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Cho Chang

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Here Be Dragons! [31 Aug 2003|06:21am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | roaring! ]

Well I've done it!! Have arrived in Romania and it is terribly early in the morning but I am so excited that I am not tired at all. Charlie says that it's good to be early around dragons because they are easier to deal with when they're a bit sleepy. Also some of them are nocturnal so if you want to see them in action you need to be up before the sun is!

Ginny stayed with me until Friday when I left. I did not want to go at first!! It was so sad to have to send her home but she was so sweet and said she would visit me if her mum lets her, and I will be home for Christmas. So it's not so long really!

This place is very BIG. It's on this enormous hill behind a very creepy looking castle that Charlie says belongs to Dracula. I don't know if I believe him but there is actually a sign in the cantina on the sanctuary grounds that has warnings about vampires in the area. My room is in this small building that's also a look-out tower, and you have to use a broom to get up to it. The view is AMAZING. You can see all the pens from there and all the dragons and every so often there'll be a big puff of fire from one of them when he snores or burps or YOU KNOW. Hahaha!

I have orientation tomorrow and then Monday I actually get to start helping Charlie and his partner Fiona with feeding. The dragons eat animals of course and they have to be live and I think Fiona thought I'd be rather squeamish about it, but it's really just like feeding a really big Lilitou so I think I will be fine.

Oh and about an hour after I got here who should I see but Mrs Malfoy! She came up to the tower and we all had tea. She looks so DIFFERENT now but the best thing is her hands were tattooed with these beautiful red designs. She said it wasn't permanent which is very sad because they were so GORGEOUS. I want to get my hands done like that!

Okay I have to go, am about to get brekkie and a tour of the sanctuary!

Ginny Princess I miss you and I love you.

Edit: my mum just owled me about princess diana. that is so horrible. oh my goodness. she was so pretty and kind. how could something like that happen?

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PACKITY PACK PACK [26 Aug 2003|10:26pm]
[ mood | RUSHED ]
[ music | *NRaged, "The Gryphon Sleeps Tonight" ]


Have finally had my last day at the shop and I'm now trying to pack for Romania and my apprenticeship with Charlie and the dragons!! I am ever-so-excited about this but I don't know what to take! Charlie says that I should bring my winter robes though I will be issued some when I get there. Mum has let me have the computer which is good because Charlie won't have to go borrowing anymore since I am staying with him! So Ginny we can keep in touch Princess. I will still MISS YOU though but I think we are able to come back for Christmas so I will see you then okay?

I am taking a few things with me that I simply can't leave behind. My dad's best quills which I use to write the important letters and things, and this hat my mum gave me that has little kitty-cat ears sticking out of it. It's very cute and she said my dad had got it for me when he was back in China for a visit just before he died. So I have to take that with me! I am not sure about Cedric's Quidditch robes. He gave them to me and I just couldn't not keep them. I think I will owl them to his parents. I am certain they would love to have them and I think they'd look after them better than I do.

Look at my new picture! One of my Muggle friends Lys bought my journal for me as a going-away present so I put in some new pictures! My brother took this picture and did something to it with colours and things and I really like it because what I'm smiling at is one of my nephews. I will miss them so much but they are so excited about me going to "play with dragons" so I will have to bring them something back at Christmas.

Ron did you leave your shoes here? Because these aren't mine and they're orange so I was thinking they were yours. You haven't found Harry yet have you? I suppose not because I would have heard but oh, I hope someone finds him soon. Professor Lupin was by again this morning with Snape and Professor Lupin looked really pale like it'd just been full moon or something, but it hasn't been for a fortnight! Snape looked grumbly as usual but bought a lot of quills so Mum likes him fine. And Professor Lupin asked after Harry and we haven't seen him so it was just a wrench to tell him. He looks so sad. I wish there were something someone could do.

OKAY MUST FINISH PACKING aaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I leave in two days!!! Aiiiiee!

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Hello!! [14 Aug 2003|11:20am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Weetzie singing; Puggy whistling ]

Oh my Goodness, I've forgotten about updating because it's been so mad here lately!

