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[10 Oct 2003|11:34pm]

[ mood | shocked ]

*body-binds Aidan to keep his knee from moving, and Floos him from the pub to the hospital, leaving him in the care of the Healers and Flooing straight to Mo's*

MO! You there, Mo? Fuckall, where are you? MO!

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[23 Sep 2003|11:33am]

[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | typical pub noises ]

Finn could barely concentrate on his morning classes, and ended up dismissing his last class before the lunch hour early. He vaguely remembered talking to Martine earlier, but couldn't really remember much of the conversation--gods, she probably thought he was an idiot today. Stalking back to his office, he snatched his cloak from the hook and curtly told the young witch at the department's reception desk that he was going out for lunch and to leave any messages on his desk. She looked surprised at his tone, but he didn't notice as he Apparated with a sharp pop into Diagon Alley.

~~Gods, I need a drink...wish I didn't have more classes this afternoon because I'd like nothing more than to get fucking smashed right now and forget about Derrick the Arse and everything else.~~

He walked aimlessly, hardly noticing his surroundings, until he stood at the door to the Leaky Cauldron. Sighing, he decided to go inside....hoping to not see anyone he knew, because talking with *anyone* right now was not exactly what he wanted.

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[18 Sep 2003|08:18pm]

*walks into the Leaky Cauldron, biting his lip and looking around, a little bit nervous. Heads over to the bar and a pretty looking brunette, running a hand through his hair and resisting the urge to bolt*
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Thank the gods for Finn [27 Aug 2003|04:13pm]

[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | music from a band practicing down the street ]

Finn could not have walked in at a better time. I needed an excuse to get away from Derrick. I wonder how long he'll stay with me. I wonder why he's here. I wonder what it'll be like to live with him. I can see he has not changed much since the last time I saw him. I wonder if he's changed at all.

::brings Finn a pint of Guinness:: Hiya handsome, is your other half still busy with that nightmare wedding of his? It's getting close now, yeah? ::makes sure to spend all time possible with Finn::

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*floos to Aidan's* [25 Aug 2003|02:55pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

OI! Aidan! You here, man? Just yell if you're shagging, I'll go away... and, oo, sorry, there's soot all over your floor, now...

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