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Wednesday, July 4th, 2001 | 11:38 pm |
it's been a while ... HAPPY 4th! :-) I haven't written anything in this journal for over a month. I'm sure all of you have been so disappointed without my entries, but the web's a big place and hopefully you found something else to brighten your lives ( porn doesn't count! ;-) ). Well anyhow, I've been working at this company called SpiderFuel. It's an internet software company and i'm a telemarketer for them. It's kinda boring but it pays REALLY well and i only have to work 4 hrs a day (9-1) and only on weekdays. Thus, i still have afternoons, nights and weekends to do stuff, yet i get paid more than i would if i worked a full day at a normal i live with the boredom with a smile on my face :-) (except in the morning when i work cause i'm too tired to smile). Guess that's all i feel like writing now. I saw Lara Croft: Tomb Raider earlier today, and then saw Cats & Dogs (double feature wink wink). Tomb Raider was a cool movie. good action movie. unfortunately it was really short for an action movie...only 1.5 hrs. Cats & Dogs was kinda cute i guess. good movie for kids. kinda funny. I also saw A.I.: Artificial Intelligence a couple of days ago. that was really good. the ending was disappointing, but still an awesome movie and a must see. I especially like Teddy. I wish i had my own :-) hmmmm, what other movies have i seen? o yeah, i saw Evolution a couple of weeks ago. That was a really funny movie. OK, that's all for now, maybe i won't wait more than a month this time 'til i write again. cya Current Mood: goodCurrent Music: Friends -and- Frasier | Monday, May 21st, 2001 | 12:30 am |
home i'm home and i just connected my computer. wahoo. got back 2am friday night. On saturday i went with my parents to pick up their new car, a 2001 Ford Taurus. It's nice, and now that means that the 2000 Dodge Stratus is officially SOLELY mine :-)!!! both the stratus and taurus are goldish color. i'm happy. today i went with my mom and grandparents to the big apple circus. it was playing right by where my grandma lives, and so they give the residents there free tix to see a show since it attracts lots of traffic and such to the area. it was alright...but definitely not even close to the best. owell..i also got a haircut earlier. Anyway, right now i'm goin to take a shower and then go to sleep. Now that i'm home...i can't stay up as late :-/. heh. G'NIGHT! Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Tantric - Breakdown | Friday, May 18th, 2001 | 2:16 am |
no more school!!! yay! for the year at least.... took my Business Stats FINAL this morning. it was ok. but it was partially cumulative which i did NOT know about. i thought it was only on the last section. Luckily i still knew most of the old stuff cause i'm good in stats. HOWEVER....there was this one prob....from a previous part i didn't study....that i stared at for 15 mins and couldn't figure out...she gives us formula sheets and tables, and it wasn't in there and i was like then i skip it and do the rest of the test...then come back and attempt it again for about 20 mins...tryin to plug #s in to c if i could figure out the formulas with trial and error...i was actually able to pull off one...but then...she walked by so i figured i'd say something....then she's like...'o, that's on the other formula sheet. the white one. u don't have that?'...and i was gonna fuckin strangle her. It was a 25 pt question in all, so good thing i said something. i had to rush through it though and didn't get to check over any of my answers. but owell. no more schoolwork or exams for 3 months. w00t! today for lunch/dinner i ate with tim and his dad and brother, and jeff at the Charriot in c-town (pizza). rpu was closed at the time and we didn't wanna wait. Then i pretty much just spent my time packing or chatting. almost everyone on my floor already left. so sad. owell, at this time tomorrow i will be sleepin cozily in my own bed in my large room in my own house. yay. GNIGHT :-) Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Fuel - Solace | Thursday, May 17th, 2001 | 3:58 am |
almost there.... Had my International Trade and Finance Final Exam today. we're given 2.5 hrs for the exam...i took 45 mins. i hope that's a good thing. i forgot some stuff, but it was a fair exam, so i should do well and hopefully get an A in the course :-). I played lots of Counter Strike and Soul Caliber today cause i just didn't feel like studying. got in a stupid 'warning' war on aim also...those are always fun. But i DID study somewhat for stats. i have that tomorrow, but i do have the option of takin it friday and i still haven't decided which. heh. Anyways...yanks lost again in extra innings. WTF! well, i'm gonna go study a little more and then go to sleep. GNIGHT. -- in less than 2 days i will be home! Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Tantric - Breakdown | Wednesday, May 16th, 2001 | 2:44 am |