Mrs Malfoy? Weetzie is all right now. Oh it was horrible when I found her, she was covered in blood and her little legs were broken! She was curled up on the ground outside on the Alley and NO ONE WOULD HELP HER. I hate people sometimes because okay maybe she IS a house-elf but she was HURT and it's not so hard to just, you know, STOP and HELP. But I levitated her with my wand up to our flat and went and got my mum and she was brilliant. Professor Lupin was here too and then one of his other house-elves called Puggy turned up to help Weetzie get well.

Anyway she's well now and keeps bursting into tears because she wants to go home but Puggy told her Professor Lupin isn't there anymore, and she's ever so distraught over THAT. Professor Lupin won't let me send her over to his flat at the Cauldron either, so I am not certain what to do with Weetzie now. Mum likes it because they keep doing chores because it makes them feel better.

OH and PUGGY is so sweet because he keeps giving Weetzie all of the "good" chores which is the hard ones. He let her clean the toilet this morning and I thought she was going to snog him silly. I think we have a house-elf romance!!!

OI SNAPE your cat's doing very well, though when I gave her the evening puffskein she sort of looked at me and said "Jarvey." YOUR CAT TALKS SNAPE. I had to go find a Jarvey for her and now that's all she will eat and they are not easy to find!! What do I do now!?

Ginny princess, is your mum all right? I saw her journal about all that and I hope everything works out. Bloody Parkinson!! How's your dad? Are you okay? Did you still want to come for a visit? Mum would still love to meet you. And I miss you too of course.

Got to go back to work now. Got an owl from Charlie about the apprenticeship. It starts 1 September like school does and Mum is letting me go! So I have to work a bit more and save some gold for the trip to Romania. I get to stay with Charlie until they can find me something permanent on the grounds. it will be so brilliant to finally work with real DRAGONS!!


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ARM! [07 Aug 2003|12:39pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Hello everyone! Guess who is typing this with TWO HANDS!

I had ever so much fun travelling with Professor Snape this summer but it is good to be home. I missed my mum and I felt terrible for going off the way I'd done, but apparently it was worth it because GRANDMUM'S GONE BACK TO CHINA. She told Mum she couldn't bear living with such people as us and she never knew why my dad married her, and Mum said right back to her "Because he loved me you wrinkled old cow," and she left! She's gone! Gone gone gone! My brother came over this morning with his boys and he told Mum he was sorry for keeping them away but they're showing signs of magic and he didn't want Grandmum to see! Both my nephews are little wizards in the making! He's told his wife and she's very much all right with it so my brother is here and everything is very much all right now!

Well maybe not everything. I decided I would help mum in the shop a bit because she is looking to hire on someone not me because I am still wanting to go to Romania and work with the dragons but Mum will need a lot of help before term starts again at Hogwarts (it is so odd not to be going back!) and who came in today but Professor Lupin and he looked TERRIBLE. I'm sorry Professor Lupin but you really do. He looked like he hasn't changed robes in days and his hair's gone shaggy and almost ALL grey! and he hasn't shaved and I don't think he's slept. He bought some quills and supplies for school but when I was getting ready to owl them to his house he told me he'd just take them back to the Cauldron. Why is he in the Cauldron?! Why isn't he at home!!!

Ginny do you know anything? I think something happened at the party but we were busy and we missed it. Not that I am sorry we missed it because it was a brilliant party as far as I am concerned (well it was where we were) but Professor Lupin looked so sad! Mum wanted to take him up to our flat and give him tea but he wouldn't and he left and I saw him going off into Knockturn Alley. I feel so badly for him. And what about Harry! And Professor Black??

Hey Ginny ask your dad about coming to visit me at the week end. I would love to see you and Mum says she'll make us dinner! And maybe if your dad says yes you can ask Mum for the job? You could even stay with us until school starts!! Though I don't know if your dad should be left alone - is he all right? Do you know where your mum is? I am so sorry Princess!!!

Anyway I need to go because there's a shipment that's just come in and all the quills need to be categorised. We have those markers Dean Thomas likes and I think I will put them aside for if he pops in ever. I thought I saw Terry Boot the yesterday at Flourish & Blotts in the poetry section but maybe it was another boy in ripped fishnets and eyeliner. Or it was a girl. I don't know!


