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I'll light up the sky!
I couldn't resist
LotR survey )
Lady Xue Fang: why did everyone disappear and stop talking t ome? ;_;
basilisk1713: um... dunno?
Lady Xue Fang: do i smell bad?
basilisk1713: yes
basilisk1713: that's it
Lady Xue Fang: ...oh
Lady Xue Fang: okay
basilisk1713: it's really bothering me. go away
Lady Xue Fang: ...*goes and sits in corner stinky and alone*
basilisk1713: *breathes again*
Lady Xue Fang: ;_;
basilisk1713: :-D

Gosh but I love this girl.

Current Mood: musical

See? [info]faelhach and I aren't the only ones who make stupids when we're writing:

Corsair Crowley (12:29:29 PM): "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, lass," Ben teased, leaning over and grinning at her from on top of the lass. "Would ye like a bandage fer yer bum?"
Hi, my name is Quianna. I'm Santa and I'm evil, because I WON'T TELL [info]faelhach WHAT THE HELL I WANT TO BUY HER EVEN THOUGH SHE REALLY WANTS TO KNOW.



This has not been a hack by [info]faelhach. Nope. No hacking.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: Billy Mack - Christmas Is All Around

Oh my God, if I didn't love that man already, he's just jumped up about 10000 points in the Quianna book (still not past AR though!).

Jason Isaacs did one of the voices in the dub for Arslan! AAAAAAHHHHH! He's an anime boy!!!!!!

*ahem* That is all.

Current Mood: busy

Lady Xue Fang: She tensed incomfortably holy shit i have to send this
faelhach: lol what

Lady Xue Fang: "It hurt whenever you dead anything to my head. Right here," she pressed her fingers to her temple, "And here," she touched the nape of her neck.
Intallijence - Part 2 )

Current Mood: subdued

It's sad, but so very true...
I am very disappointed to announce that I, Quianna, have a crush on a fifteen-year-old boy. Jeremy Sumpter has to be the cutest boy I've ever seen on screen (well...in addition to Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton), and I absolutely adore him. I admit that the last time I went to see Peter Pan, I went to see the movie for him as much as I did for Jason Isaacs.

I can't help it! He's just so cute!

Current Mood: embarrassed


How BLACK are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *dies laughing* Look, Jenn!!! I really AM Carlton!!!

How SLUTTY are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com

Uh....Wow ^____^
I went to the movies with Jenn last night. We went to the mall first for a little bit, had bubble tea, laughed as jenn spit one of the pearls out into the trash in disgust, and then went to United Artists to see Return of the King. We were both very excited and hyper. I think it's because both of us went the week without hanging out with anyone who really wanted to be around us, so it was nice to be around someone who enjoyed our company. We made lots of funnies during the movie; I'm sure we annoyed some people in the theatre, but we weren't as bad as these other kids sitting in the back of the auditorium that talked the entire time at the top of their lungs. I made a great funny, though. It has to be one of my gems:

Galadriel: *at the end of the movie* *Secretive smile as she walks onto the ship*
Jenn: Why is she smiling? Inside joke?
Me: Probably because Celeborn's fly is open

Haha, I try. We're going to see Peter Pan today in a little bit; I'm very excited. I love that movie SO much, Jeremy Sumpter is a little heart throb, and...Oh man, don't get me to go off on a Jason tangent. I must refrain before this journal entry just turns into one long sentence of incoherent squeeing.

I was really worried about my French essay; it was an essay about love, and I really had no idea what I was going to write about. But my professor said that we could write a story that demonstrates love, so I'm going to translate one of the things I've written for Fang and Ben into French. The problem is that I really don't know the passe simple, and that's the tense that stories are written in. AND my French verb book is at school, so I can't just look it up. Argh. I guess I can just write the infinitives and then fix them when I get back to school tomorrow.

Hmmmm not much else to write about. Time to go do more laundry.

Current Mood: content

Well...On a more positive note, i think I'm starting to drop all of that weight I gained over break. And I'm going to see Peter Pan this weekend with [info]jennthestrange. Take a deep breath, Quianna, and try to find the silver lining.

