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Laurie's pain in the ass

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I just thought this was damn cool. [28 Jan 2004|03:02pm]
[ music | "DTM" - The Juliana Theory<3 ]

This is so cool. The states in red are the ones I've been to, the ones in green, obviously, are the ones I haven't. I need to road trip more.

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

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[21 Jan 2004|12:33pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "On Vacations" - Rival Schools (Atticus...dragging the Lake) ]

Lexi isn't a bitch, she's assertive.

that is all.

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so what makes you think this is understanding? [20 Jan 2004|10:07am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "Understanding" - Count the Stars/"Close to Me" - The Cure/"I Wanna Fuck You Like an Animal" - Nine Inch Nails... :-x ]

Story of the Year was absolutely fantastic last night at Irving. Never been there before, and the place now has a good first impression upon me. I got about a roll and five pictures, we'll see later this week after I get paid.

This one band that opened for them, LetterKills...just check them out. They're not FANTASTIC, but they're good, and I liked them. From California. Why do all these guys come from California? Stupid boys. I asked their merch guy when they would be releasing a full length (they only have a three-track sampler) and he said probably summer, but keep checking the website. <>adds site to favorites<>

Also, SOTY announced they'd be at Warped this year. YAY! <>party<>

Great show, great people, saw Grace and caught up with her a bit. I swear, she gets more beautiful each time I see her, its just not fair. :-p :-* Love ya, Gracie.

The only bad part about the night was this one kid standing in front of me that refused to move for ANYTHING...and he didn't want to be there! Well, I'll be damned, asshole, leave then! Let me get a better view for pictures and you go on your merry way! Jeebus.

So yeah, I'm tired, worn out, everthing hurts, and I'm fuckin' cold. And I'm 'supposed' to be at the accouting office in...four minutes. I just don't feel like going today. But I will. And tomorrow, I'm DETERMINED to go extra early and stay all day, 'cause I don't have class until six, so...yeah. Nothing better to do than earn money, right?

So my plan for today is jump in the shower, get a few hours in at the office, then go to the OTHER job and be bored until we close. Then come home and...sleep? Sleep would be good. Assuming I'll actually fall asleep tonight. Last night, I got home around 1:30 and lay down and was like "...I'm supposed to sleep after a night like this?". So I was awake for a little while after that, but I finally fell asleep about an hour after that...and woke up to the sound of my neighbors. Ahhh, what fun, only five hours of sleep this time! <>applauds<>

I spent most of the morning catching up on lj because it just WOULDN'T load for me on Monday. It hated me, hardxcore. Not just hardcore, but hardxcore. I swear, nothing on lj's site would load for me, which lead to me going back three pages because of some people's tendencies to write multiple entries a day, and others that let through REALLY stupid, meaningless posts in certain groups that are supposed to be well-moderated...but I digress.

This is more of an entry than I expected to write, but yeah...it's been written. Not cutting. I deserve my own little slice of 'revenge', so to speak.

I'm off.

p.s. - Note my music. I listened to all three songs during the course of this entry. And it amuses me how different they are from each other, so I had to point it out. <>chuckle<>

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[15 Jan 2004|09:14pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | someone on the phone. :-x ]

states I've been to.

Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / District of Columbia

yeah, I need to travel more.

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so come along and sing a song and... [07 Jan 2004|09:59pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | IMH: "Nowhere Feels Like Home" - Midtown ]

YOU ALL THOUGHT IT COULDN'T BE DONE! But it HAS been done! I cleaned my room. :-D

whistle while you work )

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that's it... [07 Jan 2004|02:44pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | "Jaded" - Mest ]

who gives a flying FUCK about Britney Spears and her pseudo-didn't-happen-marriage?! JEEBUS FREAKIN' A, MAKE IT STOP!

Come on, people, let's talk about something that has requires a little more intellect? Color photographs from Mars, now THAT is fuckin' awesome.

13 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2003|12:51pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | IMH: "My Goddess" - The Exies ]

I have to pee and make myself a sandwich, but then I shall be gone. Off to par-tay in MD with one Chill! Eff-in' cool chick.

