Friday, May 3rd, 2002
Well I undeleted this journal the other day because in a way I kind of missed it. Well... To be honest, I'm just not feeling it anymore. I made myself another journal a while back called Rob's Life robs_life and basically that's where I am now. To be honest I seriously doubt I'll ever post in here again. I'm just not feeling the vibe anymore. I've been using destroll as my online moniker since 97. It started off with AOL & AIM, then moved on to yahoo messanger, then I lost the computer and couldn't get online anymorte, then I came back about a year and a hlaf ago here on LJ, and now... I just dont know. I just dont feel like DesTroll anymore. I guess I've just changed a bit in the last few months that I've had this acount deleted. Anyways. Long story short, DesTroll might not be deleted anymore, but he is still dead. If you still want to know what I've got to say just link to my new account then. robs_life That's where I am now. That's who I am now. And I'm feeling alot more comfortable with it than I am with this. =0)
It's been fun all. Later.
current mood: reminicent current music: Everclear - So Much For The Afterglow
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11:52 am - Huh?
What the? Just woke up a few minutes ago. What right does the world have to make it noon already? Fuckin A.
current mood: annoyed current music: Blink 182 - Going Away To College
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| Wednesday, May 1st, 2002
7:48 pm - wow.
my color scheme and stuff on DesTroll really bites in compairison to the one I've got going on for Rob's Life. Not to mention that alot of my icons really need to go. I remember the good old days when they were all Calvin & Hobbes icons. *sigh* work.work.work. gotta work, work work, my butt off to make this a decent journal again.
current mood: disappointed current music: My neighbors having sex again. Those fukkers sure get loud.
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11:57 am - BOO MUTHA FUCKAZ!
| Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
9:35 am - Well
right about now, I would usually be apologizing for not having come online in the last god knows how long, but... Nope. I aint doing that shit today. Fuck that. I am NOT going to apologize for something I had no control over. You guys & gals want someone to blame, blame the fukken momling unit for hogging up the damn phone line so much lately.
current mood: aggravated
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| Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
1:52 pm - HmmmmmmmmmYAY! WOOHOO!
lalalalalalala...... >=O)
current mood: silly current music: Lit - A Place In The Sun - Ziplock
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12:35 pm - Random wierdness, and just plain forced comedy...
That life is like a box of choclates, but you always get stuck with the kind that grosses you out?
That you grabbed the right train, but at the wrong time, going the wrong way on the wrong track, and that another train is currently barreling it's way straight at your train?
That your about two pints short of a full pitcher?
That no matter how hard you try, you never quite seem to be trying hard at all?
That no matter how good you do, it still doesnt amount to jack shit, but then the second you do something even microscopically wrong, the world is going to come to a violent and painful end?
That once you've popped you just canty stop?
That the world is a vampire... And still noone seems to find you attractive enough to suck you off?
That the world is filled with blithering idiots and yet they all still act like you're the stupid one?
That makes you wanna stand out in the crowd like a peacock and preform a strange, ancient, and erotic mating ritual, but you're really just a dog and you've already been neutered?
That if looks could kill, and you had a penny for every deadly thought you'd be even richer and more notorious than Bill Gates?
That if you only had a gun...?
That makes you start to ponder the meaning of life the universe, your existance, and your personal path/destiny in life at the most inopertune of moments... Such as when you're at the check out line at the gorcery store and you're starting to hand the cashier the money but somewhere in between pulling the cash out of the wallet and handing it over to the pimpled faced greasy looking highschool freshman on the other side of the counter Socrates, Niche, Einstien, & Alester Crowley all pop into your head at the same minute and start going at each other like a couple of toddelers fighting over a lincoln log?
When you're on break that it just doesnt seem worth all the fuss and bother and when you walk back in you're gonna go tell the boss exactly where to shove, how to shove, and that he/shje damn well better like it too, and when you actually do go back in you're just about to do when somebdy distracts you, gives you a side project that should have been inished by the end of last quater by that coniving little sob in marketing, and it totally wreaks your train of thought so you go back off to being your normal usual chipper happy calm well liked ass kissing ladder climbing self?
That you really need to go to the bathroom, but it's in use and you feel like you're right on the verge of exploding, and the person finnaly gets out, so you rush in and suddenly discover you dont have to go anymore?
That life is like a bouqeut of roses, and your just a skunk in the flower store stinking the whole place up?
