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new hp rp! [04 Jan 2003|01:01am]

first and foremost, sorry for the crosspost!

this is just a shameless promotion of my newest community creation!

*da da da daaaaaahhhhhhhhhh*

may i present to you, twisted_hp!


all characters are still open! (except harry!) please read the info if your interested! :D

it'll be great! i'm so excited! hope everyone is ready for some yummy slashy goodness and other twisted acts from the hogwarts crowd!! woopee!!

alright, carry on...
1 flaming pedophile| go to hell!

[02 Jan 2003|10:25pm]


Just doing a little promo, don't mind me ... Sorry, I know this can be annoying!

*waves a flag* New Harry Potter RPG on Blurty! hp_rpg. All characters but Lavender and Parvati are taken. Check it out. Tell a friend. It'll be cool.. Promise. *crosses heart*

*backs away quietly*

2 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

[02 Jan 2003|09:25am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | *** 53. The Goblet of Fire - 14 The Unforgivable Curses ]

"Moody!" he said. "How cool is he?"
"Beyond cool," said George, sitting down opposite Fred. "Supercool," said the twins' best friend, Lee Jordan, sliding into the seat beside George. "We had him this afternoon," he told Harry and Ron.
"What was it like?" said Harry eagerly.
Fred, George, and Lee exchanged looks full of meaning.
"Never had a lesson like it," said Fred.
"He knows, man," said Lee.
"Knows what?" said Ron, leaning forward.
"Knows what it's like to be out there doing it," said George impressively.
"Doing what?" said Harry.
"Seeeeeexxxxxx" said Fred.


18 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

[01 Jan 2003|02:46pm]


Newbie here! I just found this community today, and I love the idea! I actually only turned 18 yesterday. I freaked out because I realized that I'M no longer jailbait anymore! Anyhow, I'm in love with Daniel and Rupert (as well as Sean, but he's older than I am -woo hoo!) . I'm sure I'll enjoy drooling over *children* with all of you! ;)

- Danielle
go to hell!

[01 Jan 2003|12:22pm]

i didn't know if this was ok to post in the community, so im going to post it behind a cut tag.
its just some icons that i made from pictures in my calendar. really good quality pictures when they are larger, just cant see the ppl very well when they are this small.

if you want the original picture i can send that to you through email.
Read more... )
1 flaming pedophile| go to hell!

yipeee!!!!!! [31 Dec 2002|07:20pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

i just made my very first animated icon! all by myself!!! and to top it off, i did it in photoshop! yay for boredom and what it can lead to!!!!

it's not perfect, but go look anyways!

go to hell!

*smothered laughter* [29 Dec 2002|07:05pm]

[ mood | amused ]

It's sort of evil, but you've gotta see it anyway:

Jerry the Frog presents Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It's really weird. There's a lot of corny jokes and some jabs at our beloved JKR, but a lot of it is funny as hell. My personal favorite line:

Ron: Hermione's a nightmare...think I'll marry her someday.

When you finish with that one, click on the little right arrow at the bottom and see their rendition of Chamber of Secrets.

By the way, they use the word "bish" a lot. Apparently it's short for "bishounen," which as near as I can tell is a Japanese word meaning "sexy guy," but I'm not an anime fan so I don't know for sure. If someone could clarify that for me, I'd appreciate it.
3 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

[26 Dec 2002|09:40pm]

help! i need help!

i would like to know how to make animated icons! i downloaded barbosa gif animator... and i have no clue where to even begin...help? anyone?

sorry for the crosspost
go to hell!

A Hogwart's Winter #2 {Fic Update} [26 Dec 2002|06:50pm]

[ music | Dance Dance Revolution - Waka Laka ]

The Update Alone )

Entire Fic Thus Far! )

I love comments....
go to hell!

My collection [26 Dec 2002|02:28am]

I don't have pictures, sorry -- but here's a partial rundown of everything I own HP related.
The Harry Files )
2 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

Curious... [26 Dec 2002|02:39am]

[ mood | sexy ]

Some people have been telling me all the Harry Potter stuff they've gotten for Christmas through comments. I'm curious as to what the rest of you have gotten. Also, if you've taken pictures, I'd like to see.
I'm curious for some reason, in a sad sort of way...

8 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

Merry Christmas [25 Dec 2002|07:39pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Merry Christmas to all my fellow HP lovers! Have a great New Year!

1 flaming pedophile| go to hell!

[25 Dec 2002|09:32pm]

[ mood | horny ]

Happy holidays, people. Hope you had/have a good one.
I got some Harry Potter things that I'm happy about so I'll share them with you because I can.

click to see a picture of Dan's and Tom's penises. )

15 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

Hermione/Emma icons [25 Dec 2002|03:09am]

I just started making icons today and I wanted to share. Hope y'all enjoy.

She's so preeeeeety! )
4 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

Hello... [25 Dec 2002|03:18am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Pachelbel's Canon in D ]

Greetings.. Merry Christmas, for those who partake...