PS: Professor Snape Lilitou is fine. I think she misses you but I have been feeding her Puffskeins and she is doing very well. I hope you are having a good time on your trip!! You looked very fit at the party. Did anyone ask you to dance? I hope so.

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is this working oh look it is how cool [27 Jun 2003|12:50pm]
[ mood | NO ARM ]

so i have no arm and hermione gave me a charm that writes whatever i say so this is going to look a bit funny and im sorry but i have no arm and it makes it hard to type how do i finish a sentence hermione oh. oh good there we are. anyway so i was out in the greenhouses and trying to get out and go back to the castle to help and to find my ginny and someone said that the anti apparation spells were down so people started apparating home and i did too only i wound up in a wall and left my arm there. it didn't hurt or anything and no i don't have a big bloody stump THANKS ERNIE MACMILLIAN but its like i never had an arm and now i have to spend the whole bloody summer going to st mungos and taking horrible potions to grow one back on and madame pomfrey says it will hurt.

and oh sobelessa is DEAD and she was ginnys best friend and ginnys so upset she just cries and cries and i feel horrible because i cant hold her or hug her properly anymore because I HAVE GOT NO ARM and so i feel totally useless and poor ginny she just wont stop crying and i wish she could i wish i could hurt for her instead but i cant and its not FAIR and i hate death eaters and you know OH BLOODY HELL HIS NAMES VOLDEMORT AND I HATE HIM AND NO I WILL NOT STOP SHOUTING HERMIONE OH GO AHEAD AND TAKE THE RUDDY CHARM OFF I DON'T GIVE A FU

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[09 Jun 2003|10:47am]
[ mood | cranky ]

House loyalties my arse. If you ever want to see a true example of house loyalties at Hogwarts then look at Ravenclaw. They're all acting like spoilt little babies because we lost the Quidditch match on Saturday and somehow it's completely my fault. Nevermind I was KNOCKED OFF MY BROOM. Malfoy was hit by a Bludger and it pushed him into me and I landed on my arm and broke it. It's mended now of course and it doesn't hurt very much but it did hurt when it happened and I am so terribly SORRY I got injured and lost the match for everyone because of course you know I did it intentionally. Thanks so much for all your concern, no really it's very touching.

NEWTs are coming and I am studying and you know God forbid I be distracted at all by my exams or leaving school or my mum being stupid about everything or my girlfriend being scarce because of her own exams and the whole school behaving like idiots. I don't even know what's going on because I was in hospital all weekend but all I know is that I'm almost glad to be leaving because it's nice to know that you can spend seven years of your life with people in close quarters and it doesn't count for shite should you lose a Quidditch match. I guess that's all I ever was to any of you Ravenclaw is it? A Seeker? Someone small and swift and quick to catch the Snitch? Oh everyone let's be nice to Cho so long as she keeps winning at Quidditch! You know there are more important things to worry about besides Quidditch!! For example did ANY of you know that there was a Death Eater attack on a wizard village in Wales this weekend? I didn't think so but then maybe I am the only person who seems to realise that there's a world outside this bloody castle and that bloody pitch.

Ginny darling I won't be around much at least where other people can see me but you know where I'll be and if I am not there then I'm at the other place. Thank you for the flowers. They were very pretty and smelled lovely and reminded me so much of you. Love you.

Time to study.

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LOTS OF WORDS [02 Jun 2003|05:31pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | "The Alchemist," Moldclay ]

Oh my goodness I forgot about writing here because everything has been happening this week and I think my head is going to fall off!

First of all WE WON GO RAVENCLAW. I'm sorry some people are sore losers and have to try and find an excuse or a conspiracy about everything but that's their trouble. All I know is that Ravenclaw did their best and it was enough to give us a win and I am very happy about that.

I am relieved too because I was afraid we wouldn't win. My mind has been elsewhere so much lately and I'm even starting to think that Quidditch really isn't something I am interested in anymore or at least for right now. I love being a Seeker but I don't want to do it forever. There is so much more to do! My mum never approved of my playing Quidditch I guess because it was a distraction from study but I tried out anyway and I know why. I did it because it was basically me telling Mum to sod off and let me do what I wanted to do. Now though it seems silly because there are bigger things to worry about going on than Quidditch or even Romania.

