LiveJournal for Elizabeth.

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Thursday, December 18th, 2003

Time:12:26 pm.
Meme time. Taken from [info]augustuscaesar last week but unfinished until now. My entry about Sydney may or may not be upcoming. I get really slack about big entries sometimes.

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold everything you have in common with me, then replace any unbolded with your own...things.

The list... )

Thursday, December 11th, 2003

Time:4:42 pm.
Mood: excited.
In 14 hours I'll be on a plane! *excited* And the day after tomorrow I'll be watching Robbie Williams live again!

Another girl from my netball team is going down as well. But she's catching a train and staying in some crappy hotel and I have a better ticket so I feel all superior. *g* I might meet her down there at some point though, you never know.

All that remains now is to convince Anthony that he wants to come to the airport with me at 5.00am tomorrow morning. *eg* I have to think of a way to bribe him into it. *schemes* Of course it's all just a scheme to get him to carry my bag for me, because I certainly won't feel like doing it that early in the morning. *lol*

Anyway, I might try to find a computer somewhere in Sydney so I can post, but I'll probably be too busy having a good time so don't count on it. I'm off to pack and do last minute shopping and generally be disorganised. See everyone on Tuesday!

Monday, December 8th, 2003

Time:2:26 pm.
Mood: hungry.
Music:I have Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" in my head.
Does anyone else have conversations like this with their mother? No? You lucky bastards.

Tam at home says:
you know grandma got laid?

A Nice Concise Name That Speaks Of Tycho and Corran's Forbidden Love says:

Tam at home says:
ROFL ben's reaction was much the same

A Nice Concise Name That Speaks Of Tycho and Corran's Forbidden Love says:
i SO didn't need to know that
she's allowed to have a boyfriend but we draw the line at talking about granny sex!

Those of you who know my grandmother are now in a state of slight horror as well. If I get forced into hearing these things, I'm at least taking a few of you with me.

In less disturbing news, I had a nice weekend at my dad's. Yesterday we just sat around and watched cricket and ate chocolate cake that Rachel's mum made for Rachel's sister's 21st, and then had dinner at the local RSL, then came back and watched Star Trek for three hours. I really should go over there more often...but then, I say that every time and I never do. It must be months since I last saw Dad. But he was happy to see me, which is more than I can say for most people. :-)

Sydney in four days. Can't wait to go on a plane again! I love flying but don't get to do it very often on account of being totally poor most of the time and having no reason to go anywhere. I think I might start saving up to go somewhere every year. I love travelling - the whole process of travelling, not just the destination but all the parts in between. Because I've been reading too much Jules Verne lately, I'll say I'm more of a Passepartout than a Phileas Fogg. :-P And I always feel so disappointed when I get home, although that could have something to do with the fact that it's terminally boring and contains my brother most of the time.

Thursday, December 4th, 2003

Time:4:58 pm.
Mood: bored.
A week from now I'll be preparing for my Sydney least in my mind. I'll be at work physically, but my mind will be very much elsewhere. Possibly in an attempt to escape the tinsel my boss asked me to hang up all over the place the other day. While Gaudy Office was at first a vaguely exciting change from Ordinary Everyday Office, it's now starting to grate on me, as most Christmas decorations usually do. Bah, humbug.

Going to Dad's on the weekend, yay! Must remember to take Age of Empires with me to install on Dad's computer again, otherwise boredom will ensue.

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003

Time:3:42 pm.
Netball tonight. *groan* We're playing the up-themselves player development program again, but we should beat them again since we're generally better. Also, I don't know how I'll live with myself if we don't, since Marcelle coaches them and I like petty personal victories over people that have caused me and my mother unnecessary annoyance.

Have started counting down sleeps until flying to Sydney. :-D I just hope I don't have a horrific mid-air crash as a result of the new airspace system being implemented. The old one was better, but noooo, we have to go and bring in a fifty year old American system. There's a reason that Australia has the best air safety rating in the world, but I fear that it will be lost all too soon.

