The Outside
The Masho Faction Take me Away from the Norm
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Oct. 22nd, 2003 @ 05:46 pm Friends Only!!
Feeling: accomplished

If you're not a friend, reply to this entry and I'll see if you're worthy. If you've already been friendlisted in the previous two to three weeks, you'll be fine. ^___^

Going to get my manga now! I've been at school long enough!

(Picture found at
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Oct. 6th, 2003 @ 01:20 pm Woo-hoo!!
Feeling: busy
Tunes: Manda's comp making funny sounds

Photos are done!! ^_________^ I dropped the roll off at the pharmacy today, and I should get 'em before I go home tonight! YAY!! As for scanning them.... I don't know when I'll be able to do that. Wednesday, if I'm lucky.

Other than that, tons of work. ^_^
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Oct. 2nd, 2003 @ 03:33 pm Ooooohhhh... pretty....
Feeling: contemplative
Tunes: Trigun: Big Bluff

There's this really icehouse looking throw at the stand in the SMC. It's like... one of those sleeveless blanket-over the head type jobs. (I'm saying this because I can't remember what she called it.) It's got white patterend stripes on the sides surrounded by smaller green and brown stripes. I tried it on... it makes me look like I walked out of a western. *grins*

Unfortunatly... it's $35 dollars. ;_; Gah. Barb (the lady who runs it) says she'll be back next week, and offered to put it on layaway for me. ^_^' I just don't know if I'd really use it. It looks totally icehouse, though.

Somehow my consolances to myself that I'm doing the right thing doesn't seem to help. ^_^'
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Sep. 26th, 2003 @ 12:25 pm Holy crap!
LiveJournal userinfo for ladykurodaladykuroda in five years
Occupation: Professional Teacher
Prized possession: An intravenous ankle-length dress.
Favourite film: The Matrix: Retributions
Age difference: Two hundred and sixty weeks older.
LiveJournal Blurty Neither
Fully coded by He made this!ianiceboy

How accurate is that, eh?! XD
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Sep. 24th, 2003 @ 11:15 pm Monty Python!!! XD
Feeling: tired

You are... the Three-headed Knight. "You're
lucky, you're not next to him." "What
do you mean?"You snore." "Oh I
don't. Anyway, You've got bad
breath."" Well if I've got bad
breath, it's only because you don't brush my

Which character from Monty Python and the Holy Grail are you?
brought to you by Quizilla</P.

Here's to not getting to bed early even though I was a zombie for a good part of the day and miraculously survived a one-on-one French Linguistics lesson with Moine today. (Yeah! I held my own!! Ha ha!) And also to doing French homework at the last minute. ;D

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Sep. 13th, 2003 @ 01:10 am quizzie-type things...
Feeling: amused
Tunes: Tainted Love (stuck in head)

Since everyone's taking this one... and I had one of those big wheeler-type tricycles... ^_^v

My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Stolen from Mischa ---> Sum up your opinion or impression of me in one word, leave it as a comment on this post and then post the same question in your own journal.

I'm still thinking of a word for Mischa at the moment...

BTW... Live Journal's looking for postcards to decorate their office... not that I'm sure they *need* any more. Check out the news on the front page when you login. I may pick them up one... we'll see. (I need zip disks more! Bookstore's sellin' 'em @ 8.99 each! *____*)
PMB 133
17675 SW Farmington Rd.
Aloha, OR 97007

Erm, I also did have a new idea for an LoI fic (visit if you're lost) for Moi... basically figuring out what her talent is. Since her Mum's good at sewing, and she's not exactly a sewing whiz, it's kind of like... I get cool dress, love it, she thinks about how I gushed over it (I designed it), then a few days later we're talking about stuff we can do, Moi has outburst, I feel bad because of the dress... but it all ends well, eventually. A bit of a bumpy story, but perhaps I can try writing it. ^_^

Other than that.. I slacked off like I planned to tonight.. though in part beacuse I really didn't have time to do that much productive stuff... just a little sketchie of Raven Knight. ^_~

NOTE: BTW, I found out that I have to finalize the disk in the digi-cam to get the pics on the comp. But I want a pic of me holding up the scarf, and one of me in it before I do that. Hopefully later today.... (since it's really late, and I should be sleeping...)