Does anybody else read the Daily Prophet? The articles are getting very scary because they go on about the Ministry denying that You-Know-Who is back and I know for a FACT that he is because if he weren't back then Cedric would still be here you know? I mean everybody knows it but I don't know why the Ministry is being so bloody stupid about it. Fudge is an idiot and I am sorry Professor Dumbledore for saying that about an elder but he is an idiot and he makes me worried. I don't even want to leave Hogwarts next month because this is the safest place to be.

I just have a horrid feeling that something is going to happen and it will be very bad. And I don't even take Divination. Maybe I should ask Professor Trelawney about this? Maybe this is that sixth sense I hear Parvati always going on about when she's talking to her sister?

Though you know trusting your instincts is kind of a dodgy thing really. I thought Professor Snape was a horrible man when I first came here but now I think I might be wrong. He's still horrible but I don't think he's as horrible as I thought before. I was down in the dungeons last week crying where no one could see me - Roger you are an ARSE and I hope you get bit by a Runespoor - and Professor Snape found me. I didn't know I was right by his rooms but I was and he wasn't too happy to be disturbed. But I told him why I was down there and I was crying and he looked kind of afraid for a minute and then he sort to told me to shut up and stop it and gave me this really long lecture on letting people control me and telling me what to do when I'm old enough to make up my own mind, and if I had brain one in my head I would ignore my mum and go to Romania or Bavaria or wherever it is I want to go.

And then he did something I never expected him to! He HUGGED me.

Okay it wasn't a hug but it was kind of like a little pat on the shoulder but from Snape I'd call it a hug I guess but then he told me to look after his cat for a bit and feed her and that was actually quite fun. She's very sweet but then you see her go at a Puffskein and it's not so sweet. Lavender would probably throw up if she saw it not that she's got anything left to throw up. Anyway maybe she'd stop being an idiot and calling that cat Bunny. I like its real name!

Anyway I took Professor Snape's advice and when Mum owled back I ignored her and didn't read it and I will deal with her over the hols. I have more important things to do like STUDY and visit with Ginny. I really want to spend more time with her because it's almost the end of term. I think tonight I will steal her from the Gryffindor and take her for a fly. She likes to fly so much!

Oh and Congratulations to Professors Lupin and Black! Rosie is very cute. Harry you have a furry little sister ha ha ha!

I am off to study Potions now. Bye bye!

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[24 May 2003|03:29pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

Ginny where are you? I need you.

I owled this to my mum and I got this today in return.

I just owled her this back but I'm so upset and I don't know what to do.

I think I need to go and hide somewhere or something I don't know.

I'll be around but I can't sit in the common room because I am crying and people keep staring at me and Roger is laughing, and Ginny owl me or leave me a comment and tell me if you can meet me somewhere because I don't know what to do.

I think I hate my family a lot right now because they never think about antyhing but what they want!!!

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!!!!! [21 May 2003|03:18pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Terry muttering to himself something about having to run far away... ]

Oh my goodness!! Professor Lupin just gave me this in the Great Hall and I can't believe it! Ginny READ THIS IT IS FROM YOUR BROTHER!!!

Professor Lupin thank you so much for this! I can't believe it! Of course it's going to be fun telling my mum about it but I can't imagine she wouldn't let me go! This is a wonderful opportunity and I'm so excited I can't sit still!

Ginny where are you, will you help me write an owl to my mum about this?


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Teacher leave this kid alone! [19 May 2003|12:43pm]
[ mood | busy ]


The N.E.W.T.s are in 32 days and I am studying every single night. I have so much homework I can't even walk straight down the hallways because my bag weighs more than I do! Professor McGonagall is the worst of it but then Professor Vector is very nearly as bad because she is giving us all scrolls and scrolls of homework to do every single lesson. And then I have my music performance which is to put a Hippogriff to sleep with my flute and I can't practise because the other Ravenclaw are tired of falling asleep in the common room whenever I play. So I have to try and practise out of doors but I don't have any TIME!!