And Mark Latham is the new leader of the Labor party. Gotta be better than old Crean. At least Latham has some amusing idiosyncrasies. Crean was just terminally boring, and Labor policy at the moment seems to be basically, "What the Government said, but with this little niggly pointless bit changed so we can still try to be an Opposition, ineffectual as we are." I hope for a change in this so politics will be interesting again. Yes, I'm probably hoping for too much.

For the LOTR fans... )
2 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003

Subject:Nicked from Laura...
Time:4:01 pm.
Mood: curious.
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll stay married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you?
3 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Subject:Gratuitous Cat Post
Time:2:32 pm.
I've probably done this before but I felt like randomly doing it again because I have nothing better to do. Everyone marvel at how adorable my cat is! She's great. )
3 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Monday, December 1st, 2003

Time:10:19 am.
Mood: crappy.
I was very annoyed at SBS on Saturday night because Iron Chef wasn't on. However, I probably enjoyed Junior Eurovision a lot more than I should have. *g* I couldn't tell the difference between the Spanish and UK entries though - they were both just pudgy boys singing wank songs about world peace. How they managed second and third I don't know, but the Croatian kid probably deserved his win. I was secretly going for Latvia though. *g* The hosts were even more inane than the adult Eurovision ones - they were HORRIBLE. Des Mangan, the SBS announcer, was brilliant as usual. He is a cynical bastard. This entertains me.

Yesterday I made the mistake of trying to buy togs for Sydney. I have decided that instead I'll just never ever take off my clothes again, as it is something that no one needs to see - me least of all. Yeah, I'm having issues about it. *sigh*

I have just realised that it's December. I will be in a mild state of panic from now until Christmas (or at least from now until when I get my holiday pay and can buy stupid presents for stupid people).
6 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Subject:Open letters...
Time:9:08 am.
Mood: annoyed.
Dear MSN News,

Please, please try to understand - Arwen is not an elf princess. On a similar note, Liv Fucking Tyler is not the person you should be going to if you want an entertaining answer to your questions.

Dear Courier-Mail,

Congratulations on your headline for your LOTR premiere story today. Publishing a picture of Gandalf with the heading "Land of the long white beard" is probably the most witty thing you ever have or indeed ever will publish (not that that's difficult, given the standard of your paper's reporting most of the time). It would have been nice if you'd mentioned Bernard Hill though - I don't know who this "Bernard Jill" character you talked about is supposed to be.

Elizabeth Hall
4 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Thursday, November 27th, 2003

Time:2:08 pm.
Mood: bored.
First up - happy birthday [info]kitsunegari! You're really getting old, you know. :-P

Dinner on Friday night was really nice. We had a table right on the river, and three courses worth of food guilt with a bottle of Yarra Glen cab sav to top it all off. After dinner we went to the Zenbar for a few beers and talked to Theo for a bit. He's still cool, and he plays good music. I had a little too much alcohol over the course of the night though; I was a bit tipsy. I have not done that for ages. It was probably the fault of the Corona I had before I ate anything. Alcohol on a very empty stomach = bad idea. But overall I really enjoyed the whole night.

What else have I done since then? Not a lot. Won at netball last night, but didn't enjoy the game. The other team were a violent bunch of hussies and the umpire on one side was having a bit of an off night. The other umpire was just HORRIBLE. She was more interested in flashing her bum around than actually umpiring. I'm not a person who goes in for ref-bashing, since I've umpired before and I know how awful it can be, but this girl just took it too far.

I have also come to the decision that if the netball club was the wizarding world, my family are pretty much the Malfoys. We've been involved with the BNA pretty much since it started (I think Mum and Grandma played there in its first or second season), and my mother and grandmother are very influential there. I just ride on the back of that influence and have lots of bitchy gossip on everyone. It's really more fun than it should be, netball power politics are great. Especially since my mother always wins whenever Marcelle wants to have a little insurrection. *g*

Rachel came up for lunch today...we had chocolate, that was nice.