Ha, you're jealous. :-p

Be back on the first in time to go to work. Who knows what the hell I was thinking, but I'll be damned if I don't make it to work on time. Haha, I'm going to be so out of it...

So yeah, leave messages and stuff. OH! And here's the question of the day: What is your New Year's Resolution?

Peace out, homeslice.

ps - the Exies kinda make me think of what would happen if Silverchair, Fuel, and the Goo Goo Dolls collaborated. *ponder*

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Christmas... [25 Dec 2003|12:45am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | IMH: "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" ]

(a list compiled over the course of the morning/day)

The things I love about Christmas Time:

- Jackson 5 Christmas Album
- My sister making fun of their dipthongs
- Trimming the tree
- Giving Trees
- And he only paused a moment when he heard them holler "STOP STOP STOP!"
- Skipping the Little Drummer Boy song
- "What is this, where am I gonna put this?" - Vicki
"Wherever you see fit." - Mommy
"Is there an open window anywhere?" - Vicki
- "I can't escape from this song." - me
"What song?" - guy at pet store
"This song, Domenic the Donkey." - me
"It's so old too, but it's one of those songs that comes on every three songs." - guy
"Its everyone's favorite Christmas song!" - me
"Maybe that's what I should get next year, a donkey!" - guy
- last minute shopping at KMart with REALLY nice cashiers.
- Manheim Steamroller Christmas album. :-D
- finally finding the present/package you're looking for
- Christmas cards with cute little baby pictures on the front
- Mommy's silly Christmas hat
- watching The American President
- Sony Mavica MV-CD 500
- Ibanez Acoustic Guitar
- Witnessing an engagement
- Candlelight Services
- We Three Kings of Orientar.
- The fact that I can't take my mother and my sister anywhere, but do anyway.
- The word 'magic'.
- Beautiful choir hymns.

If I think of anymore, I'll post them. But as of right now, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. (and for those of you that are Jewish, a Happy Hannukah. :-) )

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I enjoyed this way too much... [17 Dec 2003|11:25pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | IMH: "A Song For You" - Finch ]

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 11__11s a-drinking.
11 _onthesides a-smooching.
10 _teenagedreams a-gyrating.
9 _trythiss a-laying.
8 love_to__hates a-spitting.
7 pretendimdeads a-massaging.
6 sio_allisters a-bowing.
5 silver tanitamias.
4 winking violet_pretty_s.
3 Kuwaiti viva_chills.
2 goldfish walkbys.
And a xexcxox in a grapefruit tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
that...was great.

December 28th, its a Sunday. The annual PC/AAW Christmas party. Clear your calendars, Cait and I are doing a wedding reception and then crashing this party until the break of dawn. Don't argue with me, its happening. So there. :-p

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takes a while to count to 100... [13 Dec 2003|11:09pm]
[ mood | kinda tired ]
[ music | IMH: "I'm Not Over You" - Michelle Branch ]

like Cherise, I decided to think of 100 things about myself.

where the hell did I pull this shit from? )

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[08 Dec 2003|12:56am]
[ mood | in shock ]

Straylight Run vocalist Michelle Nolan died at 1:17 a.m. today as a result of injuries sustained when her Jetta was hit by a Ford F-150 pick up on the Long Island expressway. Nolan, whose brother played guitar in the band and was formerly of `Taking Back Sunday', was in the car with an unidentified male who has sustained a broken leg and collar bone injury. John Nolan is listed in critical condition.

I'm honestly not believing this, I need to go do some research. Like, now.

EDIT: from absolutepunk.net - If you heard the horrible rumors earlier today concerning Straylight Run, well, don't believe them. Shaun recently released a statement concerning these, what I think, are very sick and disgusting rumors...

"Hey everbody! Just read that post about Michelle being dead and it really freaked me out. There is no need to worry, everbody in Straylight is happy healthy, and most importantly alive!!!! I actually just got home from practice where we were working out some hot new jams! It really pisses me off that someone would make something like that up though. I joke about just about everything, but saying that someone is dead just crosses the line. I'm really glad most of you were able to figure out it was a hoax so quickly. In other news, we're really psyched meet up with Coheed on Wednesday. It will definitly be a rockin good time. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and has a safe and fun holiday season. You guys F'N RULE!! See you soon," - Shaun

thank effin' God.