finals suck i don't remember what i did during the day on saturday, but at night a bunch of us tried to go bowling: tim and i, and six girls. But when we got to the bowling lanes a little after 10:30 the girl there said that ithaca high school reserved the lanes for 11:30 for their afterprom party. what type of ghetto shit is that?! So we decided it wasn't worth it, and instead tim and i went over to debbie and kim's place and we all watched Meet the Parents. I already saw it, but it's such a good movie. sunday was mother's day, so of course, being the goodson/grandson i am, i called my mom and grandmas. Don't remember what else i did sunday...but for dinner i ate Taco Bell with jay, staci, tim, and luis. mmm, quality. monday i found out that if i wanted to take the makeup for music history, it would be tuesday night, so i studied most the day, and that's what i did most of today also. Earlier, i went and studied outside with tim while the bunny ran around. At one point, this girl from our floor came by and asked if i could let her in the building cause she didn't have her keys, so i get up and i take about two steps, and i guess the bunny ran in front of me cause next thing i know, my foot wails the bunny and it goes flying in the air and crashes into the girl's legs and slides across the ground. LoL. Of course, it got revenge later...tim went up to clean the bunny's cage, etc and told me to watch the bunny. so i did, and i was playin with it and such, then suddenly it nips at my sock, so i push the bunny away and then it jumps at me and bites my leg and held on for 2 or 3 seconds. i was so tempted to kick the bunny and make him go flyin, but i didn't feel like losing skin over it, so i let him hold on until he gave up. and then i punished him after. fuckin devilbunny. So anyhow, i took my History of Rock Music FINAL @ 7pm. it sucked. but i think i might've been able to bullshit enough to get a B on it, which'll give me a B or B+ in the class depending on how my paper went. I'm so glad it's over though. that class was not as cool as i hoped. So happy i grew up in the 80s and 90s cause music now is FAR superior to music before then :-). Unfortunately, i couldn't even relax after i took it, cause i have a final in Int'l Trade and Finance tomorrow at noon, so i had to study for that. I don't think it should be too bad, but i really want to do well cause i wanna get an A in the course. Then i have Business Stats Final on thursday at noon...more fun. Anyways...Yanks just lost in extra innings. boo. owell, G'NIGHT :-) Current Mood: stressedCurrent Music: Bjork - Army of Me | Saturday, May 12th, 2001 | 3:15 am |
friday handed in my creative writing portfolio. I will post my poems to my website soon probably. uh, hmmm. didn't do much of anything else. i played soul caliber, played this card game "set" with tim and jesse for a little, and then played acquire on the computer with tim and jay. also, found out about a site to watch simpsons episodes, and so i watched one, and am gonna watch another one right now before i go to sleep. also had way too much fun with this little "prank" i pulled on some friends...can't say what cause i'm not done having fun yet...but i was laughing my ass off forever. ;-) anyways, gnight. and YANKS kicked much ass :-) Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal | Friday, May 11th, 2001 | 2:13 am |
thursday well after my accounting final, i didn't do much. after dinner i played some B-BALL with tim, chern, and dylan. we didn't play long though cause they're all pussies ;-). Just now tim, jesse, and i played a game of Acquire (the board game). I lost...mainly cause they doubleteamed me in the beginning and pretty much made me insignificant. mean people. anyways, i'm exhausted. i TRIED to take a nap earlier...but was woken up a halfnhour later to go to dinner, so that didn't work. i'll be sleeping late tomorrow :-) G'Night Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: Limp Bizkit - Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle) | Thursday, May 10th, 2001 | 1:55 pm |