I'm getting a haircut on Saturday! I have been looking forward to it since I made the appointment. I'm actually going to look marginally less horribly ugly! *cheers* I want to go out and flaunt it after the hairdresser but I probably won't be able to since no one wants to go with me. *sigh*
2 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Wednesday, November 26th, 2003

Time:4:51 pm.
Mood: content.
Wasn't going to post at all today, but decided to make a quick note in honour of Laura's birthday. Happy 21st birthday [info]celestialcure!
1 banished Boggart | Riddikulus!

Friday, November 21st, 2003

Time:2:30 pm.
Mood: relaxed.
Music:I have a Backstreet Boys song in my head for some reason.
First off, happy birthday to [info]toady2moo! Here, have Orlando Bloom. (God knows I don't want him.)

Talked to Jeremy today. Jeremy is an aspiring lawyer in Sydney who likes Enterprise (so you'd like him, Nick). I will very likely meet him in person when I'm down there in three weeks, but for now I have to be content with saying hello to him here. *waves* He is the only person I know online in Sydney who wants to meet me when I'm there, so he gets mentioned for being nicer than the rest of you Sydney bums. :-P

Rachel came in for lunch today. We just sat in my office and talked about Harry Potter - her insane crush on Snape gets worse every day - and had tea and chocolate. Then she spotted the hard hats hanging up on the hat rack in the office and asked me to test one on her. *lol* Of course, I'm only too happy to drop hard things on Rachel's head, so she put on the hard hat and I dropped a chunk of granite that my boss has on his desk on her head. She said it didn't hurt. I think I'll take her word for it. *g*

My cat mauled me this morning. I was scratching her behind the ear and then she just had a mood swing and grabbed my hands. That wasn't so bad. Then Anthony started teasing her and she really ripped into me. I think she is under the delusion that she is not in fact a cat, but a chainsaw, and I now have the scratches to prove it. There was blood. And some of the scratches still hurt.

Anthony and I are going out to dinner at a posh restaurant tonight, and the best thing is that we don't have to pay for it! *does the "I Love Getting Free Stuff" Dance* My boss is paying for it in return for Anthony designing and me printing out hordes of wedding invitations for him. Also he's doing it because he's just generally a nice boss. *nods*

Anyway, I'm going to go and play Age of Empires because that's what people do at work, y'know.
3 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Thursday, November 20th, 2003

Time:4:45 pm.
Mood: calm.
Bought books last night! Hurrah! I got The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas, a book on Celtic mythology that was only $20 and a copy of The Canterbury Tales in glossed Old English, rather than translated into modern English. Anthony got some book about Vikings and another one about Rome. We both kinda like history, if you hadn't guessed. Dymocks had carollers in the shop - isn't it a bit early? - and they were really quite dodgy, and they had ONLY FIVE SONGS. Over and over and over and over.....*screams* It was just...GAH. But there was free alcohol and soft cheese so it wasn't too bad.

I have spent entirely too much money this week. There was $120 for TTT:EE with Gollum (cast commentary so cool!), $60 last night on books and medication, and another $15 to bribe someone to umpire for me at netball last night since last time I umpired someone complained about me. :-P My bank account is still OK, I'm not touching that, I can get by without it.

Am going to Games Workshop tonight. Watch me be joyful. Oops, you missed it, what a shame. I should go and get on a bus.
2 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Tuesday, November 18th, 2003

Time:4:01 pm.
Mood:triumphant, victorious, smug!.
Right! Well, I really need to get back into the spirit of things and update a bit more, don't I? After my little "I'm so boring" crisis I decided that even if I think I'm boring there's no point in having a journal if I don't write in it.

This bit is a somewhat TMI if you're not interested in female things. )And now I'm back from what I suppose is technically my lunch break, but which I used to go and buy my TTT extended box set with Gollum figurine. It's pretty. The Argonath figures from last year were prettier though. But I don't care, I just want five million extra bits of footage and cast commentaries. Cast commentaries are fun because you constantly yell, "Shut up, Orlando!" and throw things at the screen because Orlando Bloom is really a bit...well, asinine. His comments are all exactly the same - "Yeah, that was really cool. Viggo's amazing."