Don't even get me started on Potions. Though lessons have been interesting. I kind of like the new classroom. And Professor Snape's cat is very sweet, it likes to rub on my legs during class. It bit Roger Davies though and now he's running round telling people he's a vampire and trying to bite people. He bit Pridget on the arm and so she punched him in the head. Professor Snape took points but I think I saw him trying not to laugh. I've never seen that before not in seven whole years! I guess the cat agrees with him, and I really like her name, and when Roger had detention the other day he said Snape calls the cat Lily when he thinks nobody's listening. That is pretty!

Anyway I haven't even seen Ginny in three days and I think I might just have to break into Gryffindor tower and steal her. I need a holiday! WE NEED A HOLIDAY IS IT SUMMER YET?!

Not that it really matters because this summer I am stuck helping Mum with the shop and she's saying she's going to start training me to take over. My brother doesn't want to take over because he thinks quills are boring. And they are! I don't want to work there either but then there's no one to take over the shop, and I feel so bad about that so. I guess it's me. I wish I could do something else though. I really want to work with animals. Professor Lupin have you got any ideas because I really need some! I don't want to be stuck selling quills forever!

I hope though I can get away for a week or two and go somewhere fun. Ginny what are you doing this summer? Do you think your mum would let you come and visit me? We live in London so there's loads to do - Diagon Alley is just down the road but then there's Muggle London and that's brilliant. Ron could come too though I'd like Hermione to come with him so she can keep him busy sometimes if you know what I mean!!


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[20 Apr 2003|05:35pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Celestina Warbeck, 'Some Enchanted Evening' ]

What a lovely holiday!

I am very happy I was able to come and visit Ginny because the Burrow is so much fun! There are loads of people here and the house is just bursting but it's brilliant, I've met Ginny's other brother Charlie and he is just lovely. He taught us how to fold better cranes for Professor Lupin, and he folded an adorable origami dragon to send with them. Ginny and I thought that was so sweet. He also helped me beat up Fred and George when they put up those pictures of Ginny when she was small though she was so very very cute! and that was mad fun. Ginny's brothers tease me but the family has been nothing but kind to me and I am so very happy (and relieved) about that.

Today was Easter so we had an egg hunt on broomstick! There were all these eggs floating around in the air and we all had to go catch them. We were all on teams and the team with the most eggs got a giant chocolate rabbit that Mrs Weasley made - and we won! Ginny says its because I'm a Seeker but she got more eggs than I did, and Hermione and Charlie got loads as well. Fred and George spent more time knocking each other off their brooms than looking for eggs and that left poor Ron and his dad to get them and they didn't get very many. We gave them the rabbit ears though so they were still happy.

Now its sort of quiet because Hermione is finishing up her werewolf project while fire-talking to Neville, and Ginny is sitting behind me with Charlie talking. The twins are missing, I don't know where they went after they got an odd package today by owl and they've been missing ever since. I think they're in their room because there are weird explosions coming out of it and Ron keeps distracting his mum from going up there. He's a good brother that way.

You know I think they're talking about me over there so maybe I should go over there and bother them!

Happy Easter Hogwarts!

Oh and Professor Lupin I am glad you're okay! See you tomorrow night!

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[17 Apr 2003|02:45pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]

I went with some other Ravenclaw - some of the sixth years, two third years and me and Roger Davies - this morning to see Professor Lupin in the hospital wing but Madame Pomfrey wouldn't let any of us in. She says he's still not awake yet but once the sixth years and the third years left she let me and Roger go in to see him. I guess she thought the younger kids couldn't handle it and she was right - Professor Lupin was really pale and bandaged up and there was blood all over the bed even though Madame Pomfrey said she'd just changed it. He looked like he would just break if someone touched him. I wanted to stay but Roger made me leave because I was crying, but I didn't know it.

Someone sent Professor Lupin a big bouquet of flowers and they were in a vase by his bed. I think they were lillies and dogwood.

When we left we saw a big black dog Professor Black sleeping on the floor by the bed, and I accidentally woke him up and he changed back real fast, but he wasn't angry or anything. He just looked tired and worried, and Professor Dumbledore came in and told him not to worry about his classes because Professor Snape's going to take over for them today, so he could stay and keep Professor Lupin company all day if he wanted to. He looked a little happier after that.