Where you wanna go out. Break away from it all. Have some huge great adventure and release the wild side of yourself that you've never gotten the chance to know, so you head out and rent/watch a movie?
That if Jay Leno's chin got any larger it would start to prodice it's own gravitational pull and small rocks and pebbels on the ground would be pulled into the air by it to orbit it ceaselessly?
That that Steven Hawkings might not be as smart as they all claim he is and it's really just that fancy laptop of his that he speaks through that's got the brain the size of Jupiter?
That there is an armada of Klingons dangerously close to Uranus?
That I drone on & on and you just wish I would fukking shut up, but I never do and just when you think you cant take it anymore I suddenly get quiet and sit there and stare at you unnevingly and you begin to wonder if I've just asked a question, but you're not sure if I'm just pausing to catch my breath or not so you just bob your head knowingly and mumble something like uhuh in the hopes that Im done, but I just keep sitting there staring at you with my wierd little smile, and you've got no clue what's going on and you begin to wonder if you're supposed tobe saying something ight now, but you're lost because you haven't paid the slightest bit of attention so you excuse yourself and head for the bathroom to splash some water on your face and you can hear my maniacal laughter and your seriously considering walking out on me, but then you suddenly feel this itch on your upper lip, so you goto scratch it and discover I've been staring at you like that because there was a piece of food stuck to your face and I was just waiting for you to wipe it off so now you do leave cus you've had enough of my shit and ok, Im done now.
current mood: silly
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| Monday, February 18th, 2002
9:53 pm - Cool!
Added a new non-c&h; icon today. It's called "frustrated". Deal with it. >=O)
current mood: good
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| Saturday, February 16th, 2002
10:36 am - Kiiiiiiiiiiiick Ass!
Not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but when I was growing up I read comics ALOT, and while most kids were like WAAAAAAAAAY into Wolverine & the X-Men, I really dug Spiderman. His were definaty my fav comics because of well, (A) his attitude & mouth, & (B) because of his powers & smarts. Besides. It's fukking Spiderman. What kid DIDNT wish they could be all super strong, acrobatic, and have the ability to stick to walls or create all kinds of kooky inventions AND get paid for taking pictures of themselves beating down the badguys????
current mood: amused
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9:27 am - As hard as it is for me to belive after last night...
I'm actually awake n' stuff right now. Actually, I've been up for about an hour now. lol I kinda find it hard to accept this because: (1) I was up untill 5 past five on the phone, & it took me untill somewhere around 5:30 to get to sleep, & (2) because I'm not feeling the least bit tired. Oh well. Whatever's clever.
I need something to do to keep me busy. Wish I had cable. I miss the cartoon network, mtv, hbo, showtime, cinemax, comedy central, the food network...
current mood: awake current music: Lit - Atomic - Everything's Cool
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| Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
2:54 pm - Okay, well... This post WAS going to explain why there haven't been any posts from me lately...
But appearantly there already was a post from me today. =0)
Damn short term memory...
This post brought to you by, well... Me. lol
Ok, going to work now. Cya gang!
current mood: amused current music: Smashing Pumpkins - Greatest Hits(Disc1 Rotten Apples) - Eye
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7:29 am - This is THE SHIT!
This post was brought to you by the letter Joint and the number Fuck You!
current mood: amused current music: Some .wav file of Kermit & Big Bird taking bong hits
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| Monday, February 11th, 2002
5:14 am - Reason Im pissed #3625473232674.5 Subsection k, Article B page 9 paragraph 8
I just realiseed that to top it all off Im out of smokes. Im out of pepsi. My zippo ran out of fuel. Im out of Ronsenol to fill it with. There aren't even any smokeable refrys because the momling unit dumped all the ashtrays before she crashed. And the coop de gra': I just found out that some of the mac & cheese I was eating when I passed out somehow managed to find it's way underneath me and get stuck to my ass. Well my jeans anyays, but you know what I mean right? Ahh fukkit. To be honest I dont really give a fuck if anyone does anyways. Im going for a walk now. Need my smokes. I might be back when I get back, but I doubt. Ok yeah. Gotta go get some cigs. And lighter fluid. I should prbably grab a pack of flints just in case too. And definatly some Pepsi. I swear to god that b**** at the shell station better not be all pissy with me again today like she was on Friday, or Im gonna give her an earfull she'll never forget.
current mood: pissed off current music: None.Everybody else has to sleep.F***in Day people >=0|
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4:53 am - Why?
