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[15 Oct 2002|08:32pm]
[ mood | determined ]

Friends only from now on. If your comment's good enough, I might add you. *nod*

16 Fangirls +Love Sean

[15 Oct 2002|08:19pm]
[ mood | angry ]

GRR!! Why the fuck is this happening to me? I don't think I'm better. Aaaaannnd...I don't really want to post what's going on here...let's just leave it at feminine problems. A couple of guys at work freaking got my LJ...screw it...I think I'm just going to make this friends only from now on.

Love Sean

[15 Oct 2002|07:52pm]
[ mood | geeky ]

Handsome, dark-haired man... Could that mean Sean Biggerstaff? HMM? ^_^
Love Sean

O.O [15 Oct 2002|10:26am]
[ mood | restless ]

Eep! It's like...approaching the end of the month....which means...decision time on I'm so fucking nervous. It didn't hit me until this morning. Here's the latest:

I've updated the staff application page. The position for website editor is closed. All applications are being reviewed. I will e-mail, and then post, the new member of staff's identity as soon as possible...Still, whoever she is, I hope she'll do a great job...

Gah...I can't take this much longer. Must know now! I'm starting to get the sinking feeling that I'm not going to get it. Argh.

Love Sean

[14 Oct 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | silly ]

Oh where, oh where is my Kim?

< /random>

1 Fangirl +Love Sean

[14 Oct 2002|09:57am]
[ mood | amused ]

I so did not want to get up this morning.

It's cold here! Yay! That means I got to wear my Gryffindor scarf for the first time! I was passing this group of people on my way to the computer lab in the BA, and one of them says,"Oh look, it's a Harry Potter child." They're just jealous. *nod* I thought it was pretty funny, myself.

Gah...we're having class again in the other computer lab. That's not good...because I never pay attention. I mean...who would? I have the internet right in front of me...there's so many better things to do then sit there and learn about PHP and at HP stuff. ^_^ I know I'm screwing myself over, but I really don't give a damn.

Almost one month!!!!!

I swear...Kim and I are like...long lost sisters or something. This whole past weekend, I was all like...I MISS MY KIM!!!

I changed my topic in Ancient Science and Technology...I'll now be doing the Baghdad Battery. It's gonna be fun. I'm going to go around shocking everyone. Especially at work...because the guys are gullible like that. <_< >_> Just don't let them know! ^_^ *is evil*

3 Fangirls +Love Sean

[13 Oct 2002|07:14pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

I'm HOME!!! WHEE!! My computer!! *huggles it* My Kim!!! *huggles Kim* FH!!! RP!!!

Okie...I'm calm now.

I so couldn't wait to get back. I didn't even want to unload the car...I just wanted to run upstairs and turn the computer on.

All is good now....if only it'd stay the weekend forever.

1 Fangirl +Love Sean

My FUN weekend... [12 Oct 2002|09:44pm]
[ mood | okay ]

Friday...SUCKED. I was driving home and a stupid highway patrolman stopped me. I wasn't even speeding and I knew it. I got stopped because I didn't have a front license plate...since I got a completely new bumper after the wreck I was in back in April. I pass police every single day in Lubbock, and not one of them stopped me. Lucy was freaking out in the backseat, and he looked back there and said, "I'm not going to hurt you, sweetie." I just wanted to smack him. I just got a warning. While I was sitting there, waiting for him to finish, I saw several cars drive by without a front license plate. GAR. Then some idiot pulls out in front of me while I was driving through Post...I had to slam on my brakes. Then Lucy peed in the car. And I was 2 hours away from home. Then this pickup threw a rock onto my windshield and it has a crack. THEN I had to go to a stupid football game. The highlight of the night was like...5 minutes into the game when the other team's player was running with the ball and his own teammate tackled him. I LMAOed. And I didn't get to RP!!!!