I tried Big Wubbleyoo first, but they had three dudes singing Christmas carols and playing trombone, clarinet and banjo, so I ran away from there. It was truly horrifying. I ended up going to Target, where there were several other people after the same thing. Now I just have to pay my bank account back. *sigh*

I saw some Jesuses too. There was a congregation of Bogan Jesuses (Jesi? Jesuses? Don't know.) shouting at each other outside the Pig and Whistle the other day, that was quite amusing. I'm not going to report Hippie Jesus in the future because he's a very common species, but I saw at least ten of him between now and last entry.

Am reading Monstrous Regiment - Terry Pratchett's latest. It's OK without being spectacular. I think he's running out of ideas, which is a tremendous shame because he's really quite brilliant. I re-read Good Omens lately, and after reading the author bio I'm very tempted to send him a money order for however much a banana daiquiri costs in Britain. :-P
2 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003

Time:11:22 am.
Mood: annoyed.
Hurrah! Another bandwagon!

Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see. (I assume this means 'generally unsexy until you get to know me, which you won't anyway because of said unsexiness.' Which is why I've only ever had one boyfriend.)

I don't think this thing works for me. Actually, looking at all the months, April is probably the one that suits me least.

Saw Matrix Revolutions on Sunday night, even though I haven't seen Reloaded. It was OK but not great. But one really great (monster spoiler) thing happened! ) And that's really all I have to say on the matter. Apart from Agent Smith being cool, but that should just be a given.

It's only 10.30, and already I'm having a shit day. I woke up tired, forgot my lunch, trod in chewing gum and keep dropping things and am feeling a tad bloated due to horrible female things being about to happen. On the upside, today is payday so I can have chocolate and a nudie at lunch.

I had coffee in James Street with Grandma on Monday afternoon, which was good. She bought me a chocolate rum biscuit and kept eating vegetables in the market. Then she went to some sort of seminar about getting rich. This is really boring, isn't it?

Oh, something good has finally happened. It took until 11.21 for it to happen, but it has. This month's National Geographic is here. *sigh*

Bugger this for a very boring joke, I'm going to have coffee.
3 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Thursday, November 6th, 2003

Time:4:15 pm.
I had some things I was going to post about on the weekend, but I'm now buggered if I can remember what they were. So instead I'll so about five million surveys - more for my entertainment than anyone else's, so deal with it. If I remember what I was going to write about...well, I'll write about it.

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

And now, surveys. )
3 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Friday, October 31st, 2003

Time:12:29 pm.
Mood: nostalgic.
Music:Robbie Williams - Something Beautiful.
Inspired by the much welcome return of [info]sleepwalker21 I've been re-reading old journal entries - both hers and mine, from around the same time. I think I'm going to have to start using the Memories function on LJ, because some of these things are just brilliance. I've found the first time I made reference to Anthony in my journal (I called him Porn Boy and mentioned that I like his coffee), a conversation about Lord of the Rings with Kits that just made me laugh hysterically, many many in-jokes with [info]sleepwalker21 that still make me snigger (hehe...Wedge, Mayne aliens, pretzels and sundaes :-P ), the addition of various people to my friends list ([info]mmulberry accused me of stealing her identity *g* ), [info]celestialcure posting naughty pictures in my comments, comments by Meagan always made me happy and still do (you haven't changed at all, Meagan :-P ). Oh, and here's the entry from the first IMA gallery opening I ever went to, which was of course the night that Anthony decided to randomly snog me. Hurrah! I was very embarrassed at the time, the entry is vaguely cryptic. *lol* Oh, and here's when Declan in Adelaide and I decided to form the People Who Have Run Jamie Teh Into Poles Club *rofl*

I think I was actually entertaining to read back then. *g* For one, I actually seemed to have friends who did wacky things, so I had subject material. I unfortunately don't see these people too often anymore, and that's something I regret, really. I've started having regular lunches with Rachel again though, which is good. Good mostly because she usually says at least one totally retarded thing that I can make fun of. I just need to get back into the habit of posting more often. If I post more often, my colourful language might come back and I'll be entertaining again! Hurrah!

