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ME!! Sakano-san

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Oh Jeez Part Deux [27 Jan 2004|08:12pm]
Gacked this from [info]yankeerose69:

Which Gundam Boy Is Your Loveslave? by fadeyourapathy
Gundam BoyTreize Khushrenada
Why?You couldn't find a real boy
Kinky Sex Toys?Whips and chains, nuff said.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Which Gundam Boy Is Your Loveslave? by fadeyourapathy
Gundam BoyHeero Yuy
Why?It was a matter of honor.
Kinky Sex Toys?Just a few unmentionables...
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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OH JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [25 Jan 2004|07:50pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | HP & SS bgm ]

SOME1 PLEASE Help me!!!!!!!

Gacked this from another LJ:

Which LOTR character (male) would you end up with? by Cormak
You end up with:Frodo
You meet on:August 3, 3026
This is where:in the forest
And this is what happens:You live happily ever.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!


SOME1 SHOOT ME!!!! X_X _-_

Just give me HALDIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [starry-eyed] +_+

[I am Haldir!]
I am Haldir, a guardian of the Golden Wood. I guided the Fellowship through Lothlorien and gave Samwise Gamgee his rope, but the latter I wasn't able to do onscreen.
In the movie, I'm played by Craig Parker.
|| Which Lord of the Rings Elf are you? @ ||



Gacked this from [info]yankeerose69:

Which Gundam Male will you date? by ikomiko
You will date:Duo Maxwell
On the:January 9, 2039
He will give you:A fake diamond necklace
Your future:You will continue a long on/off relationship until the end of your lives, never settling down.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

ROTFLMAO!!!!! He's the 2nd LONG-HAIRED bishounen from GW I wouldnt mind dating.... HOWEVER, my 1st love was Zechs Merquise {{SWOON}}.....

Which Gundam Male will you date? by ikomiko
You will date:Heero Yuy
On the:October 22, 2012
He will give you:A fake diamond necklace
Your future:You start 'going steady' until you have been going out for three years, then you decide to ask him to marry you and he says yes.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

OK!!!!! THIS is FREAKY!!!!!!! = X

Here's another, also gacked from [info]yankeerose69:

Anime Lethal Lunch by ReynardFox
Dine WithCho Hakkai (Saiyuki)
Cause of DeathOverly Sharp Silverware
Who DiedYou
Cost of Lunch$475.65
Date of DeathMay 7, 2022
Funeral Attendees3,933
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

HOT DAMN!!!!!! Who woulda thought Cho Hakkai would take me out to lunch.... I actually have no favourites from the Saiyuki gang... Now, Hayate from Pretear! That's another story..... ; D

Anime Lethal Lunch by ReynardFox
Dine WithGauron (Full Metal Panic!)
Cause of DeathDeliciously Deadly Dessert
Who DiedMassacre -- No Survivors!
Cost of Lunch$214.65
Date of DeathAugust 20, 2022
Funeral Attendees1,663
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!



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= ( [22 Jan 2004|09:27am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | none, just thoughts churning in my head.... ]

I'm such in a depressing mood....

Read more... ) what to do....


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Could this be true? [17 Jan 2004|04:08pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | none ]

"Gacked" this from [info]blkros:

Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for one reason or another - possibly, you made one tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't commit. In any case, you are faithless and joyless. You find no happiness, love, or acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most days are a burden and you wonder when the hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture. You are the one that few understand. Those that do know you are likely to love you deeply and wish that they could do something to ease your pain. You are constantly living in memories of better times and a better world. You are hard on yourself and self-critical or self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved, you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite your tainted nature, your soul is breathtakingly beautiful.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
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ROTFLMAO!!!!!! [14 Jan 2004|03:32pm]
O-M-G!!!!!! This is TOOOOOO funny XD yet it's SOO true! =P

Nabbed from [info]kelroni:
Which Japanese word are you? by gokumew2
LJ Username
You are:Gomen (sorry)
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Lunch time..... [07 Jan 2004|01:27pm]
While surfin' thru the journals, I found this which is quite interesting:

I am Strength

Strength represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman's gentle hands.

