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[02 Sep 2003|09:33pm]
nicht viel los bei mir....viel arbeit....40 stunden in der woche....rock the mic war geil....snoop is the man....gotta go peace

Lebensverlauf by derbuzz
Beruf:Du wirst ein gefürchteter Gangsterboss.
Liebe:Du findest deine große Liebe, doch dein Partner verlässt dich nach nur 3 Monaten.
Gesundheit:Du wirst an deinem hohen Drogenkonsum sterben.
Nach deinem Tod......wirst du in den Herzen aller deiner Freunde bleiben.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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[06 Aug 2003|07:32pm]
hab kein internet fuer ein paarn tage, also, sitz grad bei einer freundin und schreib wieder mal. war john mayer, counting crows concer, war absolut geil. polizei hat unser bier weg genommen, aber das war auch ok. na gut....muss wieder....peace
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[28 Jun 2003|01:34pm]
Happy Deathday!
Your name:dildo
You will die on:Saturday, July 14, 2018
You will die of:Ritual Sacrifice
Created by Quill
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[14 Jun 2003|04:00am]
[ music | Evanescence-My immortal ]

she's all a ever wanted, all I ever could have sked for, but I fucked it up. I've done some complete useless BSthe past years, but for the first time I know I regret something and if I could turn time back I would change something. It is great, but it hurts...

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[07 Jun 2003|12:58pm]
mein tag gestern war einfach unbeschreiblich. heute official graduation mit dem geilenb outfit.
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[05 Jun 2003|12:47pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | john mayer-no such thing ]

weiss gar net wie ich meine feelings zur zeit beschreiben kann.....bissi kopfweh von wir haben gleich nach der schule um 10:30 am zm feiern angefangen. es war ein ziemlicher spass. jetzt ziemlich fertig und ein bissi hinlegen klingt gut. ach ja hab grad mein gewand fuer die graduatiuon am samstag abgeholt. das is geil, ganz gleich wie im film! binfertig muss pennen gehn

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[04 Jun 2003|06:53am]
[ mood | excited ]

on my way to my last school day ever

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[28 May 2003|11:43pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | seether-broken ]

wednesday may 28th. One week till high school graduation. I'm really excited about the whole notgong t school anymore, but I have asolutely no plan on what's going on "after". Everybody I know already has some kinda plan, but it's hard because I keep moving back and forth. also, things aren't really going too well. I didnt do good in school, gave up on sports (the one thing I was always good at), and I lost that one person I loved. it is....I said it. I tried to look at her as one of those girls you dated in high school, but it's defenitely not working. It's been a while, but now I know I fucked that one up for absolutely n good reason.
Don't get me wrong, high school was the woop, but was it all worth it? I still think so. Statistically, whatever next step I'll take I'm doomed to fail. I really can't see it, becasue I've alays tought I'm not gonna end up like on of those people. I have doubts about myself and that's defenitely not good, that has never happened before. I have always thought, actually known, that whatever direction I'm going, doing my own thing, might not be the smartest thing, but I know I'll go somewhere I wanna be. No I'm almost at a point where I have t destroy my base, eveything I believe in to be successful, to be happy. I'm seriously so afraid of failure in the near future its not even funny. Up until now I had mom and dad bail me out and everything was straight, now I need to do my own thing and dont't know how. I'm finally at that pint where I could do whatever I want, but I simply don't know hw and where. fuck..."life will bring you up, life will put you down, life will build you up just to burn you down"

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[19 May 2003|11:21pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | lifehouse-breathing ]

montage sind enfach ein scheiss. hab einfach absolut gar nix getn heut. ein paar stunden geschlafen, dnn kurz zum ryan und das wars auch schon.
wochenende hat mch ziemlich fertig gemacht. freitag und samstag um 6 in der frueh schlafen gegangen. got pretty fcked up, got ass again, so that was nice. 2 weks left inhigh school. damn it feels so good. i can't waitto start the next period. hopefully i'll have my own place. we'll see....

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[27 Apr 2003|02:26am]
back from mexico....still was fun as hell, but now I gotta get some sleep.....dont know if i can remember how that works
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[15 Apr 2003|11:35am]
[ mood | headache ]
[ music | bring me to life-evenescence ]

last night wasnt really my lucky day. we had a lucky game, after 10 minutes I ran into my own teammate head on and fell over. I have a minor concussion, got 5 stitches, and fractured my sinuses yea fun stuff. so now I gotta go see another doctor so he/she can fix me up again. peace

Ps: We won teh game though

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[11 Apr 2003|01:47pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | ladet gerade ]

computer rennt seit 2 minuten wieder, daher werd ich in der zukunft wieder oefter online sein!!!
bin heut schon a bissi frueher von da schul heim...habs nimma ausghalten. noch eine woche bis spring break und dann heisst ab nach mexico!!!!

