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Harry Potter Fanart

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Sunny Day [Apr. 27th, 2004|08:10 am]

[mood |accomplished]

Character(s): Hermione Granger
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): Clickity )
Would you like constructive comments? but of course
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? Not really, if I get useful suggestions I might implement them though.
Notes: This is the first thing I've ever colored on a computer that doesn't look like complete crap, so I'm pretty pleased. I colored it kind of messy-like on purpose. Mostly I was just messing around with brushes. But I kinda like it :]

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Sirius Black - ANIMATION! [Apr. 26th, 2004|09:51 pm]

[mood |accomplished]

Character(s): Sirius Black (Padfoot. ~0~) And a dog. And a hydrant. O_o?
Rating: G! :D
Link: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6850919/ (You have to download it)
Constructive comments? Yes please!! O_o;
Is this a WIP? Nope!

Notes: This is an animation~! So because I SUCK with Flash (and this is maybe my second time playing with it) this is nothing too great. ^^; Just fooling around!! Please take a look, though, and tell me what you think?? O_o If you know how to use Flash, too... I have no idea how. ^^; **coughs** This took 3 days of hard brain power and problem solving skills. >_< And is from a pencil drawing you can find on my webbie. ^^

I know it's short and loops and is rather dorky, but it was basically just testing things out! ^^; Please keep that in mind!!

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Sirius/Remus [Apr. 26th, 2004|08:19 pm]

Character(s): Sirius & Remus
Rating: PG13? (for implied nekked)
Link: belated b-day )
Constructive comments? Yup?
Is this a WIP? Nope.
Notes: Remus has no hand. X_x; It's a sketch for my g/f for her birthday, but it's... late. v_v; Umm... I wanted this to look intimate rather than sexy, so... ^^ I hope I could do that! :D Just a sketch, though... ._.;;
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[Apr. 26th, 2004|04:44 pm]

[mood | apathetic]
[music |U2: Bullet the Blue Sky]

Character: Tonks
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): Right here. )
Would you like constructive comments?: Sure.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)?: Not really.
Notes: Been practicing my Photoshopping. This is a doodle I posted on my journal earlier this week. I CGed it while I was supposed to be doing real paintings for a class. Yeah, her arm's wonky. It was a weird angle!

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Snape [Apr. 26th, 2004|09:15 am]

Character: Snape the potion master
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): ( HERE )
Would you like constructive comments?: Yes?
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)?: Eh... no.
I wanted to draw Snape the potion master, so I doodled-- um, used an eraser a bit, though.
Since I liked it, I added some shadows and a title, even. *L* I hope you don't mind the sketchy quality.
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[Apr. 25th, 2004|10:41 pm]

[mood | tired]

Character:Charlie Weasleys
Rating: G
Link: http://groups.msn.com/RyuuriSciFiAnimes/harrypotter.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID;=1545
Would you like constructive comments?: yes
Is this a WIP?: no
Notes: This is my first time drawing just Charlie by himself.

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[Apr. 25th, 2004|12:32 pm]

[mood | amused]

Character: Sirius Black
Rating: G
Link: http://groups.msn.com/RyuuriSciFiAnimes/harrypotter.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID;=1544
Would you like constructive comments?: yes
Is this a WIP?: no
Notes: Chibi Sirius Black in hi school uniform !

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Acrylics . . . [Apr. 25th, 2004|08:08 am]
[mood | good]
[music |Wolfsheim - Youth and Greed]

Character: Sirius
Rating: G
Link: Tralalère.
Would you like constructive comments? Yes.
Is this a WIP? . . . No?
A very big "Thank-you" to everyone who helped me. Everything else in the description. :)

Characters: Sirius Black and Severus Snape's chins and hair.
Rating: G
Link: Vroom.
Would you like constructive comments? Yes.
Is this a WIP? No.
Just a study, basically . . . It's just fun to try to show the difference between hair when you can't rely on color, I guess. :)

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[Apr. 25th, 2004|12:30 am]

[mood |artistic]
[music |none]

Character: Hermione Granger
Rating: G
Link : http://groups.msn.com/RyuuriSciFiAnimes/harrypotter.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID;=1543
Would you like constructive comments?: yes
Is this a WIP : no
Notes: First harry potter picture in a very long time. i have been doing alot of LOTR. this is my fiorst post on here.

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tonks and wealsey [Apr. 24th, 2004|04:57 pm]

[music |"Mighty Little Man" Steve Burns]

Character: Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: PG.. for a short skirt
Link: Clicku click
Would you like constructive comments? No harm there
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? No. I'll smudge the color if I try to fix her much.
Notes: When I was drawing her I was all, "You know, Tonks is just a little more boyish than I always see her pictured-- a tomwitch if you please..." After I drew her... heh. Well, I'm not too proud of this other than her outfit/toso, although I became lazy at the last second and didn't darken in her cloak. I suceeded in making her look boyish, but I failed overall because she lost her other Tonk-ness-es. Perhaps Tonks could be better represented with some breasts and hips.

Character(s): Molly Weasley
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut) Mrs. Weasley will pwn j00
Would you like constructive comments? Yep.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? I'm contemplating colorings her sometime. Either CG or I'll transfer her and do a watercolor... or acrylic.
Notes: I love Molly Weasley. What a wonderful mother to have romping about Harry's life...

