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User:dreaming_nights (832954) dreaming_nights
Name:Dreaming Nights
Dream a lot? Dream a lot of weird stuff? Dream a lot of stuff in general? I made this community for dreamers, people who like to dream or don't like to dream, or that just have dreams. The idea of the communitiy is to post your dreams, you can ask someone to interpret them for you or you can just post them for fun or whatever you want. Nightmares count as dreams too so you can post those as well.
Couple rules, Don't harrass eachother and No making fun of other people's dreams,

Example: I had a dream that I was getting it on with Britney Spears and then suddenly she wanted to get married and she had 50,000 of my kids.

As weird as that is, no making fun of people's dreams.

That's about it. keep dreaming.
- Hayley
Interests:72: *n sync, alliyah, animals, anime, backstreet boys, barbies, becoming, bishoujo senshi sailormoon, bodies, brad pitt, britney spears, cameron diaz, cats, celebrities, comics, cowboy bebop, dancing, dogs, dreaming, dreams, elves, eyes, faeries, fairies, fantasys, flying, freddy prince jr, god, harry potter, imagination, imagining, jason lee, justin timberlake, mall, malls, manga, miracles, miya, movies, music, mythical creatures, myths, n sync, night terrors, nudity, operas, people, phantoms, plays, powerpuff girls, quidditch, rap, religion, sailor moon, sarah michelle gellar, sex, shakira, shoujo kakumei utena, singing, skies, sleep walking, sleeping, stars, stories, the backstreet boys, the mall, theater, tom cruise, tom felton, trolls, unicorns, utena. [Modify yours]
Members:24: acloudsillusion, arwenecho, beamingeyes, caprisunsux303, celticsiren, crush01, delusionarymind, dlehikkin, ellen_mirai, f_a_i_t_h, hotgurl100200, in_the_shad0ws, irishgirl87xo, jewellee_s, ladyfogg, lil_sp0ngeb0b, mysticalrainbow, painsmash, rainy_dreams, setapart13, sparklingwriter, sunset_angel, tig3rlily, wanderingypsie
Watched by:13: acloudsillusion, aquariansong, arwenecho, dlehikkin, ellen_mirai, fireweaver5, ii080ii, jewellee_s, missangeljovi, mysticalrainbow, sparklingwriter, sunset_angel, wanderingypsie
Account type:Free Account

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