LiveJournal for Charlie Weasley.

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Sunday, July 21st, 2002

Subject:Back, from the darkness, hopefully for good.
Time:12:54 am.
well, I'm finally at a computer...
I don't.. even want to think about some of the stuff I've done of late and I'd like to apologize.. to everyone...
especially Percy. I don't understand how you can forgive me.
Remus and Sirius, I'm sorry I ever brought a bottle anywhere near you..
to, someone else that may prefer to remain un-named I'm sorry I gave into a moment of temptation and lost control like that.
I'd like you all to know I am making an honest attempt to go clean..
I don't want to wake up, ever again, to find out I had done something horrible.
and I think I owe it to you all.
once again, I'm sorry.
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Friday, July 12th, 2002

Time:4:21 am.
heh... sleepin.. with Black n.. Remus.. tonight..
Sirius thinks I got a problen drinkimh.. gursds.. ,maybe.. nut.. Im ok..
gonna.. sneak to the kitchen while theyre both.. sleepin grab a drink or 2 couple bottles so I dont habe a headache oijn the mornin
afterall Weasleys din get drubnk
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Monday, July 8th, 2002

Time:4:08 am.
Mood: morose.
Music:everybody hurts -REM.
I've decided that due to certain actions on my part, and also because of the terrible consequences of these actions which in themselves were wrong. I'm going to, before the week is out, hand in my resignation and leave Hog warts. I'll be heading back to Romania to work with the Dragons. I really am sorry I didn't get to work along side the wonderful professors here. I'm also very sorry I didn't get to teach. I wanted to try my hand at it.
As much as I would like to stay I cannot with clear conscience do so. I have not only proven myself a hypocrite but also hurt and dishonored not only Myself, but my Brother and My Friend. She knows who she is. For me, this is the only option left.
Goodbye everyone. It was nice being here this short while.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Time:1:04 pm.
Mood: rejuvenated.
I woke up this morning, having slept for the first time since my arrival at Hogwarts in a nice, soft warm bed. Thank you Professor Snape, I appreciate you sharing your Bed with me. Up until last night I had nowhere to sleep, so I simply hadn't, until a trying to have a discussion with the Professor about the behavior of certain students, during which I kept finding myself falling asleep in his chair. He promptly ordered me to bed, and I told him I had none, so he kindly offered his own, as tired as I was I could not refuse.
I Still don't recall actually getting there, or even anything else after the offer of the bed, but this morning when I woke up, I felt wonderful.
Thank you again Professor Snape.
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Time:4:55 am.
Mood: angry.
I went to pick up Harry from his house today, accompanied by an old friend of mine and Seamus Finnigan a possible future student of mine. While we were there.. well.. lets just say these muggles behaved like animals.. A shame Harry had to grow up in such a place. We also went to a muggle Mall so I could show Seamus what a Taco was, where we encountered Draco Malfoy. It was then I discovered what he had done, posting fake pictures of Harry and my Brother doing.. naughty things. I was outraged.
I have to wonder what he was doing in the Muggle mall in the first place, going in and out of Victoria Secrets.
I can't even begin to say how angry I am. this is not the Livejournals intended purpose. all I have to say Is that I had damned well better see an apology from him. Or I will deduct house points, weather he thinks I can or not.
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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Subject:Notice to all students
Time:8:07 am.
I took Hermione up to Diagon alley yesterday needing some supplies, and she needed some books. She seems like a very smart and talented young woman, and her eagerness to learn more astounds me. While we were there we met up with Seamus and Harry, both of whom I've met before.
I also had a nasty encounter with another student, Draco Malfoy, what a rude boy, I intend to talk to his Houses head about his behavior. I suppose I just have this whole 'treat professors with respect' issue...
Speaking of The Head of the Slytherin House I have yet to meet him. I'm sure he must be very interesting From what I hear, maybe I can get Remus to introduce us later.
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Saturday, June 29th, 2002

Subject:Arrival at Hogwarts
Time:6:22 am.
Mood: excited.
I arrived Today at the school
Ive Heard Dumbledore sent out Letters Telling the Parents about the 'Live Journal' program for the Muggle studies expirement.
I Heard From Remus and.. another person, from whom I was rather surprised to hear.
I know Ginny doesnt Know Im teaching here this year so I cant wait to surprise her.
The Students -should- be arriving at the end of this week.
Can't wait!
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Friday, May 24th, 2002

Time:1:46 pm.
I got this journal at request from Dumbledore who wanted me to come to Hogwarts for the Term to help out with the Care of Magical Creatures classes, apperently there were so many students who signed up for it this year that there just wasnt enought time each day for the classes Hagrid would have to teach. I love Dragons, but I think I could definatly use this break from them, if its a break at all.
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LiveJournal for Charlie Weasley.

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