I'm so glad I'm going home with Ginny for the hols. I can't wait to see the Burrow and talk to her parents, and I think I heard Ron say something about their other brother Charlie may come and visit too. That will be fun, Ginny showed me the letter he sent her and he sounds lovely. It'll be great fun I'm sure.

I don't want to go to lessons today but I have to. I don't think I will be able to concentrate though. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

Ginny, I'll see you later? I have your birthday present - Mum finally owled it from home. Do you want it now or later?

Got to go, it's time for Charms.

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[16 Apr 2003|02:37pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | "Godric Must Have Cast (A LIttle More Magic On You)," *NRaged ]

Managed to cover the letters on my forehead with some makeup - thank you [info]blushcrush and [info]pinkstargirlie! - until I can get someone to curse them off. I will ask Professor Black later today after Dark Arts. [info]percyneedsalife are so dead!

Poor [info]artistic_flower!!! Her date with [info]potterstinks was a complete disaster. I wonder who gave her that dress. Queenie Greengrass told me at breakfast that she thinks she knows but she was too scared to say exactly. I guess I don't blame her after how damaged she got during HER date with Malfoy. I think that little rodent is cursed somehow. I hope nobody else agrees to date him or maybe next time it could be DEADLY!!

Mum owled me the new *NRaged album. I really like them! Grace Sprocket thinks they are all very good-looking but I don't think so. I think that's just me though. I showed Ginny and she thought the one in the middle was sort of okay but I think she was just saying that because Soblessa was standing behind her and positively screeching about Tristran Whippersnake being so cute or something.

I mean, look for yourself!

He looks like a Puffskein to me, with that hair.

The music is great though! Loads of fun to dance to. I think my favourite song is "Fly, Fly, Fly" - of course because it's a Quidditch anthem!

I think I'm going to visit Ginny at home during Easter hols, I don't know if her parents have said if it's all right yet or not. My mum says it is and I think she knows about me and Ginny, I'm not good at hiding things from her. Grandmother doesn't know though and that's good, besides my stupid brother and his wife and my nephews are visiting so that will keep her busy. She won't even notice I'm not there probably. I don't care, and actually I'm excited because my mum said that Damon, my nephew who is five, is showing signs of magic! She wrote me to tell me how he made his hamster fly across the room before the cat could eat it. How wonderful, I won't be the only one in the family anymore!

Anyway I have to go, I'm not supposed to be posting in this thing right now but rather studying for the Arithmancy exam - it's a nightmare really, I've never had so much work to do. Stupid N.E.W.T.S., Hermione if you want to take mine for me you're more than welcome to! ^_^

PS: Who hit the golf ball into my cereal this morning!? >:0!!!!

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[06 Apr 2003|10:43pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | "Length of My Wand," *NRAGEd ]

Well, this should be interesting - Ginny's parents have a journal now! Supposedly it's to keep an eye on Ron because he's so angry all the time, and everybody's worried about him (if they're not cross with him) so hopefully having his mum and dad around will calm him down a bit.

It makes me a bit nervous, honestly, but Ginny says it'll be all right. Mrs Weasley has already been ever so polite to me, so I guess that's a good thing.

The news about Dean Thomas was horrible, his parents sound so dreadfully angry! And for what! It's not as if he killed someone though that's the way they're acting, and that's so ridiculous! How can they do this to their own son? Why do people let themselves be so frightened of something before they even try to understand it?

I can never, ever, ever tell my mum or my grandmother about Ginny.

Oh, I'm so angry! I'm going out on my broom for a while. I feel better when I fly.

Ginny, if you're around, I'll be where we played Qudditch with Harry and Professor Lupin the other night. Bring a jumper, it's cold!

Edit: Am feeling much better, thanks to Mr and Mrs Weasley. They can really cheer a girl up.


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[05 Apr 2003|12:02am]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | "Beautiful," Hextina Hagulera ]

What a week!