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[03 Apr 2003|07:44am]
[ mood | tired ]

computer zuhaus funktioniert noch immer nicht, deshalb sitz ich schon wieder in der schul bibliotek. sollt noch immer irgendwas uebern michael moore schreiben, aber da geht einfach nix weiter. anyways, haben gestern unser erstes rugby spiel gehabt. verlief ziemlich gut. heute um 7 gehts dann weiter zu meinem ersten arbeitstag ins cottage in (fuer die delivery scheiss). bin noch nicht 18 deshalb bleib ich in der kueche....halb so schlimm. na gut, muss wieder pretending das ich irgendwas mach.

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[02 Apr 2003|08:32am]
[ mood | tired ]

ich update mein journal grad von da schul dadurch mein computer zuhaus derzeitig im sack ist. schul sucks ziemlich, aber es dauert ja nur mehr 2 monate.
in 2 wochen flieg ich schon nach mexico...spring break baby!!!! ich hoff ich ueberleb den trip.
wochenende war relativ cool....2 mal "get togethers" bei mir zuhaus. "BOOTY and HENNESSY" ist alles was ich dazu sagen gestern sind meine eltern von ihrem 10 tagigen jamaica trip zurueck war in ordnung, dadurch gabs keinen stress..... na gut muss weiter zure 2. stunde....peace

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[17 Mar 2003|12:05am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | nas-i can ]

last friday was the shit....i threw a surprise party for my bud ryan. for the firs time in my life i attended a surprise party and the persn had absolutely no clue. i mean absolutely no clue. i had around 30 people in my basement at one point, it was so much fun. the whipped cream on the french vanilla sunday was that girl though....she was smoking hot, but dump as a brick. I told her I loved her and all that bs for an hour and she bought sleep with her becasue i ran out of time, doesnt matter cause it was so much fun.
saturday kinda blew...went out for a bit, but that was it. today we had practice, and again tomorrow. peace!!!

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[12 Mar 2003|12:00am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | blindside-pitful ]

the past few days have been very actually everything just keeps rotating the same way. school is fine, but I think I'm ready to leave and move on. Rugby is going, it's gonna be tough, but it will be a lot of fun. last night we had our first outdoor practice....knee a little swollen, nothing that couldnt be taken care of by a little jaegermeister. also, i think i have established what i wanna study in college. it's really exciting that in a couple of months life is gonna completely change. feels great. for me its basically leave all the bullshit behind and start new. so yea....girl wise i'm not really planning on getting involved in anything serious, since this is high school and i realized its pointless. fun as hell but pointless with way too much bullshit i dont wanna deal with. so hopefully the next couple months will be fun, and i know they will be. which reminds me that i'm not gonna see some of my best friends for a long time. what can you do....i've been there before. so anyways....i'm off to bed.

Ps: stop the hate and violence people....its not worth it...

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[09 Mar 2003|01:47am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | pink-family portrait ]

As the earth keeps spinning around and our clocks keeo turning, problems around the globe continue. Right now that main issue is the whole Iraq conflict. First of, in the news we hear about the word of the UN and the US. Well here is the gig....Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair say they will go to war no matter what the UN says. Doesn't that contredict to everything the United Nations snatnd for? Lets pretend the United Kingdomt and America follow through with their (evil) plan. The worlds strongest power (America) acts without UN approval, therfor they will drop put of the UN which will be followed by the break up of the United Nations....not very likely, but a possibillity. This is the biggest challenge the UN has ever faced, and whats happening....its fallibg apart. i have to say I'm not really looking forward to the future, becasue why.....all those people who are educated and smart out there in the white house, various security councils can't get their act together. If they cant do it how are regular middle class citizens suppose to fix regular domestic problems? Do we live in a world completely full of retards? Do we need hate and violence to survife? I'm not gonna give up to make our world a better place, but do YOU think eventually someone will cooperate?

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[16 Feb 2003|07:11pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | those were the days ]

just got back from westrern! weekend was absolutely awesome. One of the best in quite a while. We had everything, a great great great amount of brew, girls, and the exact right amount of people. anyways I gotto run....I'm already late for rugby.

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[14 Feb 2003|12:33am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | those were the days-leningrad cowboys (mary hopkins cover) ]

This week has been pretty boring. I'm getting healthier again which is a good thing. Besides that nothing really happened. I smoked a couple times thats not a good sign, because I onl smoke when something is up. I might even have an idea of what that is, but anyways. Working out a lot in school actually to get my body ready for spring break. I'm all good....not complaining. Rugby practice killed today. Too much running and doing push ups and stuff. This weekend better be tight, heading up to western for a couple days. The word spread that there are already two kegs organized for saturday, looking forward to that. alright....gotta go to bed to get up for one last school day this week. night night

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[06 Feb 2003|11:39pm]
[ music | evanescence-bring me to life ]

seriously this is bullshit. Instead of sittn in an airplane to austria today i had to go to the hospital, becasue I was that sick. fucking piece of shit I'm so mad. anyways....have fun at prom tomorrow guys, I'll be sittn here drinking tea.

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