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[25 Aug 2002|12:32am]
I love Jeremy :)

to bad I can only see him on weekends :'(.

I'll update later :).
make a wish

[22 Aug 2002|12:45am]
Note to self: MUST start cunningham paper soon. really really soon.
make a wish

[22 Aug 2002|12:38am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Today mom let me drive her blazer. =-o!
Quite shocking, really. Especially since I didn't have any money to put gas in it. The only reason she let me was because I was going to church (really Ashley, I went for the goodness of going haha cough). She made it quite clear that it was going to not ever happen again though. Gas money or not. :-/. She sucks.

Met Ashley at the Dairy Bar in Big Otter. Had a very exciting drive from Exxon to Gomart. (with her little brother in the back seat asking repeatedly in a bewildered voice why they were in this vehicle and not hers haha) I was almost at church and it was only like 6:25 so I decided to go visit Ashton to burn some time. Unfortunetly she wasn't home >:o! I'm mad at her now. haha. After knocking forever I tried the door and it was unlocked so I went in and left a note for her on a paper towel (there seemed to be a lack of paper laying out and I didnt want to snoop around till I found one). Then I went to church and still had 11 minutes to spare.

Conclusion: I drive much to fast. I must stop that, or I'll end up with a ticket or two.(If I don't get out of my first two tickets I'm going to be pissed at Ashley haha.) Plus I scared old ladies who live up Ashtons rode.

Church was fine. Justin kept kicking my foot under the table and stuff :-/ haha. I just ignored him and pretended I didn't notice. I drove Andrea home ( I had to go back to her house anyways to pick up the notebooks her mom exchanged for me). She was my first long distance passanger, not counting Jeremy. On the way there she was like 'I think Justin likes me' and I was like 'why?' and she said 'because at church on Sunday he kept kicking my foot and stuff under the table'. That made me laugh a lot. Justins a big player. hahaha.
It's weird being at Jeremys house without Jeremy. It made me miss him a lot :'(.

Then I came home.

Now I'm being depressed because I have to get up at 8:30 tomorrow to go get my hair cut. I'm going to DIE. Seriously. :'(.
Plus I found out today that I have to start back to school Monday instead of Wednesday for student council. I'm very sad. I've decided I'm going to take back a shirt I got for school and use the money for gas so I wont have to wake up at the ungodly time of 4:50 on monday and tuesday and can instead sleep in till like 8 or something then come in to school late. yay. (good Ashley for doing this for me ;))

Tomorrow I'm going to the open house at the high school for student council. Beginning to wonder why I'm in student council. haha.
Oh well.
Schools coming in fast. Its really very sad.
At least I'll be a senior.

Also: It looks like this year I'm going to have to get a job. I have no idea how I'm going to manage it between how late I get home from school, money for gas, homework (CUNNINGHAM :(), Jeremy and sleep time. I already didnt have enough time to do anything but I really dont see how I'm going to work in a job. But I have to pay for my car insurance and gas and the other 100 things you have to pay for (football games food etc) plus all the new fun senior things like invitations and pictures and stuff. :-/ ugh.
Hopefully I'll figure out something, but thats been really bothering me.
My parents suck. a lot.

and my damn leg hurts.
stupid growing pains.
('dont cuss amanda')< stupid boy

Not to much else to say.
2 more days till Jeremy :).

I woke up this morning all excited because it should have gotten here today. but noooo.

haha, I'm not nearly as bitter and angry as the last half of this journal entry seems to make me. Sorry bout that.

make a wish

Lets see... [20 Aug 2002|06:50pm]
Yesterday I didn't do much of anything except slowly suffer the agonies of boredom till around 5, then I went to Kristens. I can't believe she's leaving Friday :'(. We relived our movie watching days and saw one of the top 10 funniest movie moments in Bubble Boy when he wakes up with his first erection and, not knowing what it is, beats it with a club. HAHAHA. I laughed so hard during that whole scene. When the movie was over we had to go back and watch that part again. hahaha.

Crossroads is out now :-D. I must rent that soon. Anson Mount is such a hottie. I love him.