Today was much better. We went to Abilene to go shopping and everything... ^_^ We went to eat at the Olive Garden, and my little cousin was she got a kiddie cup. I was sitting there afterwards, and she sat her cup back down, turned a different way. I saw the name Ollie and freaked out! I grabbed the cup and asked her if she wanted it. ^^ So I have a cup that says Ollie on it, even if it's referring to a stupid olive. When we went to Target, they had HP wands and glasses. ^^ I picked up my costume today, Kay had finished sewing it. It's sooooo awesome. I got a Photoshop now I can be all learned in that. Best thing about it: EVERYTHING WAS FREE!

I can't wait to get home though...RP RP RP!!!

2 Fangirls +Love Sean

[11 Oct 2002|12:58pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Gar! I couldn't understand this I told my supervisor and he went off on me. He's all like, "You know, you've told me that before, and I've had no problem understanding the person. Do you listen? I have more problems understanding you telling me that you can't understand the person, then when I actually talk to them." I just kind of sat there with my mouth wide open for a while. Then he's all like, "I'm just giving you a hard time, it's Friday."

How am I supposed to understand a person with the name, Jianyong Huang?! You should be required to speak english when you call in here.

Love Sean

[11 Oct 2002|10:48am]
[ mood | ASS! ] I steal quiz! (from [info]poufywerewolf) And I was just told that I look like ass this morning. Lurvely.

Love Test

1. You are attracted to those who are warm and obedience. (Yes! They must obey me. Pain to those who don't!)

2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is patience, never give up on you. (Odd...seeing as how I'm the most impatient person ever.)

3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is loyal,
faithful, never change.

4. You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too
moody; and you don't know how to please him/her.

5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one that you care not only about the present but
also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship
that you can grow with.

6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.

7. You are quite pessimistic, you don't think happy marriages exist
anymore nowadays. (Heh...)

8. At this moment, you think of love as a committment for both parties.

Love Sean

[11 Oct 2002|10:27am]
[ mood | naughty ]


I have no idea what I'm going to do for my final project in Ancient Science and Technology. I'm thinking about demonstrating how they might have gotten water up to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or maybe the Baghdad Battery. I dun know. I also thought about trying to create pozzolana, but there aren't any 'recipes' on the net about how to make it. We had to put down what we were going to do today, but we're able to change it, so I put down: Obelisk. ^_^ There's no way I'd be able to pull that off. This guy in my class laughed at me.

Stupid freaking guys at work. GRR. I threw a Cheerio at one of them, and my boss stepped on it later, so the guy told him that I threw it at him, and I got in trouble. FOR THROWING A CHEERIO. I fucking hate this job. It's so dumb. I was told to put them away...mmm...nummy Cheerios. ^_~

I get to go home today. I'm so excited. < /sarcasm> At least I'll get free stuff.

Thessa~CHEER UP! Just remember Dan...and Rupert...and SEAN!!! ^^

Have a good weekend everyone!

2 Fangirls +Love Sean

[10 Oct 2002|10:07pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]

Gar...I almost ran over someone today. I was going down a really busy street, and this lady was just standing in the middle of it. I slowed down a lot, and she was standing in the same spot, so I was going to go around her. When I got closer, she steps out into my lane!!! And just STAYS there. So, I was stopped, before the green light, until she decided to move. It freaked me out.

I got the new GC cd today, because one of the stores here was selling it for $'s really good. I like it, at least. Billy....whee. ^_^

I was told I was a guy. O.o Just random like that...I was all like WHOA... This guy I work with was going to walk me to my car, because it was dark outside. His friend showed up to take him to an intramural sports game, so his friend agreed to drop me off at my car. I was telling the guy thanks for taking me, and he said, "No problem, I'd much rather be driving you somewhere than him. You're a lot cuter than he his. A lot cuter." I'm glad it was dark, because I'm sure I was bright red.


Love Sean

WHEE!!!! [09 Oct 2002|07:40pm]
[ mood | horny ]

I went to Barnes and Nobles today, to pick up a Spookley book for my mom. She teaches 1st grade, and wanted it to read to her kids. Anyway....I picked up the HP and CoS Poster book, and I went to check out. This cuuuuuuuuuuuuute guy was the cashier and he looked at the poster book and asked me when the next movie was coming out. I almost said 36 days and 6 hours, but I caught myself and said November 15th. He was like, I'm going to have to go see that, the first one was good. I told him that that's what got me into the books and we started talking about them. I was already done checking out and he just kept talking to me. Afterwards, he was like, I'm going to have to go read Harry Potter now. CAN I GET A JOB THERE?!!! PLEASE?!!! I want one NOW!!! NOW!!!!!!!

