Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "The Hogwarts Network" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sphnet (1120311)  
Life Happens
The Hogwarts Network
Name:The Hogwarts Network
Website:backstage @ sphnet
Location:United Kingdom
About:It is Summer of 1997. The recent string of Death Eater attacks ended abruptly some time in July, leaving a rather shaken wizard community in its wake. Lord Voldemort is still out there. In September, Harry Potter begins his final year in Hogwarts. Meanwhile, young wizards and witches everywhere are finding their own places in the world... and which side of the battle they will ultimately answer to.

But how does OotP affect the SPH-verse? Join the discussion at [info]sphogwarts_ootp for more information.

Note from the Administrator (18 August)
Some play is happening. We think.

Using This Community
This community is a spinoff from [info]sphogwarts. It takes place in the same AU but is aimed at all Hogwarts graduates from year 1990 onwards. While there are many similarities, players from [info]sphogwarts must note that there are a few differences. (Read more...)

Creating a Character
We encourage you to pick up Canon Characters (since there are many available), but we also welcome Original Characters. Please go here for a list of available canons, related information (if any), and how to join us.

Player Conduct
Although both communities are rated R, please be discreet with what you post, lj-cut and warn where applicable.

Remember, you're playing a character. Don't dish it if you can't take it. :-)
Interests:9: gryffindor, hogwarts, hufflepuff, life after hogwarts, muggles, quidditch, ravenclaw, slytherin, sphogwarts. [Modify yours]
Members:15: bubblegum_tonks, chochang_, decruzfiles, falconseye, ivemey, jakesword, nicked, nimue_hawkwood, penny_, pi_weasley, prettyinpuce, ranjatai, reforged, starry_stella, sunny_pitt
Watched by:20: benwu, charlottew, chochang_, choir_invisible, decruzfiles, falconseye, gin_rummy, ivemey, jakesword, marvo_d_ward, nicked, nimue_hawkwood, pi_weasley, prettyinpuce, ranjatai, reforged, shusu, starry_stella, sunny_pitt, trevorishiding
Account type:Free Account

(more details...)

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