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Rough Quidditch [Flint/Wood 'Shippers]

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[14 Jun 2004|12:04am]

Title: Miscalculation
Author: Redd
Rating/Content: R [for violence, blood play, and slash]
Pairing: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: He was also well aware of how many bruises he'd left on Oliver Wood
Disclaimer: Marcus and Oliver belong to JK Rowling. I'm poor, don't sue.

Miscalculation )

[04 Feb 2004|07:09pm]

I have a looooooong list of stories here. And I'm posting them all at once. Because...yeah. Anyways. Most are drabble, but there's one that isn't. So just read through and tell me what you think :)

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: PG
Summary: They're not his, and they're stolen, but oh well.
Pairing: One sided Marcus/Oliver
Drabble, ~150 Words

They're Stolen )

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: PG
Summary: Marcus may be married, but it isn't his wife he loves.
Pairing: Marcus/?
Drabble, ~300 Words

An Affair )

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: PG
Summary: Because even if Slytherins are jerks, it doesn't mean that they aren't secretly wonderful.
Pairing: Marcus/Oliver
Drabble, ~300 Words

Jerks and Princes )

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: PG
Summary: Oliver doesn't know if it's him that's wrong, or if it's just the world. In Oliver's POV.
Pairing: Marcus/Oliver
Drabble, ~400 Words

Love at First Sight )

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: PG
Summary: Oliver knows.
Pairing: Marcus/Oliver
Drabble, ~230 Words

Oliver Knows )

Author: Hadrian (
Rating: NC-17
Summary: They're supposed to hate each other. And that shows when the match against Hufflepuff comes about
Pairing: Marcus/Oliver
Drabble, ~3300 Words

Aftermath )
2 handshakes of repressed lust| Captains?

[10 Jan 2004|12:00pm]

Came up with this just a few minutes ago. There aren't many posts here, so I thought I'd add it. Mm-hmm. And the second one I had a loooong time ago, I just never posted it here. So I will now.

Title: Love Happens at First Sight
Author: Hadrian --
Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: MarcusxOliver
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble, ~400 word. Oliver reflects on what he thinks about love.
Disclaimers: None of it is mine. S'all from J.K. Rowling. Though I would like to own Ollie. *Nods*

Love Happens at First Sight )

Title: Fights
Author: Hadrian --
Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: MarcusxOliver
Rating: NC-17, contains sex
Notes: I wrote this in French class. ~_~ I had a bit of an...issue with keeping myself busy. An hour and a half of French really
Disclaimers: None of it is mine. S'all from J.K. Rowling. Though I would like to own Ollie. *Nods* It doesn't really have any sort of set, just in PoA, is all. It's about 1000 words.

Fights )
4 handshakes of repressed lust| Captains?

*points* Lookie! New fic! [05 Jan 2004|02:39pm]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | "Revolving" - Outspoken ]'s my first M/O fic. More of a drabble, really. There just aren't enough M/O fics out there...

Title: Teeth
Author: Grasshopper (A.K.A. The Undertaker's Muse)
Rating: PG
Category: Harry Potter
Warnings: Male/male slash.
Spoilers: None.
Pairings: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood
Summary: A first kiss...
Author's Notes: Just a 200 word drabble I came up with.
Disclaimer: No one and nothing belongs to me, but the fic itself. All things HP belong to J.K.R.

Teeth )

3 handshakes of repressed lust| Captains?

Ah. An initial post. Finally. [12 Sep 2003|03:28am]

[ mood | exhausted ]

Because nothing's been posted here yet, and I felt bad, so.....I offer fic:

Title: Knowing
Author: Redd
Rating: R
Pairing: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood (Harry Potter)
Summary: Oliver knows.
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns the lot of them. I'm just borrowing. No infringement intended.

Knowing )

4 handshakes of repressed lust| Captains?

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