catchup time tuesday i finished my essay that was due wednesday. then there was some stupid bbq thing in the courtyard for my building, so we went to that for a little. Wednesday i handed in my essay and then stayed on the ag quad and studied a little in the sun (though mostly slept). For dinner i went out to ctown and had chinese food with jay, rob, luis, enrique, and some other peeps. the chinese restaurant, hong kong, is so ghetto. This morning at 9am i had my Accounting Final. It totally sucked. but it's over. and also, from my calculations, i think a 50 on it would get me an 81 in the course (since i got back my grp project and got a 105 on it) i'm not that worried i guess. anyway... 1 down, 3 to go. yay :-/ Current Mood: indifferentCurrent Music: 3 Colours Red - Pirouette | Tuesday, May 8th, 2001 | 2:41 am |
monday well, since classes r over, i got to sleep late. Went to Taco Bell with Jay, Tim, and Lenny. Spent most of the day working or playing snood. Talked to my parents, aunt, and grandparents on the phone. Threw around a frisbee for a little while with chern, frank, dylan and uche. That's about it. Time to go to sleep. G'NIGHT Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Eve 6 - Small Town Trap | Monday, May 7th, 2001 | 2:49 am |
sunday Floor mtg at 2. I woke up at 1:57 :-). heehee. i wrote a poem today for creative writing, and that was about it for my productivity for the day. I played Black & White, and then lots and lots of Snood. i MUST beat my brother. Went to wegmans with tim and jay. bought candy. gummy worms and stuff. mmmm. That's about it. Yankees won :-) G'NIGHT Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Rage - In My Eyes | Sunday, May 6th, 2001 | 2:10 am |
saturday night burns a redness in my face... didn't do too much today. Listened to the Yankee game. They WON!! and one of their runs scored was Jeter stealing home :-) What was also cool, was that 3 of the yankees i have on my fantasy team stole bases. Also, Pettitte's on my fantasy team, so he not only got the yanks the win, but me too and with no earned runs :-) Other than that, i played lots of snood. My dad and bro play that at home, and so i have to practice so i can be able to beat their scores when i get home. My brother told me his scores for each level, and i have a lot of work to do :-(. my brother has never beaten my high scores in computer games...i can NOT let this be the first. Tonite, corp and i went over to kim's and watched Chocolat with her and kelly. It was a pretty good movie. Anyways, i'm gonna get ready for bed i guess. I'm kinda tired :-/. G'NIGHT Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Spin Doctors - Two Princes | Saturday, May 5th, 2001 | 3:09 pm |
HFStival Tim wanted me to mention that on Memorial Day i'll be goin to HFStival with him. It's this badass concert at RFK Stadium. If u wanna check it out, go to It's a 2day concert, but we're just gonna go on that monday. some cool bands, check it out. u should go. Also, tim mentioned that he noticed i never had a smiley face for my mood. so there ya go, now i do :-P Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: Yanks vs. Orioles | 2:06 am |
SLOPE DAY! i know i didn't write yesterday...but i wasn't in the mood. yesterday i had my last class of my sophomore year. w00t. afterwards, i met with my creative writing instructor to conference. i never liked conferencing in writing, but this one was cool, and we talked for over a halfnhour. she really liked my poems, so maybe i'll actually post them on my website. today rocked. SLOPE DAY!! for those of u who don't attend cornell: slope day occurs on the last day of classes in the spring semester. everybody gathers on libe slope, which is this really huge slope by west campus, and there's massive drinking goin down. basically, for one day, cornell is the drinking capital of the world. it's simply amazing, and can't be described. u have to see it for urself. u always here that cornell has a ton of students, but u never realize til this one day. Anyhow, i didn't drink much...basically for two reasons. one, i was not hungy at all and barely ate the whole day, and thus didn't want to drink much without any food in me. and second, i eventually played ultimate frisbee, so i stopped drinking completely then. though i didn't get even nearly as drunk as i did last slope day, i think this one was cooler. i played two different games of ultimate, and then just threw around the frisbee for awhile. i tore it up :-). At night, 8 of us went and saw The Mummy Returns on opening night. 9:45 showing. it was packed. we saw gladiator opening night last year for slope we had to keep with tradition. it seems to be a big thing to do the night of slope day. It was a really good movie...i enjoyed it. I have to go watch the first one again to see which one is better, and get some references. The Rock sucked though, and was barely in it, and only had like 2 lnes (of egyptian). no prob for me though since i hate wrestling. anyways, i'm exhausted. Hours of ultimate after drinking wears u out quite a bit. unlike last slope day where i crashed on a friend's bed for several hours, i had no break this time. G'NIGHT Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: Zebrahead - Playmate of the Year | Thursday, May 3rd, 2001 | 2:28 am |