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[06 Dec 2003|10:53am]
[ mood | still fuckin' coughing ]

In this entry I mentioned the shows I wanted to see this month. Didn't go see Three on a Match at Harry's because...I was sick. And I'm HOPING I'll be able to go see Runaway Orange and SHF tonight, but the weather is so nasty, Mommy may steal my keys and try to "ground me" if I try to go. Which is ludicrous because she can't do that, she hasn't grounded me for a good six years...but this is nasty dude. Really nasty weather. I ain't liking this.

I really wanted to go tonight, too. I <3 Runaway Orange, and I've never been to the Cricket Club before, so I'd love to check it out before later this month with MSI and MCR...and I've never seen SHF before live, I'd like to know how they sound and all that. I don't want to miss this show. RAWR, FUCK YOU BAD WEATHER!!! rgendhg;rghklg^%$(^&!!


Saturday, 12/6 - Runaway Orange, Stars Hide Fire @ The Cricket Club, 6:30 pm.

Sunday, 12/14 - The Early November, Count The Stars, Hidden in Plainview @ Krome, 5 pm. (I miss Chris. :-( ) WHY DID YOU BREAK UP?!?!

Saturday, 12/20 - My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self-Indulgence @ The Cricket Club, 7pm.

Fridays, 12/26 - The Starting Line, Motion City Soundtrack, Boys Night Out @ Starland Ballroom, 7pm (this is a strict maybe. a probably not.)

Tuesday, 12/30 - The Used, Senses Fail @ Starland Ballroom, 7pm - have tickets

EDIT: I click post and excessdb.com refreshes: the show is postponed. Well, at least I won't be kicking myself later for not going, it'll be on again sometime soon. Right? <>crosses fingers<>

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Santa, that's my only wish this year... [04 Dec 2003|10:51am]
[ mood | can't stop coughing ]
[ music | IMH: "There's No 'I' in Team" - Taking Back Sunday ]

So I'm folding up my laundry to take to the laundromat, and I suddenly remember how Laurie said to me yesterday 'what do you want for Christmas?'.

So I've been thinking...if you want to know what I WANT go here.

If you want to know what I NEED...here ya go:
- draw string pj pants (preferrably either black, grey, or a REALLY fun print. I like 'em XL 'cause then I can move in them. :-D )
- a really comfy cotton sweater (I have no big comfy sweaters I can toss over my head if need be. this needs to be remedied.)
- a really comfy pullover sweatshirt/hoodie (either will do. something like...XL or XXL so I can wear it all the time and be warm)
- a plain black zip hoodie (why do I have none of these? this is depressing)
- socks (you all know I love socks. argyle and fun little ducky prints are more than acceptable. :-D )

that's what I need. aside from my own apartment, but yeah, I was trying to keep it low. ;-) so there you have it! what I NEED this holiday season. I wish you all luck. :-*

p.s - this is my new favorite icon. :-x

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[29 Nov 2003|11:24am]
[ mood | slightly sick ]
[ music | IMH: the fuckin' rejects ]

I like having a paid account again. :-)

someone want to make me new/more icons? <>hinthint<>

15 comments|post comment

[27 Nov 2003|02:08pm]
[ mood | eh ]
[ music | imh: mest ]


too much, not enough, don't know how.

know what the title of my friends page is? best friends means...

I'm wondering if I ever knew.

no pun intended, Chill.

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[24 Nov 2003|09:49am]
[ mood | so sad ]
[ music | IMH: "Fall" - Something Corporate ]

I almost want to rant and get myself involved, but after everything I've heard, I've decided its not worth my time.

Just let me say this. Completely hypothetical. Why is this worth your time?

what is an update? [20 Nov 2003|06:15pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | IMH: "The Taste of Ink" - The Used ]

I'm updating from work. And that amuses me.