I can't belive its only Tuesday. 3 1/2 more days till Jeremy comes back. and one of his classes changed so he won't be getting home till around 5 or 6 now :'(.

on another note: My puppy, who I guess would be considered a teenage dog now, is starting to get an interest in the female gender of his species and, essentially, humping. Our female dog does not approve of this new habit. In fact, she growls at him and tries to bite him, only to have him run in the house yelping and pouting for all of 5 minutes before going back out and trying again. He's growing up and developing unbecoming habits. He needs to not do that anymore. It's a sad sad day.

At least hes not as bad as a puppy I use to have a long time ago that humped peoples legs and even a pole or two on occasion. Once the neighbor girl came over and he ran over and started humping her. We got rid of that one haha.
make a wish

Lets see... [20 Aug 2002|06:50pm]
Yesterday I didn't do much of anything except slowly suffer the agonies of boredom till around 5, then I went to Kristens. I can't believe she's leaving Friday :'(. We relived our movie watching days and saw one of the top 10 funniest movie moments in Bubble Boy when he wakes up with his first erection and, not knowing what it is, beats it with a club. HAHAHA. I laughed so hard during that whole scene. When the movie was over we had to go back and watch that part again. hahaha.

Crossroads is out now :-D. I must rent that soon. Anson Mount is such a hottie. I love him.

I can't belive its only Tuesday. 3 1/2 more days till Jeremy comes back. and one of his classes changed so he won't be getting home till around 5 or 6 now :'(.

on another note: My puppy, who I guess would be considered a teenage dog now, is starting to get an interest in the female gender of his species and, essentially, humping. Our female dog does not approve of this new habit. In fact, she growls at him and tries to bite him, only to have him run in the house yelping and pouting for all of 5 minutes before going back out and trying again. He's growing up and developing unbecoming habits. He needs to not do that anymore. It's a sad sad day.

At least hes not as bad as a puppy I use to have a long time ago that humped peoples legs and even a pole or two on occasion. Once the neighbor girl came over and he ran over and started humping her. We got rid of that one haha.
2 wishes| make a wish

[19 Aug 2002|02:17am]

boob job

boob joob

Do *You* Need A Boob Job?

hmm :-/.
make a wish

[19 Aug 2002|01:35am]
You are worth exactly: $1,898,340.00.

haha, it says in the email that they hope you can find someone who can afford you.
make a wish

new look [18 Aug 2002|07:45pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | the storm :) ]

I am so bored. I thought life was suppose to become more exciting once you got your license. But alas, it's all a lie.

I haven't done anything today except work on my journal a little bit. It's sad, but at least my journals cool now (if you are looking at this from your friends page you need to go look at my real journal and see it haha). I also joined a bunch of communties. Most of them are harry potter related, but I joined a few reading addicts ones and a cool one where you can complain about things. I also added two that have to do with funny sex stories and sex tips just for fun. They are interesting to read. So if you read my profile and notice I'm in these sex communities, know thats its only for entertainment purposes. haha. Last night there was this one guy who posted about how he went to a public bathroom and his 'thingy' got stuck to the commade because the guy before him had jacked off and didn't clean up. I was like EWWWW forever. I mean can you imagine the horror? haha, poor guy.

Jeremy left me today for college :'(. I was sadder about it last night then I am today. He'll be online a lot now and he'll probably call me everyday so it's not like I won't ever get to talk to him, but its just not the same as actually getting to see him and knowing hes reasonably near by. Especially now that I'm use to seeing him almost everyday. I miss him :'(.

Someone else also left me today *tear*. sad sad day.

I got my license Friday. I heard Katie got hers to. Me and her and Ashton should go celebrate or make it a holiday or something. haha. My picture is terrible, even by license picture standards. It was pouring down the rain so I got soaked and my hair was half wet and half dry which equals lots of fuzzyness and terrible bangs. I think I'm going to accidently lose it so I can get another one haha. Even Jeremys dad laughed at it and was giving me tips on how to get another one. It was raining really hard and I couldn't see anything but it wasn't that bad. I felt more bad for the woman who had to stand out in the rain while I turned everything on. I love Jeremys grandma, by the way. If it wasn't for her dropping everything to come up there with me at the last minute and Jeremy driving me to Clay because I forgot my proof of enrollment, I'd still be a licenseless loser.