Everything's slowly coming round though especially with Ron - we drew up our contracts and somehow that seems to have mended things between him and Ginny. He's even sort of civil to me which is more than I expected, to be honest. But that's not the point, the point is that Ginny has her brother back, so all is well.

Well, unless you're a certain sneaky Slytherin. Who'd have thought a dressing-down by little Colin Creevey could make the Great Draco Malfoy turn tail and run off to hide? I'll admit that Colin might have gone a bit off the deep end but I'm not much sorry for Draco. He's had that coming for ages, even if he doesn't think so. Still, glad Harry hauled Colin off somewhere to calm him down. That could have gotten much worse before it got any better.

Ginny has gone back to Gryffindor which is good for her but lonely for me, I miss her terribly. She's too shy to mention it but I will - last weekend when she and Harry and Professor Lupin and I went out to play a bit of nighttime Quidditch, Ginny saved me from falling off my broom! I turned too swiftly I think and nearly toppled right over, and it would have been a nasty fall had Ginny not swooped up next to me and propped me back up. I was so grateful, of course. And because Harry and Professor Lupin were suddenly so interested in the stars or the trees or whatever, Ginny crabbed the Quaffle and made a goal, right under their noses! That's my girl.

Terry Boot has been pinching my eyeliner again, and my perfume and now one of my choker necklaces. If he had enough hair I'd offer up my chopsticks as well but somehow I don't think those fit his modus operandi of darknessandpain. I think those purple Beans are starting to go to his head. Though to ease his addled mind, the dragon in the Great Hall this morning was real. And really quite lovely.

All right, I'm due to meet up with Ginny, best sign off from here and go look for her.

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[29 Mar 2003|12:28pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | "Me and a Wand," Celestina Warbeck ]

I don't suppose this is anyone's business but since that Chuin-zi bloody made it everyone's business then I suppose I should say something about before the whole of the school gets the wrong idea.

Yes, I polyjuiced myself into Terry Boot for the Hallowe'en ball and yes I danced with Ginny. And yes, I kissed her. I did it because I was afraid to do it as myself because I didn't know how Ginny would react, but I really liked her and I wanted to just see if... oh, and it was lovely but so frightening and I didn't know what to do so I ran away and I couldn't talk to her, and the last few months were so bloody miserable so when she turned up at Professor Lupin's party I just had to tell her everything.

And Ginny was so lovely, about all of it, she understood and - she's an amazing, wonderful, sweet girl, and I'm so lucky that she's still my friend and everything else besides. I think this could be... I don't know. I don't want to say anything in case i jinx it. I'm just so very delighted.

And I understand why she went to tell her brother because you know, you think you can tell your brother anything and especially the important things, but you don't expect your brother to be a bloody prat about it and I don't care what he thinks of me, not really, but he hurt Ginny so much and she's so afraid he hates her, now, because she's... And it doesn't make sense that Ron would be this much of an idiot because look at Charlie! He didn't mind THAT at all but now that it's Ginny he's a dirty great bastard about the whole thing, and that's so unfair.

And poor Ginny can't stop crying, and I've owled her mum explaining everything to her so she doesn't worry, but there's been no answer yet and I heard that Professor Lupin's owled them too, about what Ron said about poor Cedric, and I think Mr and Mrs Weasley might have to come to the school, which is making Ginny even more upset because now I think she's afraid her parents will be disappointed in her, and it's all just bollocks and it's ALL RON'S BLOODY FAULT.

Professor McGonagall, or Professor Black, would it be all right if Ginny stayed in the Ravenclaw dorms for a while? I don't think the other girls will mind very much, they're all very fond of Ginny, but she shouldn't have to go back to her dorm when her brother's being so awful to her, should she?

Harry? Are you still on for Quidditch tonight? Have you asked Professor Lupin if he'd come along? I do hope so, this will be fun!

On my way to the library, Ginny, if you're not doing anything else.

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[27 Mar 2003|02:30pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | 'Oops, I Hexed You Again,' Celestina Warbeck ]

Why, Proffessor Snape, I never knew you liked to read poetry.

