It's something we arent sure of. [entries|friends|calendar]
Bi-Polar Bear

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The Boys Are Waiting. [30 Nov 2003|02:46am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Hey Ya-Outkast ]

*Taken from Jamie*

This message is addressed to everyone who is reading this post.
I want you to post anything that you want, anything.
Post a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything.

Post twice if you'd like, & then put this in your LJ to see what your friends
(perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.

Your caring pal, Chelsea


(I wish I was going to see "on the might of princes")
(Deftones, Thursday, and Thrice was AWESOME!)

21 Haters| Dont Be Hatin!

Attention. [17 Mar 2002|01:39pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Letters-Stroke 9 ]

In case you didn't know, all of my entries are now friends only.
The reason being because I can't trust people with what I write.
If you have a journal and you would like to read my stuff add me.
I would be more than happy to add you back to my friends list.
Thanks alot everyone and trust no one because someone is always sneaky.

62 Haters| Dont Be Hatin!

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