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Sep. 11th, 2003 @ 10:33 am Technologically... what?
Feeling: accomplished

Took a digi pic of the scarf last night, but I couldn't get the pic to show up on the comp. Setting up the camera to just even take the picture was complicated, and a bit frustrating, since I hadn't used it before. Bler. Hopefully I'll get the pic up this weekend. *crosses fingers*

More later-ish.
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Sep. 7th, 2003 @ 09:59 pm News flash!
Feeling: giggly

Just to letcha' know, the first ever Solaris house scarf is finished!! XD
I did all of the finishing touches this morning, and it's so cool! Unfortunatley, I haven't had any time to take pictures of it yet, as today has been a busy day. @.@;

I'll try to take pics soon!

Also, for those of you who haven't seen 'em yet, the suggestions for everyone's robe designs (I think it's everyone- if not, hedge me) are up in the CR! Go check 'em out!


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Aug. 28th, 2003 @ 02:54 pm Ugh... x.x
Feeling: tired

I have gotten up at different times this week, and they've been all progressively earlier. Today I got up at 8:10, because I still had to pack my lunch. Blarg. Whatever. I can manage that. Yesterday I had to get up at seven thirty to take a shower, then run Shifty into Jiffy Lube because the coolant light was going off. Turned out I was missing two quarts of coolant, and had no antifreeze. Wonderful. At least it didn't cost me an arm and a leg, thank goodness. I already have enough money to worry about. I do know this though: my credit card bill is going to be a doozy. @.@;;;

Yesterday, I also paid $30 in late fees to the library. It was almost $130, considering that the library thought they were lost. *panic* But I sorted it all out. Now I'm waiting for that check to go through before I can even *think* of getting a parking permit for this fall. (If I ever get one.) See, I try not to worry about money, because it's bad. And only because I worry more if I can't develop a plan. Most of all- I can't wait to get paid this week. I reeeeeally need the money. *sigh* I hate worrying about money/finances. It sucks. Part of life, but it really, really, really sucks. *shrug* It gets me down. Blah. *is waiting for her checking and visa accounts to catch up to her spending...* T_T

What else? I've also thought that this semester was hell, or was going to be hell. Hell had already begun a week before school even started. Monday was a very nice starter day. Now I've realised I have all this work I'll need to do. Thank goodnesss for this huge chunk of time I have on Thursdays. Now if only I could get my brain into "think mode"... I could get some work done. (Though I already did... this is my "break".) Later tonight I have Microcomputers in the classroom, though they re-named it something else (from 6-9). I have a six hour chunk (roughly) to do whatever I want. So, of course, it's going to be work. And if I'm really lucky (this being the first week) some blogging.

Other than that, I'm pretty tuckered out already. I want a semi-normal schedule. I want sleep. I really wish I could have napped yesterday, but I had work to do. *sigh* Hudson still gives online quizzes. Did bad on the first one, felt bad, but found out today that I wasn't the only one who did badly. Felt better.

New layout will have my crazy schedule on it.

Now back to the grindstone... *sigh*

Two BTW's:

One: My new YIM name is graphite_quill, just like at VH. ;) Feel free to add me to your buddy list, and don't be surprised if I pop up saying I added you to yours. ^_____^
Two: Nee-chan, you always find such wonderful fics! I read the preview to the one you posted in your profile yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised to find I higly enjoyed it. ;) I look forward to reading more. ^______^

Oh yeah- can't wait to sleep in on saturday!! YEAH!
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Aug. 27th, 2003 @ 10:48 am *whew*
Feeling: blah

Well, it *was* just the coolant that was missing from my car. (I was missing two quarts.) Also, I had NO antifreeze. Thank God it was just that I had to replace.

Also, I paid off the thirty dollars to the library. It was only late fees, thank goodness. Fifteen dollars a book. Big time ouch. ;_; But I'll live...

Also, I realized that I gave the bookstore the wrong card for my refund for the bad civ book. Now there's yet another thing I have to go fix today. *sigh*
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Aug. 26th, 2003 @ 04:35 pm Day two
Feeling: stressed

First day of French civ, we got the wrong book. *sigh* Bookstore says prof gave 'em the wrong ISBN number, and she says they simply ordered the wrong one. Anyways, I just got the refund for that, but it won't last long, I tell 'ya that.