I also found about five million surveys that I will work on today and post later on. I know I'm the only one who cares, but I'm bored so I'll do it anyway. :-)

EEEEEE!! [info]sleepwalker21 is e-mailing me! *sets Outlook to check email every minute*
8 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Friday, October 24th, 2003

Time:10:43 am.
Mood: hopeful.
Hmm...ten days. Not that it matters, really, since my journal only reflects myself and my life, which are both terminally dull. I want interesting things to happen to me. Everyone else has things to write about, and if they don't they seem to have the ability to take something mundane and write interestingly about that, but that particular gift seems to have abandoned me. I think I had it once.

Netball has been going well. We've won both games so far, including one against some posh player development program team. That was especially sweet to me, as they're being coached by one of my old coaches who was really a bit of a slag and who has a vendetta out for my mother for some reason. Probably because she went for Mum's position on the management committee a while ago and was shot down in flames. *g*

I did some Jesus-spotting the other day - I saw Paraplegic Hippie Jesus, someone that was either I Like Drag Jesus or the world's first Lady Jesus (it was hard to tell) and my personal favourite - Colombian Drug Baron Jesus.

In the meantime, I have been doing what I can to assuage the boredom by playing a rather camp yet surprisingly addictive Flash RPG. The monsters are brilliant, and the weapons are...well, unusual. It's here, and if anyone decides to go play it, I have a couple of recommendations. 1. Buy Flower Armour. It's hilarious. 2. Do the Frogzard Hunter quests. He is Steve Irwin and it is funny.

Um. Sorry about all the being dull, but I need to waste time at work somehow. Might make another entry...I dunno, later.
7 banished Boggarts | Riddikulus!

Tuesday, October 14th, 2003

Time:12:59 pm.
Mood: contemplative.
Anthony has decided that trolling is performance art. He has also written why. You can't half tell he took high school art with a description like that. I know all the words in other contexts and on their own, but I'm buggered if I know what they all mean strung together like that. I think you need to wear a beret to understand artwank.

Netball starts tomorrow - stupid fees. I have to pay $135 for the season. This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't trying to save money for a holiday....

Um, yes. Boredom time. Stolen from [info]ordinary_boy - a survey. )
1 banished Boggart | Riddikulus!

Friday, October 10th, 2003

Time:1:34 pm.
Mood: full.
I think I have the nicest boss in the world. I'm going to Sydney in December, as you probably know if you read this, and he's hinted that he might give me a bit of extra money before I go. Also, he lets me do whatever the hell I want on the computer (which I choose to attribute to the fact that he's nice rather than the fact that he's permanently amazed by the 'genius' of computer games and pointless Flash and just wants to see what I find next) and if he drops into the newsagency on the way back from lunch he buys chocolate.

I've found a netball team and will commence playing with them next week. I've played with a couple of them before - Kerri-Ann and one of my old rep coaches, Melissa ex-Shenton (she got married, but I can't remember the guy's name). We're in A3 grade (third best one) and hopefully I'll get up to standard fairly quickly. I really need new shoes though...if it doesn't rain I'm safe enough, but if it does I'll be sliding everywhere. My shoes have no soles left. Although I suppose with Marcelle and her little friends in charge of deciding when to cancel games, they'll call it off for a tiny sprinkle. Yeah, that really annoys me. I like playing in the rain. But everyone is scared because they've heard of people in America suing sport clubs if they run into poles or slip on grass or anything else completely stupid that the club had no control over, and the netball association can't afford that. *sigh*

In other news, there isn't any. My life is as uneventful as ever. I met Rachel for lunch on Wednesday and we both bought daggy Harry Potter notebooks for $4, but that's about it, really.

Memes don't usually give me interesting enough results to post, but I do like this one.

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Chaos
They show devotion by:Sacrificing Infants
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

LiveJournal for Elizabeth.

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