And don't be like Mundee :-p
Chatting with mom is fun
Lady Xue Fang: i've been told that i should go on there and audition
Lady Xue Fang: and then hug simon
Lady Xue Fang: and crush him on my boobs
momofsteel14: hey-boobs are no longer popular
Lady Xue Fang: LOL why is that?
momofsteel14: janet!!!!
Lady Xue Fang: LOLOL
Lady Xue Fang: oh, that's right!
momofsteel14: all men are anti boob
Lady Xue Fang: HAHAHAHA
Lady Xue Fang: i can't imagine why
momofsteel14: they must be, all the hubbub
Lady Xue Fang: they're just saying that
momofsteel14: you know they are sitting there taking their viagra, looking at the website at janet
Lady Xue Fang: eeeeewwwwwww
momofsteel14: then telling their wives they are so against that smut
Lady Xue Fang: LOLOL
Lady Xue Fang: you said smut!
momofsteel14: sorry, am I dating myself?
Lady Xue Fang: hahahahaha no!
Lady Xue Fang: i use the word smut!
Lady Xue Fang: smut is fun!
Lady Xue Fang: smut smut smut
Shit, my French professor really wasn't joking when she said we'd be spending at least two hours on each assignment she gives us. I've been working on this stupid poem analysis since 4:30 or so, and I still have two more paragraphs to write up. Urgh, and that's not counting the paper I have to get a start on tonight. On love *cringe*. I have an awful headache. Ouch.

BUT I am getting things done ahead of time! I'm going to send this stupid thing to my professor before 11:00 at night like I normally would, and I'm going to write at least two pages of my three-page paper today instead of waiting for the weekend. Now if only I was as on the ball with my Chinese work that's due tomorrow >.<

Current Mood: accomplished

The Creator

Your Jobs: You need a job where you can put your
creative resources to good use. You can be a
teacher , manager, counselor, spiritual leader,
journalist, or designer.

You need someone who can accept your moodiness and
learn to deal. You cannot have someone who will
constantly put you down, order you around, or
ignore you. You need a listener who cares about
your rapidly changing feelings. You may set
your standards too high.
Your dream guy= Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Your dream girl= Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8, Alyssa
from Chasing Amy

Most Likely...
You most likely...
Are a Gemini, Cancer, or Taurus
Like arty movies and dramas
Dont play any sports
Have two sides to you
Like movies that make you think
Follow a religion

Best Friends: Dreamers, Social Butterflies
Love Interests:Dreamers and other Creators
Enemies:Villians and Kings

COMPLETE~~With Text Images~~The Super Ultimate Personality Quiz: Who are you? (With long answers!) All answers available, including your ideal job, ideal love interest, and more all in one answer!
brought to you by Quizilla

Apparently Snape is not very fond of sweets.
I've been getting a lot of compliments lately. It's weird. I'm really not used to it. Like, I've been getting compliments from random strangers. A lot of people have been complimenting me on my handwriting lately. It's weird because I've never really had outstanding handwriting, but my cursive is starting to look pretty cool. My Adviser-German/French teacher keeps talking to people about how she loves to hear me sing, and she keeps putting me on the spot to sing in class. i was playing the piano on Monday and I came back to the dorm and this guy was there that I had seen in one of the practice rooms while I was there. he stopped me when I was going down to get my laundry and told me that he'd heard me playing the piano; he said that I was amazing. I'm not amazing! Passable, sure, but wow...It just seemed so cool coming from someone I've never talked to before.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
faelhach (5:13:06 PM): is he black or is that the other side of the family
Lady Xue Fang (5:13:12 PM): LOL
faelhach (5:13:18 PM): I GOT CONFUSED OK
Lady Xue Fang (5:13:21 PM): i'm all black, honey!
faelhach (5:13:25 PM): lmfao
faelhach (5:13:29 PM): *dies*
faelhach (5:13:35 PM): for some reason i thought you were half and half
faelhach (5:13:43 PM): oh god
faelhach (5:13:44 PM): lol
faelhach (5:13:47 PM): sorrryyyy

*dies laughing* Man, i wish I could get away with that all the time!
EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS... Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot
Cinnamon Bahamas

SOCIALITE ALIAS... Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied
Petunia Baltimore

DIVA ALIAS... Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen
Vanilla Coke Water

GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS... Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to School
Puppy Centennial

BARFLY ALIAS... Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink
Tortilla Cream Soda

SOAP OPERA ALIAS... Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived
Minyon Sleep Soft

PORN STAR ALIAS... First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On
Mercedes Grey Star

FLY GIRL ALIAS (a la J. Lo)... First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of Your Last Name
Q. Giv.

ROCK STAR ALIAS... Any Liquid on the Bar + Last Name of Bad-Ass Celeb
Scotch Jolie

PROSTITUTE ALIAS... Pet's Name + Mother's Maiden Name
Mercedes Scott

hehe that was fun.
The sex life of Eros and Cecil
Marinaclaire: eros: do you want penis?
Marinaclaire: cecil: yeah
Marinaclaire: eros: do you really want penis?
Marinaclaire: cecil: HELL YEAH
Marinaclaire: eros: do you really really REALLY want penis?
Marinaclaire: cecil: DICK IN ME NOW *GRAB*
Marinaclaire: eros: !
Ryuuichi na no da!
Name: Ryuuichi na no da!
Back February 2004