I joined a few days ago but haven't posted yet, so here's my official hello... I am quite pleased that this community and those like it are in existence...

My area is fanfiction, and as I learn more about the information already in existence, I can write fanfics based off it... Here's something new..
Sorry for the crosspost...
First installment of first fic... Any comments will be read, any flames will be ignored. If there's any technicalities here, please let me know!

A Hogwarts Winter
First Installment
It would've been /so/ nice to have a family to want to go home to for Christmas... Eyes the colour of the Carribbean Sea stared through black-framed glasses at the lovely Christmas tree someone had thoughtfully placed in the Gryffindor common area. Tiny white lights glittered off the round orbs of the many ornaments, casting a soft glow across the room. Only half the usual lamps and lights had been left on; the mood was too pleasant to ruin by stark illumiation.
Harry Potter sat alone, wondering if he were the only student staying at Hogwart's for Winter's recess, let alone if there were any straggler students left at the speciality school. Most of the gifted professors would remain around for the duration of break, planning out class curriculum and getting caught up in whatever endeavours teachers get themselves into. With some degree of relief, Harry had found out that the head of Slytherin had indeed left the school for the time off; it was hard enough to be stuck at school alone!
The handmade cards from Hermoine and Ron and some of his other friends stood proudly on the mantle of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room now; nobody would be around to bother them or insist they be removed. The entire school may as well have been Harry's now, for he had nobody to share it with.

Or so he'd thought.

The heavy door behind him whined softly as its hinges moved, and the glow of the Christmas tree was soon dancing along the smooth lines of a slicked back head of blonde hair, its owner peering into the space designated for Gryffindor students as if a scout were venturing into the enemy's bedroom.

Harry was too deep in thought to pay any mind to the door; there was often so many bumps in the night he'd gotten used to them. It was the voice that caught his attention, sweeping over him like ice.

"Thought I would find you here, Potter," Draco Malfoy drawled, his curt lips drawn into a typical smirk.
Harry bristled.
"This isn't your dormitory, Malfoy." He stated simply, allowing his eyes to narrow a bit, still transfixed on the warm tree.
"Doesn't matter," The retort came, "The school's mine for break... Unless /you're/ staying too."

Harry felt the pit of his stomach fall to the floor and beyond. Draco?! Staying for Winter break! Oh magic, let it not be true...

"Why aren't you going home?" Harry asked, finally turning to look at him. Draco stood in the doorway, appearance quite usual but lacking the heavy black robe.
"Decided not to go on vacation," Draco said, hovering in the doorway like some sort of hummingbird. Harry regarded him with ambiguity; he couldn't quite tell if Draco wasn't telling the truth or was, or perhaps some part of it...

Not that it was important.

"Oh, I see." Came Harry's softer response. His thoughts of curiousity towards Draco's presence and wondering if it were the truth or not and then deeming it unimportant above all seemed to fold in on one another, and he ended up staring a bit off into the space somewhere to Draco's left.
"What about you?" Draco asked after a moment, as if stalling.
"...What?" He was off guard a slice.
"Why are you still here? Too good to go home?"
Harry simply shook his head. It was apparent that Draco had been expecting a retort rather than a quiet dissagreement; it seemed to momentarily derail his pattern of taunts. He wavered for a moment before taking a step back.
"Well... See you around."

Before Harry could process his words, Draco was gone, a fading echo of footsteps down the hall. 'What was that all about,' he wondered, watching the empty doorway. 'Hope he's not up to something...' With that, he gave one last thought to the blonde student before allowing his thoughts to fizzle back away into their normal patter: Without that large robe... Draco looked awfully... Thin. Harmless.

Harry simply grinned.

Thoughts? Comments? Hellos? ^_^

7 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

iconalicious [18 Dec 2002|04:28pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | bowling for soup ]


i was bored....made some of these. take if you like. you know the drill. i think they're pretty crappy, but see for yoursef!

alright...go )

1 flaming pedophile| go to hell!

Just call me Snuffles... [18 Dec 2002|09:34am]

[ mood | amused ]

Which Harry Potter Marauder Are You?

1 flaming pedophile| go to hell!

smut smut and more smut! [18 Dec 2002|10:38pm]

all hail caelum_malfoy she made harry/draco smut with nutella!
lick it

15 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

[17 Dec 2002|10:59pm]

[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas ]

Okay, I just started the third book (I kept putting it off b/c I'd gotten over the initial "oh my god I don't have the book!" shock and I didn't want to finish them all and wait forever for the new one) and am I the only one who gets all tingly when she thinks about seeing Daniel all pissed off to the point of puffing up whatsername? There's something ultra sexy about an already attractive guy all pissed off and steamy (steamy? *L*) unless of course they're mad at you. *LOL*

Okay, that's all, it's just what I've been thinking about lately. Rawr!

3 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

Pictures [17 Dec 2002|07:03pm]

[ mood | discontent ]

Anyone know where I can get some pictures of Seamus? They're, like, non-existent.

2 flaming pedophiles| go to hell!

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