Love Sean

[09 Oct 2002|03:04pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Death quiz )

I find this very amusing, seeing as I wouldn't have the guts to do that. My two friends, Matt and Ryan, were sitting by me in class when I took that, they were all just staring at me with wide eyes, saying how fucked up that is... They just stared at me like "What's wrong with her? Is she really going to do that?" I just wanted to say, "It's just a fucking quiz. I'm not going to." The only reason I got that result was because I picked all the sad ones, because that's how I feel...the other options just weren't me. *rolls eyes*

1 Fangirl +Love Sean

[09 Oct 2002|11:42am]
[ mood | KINKY!! ]

What Item of Harry's Clothing Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are Harry's Scarf! You coil around his neck like a Python and ward off the wind. You've been used to hide lovebites and to tie people to the head of a bed. Kinky.

Love Sean

^_^ Whee.... [08 Oct 2002|05:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Summer Wind Was Always Our Song by the Ataris ]

I'm impressed with Kim's bad poem, because she managed to work skooshy into it. ^_^

My bad poem:
alone moon

I feel so alone and devasted sometimes,
sometimes i want to gouge my eyes and die,
the moon is so cold and sad,
the stars sound like spirits .

I feel so alone and devasted ,
nobody understands my empty , damp pain ,
I want to cry and wither in the rain
the moon reminds me of feeling devasted , the stars mock my depression ,

sometimes i want to gouge my eyes and die,
underneath the cold , heartless sky

make your own bad poem @

Love Sean

[08 Oct 2002|04:46pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | I Remember You by the Ataris ]


That's what today is...just gah.

I still cannot believe that I got my ass out of bed and reset my alarm. I don't remember doing that at all. Amy asked me how late I was at the end of my shift, and I told her 50 minutes, she was like, "Amber, that's not gooooood." I'm so going to get yelled at by Scott. I don't want to go into work tomorrow. Damn...I mean, people make mistakes. I hope I'm never like that, if I become the boss of a place. And fuckkkk, I live 15 minutes from campus, and I have to park in a parking lot that's 15 minutes away from where I work. I did good to get my ass showered, hair dried, and dressed in 20 minutes.

I was so tired at work, I fell asleep while I was writing Oliver's letter to Cho. That took me all morning to write! Well, the whole time I was working. I skipped class again so I could come home and sleep.

This RP's depressing now. Well, the Oliver/Cho part. Kim made me cry like...3 times last night! That letter like.....gah...made me so sad when I was writing it. It turned out like I wanted it to, I think it turned out even better than I was expecting.

I got Kim's letter today! Yay! And no matter what she may say, she's pretty, damnit! She is! Now I'm gonna have to send her pictures. ^_^

I have a Java test tomorrow. Funnnnnnnnn......

1 Fangirl +Love Sean

[08 Oct 2002|08:24am]
[ mood | worried ]

GAH! I don't know what my problem was. I set my alarm for 6:05am, then Lucy woke me up this morning. After dealing with her, I went to see what time it was, my clock said 7:08am. Somehow, I got up, turned my alarm off, reset it for 7:15(when I was supposed to be at work) and went back to sleep. I've done that once before, last January when my friends and I were going to Ruidoso. But, gah, I can't believe I did that. Now Amy says that I have to talk to Scott....I'm scared. GAH.

Love Sean

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! [07 Oct 2002|05:44am]
[ mood | awake ]

SEAN IN A KILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who cares if he's only 14 in the picture?!!!!!!

I'm gonna try to link it from the site....let me know if it doesn't work.

9 Fangirls +Love Sean

[06 Oct 2002|11:42pm]
[ mood | in awe ]

Kim is my HERO!!! *gives her a pat on the back* She's got GUTS!!! *nod* That is all. *goes back to the RP*

2 Fangirls +Love Sean

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