Why do I always find a way to screw up when a good thing happens? NOw I know Im far from perfect, and I've never had much of anything in the luck department, but I'll be damned if when great things happen I don't find some way to royaly fuck myself over. Like for instance my current situation. I had one of the best night's of my life Saturday. So what happens? I pass out and dont wake up untill I need to leave for work. I end up being late because I had to get ready and I got chewed out for that. That soured my mood, so I spent the rest of the day feeling shity and to top it off I got verbally repremanded for chewing out a customer when they said I was an stupid ignorant shitbag just because I (A) couldn't remember what ailse rat poison is on, & (B) asked the stupid fuckwad to please not yell at me. I'm serious the person was yelling at me for like no reason. Just walked up and started ripping into me because HE couldn't find it and HE'D been looking for it for over an hour. And Im the stupid one? It takes less than 2 minutes to walk the entire length of the store! And the idiot only got worse I when I told him I couldn't remember and asked him to chill out. What was I supposed to do take the verbal assualt, look up at him with puppy dog eyes, lick my lips and say "Please, Sir. May I have some more?" Fuck that, fuck him. Anyways, there's that. Then there's what happened when I got home. I walk in the door. I goto the bathoom. I grab myself something to eat, I sit down on the couch ready to have my first bite to eat in over 24 hours and watch Futureama, King Of The Hill, The Simpsons, & Malcom In The Middle. Futureama comes on. I see them goto a factory. I see them after they're back. I see that the ship who had just decapitated Bender a few scenes back is now asking him to push all her right buttons. I start to blink, Bender says something about my place or... My eyes open. TV is off. Kids arent there. Mom is in her room. I fell kinda... Refrshed yet tired at the same time?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Oh shit! Fell asleep! Look at time. Yup, screwed myself AGAIN! Maybe I should start buying stock in patch kits....
current mood: pissed off current music: none
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| Sunday, February 10th, 2002
2:35 am - What colour is your account????
(Stolen from my buddy lindsey_nichole)
Hi! Im The colour most assosicated to the lj user destroll!!!
To find out what colour is, simpy type in: "< font size=7 color=(your lj user name) >"
Dont forget to make sure that the arrows are directly next to the words & leave out the parenthises so it'll work. ;)
On a side note, why do people spell colour without the U these days? Sure the letter may not be needed to make the correct sound, but it doesn't look as cool. Besides when ever I see it spelled "color" I wanna grab a red marker and get all crazy on an essay paper like some deranged, chemically imbalanced & highly neuortic english teacher hell bent on making sure nobody in his/her class passes thier mid-terms or finals.
current mood: Still not sure.
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2:11 am - ***YawnStrech***
Gotta be at work at noon. Would be in bed now. Had planned to be in bed by now. Would very much like to be asleep now. Buuuut, well thins came up, and I'm not going to bed just yet. Have something to do in about 20 minutes that I for one believe takes higher priority than either sleep or work. Untill then however, Im just plain fukkin bored. Oh yeah, and I've decided that Im not poor anymore. From this moment on I think I'll be filthy stinking rich. In fact look, here's all the money from my wallet right here. Watch me roll in it, toss it around and use it to light my cigarette. Seriously though... Have decided to work against rather than for "the machine" from now on. I have an agenda. I've got plans. I've got a damn good stratagy. I've got all the free time I would/will need since I'm only part-timing it at my job. And most of all I've got my infamous sence of determination. The one thing that noone and nothing has ever gotten the upper-hand of before, and the one thin noone or nothing will ever be able to stop. Might take awhile to get started, but once Im on the right track, just watch out. So yeah. Im sick of poverty anyways. It's so 1930's. Will shed further light on my progress and my downward spiral into greed and other such stuff when I deem fit. And if any of you sees a post from me describing my failure just remind me who I am. Im the great and powerful Gen.DesTroll and I cannot be stopped. So yeah, just tell me that and that if I dont get back up and try and ride that horse again I'll be a quitter and a pussy. Telling me Im a pussy if I dont do something usually gives me much morte than enoug determination than is needed to do stuff with, plusit gives me this wierd little rage induced adreniline high that I find comes in very handy duing my free time when Im writing or playing my video games. Ok, ummm, yeah. think that's all. Bye.
current mood: Im not sure what mood Im in. current music: STAIND - Break The Cycle - Outside
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| Friday, February 8th, 2002
10:13 am - Turning Japanese, I Think Im Turning Japanese, I Really Think So...