For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit

What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate.

Month: Day: Year:

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Blegh..... [03 Jan 2004|11:05pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | LOTR:TTT OST, & my LOTF book (complete edition bought back in 2001) ]

Sorry for the delayed/slow posts.... just have been too damn lazy this past wk..... X_x

Slight rant )

LOTR & Revealing Anime )

[info]yankeerose69: I'm glad you enjoyed your xmas card; thought it would definitely make you laugh. I'm glad that it's STILL making you laugh. [ROTFLMAO]

OK... I'm off to bed.... catch up on some rest after playing that damn game for the past 6hrs!!! ( >_<+++++ ), read some more from LOTR, & sweet dream off to the LaLaLand of Haldir of Lothlorien.... _-_   X D   ; P

Oyasumi nasai, mina-san!!!! ***^_^***

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Weird Horoscopes/Freaky Astrology for this Leo... = X [03 Jan 2004|10:18pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | LOTR: The 2 Towers OST ]

Here's a list of horoscopes I've gotten so far that either have hit a nerve, are close to home, &/or have just simply freaked me out -- despite on how those days might have been....

01/02/04: The shoe doesn't fit. Drop what you're doing. Just don't let it break on impact.
01/01/04: Look deeper. You can do this with your eyes shut. Many fresh challenges await you.
12/30/03: You're so close. These are the right people. You can only look forward from here.
12/26/03: Ready or not, the game is up. Now you get real. This is more fun than you thought.
12/25/03: The stars question you assumptions. Others beg to differ. Keep an open mind.
12/23/03: What is this place? Learn by asking. Keep your own answers as short as possible.
12/21/03: Rise above the free-for-all. Your life is better than a movie. Fantasies come true.
12/16/03: Why complain? Your life is what it is. Nobody can do this better than you can.

Quite Freaky I tell you!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! [01 Jan 2004|05:32am]
[ mood | about to pass out... ]
[ music | Sis's snores -- too early in the AM.... ]

Happy New Year Folks! **^_^**

Hope this is a better, or as Greg's says, "bitchin'" year for all of us!

Later All!!!!

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X_X [26 Dec 2003|11:47pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Bond theme on TV ]

I am SUCH an ass...... **X_X**

I can't believe I keep forgetting about these 3 Bond flics! **>_<++** -- "The Living Daylights," "The Spy Who Loved Me," & "Man w/the Golden Gun," also starring Christopher Lee. Tho I must admit. The last few Bond flics havent been up to par w/the other Bond flics. I think the newer flics could have been done slightly better.... [sighs] {See 12/24 post for reference}

I give up! I'm just as much a Bond chic as I am a Gundam chic. No matter if they're good or bad (both the movies & anime series), I still love 'em both. = P

Cashed my check, I got home & called a friend to see what he was doing -- was trying to see if we could go see ROTK. I was SOOOOO in the mood to got see ROTK (***;_;***), Cat in the Hat (sis wants to go see this on sunday), as well as Peter Pan, I had no1 to go with...... -_-;;;;;;;;;;;   We ditched laundry & decided to leave it for another day. Sis & I ended up talking about some things that she'd like to get started on. Drank some Tequila Rose, & got tipsy (I'm soo weak). She showered while I watched ep 25 of Excel Saga. Instead of laundry, we went to Target. We picked up some necessities, as well as a karaoke cd (her friend, J, gave her a karaoke machine -- lord help us!), & I picked up the LOTR:2T OST. ; D   [yawn]

OK.... I'm off to bed.... Tho today was another Monday schedule @_@;;;   patients wise (I'd say we had about 70 pts today! X_X;;;;;; ), we're starting @9am tomorrow again to the same beat we've been workin' this entire month..... x-x

Oyasumi nasai!!!!

