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made this layout ( yes, that's me ). The top graphic was made with assistance from Ange, and features Severus Snape and Remus Lupin from a doujinshi called Media Nox. The lyrics on the graphic are from a song called Stigmatized by The Calling.

The layout came into existence due to my addiction to all things slashy, and the fact that I was convinced to make this into a tribute to Severus and Remus, and not Sirius and Remus. ( The first person to make a comment about my shifting preferences for HP slash ships will be hurt most severely. ) The song lyrics used just fit this particular couple, thus they were used.

... go ahead and bask in all that is Severus and Remus. It's very nice.

Additional note: Best Viewed in 800 x 600 screen resolution.


name: samwren ( or wren )
age: ask me nicely, and I may tell
birth date: september sixteenth
height: right under five foot two
features: dark brown hair ( with red tint ), hazel-green eyes, pale, too many freckles
super-powers: sarcastic wit, ability to find humour in all most any situation, quick analysis, empathic
traits: secretive, contemplative, insane, prone to fits of laughter
obsessions: blue, harry potter, anime, remus lupin, various random things that amuse, rawring, sirius black, slash, writing, reading, severus snape


Jaida [ ladyjaida ]
Jenna [ poufywerewolf ]
Ange [ fearisthmndkilr ]
Dorothy [ justapresence ]
Huush [ huushiita ]

theme song:

Stigmatized, The Calling

If I give up on you I give up on me
If we fight what's true, will we ever be
Even God himself and the faith I knew
Shouldn't hold me back, shouldn't keep me from you

Tease me, by holding out your hand
Then leave me, or take me as I am
And live our lives, stigmatized

I can feel the blood rushing though my veins
When I hear your voice, driving me insane
Hour after hour day after day
Every lonely night that I sit and pray

Tease me, by holding out your hand
Then leave me, or take me as I am
And live our lives, stigmatized

We live our lives on different sides,
But we keep together you and I
Just live our lives, stigmatized

We'll live our lives, We'll take the punches everyday
We'll live our lives I know we're gonna find our way

I believe in you
Even if no one understands
I believe in you, and I don't really give a damn
If we're stigmatized
We live our lives on different sides
But we keep together you and I
We live our lives on different sides

We gotta live our lives
Gotta live our lives
Were gonna live our lives
We're gonna live our lives, Gonna live our lives,

Town: Life Sucks; Population: Me; Irritating?: You better believe it. August 26, 2003 @ 02:28am

... by the way, Jon? If you're reading this, I find it highly amusing that you ... um, yeah. You took that Rum and Monkey test. Now I want to know how far back in my journal you went, because I'm curious.

So. I'm jobless, other people at my house are jobless, and the income at home sucks so much it hurts. Life's a bitch, so am I, and apparently it just doesn't want to get any better.

Dad's slipping away. He's in pain.

Mum's probably all ready gone nuts and I'm ignoring it.

Wren just got her wisdow teeth pulled, and is in pain, and can't talk much, or eat sushi, or ... well, do anything spiffy that has to do with eating ( and boy does that sound wrong ).

Ah, anyway. No internet still, though have heard of talk of DSL. Love to everyone, and welcome to my oh so brief update because I have yet again ... got on someone else's computer.

I'm insane and special, go figure.


mood:     bouncy
music:    would be suikoden if it wasn't so ... low ... volumed ...

8 lives stigmatized

HAHAHAHA ... wait, why the hell am I laughing when I have no phone line? July 12, 2003 @ 02:03pm

WELCOME TO THE INSANITY. ( And, yes, it has gotten worse. The insanity that is ... mine that is. )

... er, right. Anyway. Oi, minna-san! S'Wren, of course, still phone line-less, job-less ( but hopefully that's solved on Monday ), and internet less. Eh, which means no way to contact anybody online yep.

And no talking to any mi amigos either while I'm at it.

Grr. I keep hoping that by the end of September I'll have phone line and internet access, until then: no such freaking luck.

I loff you all, and maybe I'll talk to you soon.

mood:     bouncy
music:    ... NOTHING. I WANT MP3S!!!

13 lives stigmatized

RAWR!! February 15, 2003 @ 01:08pm

Right. Right. RIIIIGHT.

... first, no, I am not back, I probably will not be back for a few days yet.

Damn. Bloody. Phone. Company. Particularly the company that we never used from nine months ago getting it in their heads to shut off our phone, when they shouldn't be able to because we don't even use them anymore.

Hullooooo. BASTARDS. So. For the nearly past two weeks, I have had no internet access, and I am not happy about it. Apparently, they did something when they cut off the phone, and now it can't be turned back on, so they're having to change our phone number and cut the phone off completely to be able to get it back on.

The number is suppose to be processes for change on Monday, and that should take about a day, and then the phone should be back on. So, the fact is thus: I should be back sometime this coming week, if I am not I am waging war on the phone company.

The. End.