Just for future reference, the shows I'd like to go to. :-)

Sunday, 11/23 - Vendetta Red @ Krome, 5pm. (I'd like to go, and I just might...but its Krissy's birthday party. So I'll be in Brick for a large portion of the day. :-x)

Tuesday, 12/2 - Three on a Match @ Harry's Road House, 10pm (this chick in ceramics is the lead singers girlfriend. promised to check them out.)

Saturday, 12/6 - Runaway Orange, Stars Hide Fire @ The Cricket Club, 6:30 pm.

Sunday, 12/14 - The Early November, Count The Stars, Hidden in Plainview @ Krome, 5 pm. (I miss Chris. :-( )

Saturday, 12/20 - My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self-Indulgence @ The Cricket Club, 7pm. (There is no way in hell anyone can get me to miss this show. So there. :-p)

For right now...that is all. Unless someone knows of another show I'm forgetting about? Let me know. :-)

I don't like car accidents and panicky calls at 11:30 at night. But everyone's ok and my older sister duties have gone into overdrive once more. <>nods once<>

I'd like to point out that kisses make me feel special. :-[

edit (8:27pm) - I'm going to get another tattoo? Huh? Bevin<3

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[13 Nov 2003|07:48am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | "For Me, This is Heaven" - Jimmy Eat World ]

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Mysterious unsolved murder. The killer was never found and neither was your body. Your casket is empty and you family mourns till this day in hopes that you are still alive or died a swift death.
Death Date:April 6, 2048
Number attending your funeral?6
How much will you leave to friends and family?$1,595,801
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

...are you sure my family and friends care? That number at my funeral suggests otherwise.

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[11 Nov 2003|11:50am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | church bells ]

this is so depressing. today, my account reverts to a free account because I am poor.

anyone want to buy me a paid account? <>sniffle<>

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[05 Nov 2003|11:42pm]
[ mood | a little late? ]
[ music | IMH: "Indestructible" - Rancid ]



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[28 Oct 2003|06:13pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | the whirlpool is behind me...whirling? o.O ]

The Skate & Surf Festival 2004 happens on Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
April 16-18, 2004 at Convention Hall in Asbury Park, NJ.

Three-day passes for this event go on sale this Saturday at 10:00 AM
through Ticketmaster, Ticketmaster Charge By Phone and

Stay tuned to www.skateandsurffestival.com for more information,
lineups and more!

Already booked the room, two nights, Berkeley-Carteret.

Who's in this year? :-D

20 comments|post comment

what's a worthwhile entry anymore? [23 Oct 2003|01:32pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | IMH: "A Song For Everyone" - Fenix TX ]

I have everything and nothing to say.

Not like it matters, though, right?

I finally fixed my computer. The problem? Mommy tripped over the phone chord and disconnected my modem. It took me $30 and three hours on the phone with Tech Support to figure that out. Fucking waste of money.

Was going to go to work today, but I got an offer to skip work and babysit instead. So I'll be going to the ceramic's studio to get some shit done in a little bit, then go babysit.

I got asked out on a date? And I said yes? Huh?

I don't even know what's going on in my life. Maybe things would make sense if I shared it and was able to talk it out. But who'd bother to listen?

This has been a 'pity me' post on your friends list. Ignore it, like you would have regardless.

drive all night, go anywhere you wanna go...

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[17 Oct 2003|12:16am]
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[14 Oct 2003|07:07am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | IMH: "All You Can Ever Learn Is What You Already Know" - The Ataris ]


I'm lazy and don't feel like commenting in your journals. Do you have tickets/a ride to the Drive-Thru tours this weekend at Krome and Philly? Let me know, my dears, I'll see what I can do about making it happen. :-*

2 comments|post comment

[14 Oct 2003|12:14am]
[ mood | soooooo happy ]
[ music | IMH: "Your Boyfriend Sucks" - The Ataris ]

Default for lj friends pages is 30 entries. I made mine 40 entries because some people (not like the below mentioned, I swear) have a tendency to post multiple posts in a single day (sometimes a single hour).

I am shocked to come home from my show and find not a single entry from one obsessedwiththewestwing Carrie.

In shock, I say. You have no idea.

Listen to The Bank Robbers. Listen to Vendetta Red. Listen to The Ataris. And be amazed just how spectacular a show with all three acts can possibly be.

