Katie Bell's Journal

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Monday, February 3rd, 2003
7:27 pm
Things around here have been booooooooring. Well, for me anyway.

Crashin on Fred and George's couch every night.

Wandering around Hogsmeade.

I need a life.

((OOC: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Been busy with a play I was part of. Sorry for the lack of posting for Dean, too!))

current mood: bored
current music: Silence. Crickets maybe, but mostly silence.

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Friday, January 24th, 2003
7:20 pm
Had a walk around Hogsmeade yesterday. Actually, I was kind of searching for a nice bench to sleep on for the night. My parents are having some problems and I didn't think it was best for me to go home and get involved in it all too much. They were also having our house remodelled, so basically I couldn't go home.
Fortunately, I bumped into George and like the sweetheart he is, he let me crash on his couch for the night. He even told me he'd talk to Fred about letting me stay with them from now on. What a gem. George, I'll take you out for tea sometime. Wait, you'd slip something in it. I know you would! I'll take you out for... something... sometime. I really owe it to you, Weasley.

current mood: thankful
current music: The sound of my nice new shoes on the cement outside

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