Anyway, I'm currently hoarding a computer at the Rockwall Library because the one's in Royse City are down, and like. RAWR. ... though I checked out Sum of All Fears from the library. Hrm.

Probably don't have much longer, but. Eh. I'll use what time I have to be around here.

... I miss talking to everybody. Rawr. It's no fair.

... need to get out more, anyway. >_> Hence why Wren is going to Real Life RP group tomorrow and checking it out. It's held at the local anime store ( from which I bought the second Utena book and the first Wish one ) and it's tomorrow, so I'm going.

Apparently not enough chicks are involved, and it's mostly guys, but the woman that runs it wants more females involved. So. I am going.

... grah, and I so fear looking at RP journalness -- ha, ha, wonder how much stuff is now f'ed up for my characters because I am not around to play them, grah -- and. Grah. GRAAAH.

That's it, I think.

Wren misses the following things:

Severus and Lucius
Dennis and Colin
Remus and Harry
Remus and Sirius
Sirius and Remus
Sirius and Remus ( again )
Severus and Remus
... and Colin and Lucius BDSM stuff. Right.

... I want Severus and Lucius stuff. I ever wrote a 'fic for them. Ahem. Ange. It is for you, but ( belated valentine of sorts -- thought it was finished long before Valentine's Day ). Eh. You can't have it until I'm back online on my computer.


Anyway, I think I'll wander off now, probably sulk in the chair I'm sitting in for a few more minutes, and then I'm gone until I'm back, I think.


mood:     lonely
music:    the tick tock of the clock is painful, so sane and logical

6 lives stigmatized

February 03, 2003 @ 09:20pm

Because I'm in the mood to be a royal fucking bitch to the first person who tweaks me the wrong way -- and that involves usage of heavy sarcasm, incredibly large words, and a tendency to be diabolically sadistic.

What is Wren's current mood? ( Yes, that is the answer. )

Fuck this. I'm all ready off my game tonight. I'm going to bed. Hell. Sorry to those that wanted to talk to me, RP with me, or whatever.

I am really ... just. Grah. Tonight.

mood:     aggravated
music:    Coldplay - For You

2 lives stigmatized

.. oro? February 03, 2003 @ 08:12am

As if I understand this. Yay for dribbling child -- and I wish that the damn chicks would shut. The. Hell. Up. I despise baby birds, and I really do need a nice snake to eat them.

Another note, go to bed with fever, wake up with sinus problems. Damnit.

I'm an apparently intelligent, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

... so just how compatible are you people with me?

mood:     sick
music:    Michelle Branch - Drop In The Ocean

9 lives stigmatized

February 02, 2003 @ 03:34am

What has Wren ( re )learned?

When taking something for a sinus headache, knowing that you have not slept in about twenty four hours, you should realize that if you're Wren, you're bound to get drowsy and fall asleep.

Right. Not to mention the meds in what I took are the type that make me sleep.

I'd really like, for once, to take something for a headache, and not get drowsy.

mood:     groggy
music:    Michelle Branch - Drop In The Ocean


February 01, 2003 @ 12:14pm

... I'm just stunned.

... that's all I have to say. I'm just totally fucking stunned.

... and incredibly fucking paranoid. Damn. Damn. Damn.

NASA. Make. Your. Damn. Statement.

... Bush? Don't make your statement. Unless it's after NASA.

... oh, wait, contingency. They just made a written statement.

Gah. Need to see news conference.

mood:     shocked
music:    Fox 4 News

6 lives stigmatized

February 01, 2003 @ 04:04am

... one final note.

The Moron momentarily forget that I am a creature of sarcasm and satire.

Big mistake.

mood:     aggravated
music:    Michelle Branch - Drop In The Ocean


February 01, 2003 @ 04:01am

... oh, and you know what, those pictures of me as Quatre at A-Kon -- from ... er, two years ago? -- are still scary. Not to mention I have several cameras with undeveloped pictures of me in them as Quatre.

... meep. I only have two on the computer -- and neither were taken by me. Don't like them, or my hair. Never. Ever. Will. I. Turn. My. Hair. Blonde. Again.

Be damned if I didn't play a good Zero System Quatre. Or one that was severely agitated.

... right, bed now.


( Damn you, Ange, for getting me addicted to Drop In The Ocean -- and Coldplay. Need more Coldplay. )

mood:     sleepy
music:    Michelle Branch - Drop In The Ocean

6 lives stigmatized

January 29, 2003 @ 11:24pm

... dude. I actually cooked for a change -- and it wasn't toxic for anybody's health. Though it was a little too salty. The mix I added into the rice might not have had enough water included with it. Actually, the current consensus is that it's suppose to be like that.

And. I have now Simon icons. So this post is moderately a GIP. ... but everyone must see my Simon icon, because he's the snarky Snape of American Idol. Thus, he rocks my socks muchly.

I'm also inclined to make American Idol icons, provided I can get the appropriate pictures. So. Yeah. Ask if you want one.

mood:     full
music:    Elsa Raven - If You Still Believe

5 lives stigmatized

live your life