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Thursday, August 29th, 2002
5:21 pm

current mood: frustrated

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12:32 am - Deputy RA Status
I am currently in the process of renewing my Deputy RA status for the year. I began tonight by working on door decs with Matt and Emily. I'm also hoping my previous N/A shift this summer will go towards the renewal. I'll have to talk to Sarah about.


current mood: tired

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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
7:30 pm
Right now I am mourning the loss of A/C. :(

current mood: hot

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10:23 am - Yummm...
I've got food!

current mood: accomplished

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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
3:32 pm - :: squeak :: :: squeak::
Yup, the apartment is squeaky clean. Or maybe it's just is kind of humid in here. Hmmm. I spent most of the morning doing dishes. We have a lot of dishes. And they were all dirty. Or new. Either way, I had to wash them. This afternoon I started cleaning the kitchen. I finally got the counter and table cleared off. It's amazing how much bigger the room seems now. Wooo! I guess I'm pretty much done cleaning until Emily gets her stuff out of here. Then I'll have to move some more furniture. So, maybe I'll draw or knit. I should knit. I got some cotton yarn to make dish cloths with. I hope they turn out all right. Well, I'm pretty much just rambling here, so I'm gonna go. Have a good day!


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Monday, August 26th, 2002
9:46 pm - >:o(
The damn router won't work! @#$^%$**%%$%#@#!

In other news...I'm completely unpacked. I love our's so homey! I can't wait until Sam and Dene move in. Wooo! I spent most of the none-fixing-stupid-router/modem time cleaning my room and the living room. I would just like everyone to note that Windex works beautifully for cleaning yellow vinyl couches. ;) I'm super tired now. Tomorrow I get to tackle the dishes and then start puting junk away in the kitchen.

Oh! I bought my books today. $350 for 5 books! Argh. I did have fun looking through them though. I think Systems programming is actually going to be kind of fun. Now I'm excited for all of my classes! Yay!

Alrighty, I'm thinking that's enough writing for tongiht. Sleep well, everyone!


current mood: pleased

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12:02 pm - :oS
Argh, we just got the internet working. Now I'm going to go connect both computers and see if they work.


current mood: annoyed

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Saturday, August 24th, 2002
9:04 pm - Whew!
I'm all packed and ready to go! Finely. As much as I love my family, I'm ready to get away. I will miss them though. Anyway, we leave bright and early tomorrow. So hopefully I'll be able to post from the apartment tomorrow night. I'll make Dene post too. It's been way too long since she's written an entry! Alrighty, ya'll have a good night!


current mood: determined

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Friday, August 23rd, 2002
11:38 am - I love new clothes!
I got a really fun sweater a Target yesterday! Now I want it to get cold out so I can wear it. Wooo! Still boxing loads of junk. I actually don't have that much junk...just furniture. Um, I think I'll make a list.

1 headboard
1 computer (tower, monitor, speakers, printer, etc.)
1 computer desk
1 microwave
2 endtables
1 lamp
1 tv
1 vcr
1 kitchen table (already there)
1 futon (already there)
1 pile of random junk/clothes/toiletries

Well, I think that's about it. Sarah's letting me use her bed and dresser. Woo! Well, back to work. Talk ta ya later!


current mood: working

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Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
10:05 pm
Going to Rapid tomorrow! Talk to ya'll on Friday.


current mood: productive

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Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
9:40 pm - Good day, all!
It was a pretty decent day today. I slept in again (till 8:30!). I actually got all of my bedding for school washed today. I also finished drawing Matt's picture and started moving some of the boxes of junk for school around. I'm absolutely amazed that I did anything productive. Especially since I still have 4 whole days left to pack!

Kitty had her yearly check-up/rabies vaccination today. She's 14 years old! I had forgotten she was that old. The vet's visit was a little depressing, cause she said we needed to start watching out for certain things. Kitty's at an age when she can start having health problems. I don't even want to think about that. She's been my best friend since I was 6. I know it's all part of life, but it scares me. :(

Well, I don't want to end my entry and a sad note, so let's talk about something else. I get my perm tomorrow! Woooooo! It will be nice to get my hair cut short again. It is starting to annoy me. So that will be fun. Okay, I'm going to move some more junk around for awhile.

