be super.
current music: emilys sassy lime
(10 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Monday, September 29th, 2003
8:16 am
i learned an extremely valuable and vital life lesson this weekend--do not get totally shitfaced all night and go sailing early in the morning the next day, unless you want to spend the vast majority of your trip leaning over the sides and puking your guts out into the water. it was a total nightmare, seriously. i eventually couldn't even make forth the effort to heave, not like i really had anything left except for those foul tasting stomach juices, and just sorta leaned over the side with my mouth hanging open. other than that, i had a lot of fun sailing. saturday was a really pretty, fairly windy day, so the boat went real fast and stuff, it was fun to sit in the very front when it felt like it was going to tip over. we ended up at st. michaels, which is on the eastern shore, and going to the cute little bars and saloons they had. it was good, i had way too much to drink but whateva! the people were all nice, even though they were all like my mom's age. i'm so glad that it's fall, finally!
current mood: good current music: the strokes
(hit me with your best shot)
| Friday, September 26th, 2003
1:07 am
so, today, i took the metro to my friends house. while i was waiting for him to pick me up from the metro station, this black guy walks by and says "hey!" thinking he was just being friendly, i responded with a smile and a "hi". OMG. all of a sudden he turns into this crazy horny motherfucking piece of shit whose all like "wanna make thirty dollars? lets fuck! you got some pretty white legs! it won't take long to make me cum!" and like, stroking my thigh!!! instead of yelling at him, for some reason i found it to be incredibly hysterical, and all i could do was laugh. like, i seriously can't believe someone who actually offer to pay me for sex, i mean i am way worth thirty dollars, anyway. haha. and he was talking about taking me to the "motel" and how it "won't take me long to drop a load" and how i could have "money in [my] pocket". hahahahah it was seriously the most fucked up thing ever! i am going sailing this weekend with jack. i'm excited! i've never been sailing! i hope we don't drown!
current mood: excited
(3 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
| Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
11:32 pm
i totally won 7 bucks from the mega millions because i got THREE OUT OF SIX. hell yeah! i spent 5 dollars on it, so that's a winning of TWO WHOLE DOLLARS! hurrah!! how exciting! i hope no one wins and this is just a sign that i should play again and i win next time. haha.
current mood: excited current music: assfactor 4
(hit me with your best shot)
| Monday, September 22nd, 2003
8:09 pm
my brother cut his entire finger off today. at least his dumbass girlfriend had enough sense to pack it in ice and now he's in surgery getting it reattatched. he sells these knives and was apparently giving some demonstration to some people and just hacked it right off. haha, it's only funny because it's karma biting him right in that ass of his! but yeah, it totally sucks, otherwise. i think i could totally handle losing a finger if i lost in a real badass way, like a shark bit it off or a satanic cult sacrificed it. it'd be such a conversation piece!
current mood: blah current music: "pure 80's love"
(4 fired away | hit me with your best shot)
12:55 am
man, i'm so boring!
so like, the hurricane that came through didn't bother me at all, it kinda sucked not having power for a day, but whatever man, i wasn't really at home, anyway. my friend jack and i had a total 'hurricane party' with lots of drinking and jiu jitsu moves amongst other things. i finally went and saw hott beat tonight, i think i was one of three people not in a band playing the space tonight at the show. bummer, dude. i really liked them! and hanway troof or whatever theyre called, they are totally the cutest! i don't wanna work tomorrow. i just need to win the lottery so i can begin my profession as a socialite already!
current mood: drained current music: junior senior
(hit me with your best shot)