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WOOT WOOOOOOT!!!!! [26 Dec 2003|04:52pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Children Screaming-Crying cuz they don't wanna be here... -_-;;;; ]

OK... doing a quik postin' from work, tho I AM off the clock now.... NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ;D

Xmas Dinner @Cousin Sam's was as follows:

-- Baked Ziti (very good)
-- Italian sausages & meatballs (very nummy)
-- Salad w/choose of 2 freshly-made dressings, italian or bluecheese peppercorn (I liked the italian dressing better)
-- Arroz con Gandules (i dont eat this, so this was skipped)
-- Potato Salad (nuttin' beats Grandma's hands down!)
-- Dinner rolls (the round 1s tasted WAY much better than the square 1s)
-- Coconut pie
-- Apple Pie
-- Devil Eggs (could've been made better)
-- Coffee & other beverages

Xmas gifts that I received were:

-- Tequila Rose (1/2 of the bottle is what's left; cracked that open @cousin's place but didnt share... ;D reminded me of Beck & Afest'03, but then again I DID want some Smirnoff Triple Black Ice, just TOO broke to buy any.... -_-;;;;;;;)
-- 2-Disc Set of Pirates of the Carribean
-- Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets game for the Gameboy Advance
-- Haircut (2wks ago)
-- Bed sheets set
-- 2 Small Boxes of Candles
-- A bookmark w/a couple more little candles

Sis got for xmas were:

-- 007 mix (Orange Stoli, Orange Juice, & 7Up)
-- 2 CDs (JayZ & Missy Elliot)
-- Karaoke Machine
-- Bracelet
-- Fleece Jacket
-- Slippers
-- Hat & scarf
-- Watch
-- $25 Pathmark GC

[sighs] Now I gotta go do some laundry, blegh!

Later folks! **^_^**

"Just got pd, it's fri nite..."

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Xmas Dinner [24 Dec 2003|11:26pm]
[ mood | full ]

Work was EXTREMELY light which was about time, exchanged gifts, then left around 115p... Helped sis finish w/some things that needed to be done; took a nap, then head on over to my Grandma's for some Xmas Dinner w/sis & met up w/our cousin & her daughter.


Dinner consisted of Arroz con Gandules (which I didnt eat), Salad, Potato Salad (SLAMMIN!!!!!!!), Baked BBQ Chicken, & what we call roasted pig thigh, Pernir. As for dessert, FLAN! _-_   No1 can resist grandma's cookin! ~_^

Mami (how we call our grandma) gave us our Xmas presents; didn't open my gift cuz I like to have something to open on Xmas day.

We ended up watching 7 Bonds for Xmas -- I SO love Bond flics, especially the early ones w/Sean Connery, Roger Moore, & Timothy Dalton. My all time fave 007 flics: View to a Kill, Never Say Never, Octopussy (i think that's the name of the flic). My sis & cousin left cuz they had other places to stop by. So I stayed w/Mami watching Cats & Dogs; fell asleep watching that.... ^^;;;;;;;;;;;; Sis picked me up, now I'm watching HP & the Sorceror's Stone.

Night folks!


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MERRY XMAS EVE Folks! **^_^** [24 Dec 2003|01:41am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | adultswim ad on tv ]


While taking quick sneak peaks @some of the journals @work, I caught this (took it from [info]guardianhunter):

Congratulations! You're Legolas!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ;D

I SOOO want to go see ROTK on the big screen!!!! ***;_;***

OK... I go nite nite now watching Reign the Conqueror (GAWD DAYUM!!!! It's the ep where they show Alex in THONG fighting 1 of those thingies in either ep 1 or 2. [sighs/yawns]). I'm definitely off to La-La-Land.... ;D
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Catching up w/the Jones [24 Dec 2003|01:18am]
[ mood | & drained ]
[ music | Osbourne's Xmas Special (on tv) ]

Rundown on what's been going on these past few days. )

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[17 Dec 2003|11:18pm]
[ mood | & sleepy ]

Took this from yankeerose69:

What will you get in your stocking this Christmas? by spiritluv
Sticking out the top:A Red and White Candycane.
Somewhere in the middle:Chocolate!
Resting in the heel:Ohh Body Paint!
Shoved into the toe:A Medium Butt plug
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

DUDE!!!!!! This is SOOOOOOO F@*%$NG weird! = X

I'm not even into that kind of stuff... X_X

OK! Now I'm REALLY off to bed... NITE NITE!!!!