My first class of Issues in Secondary Education left me with a headache (because the prof was constantly close to me and using her teacher's voice- it was really loud) and also made me wonder, "What did I get myself into?!" Linda (the prof) described Junior bloc as quick and dirty. (I swear, that's what she said!) And there's so much work already!! I've gotta' talk to some *cough* adolescents (even though I'm still in the category- apparently it's 11-22. Gah!) and I'm thinking of talking to my 12 year old cousin Simon. Though, if anyone wants to volunteer.... ^________^ you can always email me, leave a comment, IM me or hedge me- whatever. ^_^ I'm supposed to think of myself as a teacher now. I wasn't even sure if I knew how to do that. I don't think I've really grasped the concept yet. I hope I will. I should, I guess. Most of all, I hope I can handle it, and I hope I like it. (I hope it doesn't give me stress headaches, but that's one thing I highly doubt.)

Next, I've got my Teaching of Foreign Languages, which I've heard ok things on. I've heard it's mega-hard, but so entirely worth it.

I've told people I'm taking six courses. They ask me if I'm crazy. I say I probably am. ^_^;;;

Oh- btw, when I'm at school, the AIM sn I'll be using is SolarisMarauder. Don't be surprised if I pop up. I'll probably grab the same thing for yahoo- maybe not. I'll post if I do. ;)

Tonight's excitement:

Figured out today that it was my coolant light flashing all day monday. Taking Shifty into Jiffy Lube tomorrow to get the coolant replaced and the coolant container checked to see if it's not leaking. Joy.

Also got a letter from Ganser Library saying I owed $130. I freaked. Turns out they thought I lost the two books I still have. Let's pray that the late fees aren't that bad. They said they'd knock off as much as they can... *worries*

Good stuff: CAITLIN!!!! Guess who's in my Teaching of Foreign Languages class?!? Guess! Guess!! Guess!!!

It's MICHELLE, from French camp!! Remember? It was her, and Scott, and M. Ropa? SHE'S IN MY CLASS!!! XD I didn't recognize her at first, but it's her! I *knew* I knew her from some place! She teaches over at Palmyra! It was soooo cool!! It really *is* a small world! (Just like we found out last year! ;D )
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Aug. 25th, 2003 @ 10:28 pm First day back...
Feeling: content

And it was pretty good, too!

It looks like my Technology and Humans course is pretty interesting, so I wanna' keep it. ^____^ We looked at stuff like the railway system, and talked about a few new things going on, like the bridge that people are trying to build (or thinking of building) over the Barring Strait.

Also, I met with Moine today, and he was totally understanding about my books! I was so relieved!! It really made my day! We had a nice chat, and talked about T.O., where I'm going to after MU, job hunting, and other stuff. It was nice. ^_^ Plus, I have to read two chapters in my linguistics book, and I don't have to have it done till September 8th! Woo-hoo! Aaaaaand! MY BOOK FROM FRANCE CAME TODAY!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Wow! It only took five days for it to get here from the day I ordered it! I was really, really impressed. Therefore, = good.:D

Other than that, I'm on the last red block of the Solaris House scarf... 46 more rows to go!

Oh, wait- one more thing. The Masho Faction is fully functional now. :D Enjoy!
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Aug. 12th, 2003 @ 05:51 pm (no subject)
Feeling: relieved
Tunes: Life's a Dance



Oh, thank God it was only a computer error. Still, MU's got NO idea how much I've suffered since last friday!!! T_T

Uh... ^^; *explains* The letter that I recieved was sent by mistake. Apparently, there were other students who also got this letter, but they had fulfilled all the requirements to get into their teaching courses.

Soooooo... no more math classes for me!!! XD I'm done with 'em all!!!!!!
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Jul. 29th, 2003 @ 08:10 pm Pics from PoA flick...
Feeling: disappointed
Tunes: Local Radio.

For those of you who aren't registered at VH, I've got something to share with you if you haven't seen it already.

Check this link out:

It's got pics from one of the Newsweek mags of late featuring shots from the shoting of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". While I was very eager to see them, there were somethings I was happy about, and others I was not.