Also went to see XXX Friday with Ashley and Curtis and Jeremy. That movie was so terrible. Terrible plot, horrible acting, but very amusing script. "Catch him fast. Kill him slow." hahaha
Overweight woman in theaters are pretty funny too.

Ashley just told me school starts in 10 days. That makes me very sad. But maybe if we all wish really hard, the day before school starts they'll call and tell us that they decided over the summer that an 8th grade education is all thats really needed, so we just dont have to worry about going back anymore. It could happen.

I ordered a Harry Potter Gryffindor bookbag and the coolest Harry Potter shirt ever over ebay. They should be here by late next week I hope. I'm excited to get those :-D.

I think tomorrow I'm staying the night with Kristen. I'm excited to be getting out of the house and actually doing something. yay :-D.

Well I guess thats about it. I'm really going to try and get myself in the habit of writing in this again. I'm motivated more now that I fixed it all up.

2 wishes| make a wish

[18 Aug 2002|02:16am]
I've decided to put my journal under construction.
After I get everything like I want it I might actually start posting in it again =-o!!

Jeremy leaves me tomorrow :'(.
make a wish

[02 Aug 2002|02:38am]


What's *Your* Sex Sign?

Gemini, people better look out for you. You need a lover who is a match for your wite, intelligence, and sexual curiousity. You are unpredictible, moody, highly entertaining, adventurous, versatile, and an incredible flirt. You have the tendency to be promiscious.

You hardly ever wear underwear, and you are the most likely of all the signs to shave ... down there.

Your sexual curiousity knows no bounds. You'll try anything and try it often. You jump at the chance to engage in threesomes - but only if it's a guy-guy-girl thing. Typically, an orgy will always revolve around you.

You love gadgets, especially sex toys. Being highly sexual, you love to incorporate sex toys in to intercourse. It's a challenge to keep up with you, and your lover must be willing change sexual positions and techniques to keep you satisfied.

You are an unpredictible person who seeks the same in a lover. You like sex in unusual places, including: phonebooths, movie theaters, and airplane bathrooms.

Oh my.
I am very bored and saw this 'whats your sex sign' link and gave into the boredome.
Didn't except that. It's like a porn site or something.
Just for the record, I always wear underwear and have never owned a sex toy. haha
1 wish| make a wish

[31 Jul 2002|01:26am]

Which Lilo & Stitch Character Are YOU?

Find out now! Only from the Quiz Junkie

awwww!! I so love him. He's the most adorable thing ever. I want a Stitch.

My bumper sticker reads:

In English: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Take the quiz.
make a wish

[13 Jul 2002|02:11pm]

What Kind of Harry Potter Are You?

What the - why the hell did you take this test? You are Hetero!Harry - no slash pairings for you. You might try an experience with a guy or two - you'll need quite a few butterbeers in your system, though - but deep inside, you really want a nice girl to curl up with in the common room. Admit it: you enjoy Cho Chang's existence, you think Ginny Weasley is plucky and adorable, and you scorn Ron/Hermione - because she should really be with you. If you think slash is for you, think again: you're a hetero fan, whether you like it or not.


make a wish

[13 Jul 2002|02:09pm]

What Kind of Harry Potter Are You?

My, my, my, what a whore *you* are. You are Slut!Harry, and although you have no desire to settle down with any one of your sexual consorts, you have the best time out of any of your Harry counterparts. You've only got one thing on your mind, and truthfully, you don't much care about who you do it with. You're a sexual fiend, and you always get what - or, more appropriately, who - you want. This attitude can and will hurt the ones who really care about you...but they were never really good fucks, anyway. It would be a waste to tell you who'd you work great with; you'd just get bored of him soon and shag the rest of the school anyway.

hahaha. I wasn't really that, but it was funny.


What Kind of Harry Potter Are You?