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Work & Issues.... (slight rant, release, prolly long) [17 Dec 2003|08:26pm]
[ mood | & distressed w/a headache ]
[ music | none ]

I had a release today. I broke down crying @job #2....

Job #1 was getting to me..... again.... I'm tired of the same routine there -- no room for advancement, no semblance of order/structure in the office, no nothing... [sighs]

Work )

I received a call yesterday/last night from the USAF Recruiting office in my county; since I wasn't home, my sister took the msg for me. I took the # w/me to work, & had decided to call the recruiter after lunch break & ended up talking w/him for like 20mins -- just want current info on what's being offered (yeah, I know that the info changes every so often, but it doesnt hurt to keep up w/the jones). Talking w/him made me realize again my main focus for wanting to join, & reaffirm the goals I had set myself B4 my aunt's death.

I don't want to work @job #1, tho that does give me a bigger pc; however, I would rather work @job #2, but it offers me a smaller pc. =(((((( What to do... WHAT TO DO?! )

Talked w/a couple of other friends, that cheered me up a bit; got a back massage from my friend/colleage @work. That DEFINITELY felt good. Another small release for today. [sighs contently]

I still don't feel like going to work to tomorrow tho... [shrugs] oh well.... I'm off to bed...

Oyasumi Nasai mina-san!!!!

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Sleeeeeeepyyyyyy..... *X_X* [16 Dec 2003|08:28pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Excel Saga, TV OP: Loyalty (Love) ]

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sleepy X_X;;;; For the past couple of days I've been working til about 1a, & by the time I get home & into bed, it's 3am, only for me to wake up @730a just to start all over again. Thank goodness this will be ending this Thurs. After that NO MORE WORKING @RU til the 3rd & last wks of Jan, when the spring semester starts up again.......... x-x

I'm kinda psyched cuz I now have a treadmill @home, even tho it's a manuel 1. I will be starting up my new exercise program, curteousy of the US military's work out program suggestion. On top of that, my cousin -- who will now be going thru Army BMT -- gave me some tips that were pasted on to her from her recruiter regarding the Atkins diet, & help her maintain her weight goal while away from the base. However, I need to finish mounting it together.... [nerves laugh] ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Some1............. IM me.....

ANYONE!!!!! *****;_;*****

Nabbed this from wildwolfie:


What Stone Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

OYASUMI NASAI!!!!!!!!!!!!! *^_^*

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FREAKY!! [15 Dec 2003|07:58pm]
[ mood | = X ]
[ music | None Today ]

This is something interesting (nabbed from kelroni):

Complete sincerity:
You believe in being straightforward with others, and you expect the same from them.
People would consider you a good listener, and one who is calm and mostly serious.

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best?
(You may find out your best trait)

brought to you by Quizilla

This is SOOOO true about me... =X too freaky!

Besides that, I've been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy @work, especially w/the flu epidemic that's going around here, I barely have time to get to do anything; w/the exception of this past Fri, I went to Medieval Times & had a blast. We (sis, her friends & I) did pregame drinking b4 arriving @the show, drank more @the show, & after the show. Yeah.... trash, buzzed, & lightheaded were we... ^_x

Must..... do...... again! [faints] _-_

I got back home & went straight to bed, & received a total of 5hrs of naptime b4 heading out to work again. I felt like Hyatt from Excel Saga. "Good Mor--" [die] ^_X

And now, a new wk has started, & I'm STILL behind on work and busy as hell! >_<+++++++++++++

Oh!!!!!! Sis & I bought a treadmill! X D "Now we'll be on the road to glory!!" NYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! [laughing madly] I'll be like the 'Mail Call' host & torture muh sistah!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA XD
[continues to laugh madly, until supervisor interrupts her]

[cough] Ok... back to work.... blegh! *****;_;*****
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