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April 30th, 2004

12:27 am - Bridal shopping without a clue
Okay, I am in serious need of help here.

A childhood friend is getting married mid-May down in San Diego. (Yes, my dad and I are hoping to attend with a little free time to see the sights that weekend. Yay!!!) But I have absolutely no idea what to buy the dear girl (about 27 years old) and her groom. They are registered at Target and Macy’s (among other locales) and when I say registered, I’m talking about 199 items listed at Target alone (whew!)

The problem is that I know that they are having a large Catholic wedding as the bride’s mother alone comes from a HUGE family and they are all guaranteed to be there. However, it appears that no one is checking off the bridal registry. HELP!!! What on earth am I going to buy?? Dad wants something sensible like dinnerware or bath towels or sheets. These are all practical and quite fine in my opinion (she selected plenty of options). So, should I just throw caution in the wind and hit the store tomorrow? Or should I bug the Bride’s mother for advice? Or should I just give it a rest and buy an easily duplicated gift that you can never have too much of … which is what precisely??

Current Mood: Bewildered

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March 31st, 2004

06:10 pm - Truly Twitterpated
Ah, young, fluffy love! ~sigh~

Many consider my office to be out in the middle of nowhere. The single-story building was first built in the middle of the desert landscape back in 1963. Despite an increase in development, it remains surrounded by vast amounts of desert more than thirty years later. Still, its brown exterior tends to blend in quite nicely, and, judging by the burrow holes around the complex, it has also been adopted into the ecology.

As the weather continues to warm, the wildlife in and around our building are once again making their presence known. In the past, I have caught glimpses of ground squirrels rushing to and fro (one particular hot summer day resulted in one stretching in a shallow pool of water that formed when I flooded the neighboring flowerbed). A particular lizard also comes to mind who seemed to park himself in front of the main door and showed decidedly too keen an interest in the mail slot that has not closed properly for the last few years. However, today it was definitely the cottontails.

Now my area is renowned for long-eared, emaciated jackrabbits, and rumors still circulate about the mysterious population of Jackalopes that reside somewhere on the valley floor, but everyone tends to forget about the small, light-brown, cotton-white-tailed … well, bunnies … that can be found hopping through the desert, and who have firmly staked a claim on our office building. Just today, they caught my attention as two of them scampered through the atrium that separates our entrance from the parking lot. For the rest of the afternoon, rabbits continued to hop in and out of the area, back and forth in a seemingly endless pattern of absolutely no design.

~Sigh~ young love.

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March 22nd, 2004

07:47 pm - Talk about jumping the gun...
I'm sorry, but I could not pass this one up.

I rented "Mona Lisa Smile" last night and am finally settling in to watch it tonight. Before watching the film (I have yet to even see it beyond the ads), I wanted to check out the extra DVD stuff (of course!).

I kid you not! Director Mike Newell lists in his "Filmography": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)"

'nuf said!

Current Mood: [mood icon] amused
Current Music: "Mona Lisa" by Nat King Cole

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January 30th, 2004

11:08 pm - Growing Pains (prose/poetry)
Growing Pains

A bitter word
From a twisted lip,
A slighted glare and
A frustrated sigh…

A cup once brimming with joy
Loses control of the fierce boil,
Overflowing with bitter acid.

And when the heat of the moment is withdrawn,
And time gives way to more sleep and less stress,
We look upon the remains of this friendship
And find it lesser than what we remember.

Irrevocably altered by a moment spinning out of control,
Catalyzed by stubborn strength and intense independence.

Where once the joy was great,
There exists only disparity and disillusion,
All because the moment took precedence over …

A shared chuckle
An understanding wink and
From a twitching lip,
A kind, thoughtful word.
Current Mood: [mood icon] exhausted

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