wednesday 4 classes today. However, it wasn't bad at all. stats let out a few mins early. then i went and ate at trillium, and then sat out in the sun on the ag quad for about a halfnhour. my 2 hr accounting section lasted all of 15 minutes. w00t. and the other classes weren't bad either. that was pretty much it. it was SO hot today. i went to sleep at some point and don't know how long i was out. I think i was out for 2 hrs...from 8 - 10....don't really recall when i laid down. it was just way too hot to do anything. but then after i woke up, i cooled off and finished my prob set that's due tomorrow, and worked on my stats project that's due friday. Anyways, then i took a quick shower just to cool off a little. my dad suggested it and it actually worked. go figure ;-). Now i'm all refreshed and can actually stay up and do work if i wanted. but nah, i need my rest. wanna go to sleep early tonite and early tomorrow, so i'm all rested for the "big day" - SLOPE DAY! G'Night :-) Current Mood: hotCurrent Music: (hed) PE - The Meadow | Wednesday, May 2nd, 2001 | 9:28 am |
tuesday slept through music class, but woke up in time to specifically get down to ivy room to eat only to find nobody there. wtf. owell. Today, the two tims and i went cliffjumping into beebe lake. I just did tabletop which is about 22-25 feet high. It was cool. We'll be goin again some more before the years up. I wonder if i'll do lover's leap this year. last year i was the only one brave enough to do it. It's like 40+feet high. But it made me realize how fucked up people must be to jump and commit suicide. besides the fact that u look down and think ok i'll jump and then ur body doesn't move, lover's leap gave u way too much time to think as u were falling. Anyhow, i finished my two problem sets due today, and am pretty much done with the one tomorrow. However, i was a little stuck on a problem for the one tomorrow, but have section in it today, so i'll ask about it then. Last night was another videogame flashback. I played BUBBLE BOBBLE. that game's badass! we beat the game on regular bubble bobble mode (with the real happy ending...for those who know what i'm talkin about). anyhow, that is all for now. cyaz 2 days 'til SLOPE DAY!!!!!!! Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Eve 6 - Tongue Tied | Tuesday, May 1st, 2001 | 4:07 am |
monday woke up and went to all my classes. went to office hours for stats around 3:15, and got my project approved, etc. Later in the afternoon, around 4ish i had a baseball catch with tim and jay while the bunny ran around. and then later enrique joined us, and we put the bunny away and went and had a catch on jessup fields, for more room. We did that for an hour and a half i think. After dinner i listened to the yankee game, which they somehow lost, and i did some work. but then somehow i got pulled into play a game. MARIO 3! yes yes. mario 3 for the NES. out of all things, that is what we played. lol but guess what happened while i was in tim's room?! i had my door open and these two skanks went into my room and stole shit. I caught them running out of my room as i was at the end of the hall. I'm missing 3 poptarts, dunuts, chips, a snapple i think....and i hope that's it. i wanna fuckin kill them. first off, they are the nastiest girls i've ever seen. i mean they are the definition of skank. when i told some people already, they knew EXACTLY who i was talkin about. i don't know their names, but i will find out. they've got self esteem issues. they talk about being horny and wanting to hook up with football players and shit, and getting wasted. they are disgusting, and i wouldn't fuck them for any amount of money. They make half the girls at cornell look like princesses, and the other half look like goddesses. (and since most cornell girls are subpar, u know that's real bad). Anyhow, i haven't decided what i'm gonna do about it yet. but i'm tired now, so i'm goin to sleep. G'Night! Current Mood: pissed offCurrent Music: Eve 6 - Showerhead | Monday, April 30th, 2001 | 3:33 am |