First off, Dumbledore. Micheal Gambon makes a great looking Dumbledore. If only his nose was a titch longer, he'd be perfect. ^^; That... and his new wardrobe could use a little colour- but I can see them stripping away the color as PoA is darker.

Second: Lack of robes. As I'd seen some people state below the pictures, it is supposed that students don't have to wear their robes after exams. I myself always pictured them in their robes, but I suppose that if I were a student and was used to jeans and a t-shirt instead of robes all the time, I'd probably want to wear them, too when I was all done with exams. Makes sense, since most of the studnents are pretty casual and in fits of high spirits after exams are done. (Hey, who isn't?!)

Also, as you'll see in the pic of Dan, Emma, Rupert, Gary and David in the Shrieking Shack, Lupin is not wearing robes. Or if he is, it looks more like a big brown overcoat of sorts. It gets the "shabby" in, yes... but I still like the idea of him in green robes, as I stuck him in when I first drew him and he's wearing green robes in this icon. Sirius is surprisingly not in robes, and looks more like a common-day homeless person. Now, I can't say that when I first pictured him that I saw him in robes, that I didn't. However, when I re-thought my version of Sirius (and the msnbc article pronunces his name like "serious", like I've been doing all along. HA!! -> Adam)I did see him in a pretty worn out set of black robes. I mean, they're both wizars, ferchrissakes... shouldn't they be in robes since they're not interacting with the muggle world? Robes... they need robes!! It helps to put that magical aspect into view. Even if Harry & co. are carrying wands...

Yeah, yeah, I know. Everyone's a critic. Hey, I'm allowed. I've tried to be.... open to the new take that Alfonso has taken on this film.

Nice quiz, Xina. ;D

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Jun. 19th, 2003 @ 06:05 pm Daily dose of quiz
Feeling: muuuuch better!! ^_^

Magic Number10
PersonalitySunshine And Blue Skies
TemperamentWhat You Lookin' At?
SexualJust Say No
Likely To WinNothing
Me - In A WordStartling
Brought to you by MemeJack

That result actually wasn't that bad.... I *do* have a lot of red shirts... and the me in a word was pretty accurate (surprising!) My real lucky number is four.. though I don't know about my "magic" number.... Temperment is right... likely to win is right.... startling... I can do that! And sexual is dead on. Though criminal is just funny on multiple levels.... (read Life Unseen!)

How Would YOU Take Over the World?

Ooooh... lookit the bunny!! XD Dictatorship through fuzziness... I love it! XD

[take the test] - [by]


And to all of you who're getting your copies of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tomorrow, ENJOY!!!

you lucky bums.

I won't be getting mine till teus or wed, but I can't wait!!! I've got a big, huge beauuuutiful phoenix on my cover. (heh.. Solaris House!) Can't wait!!! ^_______^
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Jun. 17th, 2003 @ 02:14 pm Blah
Well... another pointless post I suppose... I actually found time this week to go ogle fan art and read some fan fiction. It's been forever since I've been able to do that at my leisure. The two sites that I went to are...

The Sugar Quill

good HP stuffs, for those that are interested. The art page *does* have yaoi stuff... read her faq for more details... just a warning.

Also, yesterday wasn't so great.. I went and got my hair cut, then coming back home on 30, I drove by a lady who was running up the road towards some white matted thing... well... her litte dog had been hit. It nearly broke my heart becaue I could have stopped and told them where the nearest vet was (they'd have to get back on 30 east tho, over the barrier). He was shaking pretty badly when I had driven past him... poor guy. I just got there when the lady clapped her hands to her mouth. *sigs* God...! Someone else screeched to a halt though right as I got there... so I'm assuming that they knew what they were doing. But it was what I *could* have done that haunted me all day. That, and wondering if the dog lived or not. But just to remember seeing it.... .:>_<:. It was horrible. Guys, if you've got dogs, put 'em in a carrier if you can when you're driving with them. Life is precious... we've gotta' be careful with our pets!

Plus, I watched some of my Ranma tapes last night.. it made me miss Nee-chan and J-chan terribly... :'( So I wasn't in a mood to blog. I miss you guys... *hugs*
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Jun. 7th, 2003 @ 11:18 pm fun fun! Go take these!! ^__________________________^
Feeling: giddy
Tunes: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Which Trigun Character are You like?
Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...

