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Harry Potter Art Exchange

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[19 Apr 2004|11:21am]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | PotC in the background ]

Gift art for: [info]tbranch
Subject: Um, international quidditch?
Medium: Pencil, black marker, Photoshop
Rating: G

Four Corners of Quidditch )

I hope it's to your liking! I know that you really wanted cultural witches and wizards, so I took that idea and the Quidditch videa game and ran with it. The divisions represent the four corners of the world and the four positions on a team: East (Chaser), West (Seeker), South (Keeper), North (Beater). The white things in the background are a Chinese(?) character, a maple leaf (because it had to be Canada representing, yo :D, a sun and a snowflake.

56 sketches . create!

I'm done! Woo! [17 Apr 2004|12:33am]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Doors, The - People Are Strange ]

Gift art for: [info]milenaa
Subject: Tonks and Hermione, holding hands, looking pretty.
Medium: Version one: Just ink, Version two: Ink and markers from Faber Castell, Version three: Ink and then coloured in Open Canvas.
Rating: PG

Lineart )

Hand coloured version )

Computer coloured )

Notes: Ok, I know I've overdone it a bit with all the versions and stuff, but I had so much fun drawing this picture. I just loved it. I'm especially proud of Hermione's hair in all of the versions and Tonks' pants in the CG:ed one. My first 'real' experience with Open Canvas actually... that program is just wonderful. Woo! I hope you like it! ^^

8 sketches . create!

[14 Apr 2004|11:05pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Gift art for: [info]__hibiscus
Subject: Harry Potter
Medium: Pencils and Pens with Photoshop 7
Rating: G

Harry Potter

I hope that you enjoy it!

6 sketches . create!

[11 Apr 2004|12:39am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Gift art for: [info]zylexana_series

Subject: Hermione Granger

Medium: Mechanical pencil, colored in paintshop pro by the gracious [info]blackvalley

Rating: G

All Grown Up

Line Drawing

4 sketches . create!

After the Seduction (femme-slash) [10 Apr 2004|08:17pm]

[ mood | depressed ]

Gift art for: [info]kelbardi

Subject: Ginny/Luna

Medium: Pencils, Photoshop 7

Rating: R, for nudity and suggestion of sexual activity

After the Seduction )

2 sketches . create!

im done <3 [08 Apr 2004|08:56pm]

Gift art for: [info]fairyspirite
Subject: Draco/Ginny
Medium: Paintchat v3.35 , mouse + tablet
Rating: very G

pictures in here! )
16 sketches . create!

Gift for [info]marmaduke01 [08 Apr 2004|10:12am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | "Alias Grises" Haibane Renmei OST ]

Gift art for: [info]marmaduke01
Subject: Draco and Hermione
Medium: Pencil and watercolour on paper.
Rating: G

Please excuse the shoddy background. I hope you like it, [info]marmaduke01! It was certainly a challenge, and sorry I couldn't get any snow into it.

3 sketches . create!

[07 Apr 2004|11:03pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Gift art for: [info]nutnatz
Subject: Hermione and Bill Weasley
Medium: Wacom tablet, Painter Classic
Rating: PG-13 (for bare man-chest)

Sun, sand and smiles )

5 sketches . create!

[07 Apr 2004|01:41am]

[ mood | content ]

Gift art for: [info]ani_bester
Subject: Peter and baby Harry
Medium: pencil, pen, colored pencils
Rating: G
Link or LJ cut to art: Clickie

Here is a picture of Peter and young Harry playing. I know there are misstakes, but over all I think it turned out cute. Scaning wounded the color of course, and sorry for the lack of backgrounds. They're evil.

Gift art for: [info]ani_bester
Subject: Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew
Medium: pencil, colored pencils
Rating: G-PG ?
Link or LJ cut to art: Clickie

This is the reject pic that I colored and posted anyway, just for a lark. I don't like it too much, but I tried. *shug* Hope you like. :)

2 sketches . create!