sunday once again i did work most of the day. Met a friend at the warren computer lab at 3 and worked on my stats problem set with him til about 6:30. We've got one question left, but we haven't leaned it, so we're hoping she says something tomorrow in lecture, and if not we'll ask her. it's due wednesday. I also worked on my stats project that's due friday at night. Jay "strawbury" came up today to visit. he's stayin til tuesday. he seems set on coming back to cornell next year, so that's cool. I spoke to my mom (on the phone) and dad (online). My dad went to montgomery, alabama for a week. air force stuff. i lived in montgomery for a few years when i was little. don't remember much though, except i have these pictures of me and this girl kissing and it's so cute (but kinda funny...esp since my grandmother wrote little commments on them at the time). I showed my friends last year here at cornell, and they thought it was hilarious. anyhow, it was my dad's bday yesterday, and i thought i'd surprise him and call him last night. they went out to dinner with some family friends..friends they've known since high school. so i called the friends' house several times and nobody answered, so finally at 11:30 i left a msg. Turns out that they didn't actually ever go to their friends' house. instead they met them at their parent's house and then went out to eat. so my plan was foiled. but my brother asked them if they got my call, so at least he knew i didn't forget (like last year... ). lol. anyhow.
I'm gonna go to sleep now i must get up for my first class tomorrow cause it's stats and i need to talk to the prof. boo. G'Night! (and yanks rule!)
Current Mood: exhausted Current Music: Collective Soul - December | Sunday, April 29th, 2001 | 4:05 am |
saturday work work work. all i ever do is work >:o ok, so i lie...but i DID spend most my time today doing work. Some stupid stats project. I dropped my group, so i wanted to get a lot done so i can go to the professor on monday with a decent proporal...since it IS due friday :-/. If i get my first C i will be pissed, esp since i got an A in it last semester. Anyway, i got a prob set in stats due wednesday also, so i'm meeting with someone to work on it tomorrow (we're allowed to work in pairs). Yanks won today. yay! 2 game winning streak. and with today's win, Torre got his 500th career win :-). and knobby was on fire goin 4 for 5 (just needing a triple for the cycle). Well i'm exhausted so i'm goin to bed. G'Night Current Mood: frustratedCurrent Music: Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Can | Saturday, April 28th, 2001 | 2:47 pm |
movies 2 new movies added (not counting yesterday's) :-) Current Mood: stressedCurrent Music: Yanks vs. A's | 3:21 am |
friday got back my stats exam. not happy :-( handed in accounting group project. luckily everyone got their parts in and we were all set. The Accounting Prof let us leave way early. AND stats, accounting, and music section are all canceled for next friday: SLOPE DAY! badass. Had a baseball catch with tim in the late evening, and he let the bunny run around outside with us. Some people are SO stupid. This family was entering our building and they see the bunny. then i guess they though it was lost or something, cause the lady tries to catch it in her bag, but failed...then tried to use the bag to push the bunny inside the building. but failed. then when they opened the door and was walkin in. the bunny sprinted forward toward them and so they held open the door, but then it just ran back to us. dumbasses. little do they know we were watchin them the whole time. f00. Anyhow, played games most of the and white....soul caliber. Then, a little before midnight, I went to debbie and kim's and watched Save the Last Dance with them and kelly and some other kid. It was an alright movie. I was rather disappointed with the dance routine at the end. reminded me of those terrible N'Sync videos. ;-) yuch.Anyways, i'm goin to sleep. Sure it's early, esp for a weekend, but i'm kinda tired, and i don't wanna sleep real late tomorrow since i have SO much work i gotta do :-( BTW: check out my website. I got a new movie :-). and soon will have a second, so check back often. it's downloading now, but i'm not waiting til it finishes even though it's goin fairly quick. G'Night :-) Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Silverchair - Abuse Me |
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