You are Meryl Strife! You're all about work and rules, and you make sure that everyone knows it. You like your job, and you excel at it! WOOO! and you get to follow Vash around, aren't you lucky?

More quizzes @: this site here.

Which Slayers Character are You like?
Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...

CB test... trial #1

Which Cowboy Bebop Character are You like?
Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...

Trial #2
Still got Spike. ^^; Who knew?!
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May. 30th, 2003 @ 12:35 pm Quizes!!
Feeling: chipper
Tunes: H.T. (Trigun Opening Theme)

Japan -
Viewed as the technological powerhouse of the 21st
Century, it has lived a reletively solemn and
singular history.


Technologically Advanced.

Economic Superpower.

Healthy Populace.



Isolated and Sometimes Ignored.

Unlucky with Disasters.

Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are The Twins-
You are The Twins, from "The Matrix."
Bad, but with a sexy streak- surprisingly
refreshing. You know what you want, when you
want it.

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

picture of fawn

brought to you by Quizilla

second time...
picture of snake

brought to you by Quizilla

This is the one!!
picture of penguin

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm a penguin... but I had to be a man to get it... ^^;;

You are Bob!
You are Bob Marley!

Who are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have the Power of Flight!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla
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May. 7th, 2003 @ 12:02 pm Whee! Lupie!! ^_____^
Feeling: bouncy
Tunes: Goin Goin Goin Oregon- TFH

Happy Birthday Lupin!!!!!

My baby's a year old today!!!

Well, I'm glad to say that majority ruled last night. Thank God... because it would be highly unfair to both the tiels and to moto-chan if I had to keep the tiels in my room from now on. I mean... just numerous. But I've got no time to list them all. But Mama-haha said that it would indeed be unfair to moto-chan because she wouldn't be able to spend as much time with them. So.... ^_^V

Quizzes @ 11:23p

You are Storm!

You are very strong and very protective of those
you love. You are in tune with nature and are
very concerned with justice and humanity.
Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears
are very hard for you to overcome, and can
often inhibit you when most need to be strong.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am a Dragon of Heaven, what are you?
Which Dragon are you?
Take other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...
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May. 4th, 2003 @ 09:24 pm Homesick already... :-\
Feeling: pensive
Tunes: Track 5- Welcome to My Party

A flag branded on my heart
The land that I love
Twelve points of green
Blissful shade in the summer

A life once led completely
Split for another
Two lives now shared
One trying to understand the other

Years pass,
I return.
Time has proven its place,
It’s changed.

Friends and family have gone
Only memories remain.
What better to do
Than to go around remembering?

My heart and soul is all you hold,
And you prove your distance.
Funny how trends from years past
Haven’t really past.

What do you hold for me now?
Do I have anything?
At all?

What do you hold for me now?
Do I have anything?
At all?

I know it’s sorta’ cruel, but I’ve only got one good friend back home and family. And I sat and wondered this after telling everyone at work that we weren’t going to Canada this summer and that everyone was going to visit us. I knew that I’d probably be getting homesick this summer, and well, it set in, right on time. I mean, it’s not like I won’t have a great summer… *grits teeth* I know that I’d have to work my ass off one of these summers (that’s not my problem) I’ll just grit my teeth and get through with it (as M-c says). I mean, I’ll be visiting my Mum, and I’ll get to meet Shorn in person, aaaaaannnnd….. I’ll be getting HP 5 in the mail (from Canada) and, I just hope that the fam makes it down to visit. I really do. It’ll be fun going Antiquing with M-c, too. Hopefully I’ll be able to get together with Caitlin, Stef, Theresa and Tara too… but that’ll be slim… I’m pretty sure Caitlin and Theresa are going abroad during the summer. It’ll be good… I just can’t believe finals are next week. I’ll be fine… just as long as I have all my friends and I get to see the family and they make sure they come, I’ll be ok. Nick, if you read this, I miss ‘ya. Hope things are going alright.

Hugs to all: Manda-chan, Nee-chan, J-chan, Caitlin, Kerri, Chris, Stef, Tara & Theresa. If I missed anyone, gomen ne. ^^;; You get hugs, too.
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