Have a good night!

current mood: melancholy

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Monday, August 19th, 2002
6:08 pm
Yeeehaw! Ooops....I have to go eat. Bye!


current mood: hungry

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11:50 am - Good Morning!
It is gorgeous out right now! I had to spend a little time sitting on the deck communing with my Pot-O-Thyme this morning. It was very relaxing. Now I'm ready to start the day!


current mood: refreshed

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Sunday, August 18th, 2002
9:29 pm - I'm home!
I had a great weekend out at Amsden. We pretty much spent the entire time keeping the fire going. It was so cold! As a result of the weather, I didn't get any skiing or kneeboarding in. However, I did saw a lot of tree branches! Fires need to be fed, ya know. My hands are um, a little sore. ;) So, now I'm home. I went rollerblading tonight. That was probably the only productive thing I've done all day. It's okay though. I'm getting up fairly early tomorrow to begin the madness. I have to unpack the stuff I brought back from college last spring in order to repack it now. :S 7 days left!!!!


current mood: lethargic

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Thursday, August 15th, 2002
9:23 pm
One more day of work left. Suprisingly, I'm not all that excited. I guess it might have something to do with the fact that I'm going to be the only person in the office besides my boss. :S The rest decided they were taking the day off. I was even going to bring treats for them! Oh well. I am excited about going to Amsden tomorrow. AHHHH!!!! Sami might come to see me tomorrow on her way through!!!!!!!! Now I'm super excited! Woohoo! Guess what else!?!?! I finished the ivy-pillar-thingy!!! One project down...several more to go! Well, I'm gonna go talk to Sam. I probably won't post again till Sunday night or Monday. Soooooooo, ya'll have a great weekend!


current mood: jubilant

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
10:02 pm - Excitement!
It was a good day today. I went the the libraries and got some books. I should have enough to last me the next week or so. WOOOOOOOO!!! I'm almost done painting my mom's ivy-pillar-thingy too. I also found out I will be recieving the Rawlins scholarship again this semester. That's really good news. So it's been an exciting day! I hope you all have exciting days tomorrow!

Luv ya!

current mood: artistic

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
4:23 pm

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
9:38 pm - Executive Interships...
they aren't all that great, but one day out of the summer almost makes up for all of that. Today was the day. The Executive Intern picnic. Woo! Due to weather, the picnic was held in the Capitol instead of the Governor's mansion. It was so much fun though. I got to meet interns from all over the state, and the Governor talked for a long time. He asked us about our jobs and how we thought the internship program was working. He also asked if we thought we were being given challenging enough work. At that point, I had to admit that I thought I wasn't. After 2 years in college, I think I can handle a little bit more than filing. Of course, my position is new and they don't have it all worked out yet. I'm sure it will be a lot better for next years intern. Anyway, the picnic was a good time. We even got certificates of recognition and a picture with the Governor and a can coolie (the best thing of all!) All in all, a pretty decent evening. Well, sleep is starting to call. You all have a wonderful night!


current mood: grateful

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Saturday, August 10th, 2002
11:36 am - One week of work left!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOO! Unlike Sarah, I really don't like my job that much. I will be very happy to be done with it! They keep asking me to come back next year, and I feel bad saying I probably won't. But I really don't want to do that again. They're just going to have to find some other crazy college student who doesn't mind filing for 8 hours a day. :oS

Wow, I just realized this is probably my last weekend at home. Next weekend we are going camping at Amsden, and the week after I move into the apartment. Crazy. I thought this summer was going extremely slow, but now it's almost going too fast. I can't wait to go back to Brookings, but I'm going to miss home too. Well, it's best not to worry about it. I think I'm going to go and enjoy the beautiful day. Talk to ya'll later!


current mood: contemplative

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Monday, August 5th, 2002
9:06 pm - Random Work Poetry
I got a little bored today...

Hickory Dickory Dock,
The hand goes 'round the clock.
The clock struck two,
I cried "Boo hoo"!
Two hours till four o'clock!

Clickety Clickety Clack,
The keys go tappety tap.
It's time to save,
'puter please behave!
Damn Excel has gone out of wack!


current mood: amused

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