Crank up the love songs and spread out the satin sheets: you're Romantic!Harry. Always sweet and with a kind word, you make all the girls - and the boys - of Hogwarts fall for you. You're a one-wizard man, however, and you're truly in love. You can be angsty at times - especially when your lover is not as committed as you - but your relationship is a happy one, filled with good times and fun. Your ideal slash pairings are Harry/Seamus, Harry/Justin, and Harry/Ron.

except for the whole homosexual implications. :-/

make a wish

[12 Jun 2002|03:02pm]
I remembered what I had forgot: As we were leaving the pool Friday I went to jump on Jeremys back and he didn't catch me. So I fell backwards onto the hard concrete. And it hurt. Not to mention the embarrassment. I dislocated my butt and broke my lower back. Tristen and Ashley found it amusing. They suck. So much for concern. haha
4 wishes| make a wish

[12 Jun 2002|02:53pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Box Car Racer - I Feel So ]

So far my summer hasn't been that exciting, but I'm not complaining because summer=no school.

Friday I had to go to school for student council, even though Tuesday was my technical last day. Mr.Wayne made me wear a Food Service shirt over the shirt I wore, which pretty much sucked. I ripped the sleeves out of it to make it cooler though. haha. Some role model I am. I really didn't think about it when I put that shirt on, especially because I had worn it before and seen lots of other people wearing it. I told him that I didn't think it meant that and that people were just dirty minded ;). haha. I still felt bad though.
Me and Lindsay helped Mr.Nestors group, and in the process got a fan club. We had to help the kids who had to special classes, so he gave us a list of who needed what when and called all of them to go back into this closet thing he has in his room with us. They wouldn't leave anything alone, including us. There was unnecessary touching haha. They kept turning the phone on, throwing things off the desk at each other, sticking things in their pockets, and did I mention touching. And of course the intelligent things they were saying such as "YOU GUYS ARE SO HOT!! WE ARE IN THE CLOSET WITH HOT GIRLS!!! ARE YOU GUYS THE PRETTIEST GIRLS AT SCHOOL??" etc. We were just like :-/ and ignored them. Then they were like 'Once we are at school next year are you guys going to pretend you dont know us?' and stuff and I was thinking 'pretty much.' It went on like that for awhile then we all had to go eat lunch. We were telling Ashley and a few other people about it and about the time we finish our story, here comes the most annoying guy... and he sits down across from us at the lunch table and is like 'hey!'. Ashley bursts out laughing forever. She had tears in her eyes. So then we started laughing. People were looking at us haha. But so started the hiding from the annoying guys for the rest of the day. Everytime theyd come near we'd look the other direction and stuff, but theyd point and start talking. They better forget who I am before school starts. I know this makes me sound terrible, but you just had to meet these guys. They were awful.
After school me and Ashley went to order pizzas and pick up Jeremy (the boyfriend bus) so we could go back to the pool. We stayed there for awhile then went back to Jeremys house and then up to the church where we played volleyball until almost 10. I had taken off my Food Service shirt so I had on the other one, but I dont think anyone was paying attention.

Saturday me and Jeremy went up to the Sutton Lake. There were sooo many people there, and I think all of them were teenage boys, with an occasional teenage girl. I saw Lindsay and Linsey. Someday soon we all have to go up there and swim and stuff. really. Then I had my first banana split, and we went up to where his grandpa was camping to burn time. It made me really really really want to go camping with them this summer. Really really really. I'm all excited about it, so I better get to go. (if I get to go they're going the weekend of the fourth of july. like the 4,5, and 6 I think) I was excited about it before we went up there, but that like tripled it. It'll be so awesome. :-D.

Sunday I sat home all day until it was time for evening church, then I got ready and packed a bag and went to church. Heather had invited me to some birthday sleepover thing she was having so afterwards I went up to her house. It was me, her (obviously), Andrea, Sidney, Jessica Ramsey, Jessica Church, one of her cousins I didnt know, Katie something, who was like this 6 foot 2 15 year old girl that goes to school with her, and Samantha. We watched America Sweethearts, What Lies Beneath (the scariest movie ever), The Wedding Planner, 13 Ghosts (the stupidest movie ever. It is so lame. Its horrible), The Fast and the Furious, and Oceans 11. We were still up at 8:30 the next day. Everyone but me and Andrea and Samantha had went to bed around 6, but we wanted to see the Fast and the Furious. Fell asleep at almost 9 and slept about and hour or two then Heathers 2 year old little sister woke us up so we could eat. We started watching Oceans 11 then.