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[Apr. 25th, 2004|12:07 am]

Character: Harry and a cat named "Sooty"
Rating: G
Link: http://www.deviantart.com/view/6786822/

Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? no,is acomplished
Notes:I get the image from a fanfiction named MEOW
the cat really id is Draco~~~~

the link to the fanfic is:http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1700025

And,this is my first post in here,I NEED your comments,plz~~~~and Thanks~~~
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Help, please! [Apr. 24th, 2004|07:31 am]
[mood | intimidated]
[music |cut.rate.box - Heartbreak Cinema]

Character: Sirius
Rating: G
Link: Blah.
Would you like constructive comments? Please!
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? I don't know if it's "progressing" but I'm working on it.
My major struggles are listed in the description . . . I have such a bad habit of attempting things that are way too hard. :P

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[Apr. 24th, 2004|02:18 pm]

Character(s): Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Link (or lj-cut): Even more yellow.
Would you like constructive comments? Yes.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? No.
Notes: Again, watercolours. I'd like to thank [info]xxbulletwingsxx for giving me inspiration.
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[Apr. 24th, 2004|02:09 am]
[music |Apoptygma Berzerk - Mourning]

Characters: Narcissa, Fleur, Lily, Hermoine, Bellatrix, Luna, Ginny, Severus, Sirius, and Mrs. Norris.
Rating: G
Link: Oils
Would you like constructive comments? Yes.
Is this a WIP No.
Notes: Explanation (read: "Excuses") in the description.
Oh, and if anyone knows about doing skin tones in oil paints feel free to contact me with tips (please!!!)

Characters: Hermione and Remus.
Rating: G
Link: They're so traumatized . . . (acrylic)
Would you like constructive comments? It's beyond salvation.
Is this a WIP? No.
. . . I refuse to explain myself.

Character: SNAPE
Rating: G
Links: Pretty (oils.) Portrait (graphite.)
Would you like constructive comments? Yes.
Are these WIPs? No.
That's the first oil painting I've ever finished . . . I need to explore the medium more before I get anything really fabulous. :P That portrait was done awhile ago but I fixed it this morning . . .

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[Apr. 23rd, 2004|05:07 pm]

[music |BtVS music vids]

Character(s): Young Remus Lupin.
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): Yellow.
Would you like constructive comments? Yes, please.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? No.
Notes: Painted with watercolours, lineart made with ink. His ear is supposed to look like that. I was attempting to make a slightly pointy dog-like ear.

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Luna [Apr. 23rd, 2004|07:20 am]

[mood | sleepy]
[music |My oscillating fan's whirring.]

Character(s): Luna Lovegood
Rating: G
LJ-cut: Luna )
Would you like constructive comments? Sure, have at it.
Is this a WIP? No
Notes: Haven't posted anything here in eons, have I? Hmm. Anyway, here's a quick sketch (10 minutes) that I did in Painter of Luna as I imagined her from OotP. Well, maybe she's a bit more wind-swept here, but it's pretty close to what I pictured while reading the sections with her in them. Granted, she's not a favorite character of mine, but I was in the mood to draw someone and she came to mind.

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Summmmmeerrrtimmeeeeeeeeeeeee [Apr. 22nd, 2004|07:23 pm]

[mood | good]
[music |Rhapsody In Blue -- Gershwin]

Character(s): Ginny Weasley. Shock!
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): aaannndd theee livin isss -- )
Would you like constructive comments? Sure.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? Nopers.
Notes: I drew this on my French divider, since I draw everything in French, and since I like it I scanned/coloured it. It's a lot happier, colour-wise than anything I've done in AGES. Ginny herself looks pretty down, so I am thinking she's 10 and Ron has just left? Also, re: her sundress. I've sketched Ginny in that dress before with Bill and I love the idea of innocent!Ginny in a sundress amoung all her brothers.

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[Apr. 22nd, 2004|02:58 pm]

[mood |accomplished]
[music |"I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness]

Character(s): Draco Malfoy
Rating: G or PG for slightly unbottoned top!!!
Link (or lj-cut):Sexy Draco
Would you like constructive comments? Not really in the mood.
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? Nope
Notes: Actually, this one was done a while ago but I haven't had a chance to share it with many people (just friends and such). But now I feel it's about time that Draco finally made a cameo in my HP art. :D

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Muffled Sounds in the Dark [Apr. 22nd, 2004|08:24 am]

[mood | aggravated]

Character(s): Bellatrix Black
Rating: R for wanking
Link (or lj-cut): Original, High Contrast, Fiery
Would you like constructive comments? Sure
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? No
Notes: I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I posted all three. Thanks to everyone at [info]artbeta for all the really really useful crit I got. Done in mechanical pencils and then some screwing around in photoshop.

ETA: I deleted this post and am now reposting it because the time on it was all screwy and it was really bothering me that it wouldn't fix itself.

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The Dementor [Apr. 22nd, 2004|06:24 am]

Character: the dementor
Rating: g
Link (or lj-cut):
Would you like constructive comments? please
Is this a WIP (Work In Progress)? no
notes: another in my pen to colour series.
Link (or lj-cut):
the dementor )
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