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Sunday, August 19th, 2001
1:45 am - After 4 months without posting...
Well, looks like I'm finally updating this damn journal!

Well, I guess I could start off by announcing that I will have a new pic up soon, okay?

I also made a page with some old pictures and some of my cousins. So if you want to check it out click here

My e-fed has been shut down for months. I was in a couple e-feds recently but I quit do to school... That reminds me, I passed my first Biology Test with a perfect score!! I'm so fucking happy!! *lol*

Yeah, might I add that something very aggravating happened on the first day of school. You see, I have to have 2 foreign language credits to get into the local college universities so I planned on taking both Spanish I and Spanish II. The catch is the spanish teacher only teaches one class per year due to her crammed schedule and I was unable to take the class because during freshman year she was teaching Spanish II. Now this year I have to take Spanish I or I don't get both credits because when I'm in 11th she'll be teaching Spanish II and Senior year. she will be teaching Spanish I... But like I was saying, I filled out on my schedule to take Spanish I last year and come to find out when I return they fuck up the schedule and throw me back in choir. When I go to change to Spanish I the class is full and there isn't anymore spaces left. What it all means? I'm screwed out of my foreign language credits and I'll most likely be screwed out of college unless I repeat senior year... Sad but true...

I think that's about it for today. Did I mention I never went to sleep last night? Oh well. Wait, I think I've got more to say, yes I do!! hah!

Me and my cousin got stoned yesterday, uh huh.

After we got stoned we went uptown and a 6th grader was trieing to pick a fight with him(my cousin, Jeremy, 14 years old). Let me say my cousin is a warrior *lol*. He doesn't back down from any fight, he takes punches like a brick wall, and he can kick some major ass! Back to my story. The kid was telling him all sorts of things like "I could whoop your ass boy!" and "I know alot of people who would whoop your ass!" Needless to say, Jeremy didn't take that to well and almost hit the kid, luckily we walked off but then the kid hollered "YOU SUCK COCK!"... Jeremy couldn't take it anymore. He turned around and went to walk back to the kid, once he got up to him he knocked 'em unconscience within a split second! Seriously, Jeremy through a lightning fast jab and knocked the kid on his back knocking him out. Later the police come by and Jeremy made up a story about it being a reflex and thought the kid was about to hit him, the cop bought it and drove off.

Oh yeah, I'm getting Summer Slam tonight on Pay-Per-View and let me just say this now... I hope Austin retains the title and Booker T gets over in his match with The Rock.

On a wrestling note, Jeremy and I have tickets to SMACKDOWN, September the 18th, so don't forget to tune in to UPN when the show airs on the 20th at 7:00pm central time. Might I add we got kick ass seats?!

Oh yeah... I'm high, I just took one hit of what me and my cousin had left and ditched the pipe. My legs are numb. huhuh...

What else is there to say? Nothing I believe, so I'll take my leave! Love, peace, and hair grease!

current mood: drained
current music: "Ticks -&- Leeches" by TOOL

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Saturday, May 26th, 2001
6:16 pm - back from the park
Okay,4th post for my 4th day,but who gives a shit??So my cousin came over and asked to go with us,we all went to pick up my mom's bf and his kids,then we went to the Walcot park,the water was freezing cold!but we survived,I had a great time,prior to going to the lake,we stopped at Big Star,me and my cousin and the other 2 kids stayyed in the card for like 15 minutes and were acting goofy infront of the other shoppers who passed by,my cousin actually hollered at a young chick "WILL YOU SUCK ME?!",the girl looked over and thought it was me!my cousin continued the harrassment with "I'll give ya a dolla!!2 dollas??"anyway,we had a great time!:)

current mood: busy
current music: "I Walk Alone" by 0leander

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10:29 am - IT WORKED!!!!IT REALLY WORKED!!!!*jmr*
hey it worked...*yay*

current mood: bored
current music: "Place for my Head" by Linkin Park

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10:18 am - 2nd entry...not much of a subject huh?
Well I haven't had a second's sleep since my last post about 5 hours ago,I'm still bored as hell...But atleast I won't have to be in another hour,my mom and grandma are gone getting their hair cut,so I'm all alone...I wish someone would get online!...And I want a cigerette badley...But hey,I can't always get what I want,so I'm gonna sit here and ramble.

I'm prolly gonna take a pic every other day and put it up,let me try and see if I can do this...:

Hope that works...Either you'll see an HTML code or a lil red x thingy,I dunno...Damn lip hurts...I don't feel like roleplaying...I want to go ahead and leave for the park,but my mom's boyfriend is going to make it til 11,so I'm stuck here to run my mouth and complain...God life sucks ya know that??

current mood: bored
current music: "By Myself" by Linkin Park

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5:21 am - First Entry...
I've been up for 12 hours and 14 minutes...

Thursday was my last day,I'm out for summer vacation right now(which kicks ass,cause I HATE school).

I'm bored out of my mind...No one is on messanger at this time of morning.

I am so fuckinghungry...

I don't really have much to write about,I have 6 hours left to get some sleep before going swimming tommorrow...

current mood: tired
current music: "I Walk Alone" by 0leander

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