Monday: Right in the middle of Oceans 11 Jeremy just showed up to take me and Andrea home, when I didn't even know he was taking me home. I hadn't showered or even brushed my teeth so I was in superskank mode. I ran back and combed my hair and brushed my teeth, then we left. Jeremy got the car fixed, so now he has a car :-D YAY! no more 'well, if moms not using the car...' or 'I have to wait till mom gets home from work..' YAY YAY YAY. Greatness. To bad the air conditioners broken on it. :(. Oh well, I guess. Its still great.
We dropped off Andrea and came back to my house. No one was home so we played in the pool for awhile. Right as we were getting out mom came home. Then we fixed something to eat and then went and washed our cars. Mine looked a lot better once it was clean, but thats not saying to much. :-/. He went home around 7:30 or so.

Tuesday didn't do anything much. Slept in forever because I hadn't slept at all the night before at Heathers. Then I went and laid in the pool and read some more of Harry Potter. I finally refinished it, but not before I dropped it and the phone in the pool :(. Now its stacked under a bunch of other books so maybe it wont dry all wavy and awful like books do when they get wet. :'(. Swept out my skanky car. Its slighlty more better now, but once again, thats not saying much. I need to get something to put on the upholstry to clean it, cause thats whats the worst. Its all stained and gross. I'll probably have to end up getting seat covers, which I hate. And floor mats to cover the nasty floor.

Quote of the day: "... like a campfire girl."

Today looks like its going to be a repeat of yesterday, except for church this evening. I started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets again last night, so I'll probably read some more of that. Hopefully minus the whole drop it in the pool thing. I just checked the phone, its finally working again, so thats good.

Tomorrow we're going to go see The Divine Secert of the YaYa Sisterhood. That should be fun. I have to get 3 birthday presents, and hopefully some car stuff.

Me/Jeremy, Ashley/Tristen and Ashton/Brian: we should all plan to go see Scooby-Doo Friday.

I also want to see Windtalkers and The Bourne Identity. Why do they all have to come out this weekend?
Maybe me and Jeremy can go see that Saturday.

Remember everyone from above, Friday= Scooby-Doo

Next weekends Lilo and Stitch :-D!!

Guess thats about it.
Long entry.
Kristen and Ashton should be proud... a real entry. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but oh well. Maybe I'll remember later.

1 wish| make a wish

[06 Jun 2002|03:48pm]
Movies I Want To See:

Already Out:
Spirit (I think Jeremys grandma wants to take all the grandkids to go see that, and she included me on the list. awww, I love her. Jeremy said hes staying home. haha)
This weekend:
The Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood
June 14:
The Bourne Identity

June 21:
Lilo and Stitch
Minorty Report

June 28:

Men in Black 2
Me Without You

There were a lot more that looked good but I figured I'd better at least see the preview before adding them to my list.

I have plans to make a real journal entry later :).
make a wish

[06 Jun 2002|02:44pm]

I am 16% evil.
Take the test ::

You are Drew

You acted in cool movies like:

Charlie's Angels, Never Been Kissed, The Wedding Singer,

Scream, Poison Ivy and E.T.

Take the "Which Hollywood Princess are you?"
quiz @
make a wish

[06 Jun 2002|03:01am]
i am voldemort!

You are a JAMES POTTER to Harry! The father he never had, the father he wishes he knew. You're more of a fatherly type to people. You're kind, loyal, unbiased and just an over all "gosh-golly-shucks" kind of guy. Everyone likes you, and you like ev- well, almost everyone. BUT! You are mischieveous at times and you do know how to party ;D

Which adult in Harrys life are YOU?
make a wish

[06 Jun 2002|02:42am]


You WHORE!!!!!!

You're the typical person from high school, seeking

to find friends in high places. You're friendly, attractive,

and pay little attention to your problems. You are strong emotionally,

and dress in trendy clothing. You attract people with your high charisma...AND you're an easy fuck-buddy.

make a wish

[06 Jun 2002|02:34am]

What Never Ending Story character are you?Yeah, Ceni did this.

What Never Ending Story character are you?Yeah, Ceni did this.

That movie use to be my all time favorite. I watched it like everyday. I LOVED it.

I should go watch it now. It's so awesome.
make a wish

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