Community Info
Community Information Below is information about the "Hogwarts" community on LiveJournal. This an open-membership community. To join, click here.
You may leave the community at any time.
User: | hogwarts (95555) |
Name: | Hogwarts |
Website: | Created by Angelic |
Email: |
About: | Hogwarts recently celebrated it's 10 Month Anniversary. So, in honor of this special occasion I, devoid, am doing some reinovating to the community. Look for changes and don't mind the dust work.
Hogwarts is a place for Harry Potter fans to meet, greet, and just have fun. Heard any good rumors lately? Pick out a new favorite character? Wanna review the movie or the books? All posts are welcome here.
If you want to talk about why you dislike the books/characters/situations, please give viable reasons why, and do it in an orderly fashion. We at Hogwarts aren't asking you to like everything about the Harry Potter world, and you have every right to voice your opinion, but please show respect for the others here who DO like those things. Spamming posts, hate messages, and rude comments are not welcome and will be dealt with accordingly. We try to respect your opinion, please return the favor.
*Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all its affiliates are (c) J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. No characters were harmed in the making of this community.
And now the affiliates:
You've seen Hogwarts, how about checking out some other Harry Potter related communities.
House Communities
gryffindor Support the red and gold. (run by: kaputla)
hufflepuff It's good enough for Cedric. Can't it be good for you, too? (run by: raintigersdream)
ravenclaws Don't judge a book by its cover (run by: empressofchaos)
slytherin You say evil like it's a bad thing (run by: undeniablyme)
General Info
harry_potter (run by: stacigoddess)
bertie_botts (run by: piy0piyo)
hogwarts_girls (run by: parvati)
Character Specific
prof_snape 'Cause, you know, he's just so loveable (run by: shaolin)
sirius_black The playboy of Hogwarts (run by: evieoconnell)
remus_lupin Howl at the moon with that shy sweetie (run by: liessa)
ron_weasley The only sidekick were loving (run by: parvati)
h_granger Hermione has fans, too. (run by: xceres)
o_woodlovers An Oliver Wood fan club (run by: ???)
oliverwoodfans The Keeper is a keeper (run by: hgranger13)
gaaaah The Captain gets three (run by: ninamazing)
Fan Fiction at it's Best
hpslash Full of slashy goodness (run by: hojonomiko)
hogwartsoncrack It's an RPG group. Sort of like fan fiction, with many authors (run by: katu)
harryslash It's all gay (run by: catchmyclover)
For the Actors
danielradcliffe Harry Potter himself (run by: doll)
alanrickman He just kicks ass (run by: katu)
just_quidditch Quidditch, yup. (run by: shouhei)
aawahpf Aspiring Actors/Actresses Who... Um.. Something.. Yeah.. Check it out (run by: kawaiiurania)
gryffindorpower Another Gryffindor community (run by: sakurachan16)
gryffindor_diva Yes, three (run by: countrydiva)
deatheaters For the followers of "HWMNBN" (run by: nemjersatyr)
HP Related Communities by Me
gratis A general HP Fan fiction community
malfoy Because we like to torture Harry
sexible Harry Potter boys are so lickable.
burrow For the Weasley Family.. Because we love them red heads..