Ok, ok... I said I probably wouldn't post again, but I just couldn'y resist...
current mood: amused current music: STAIND - Break The Cycle - For You
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| Monday, February 4th, 2002
9:49 am - *Yawn*
Never did get to sleep last night. Oh belive me I tried, but there was just way to much stuff floating around in my mind. Like this new story Im working on. One of the best, if not the best ever, ideas I've ever had for a book. Wondering if I'll ever get published. Thinking about how much I want to get a new drum set and start re-teaching myself so that my buddy George and I can finnaly start that band we keep talking about. Momling unit is asleep again now. In an hour Im going to be heading out the door so that I can go and handle the whole H&R; Blockhead's Rapid Refund thingy. =0) Once that's all said and done maybe I'll take a nap or something. ***Yawn*** That is of course if I can stay up to do all that stuff. Laugh, scoff, or talk shit if you want,but there is one thing about being addicted to caffiene and nicotene that all you straight edgers will never get. The ability to stay up for unusually long amounts of time and to be able to have an insant pick-me-up that'll get you going again once your motor starts to burn. Ahh Pepsi, Ahhh Kamel Reds, I love you so. ***Sigh,Swoon,Yawn,Snore***
current mood: groggy current music: Chumbawumba - (Self Titled) - Drip Drip Drip
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2:47 am - Oh yeah, one last thing for the night, then it's off ta my game and then it's bed for me...
I've been listening to my new Lit cd alot lately. (Thank you Gramma for finnaly sending me some cd's that aren't classical! Not that's there's anything wrong with classical music, I fuking love it, but I do listen to alot of other types of music after all, and besides with all the classical cd's you keep sending, it makes my collection of 67 non-classical cd's look microscopic in compairison! BTW, anyone want a few classical cds?lol) Anyways... I love this cd. Not the Atomic album, it's very cool, but the one before that, A Place In The Sun, is so fukkin much cooler. Especially Ziplock & My Own Worst Enemy. But there's this one song on it called "The Perfect One" and the sound on this is just plain fukkin addicting. Especially the guitar riffs and the bass lines. Usually, being an ex-drummer, I listen to the percusions more, but everything about this song is just so cool.
"Perfect One"
Off the album "A Place In The Sun"
Im an ordinary man With an ordinary life Does she know that Im alive Man shes really something else
Youre the perfect one And I dont expect a thing from you at all Youre the perfect one And I cant even breathe at all
You are so unpredictable Sometimes Id like to be that way Your charm so irresistable You are really something else
Youre the perfect one And I dont except a thing from you at all Youre the perfect one And I cant even breathe
I get weak when shes around I cant speak when shes around Yeah she turns me upside down Man shes really something else
Youre the perfect one You are everything I never knew Ive always wanted Youre the perfect one And I dont expect a thing from you at all Youre the perfect one And I cant even breathe Cuz Im just an ordinary man Youre the perfect one And Im just an ordinary man
current mood: happy current music: Lit - A Place In The Sun - Perfect One
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12:42 am - Lit - A Plac In The Sun - Ziplock
I've been stealing Time where I can get it from And I've been losing My grip on what I used to hold
If I could get another chance I'd stick it in a ziplockbag And keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket
Tell me when I start to blow it Would you show me What I need to before you Hate me Cuz I could never live with that So tell me Before you're better off without me Before you're better off without me
I've been watching you You're sleeping with a troubled look Im sure your bad dreams Are probably all about me And better off without me
If I could get another chance I'd put it in a ziplock bag And keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket
Tell me When I start to blow it Would you show me What I need to do before you Hate me Cuz I could never live with that So tell me Before you're better off without me Before you're better off without me
I've been losing My grip on what I used to hold I dont want you To be better off without me
If I could get another chance I'd put it in a ziplock bag And keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket Keep it in my pocket
Tell me When I start to blow it Would you show me Tell me What I need to do Before you hate me Tell me Cuz I could never live with that So help me Before you're better off without me
current mood: relaxed current music: Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants & Jacket - Reckless Abandon
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