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[05 Oct 2003|09:13pm]
ignore that last entry. momentary memory lapse.

<>beats self over head with bat<>
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[03 Oct 2003|07:31am]
[ music | IMH: "So Long, Astoria" - The Ataris ]


Monday, October 13
Doors at 7 pm
Tickets: $15
from Ticketmaster
from musictoday.com


who's going with me?!

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[28 Sep 2003|06:33am]
[ mood | well if that isn't depressing... ]
[ music | IMH: some Homegrown song ]

The Movielife broke up?


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[17 Sep 2003|11:00pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Law & Order ]

"and a little thing of popcorn chicken..."

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another useless update [17 Sep 2003|07:04am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | IMH: "As Your Ghost Takes Flight" - Saves The Day ]

I was in Sam Goody yesterday and guess what I saw?

Saved By The Bell, seasons one and two, on DVD.


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[16 Sep 2003|07:07pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Law & Order ]

I have a lisp. Well, more than what I had before.

This is a major lisp.

And that's all I want to say right now. <>nods<>

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[13 Sep 2003|10:11pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | IMH: "Stand By Me" ...why? ]

my friends page (hell, none of lj's pages) hasn't loaded for me in three days.



edit - 11:36 -- oh so NOW it wants to work. <>grumblegrumblebitchbitchbitch<>

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<>sings<> [29 Aug 2003|07:00am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "Santa Monica (Acoustic)" - Everclear ]

Happy Birthday Cherise!

I think a good enough birthday present is waking up and getting Pollstar updates in your inbox. ;-)

Let me know when you're awake, deary, then we'll start our day. :-D

6 comments|post comment

[21 Aug 2003|10:34pm]
[ mood | kinda hungry, I think. ]
[ music | IMH: The Eyeliners ]

you are jealous of my icon. :-p


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tbs sent out an email.. [13 Aug 2003|12:25am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" - Brand New ]

p.s. T-shirts are for wearing, not talking about on the internet...

hahaha, I loved that. that was so great.

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[12 Aug 2003|12:07pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | IMH: "Sugar High (movie version)" - Coyote Shivers ]

Warped owns you and your mom.

Asbury was crowded and ittle. Brand New. I just want to say Brand New.

My nose hurts.

Wakefield are silly boys.

Margarita hates me and road trips. She hates Pennsylvania too. We all hate Pennsylvania.

Mmkay, that's all for now, I'm tired. Shower, find out about Margarita, come back and sleep.

An actual day off. What a concept.

I wanna watch Empire Records now. Dammit, Cait. Oh, Rexy, you're so sexy...

p.s. - I need new icons. :-/

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[07 Aug 2003|10:24pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | IMH: "Ok, I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't" - Brand New ]

$35 each. I think that's great. :-)

I need the money from those of you that are paying me, asap. Mmkay? Thanks. :-D

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[05 Aug 2003|01:22am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | IMH: "Cute Without The E (Cut From The Team)" - Taking Back Sunday ]

It's actually a relief when you get back to the same old routine. The big, anonymous world rushes in to fill empty spaces in your personal life. Be proud of your membership in something that makes a difference.

My horoscope for today Monday. After the day I've had, its quite appropriate.

Hello, everyone, I'm home. Warped in DetroitWHAT?! was fun and I didn't get burned. But I did get rained on. Fun times.

I don't feel like writing anymore. G'night.

p.s ~ hotel people? I miscalculated. It's $48. Sorry. Unless you can convince someone else to stay with us? Then it's only $40 a person. That would be great. <>hopehope<> :-D

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Warped Tour in Asbury [30 Jul 2003|11:15pm]
[ mood | trying to get organized ]
[ music | IMH: "This Is Not an Exit" - Saves The Day ]

I have one room at the Berkeley. So far it's me and Chill. I need to know for sure who else is staying in the room. Let me know. Comment, dammit, I like getting comments.

7 comments|post comment

[17 Jul 2003|01:43pm]
[ mood | tummy weird ]
[ music | Coyote Ugly playing downstairs ]

Happy Birthday to Kel. :-)

That said, I'm off. Weee, NY! :-D

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