Did I forget one? Is my information incorrect? Let me know: |
Interests: | albus dumbledore, beater, bludgers, books, broomsticks, cedric diggory, chamber of secrets, chaser, cho chang, crabbe, dean thomas, diagon alley, draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, draco malfoy, dudley, dumbledore, england, fawkes, flitwick, fred weasley, george weasley, ginny weasley, goblet of fire, golden snitch, goyle, gringotts, gryffindor, hagrid, harry potter, hedwig, hermione, hermione granger, hogwarts, hufflepuff, james potter, justin finch-fletchley, keeper, lavender brown, lee jordan, lily potter, lockhart, lucius malfoy, magic, mcgonagall, moody, moony, neville longbottom, oliver wood, padfoot, padma patil, parvati patil, percy weasley, peter pettigrew, prizoner of azkaban, prongs, quaffle, quidditch, quirrel, ravenclaw, reading, ron weasley, rubeus hagrid, seamus finnigan, seeker, severus snape, sirius black, slytherin, snape, sorcerer's stone, sorting hat, sprout, the dursleys, the marauder's map, voldemort, wands, wormtail |
Members: | 375: aaf, actgirl5, addledgirl, aeryn_strife, alice_ash, allisontheveela, ally, all_mighty_me, alohasunshine, alyxchan, amurana, angelevangeline, angelic, angelnia, angelodimusica, angel_0355, angiej, anjewel, anotherinctgirl, antipeople, apatheticangel, ariskye, arizona_mermaid, ash, ashleym_01, ashling, ashmaddie, asmoron, autumnlady, avoidant, ayleeandra, babywestlife64, ballerina200, battery_parade, becki4, bellebass, bevaroo, bixie, blacksatinlace, boywholived, bpjewele, brangwy, brokenbracelet, broken_angel, broken_faerie, brookie182, calmdistress, caniche, capitalflash, carmen, casca, cattidrizzt, caylina, celticqueen, celtic_shamanes, cenedrawood, cerrenes, chaobell, charlottesweb, chelliewood, cherrystem, cherylwoo, chibifirefly, chicklet, chiisu, childofsnow, chirad, clarivocal, cobweb, coderedlobster, coolerthanyrmom, cooling, countrydiva, crayven, crickie, cryforhelp, curlycheryl, daisyberkowitz, danachan, dangel, darkness6, davidk, dayna, degrees, dellessa, destinednowhere, devifae, devoid, dizzyrockstar, dragonguyver, dt, dudleydursley, duetyuymaxwell, dustice, dyskodyke, d_12sexitary, edenslastangel, eirtae, elfpowergirl, eliasheldon, elisakate, ellekitten, elsalai, elveneyes101, emilylovesdorks, emma_watson, emmy0001, empressofchaos, emthefrog, esora, eurocrat_au, eve_8, evieoconnell, evildevilwhit, evil_laugher, evil_spice, femi, femmelibra, ferrety, finabair, finchan, flowahpowa, flyingteapot, foxynams, frannyglass, geni91782, giada, gina, girlbleeding, girlsetsfire14, girl_wonder, glampirate, glitter_kittie, goddess_1, gredandforge, grimms_tales, gryffindor, gryffindorwhore, g_lockheart, hammycd, hanluvr, heahthuh, hedwigstar16, helenangel, hellokitty887, hellothere, hgranger13, hiddencelebrity, hoggle, hojonomiko, houseelf_hobbit, hphogwarts, hufflebrat, hufflepuff, hyperbaricheart, iblis_kukl, ielixzia, intuitivemotion, isabeau, jackfrost, jalapeno, jazzednumer9, jdangelo, jediwitch, jelligurl, jellow, jemimajoy, jennamb, jennstar, jerica, jewelsky, jiffy_spiffy, julietnromeo, kalebsmommy, kalliebell, kamijo, karabou, karmabitch, katu, kchic, kelliebean, kellistar, kergillian, kilikina_starre, kimmercake, kirohihitome, kirstena, kittycollar, kokochan, kris, labelle03, ladybirdintheuk, ladycolleen, lashout85, ldgtutu, leelee4you, leileiangel, lepakko, lheanna, libragurl72000, likeadream, lilypotter, linzyt, littlehouseelf, llary, lookofevil, loseric, lost_in_kmart, lost_malfoy, lovebug, lovemei, lumos, lunae, luvlileah, luvspot, lyndsayj, lyric1459, lyssa8193, magical_theory, makya_sasami, marieka, meeki, meioh_setsuna, mhm, mhovley, miamigi, mia_love, michl8705, mildred, minerva, miracle511, moonbeamani, moonbunny, mooni88, moonlitdestiny, morganalefay, mulks, murphy59, mutilated, myfrustration, mymisery, mysteri, nabiki_tendo, nezumichan, ninhydrin, nitegodesx, number25, ohshutup, oliveoyl, oliverwood, operatic, oronoda, outoftheshadows, painispretty, peachydiva, peachzncream, pensee, peppercat, pig_widgeon, pita, pixylite, piy0piyo, preciousgirl, prettybymistake, prettyrazor, princessaimmerz, prisonerofazkab, prizine, punkybunny, purrfectangel, raintigersdream, ravenclaws, razorbladekiss, reive, remuslupin, residualfear, retreat, rini, rinoa_leonhart, riotgrrrrl, rkmlai, rockaholic, roop, rosadinerezza, rose_raindrops, rumy, sadisticlullaby, samantha543, samiamkrazy, samosasara, sarahlouise, sassy_goddess, satine_rouge24, sequins, serenitymoon, shaolin, shaolin_goddess, shifty, shimmeringhaze, shinigami_02, shlnbard, shrewd, silentstarlight, silvereyes, sio, siriusblack, skylion, sloeginlove, slytherin, slytheringirl, slytherin_heir, smeeeko, snorlax, socialconfusion, sparklngdiamond, sparkykit, spr0cket, stargazed, starice, steffii, stokley02, stupidity, summer_rose, superinger, suqar_punk, survivinglove, susanabanana, sweetandsour, sweetxpea, tarie, texas22, thedarkangel, thehansonbopper, therealsugshady, thescruffydog, thortok2000, tiggergirl55, tjp5, tolkienfreak88, tomodachi7, toshimasa, transboi80, tsaraven, umi_shoujo, undeniablyme, uneven, une_jeune_fille, valjean, vanessa_ayukawa, vivbabe, vporcelaindollv, vwl, wait_and_bleed, watchthestars, weaktwos, weedlover, whenfishattack, wickedandlost, wickedchika, wickedlies, wildblue, wishing_bliss, wittywench, wizardgurl, wolfbat3, xayumi, xceres, xklutzyfreakx, xmermaidx, y0maryjane, yinrycher, yitz, youngrhiannon, yunicorner, zarquan42 |
Watched by: | 156: akane_chan, aligator, ally, alohasunshine, angel_0355, animorph, annegoblin, ariskye, ashling, ashmaddie, ballerina200, becki4, bellebass, bixie, biztheinsane, brookie182, capitalflash, cattidrizzt, caylina, celtic_shamanes, cenedrawood, chaobell, chelliewood, chibifirefly, childofsnow, chirad, come_what_may, countrydiva, crickie, danachan, dangel, devifae, dragonguyver, dudleydursley, eirtae_, ellekitten, elsalai, elveneyes101, emilylovesdorks, emmy0001, empressofchaos, femi, femmelibra, finabair, finchan, flyingteapot, forestchild, geni91782, giada, goddess_1, gredandforge, gryffindorwhore, g_lockheart, heahthuh, heavenly_angelx, hedwigstar16, hellokitty887, hellothere, hgranger13, hoggle, hojonomiko, houseelf_hobbit, hphogwarts, hufflebrat, jazzednumer9, jelligurl, jellow, jennstar, jiffy_spiffy, julietnromeo, kalebsmommy, kalliebell, karabou, katu, kelliebean, kilikina_starre, labelle03, ladycolleen, ldgtutu, leelee4you, leileiangel, lepakko, lheanna, likeadream, lilypotter, lookofevil, lovebug, luvlileah, lyndsayj, lyric1459, lyssa8193, magical_theory, makya_sasami, mangomandie, marieka, meeki, meioh_setsuna, mhovley, mildred, minerva, moonlitdestiny, mymisery, nabiki_tendo, nezumichan, nitegodesx, number25, ohshutup, oliveoyl, oliverwood, operatic, painispretty, peachzncream, pig_widgeon, preciousgirl, prettyrazor, princessaimmerz, purrfectangel, raintigersdream, razorbladekiss, reive, rinoa_leonhart, rkmlai, rockaholic, roop, satine_rouge24, shaolin_goddess, shinigamikender, siriusblack, sloeginlove, slytheringirl, smeeeko, sparkle04, stargazed, starice, steffii, stokley02, stupidity, suqar_punk, susanabanana, theboywholived, thedarkangel, thescruffydog, tiggergirl55, tinaphobic, toshimasa, transboi80, uneven, vanessa_ayukawa, vinagrette, vwl, ... |
Member of: | 3: paidmembers, sirius_black, slytherin |
Account type: | Free User |
(more details...)