I have absolutely nothing to say about [info]knight_to_h3, except that were it not for the hair I would doubt he were even a Weasley. The rest of that family are so lovely, particularly the youngest, that I can't imagine they could produce someone so wretched and sad. At any rate, I'm not worried about him. Little boys don't scare me, as [info]potterstinks can certainly attest to.

Lessons are going well. I actually enjoyed Potions the other day. A terribly interesting study in the Wolfsbane potion, Professor Snape seemed very intent in teaching us the exact art and science of putting together such a difficult recipe. Of course, I could have done without him stalking about, taking points from everyone every time someone made a mistake, but the reading he gave us about it says that even the littlest mistake can throw the whole thing off. So, I guess it's good that he was so firm with us.

I've got to finish this last essay for Charms, because I need to go and find Ginny. Oh, I do hope she's all right. She was so upset, and I feel so awful for her. That idiot brother of hers, I can't believe anyone would do that to a sibling. If I had a little sister, I certainly wouldn't treat her like that. How horrid.

Oh! Parvati, what have you got for 23 November? I can't believe I'm asking, but everyone's raving about your readings, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Off to find Ginny...

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Borrowing a computer I found in an upstairs study... [22 Mar 2003|10:58pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | I think Professor Black is singing "Danny Boy" ]

I don't know what made me come to Professor Lupin's housewarming. Well, he is a lovely teacher and all, and I do enjoy his lessons, but... I feel so out of place. I'm the only Ravenclaw, and I think I even saw Malfoy's parents downstairs. I can't imagine why they would come, though Mrs Malfoy and Professor Lupin seem to be friends. I suppose I shouldn't judge.

I think Harry's here. I saw him sitting in the lounge with a glass in his hands. He looked a little bored, but then he always looks a little bored I think.

Oh! I think I heard Ginny's voice. I didn't know she was coming! I wouldn't have... Oh, but I haven't talked to her in ages, not since...

Right, it's really been long enough, I think. I'm really tired of avoiding her. I... miss her.

She deserves to know the truth. I have to tell her.

I'm going to.

Right now.

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Well, I'm home now. [24 Dec 2002|02:25pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Far away from Hogwarts. Maybe I can update my journal now - maybe everybody will be too busy to read it.

I haven't been talking to people much since the Ball. It was such a disaster. I know I shouldn't have lied afterwards, but I panicked!

I haven't been able to face Ginny since. We run into each other in corridors sometimes, and then one of us turns red and hurries away. I want to be able to talk to her, but I just can't. For all I know, she hates me now.

Nobody's doing too well in Ravenclaw, it seems. Mandy's so upset - I know what's going on, but I'm not going to talk about it here. If the Ball taught me anything, it's how destructive gossip can be.

I think I'll go practise some Quidditch now. It's pretty cold outside, but I need to practise. I didn't do much practice over the last few weeks.

Merry Christmas, I suppose.

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Well, it's been quite a busy few days. [22 Aug 2002|03:38pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Ginny and I finally got a chance to go on our walk yesterday afternoon, after classes. We've both been busy lately - I've been preparing for the new class about Animagi which begins this evening, and Ginny's had a hectic time after that explosion between her brother and Draco Malfoy. We walked all around the lake, which was looking very pretty, even though it did rain a little. And I think we've finally managed to sort out that stupid misunderstanding over the Lantern Festival, thank goodness!

It turns out that Ginny had sent me a note in a mooncake - just one to wish me the best of luck in the lantern competition, because she knew how hard I'd been working on mine. But Draco Malfoy had taken her note, and was making fun of her about it! That's why I'd seen them talking together at the Festival. I don't know why she let herself be upset by that horrible little boy, when all she'd done was write a sweet note to her friend, but at least it seems like everything's all right now. I offered to try and get the note back from him, but Ginny seemed very certain that she didn't want me to do that. So I'll just let it lie for now.

I'm going to the Animagus class in a couple of hours. I really don't know much about Animagi, but isn't that what learning's all about? I'm looking forward to it. Sadly, Ginny's marks in Transfiguration aren't very good, so she won't be coming - but Padma will, and of course Lisa and Mandy and some people from the other houses. I don't think that many are coming, so hopefully Padma will be able to forget about her problems for a while. We'll have fun.

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