[05 Apr 2004|02:11am]

[ mood | artistic ]

Gift art for: [info]meemobunny
Subject: Draco and Harry. I kept imagining that some reason the Quidditch teams got dared to play a game at night in their undies. >_<
Medium: Pencil, Ink, and Photoshop
Rating:  PG
Lj-cut: Read more... )


1 sketch . create!

[06 Apr 2004|12:36am]

Gift art for: [info]icegemini
Subject: Severus Snape
Medium: pencil
Rating:  G
Link or LJ cut to art:

here's a Snarry reject as well. I'm just not good at that kind of thing. sorry :\ hope you like Emo Snape anyways. ^_^
17 sketches . create!

[05 Apr 2004|10:29pm]

Gift Art for: [info]starline
Subject: Ron
Medium: Pencil and pencil crayons
Rating: G

... )

I hope you like it! :)
16 sketches . create!

[02 Apr 2004|02:49pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Gift Art for: [info]serke

Subject: Luna riding a Thestral
Medium: Adobe Photoshop 7
Rating: G

Read more... )

My first time drawing Luna.

I tried to make the thestral look menacing but Mum says he lookes cute **shudder**.

15 sketches . create!

Cutting it close aren't I? [31 Mar 2004|10:20pm]

Gift Art for: [info]marmaduke01
Subject: Draco/Hermione
Medium: Ink and colored pencil
Rating: G

I'm not really lazy, just incredibly indecisive. I made about six different drawings, but couldn't decide which one to actually give.
3 sketches . create!

P.S. ...da links [01 Apr 2004|04:34am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | 4 None Blonds - What's Going On ]

Uh...P.S. ?

I forgot to put up the links. I'm an idiot, so sue me^^


First pic:

Second pic:

(this art belongs to the first quarter, ooops, one day late...heh...^^)


8 sketches . create!

[01 Apr 2004|04:34am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | 4 None Blonds - What's Going On ]

Gift art for: [info]siridk
Subject: Fred, George and a toilet seat 
Medium: 2B pencil  and PS 7.0
Rating: G

Ok, their faces have been drawn like that for a reason. if I can think of one, I'll let you know. Let's just say that they're goofing around, shall we. Oh, and I've just made a huge jump from color pencils to CG, so it's not exactly well colored.(This is my second CG)

Hope that you'll like it, Lou^^

Now to your second pic:

Gift art for: [info]siridk 
Subject: Draco/Harry 
Medium: 2B pencil, PS 7.0
Rating: PG-13

Well, Draco looks a little odd, this pic was colored in a hurry ans I think that I could have done better but I think that it came out, any thoughts Lou? ^_^
(this is my third CG)


groveling... [31 Mar 2004|08:58am]

Okay so... i'm a horrible horrible person and i'm hoping [info]wootsauce will forgive me. Just a post to tell you i'm not a total slacker.. but I realized as i finished the hp exchange peice. (on time i tell you!) that i had packed my scanner already and its half way to chicago. so.... it will be a few days late as i locate another.

*tail between legs* I know i know i'm bad! but... um... forgive?
1 sketch . create!

[31 Mar 2004|11:16pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Gift art for: [info]ruya
Subject: Snape
Medium: Ink on paper, Photoshop 7
Rating: G

Tests and experiments )

Much apologies to Ruya because this was a rush job but I did find Snape to be a hard man to pin down *grin leer*. Snape here is working for Voldemort, however whether this is pre or post-conversion to Dumbledore's cause, I don't know, and up to you to decide.

37 sketches . create!

[31 Mar 2004|03:20am]

[ music | Freezepop - tracey gold ]

Gift art for: [info]ruhgozler
Subject: Bill Weasley
Medium: Photoshop 7, tablet
Rating: PG-13

click! )

Hello! I'm sorry about the lateness, but at last it is done... I hope you enjoy it! Picture the Slytherin of your choice about to enter the scene!

9 sketches . create!

[29 Mar 2004|10:12pm]

[ mood | awake ]

Gift art for: [info]tbranch
Subject: Luna Lovegood
Medium: openCanvas, tablet
Rating: G
Look, it's a picture! )

Many apologies for the lateness! Luna ended up being someone who was very difficult to draw.

9 sketches . create!

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