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Rage [22 Dec 2003|12:19am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Think Twice - Eve 6 ]

Boomspeed is going to shut my account down.. idgets.

They have decided to make everyone prove their age who has an account and I don't have a credit card (though I do have debit) and even if I did I wouldn't put my personal information on your frelling low security site.. So fine, shut me down.

Time to find a new image hosting site that I can link to anywhere I suppose, still I'm angry at boomspeed and places that think you shjould just hand over every single detail of your personal life so they can plague you with junk mail.

On a good but weird note my homtail junk mail intake has finally plumited. it started of with 60 a day these days I can get away with less then 6.. Will wonders never cease.

There is a baby geko near the floor in this room, its soooo cute but I am afraid to pick it up. I'm not sure why because I luvvvvv Geckos <3.

I spent all my neo money on gambling.. I suck =/.. Remind me to kick myself later.

Wet to see the singing christmas tree @ Southbank yesterday. Christmas Carols = Yahhhhhhhh =3.

Cashew/Chewbaka is still biting everything in site and still has smeagol eyes.. Everyone who sees him swears he looks evil. Dang I luff this kitten, I brought hima vibrating mouse for Christmas O.o..

Mad cat, the other day I was watching television and sitting on my hands to keep him from attacking. So he climbs up my shoulder onto the top of the seat back and start gnawing at my hair and pouncing at my ears. I'm not safe with this little guy e.e..

Merry Christmas everyone =3

Write a love letter?

Ummmmies [12 Nov 2003|03:44pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Misuderstood ]

Vodka Mud Shake -drools into the bottle- and to think she didn't even want to check my id till I voluntered it was my B-day and then she wanted to see =P.

I think this has been my best b-day ever, considering I didn't expect much after that trip to sydney.

My fellow students threw me a small party with two cakes since I had half a day of tafe today. That was nice of them and I got a card and a small giftie. Then JoJo invited me and Sadie to her place and cooked me beef strog for Lunch and we had a killer time. Came home a few hours later and very full to open the small trinkets mum said she left for me on the couch.. Andy gave me chocolates that I gave him a snuggle for it and mum got me a spiffy watch from the family. Now I usually hate skinny watched but I love this one, its silver, slender and all pwetty =3.. Plus it fits .. bonus..

Mum said she would take me to the movies though leanne wants to take me to the city to see if we can still catch guy and shannon, which i doubt.. Can't decide what I wanna do =D.. I think I will just stay here drinking my Mudshake..

Big Question - Does 18 feel any different?

Answer - Hell no I'm as immature as ever, now escuse me while I find a Pokemon game to dowload.

2 Confessions of love | Write a love letter?

Ctrl C [23 Oct 2003|07:33pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Heaven - Live ]

My head is pounding somthing horrid but eargh.. Couldn't be bothered crawling all the way upstairs to take panadol for it.

Entertained myself today watching the farscape box set I spoiled myself wrotten by buying for myself. I also got my house confirmation back from Unilink Village.. I'm going to be in house 99 room 3.. So I guess its all settled.

I asked my dad today if he really believed I could make it as a Psycoligist or wether he was just humoring me and letting me go to experience it all, he says he believes I can do it, and I do believe him. He has always believed in me though, thats the reason I passed grade 12.

Another 9 people dropped out of our Cert course, Im not going to stress though, I'm to close to then end to quit and If i can't do this, then I can't apply myself to anything.

All the people at my workplace said I've come out of my shell alot in the past few weeks and the worker who is in my room said the first week she thought I was never coming back because I was that un-confident and confused..

I guess its true though I didn't see myself that bad, I felt like telling her to cut me some slack but I just smiled..

Orange Bacardi is better then pinapple.. yes, yes it is.

Write a love letter?

My idol o.o [15 Oct 2003|05:51pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | TLC - Waterfalls ]

I know i don't update =D.. And I don't care..

This post is short and sweet :3

Guy Sebastion Rawks My Sawks and I have wanted him to win since the begining.. - Go the Fro

I hope milsie gets voted of ASAP >D -cackels-


Write a love letter?

[19 Sep 2003|04:25pm]
[ mood | blank ]

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig

Write a love letter?

Hmmmm [09 Sep 2003|05:48pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush ]

My life is rated G.
What is your life rated?

Yes, yes I know I'm an innocent.. =P But it's cause I choose to be.
3 Confessions of love | Write a love letter?

Sometimes [07 Sep 2003|09:22pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | To the moon and back - Savage Garden ]

I just want to crawl under my bed and cry.. I think this is one of those times. All I want is to be two again, with Rebbel my toy rabbit who was bigger then me and my striped dress =/..

Once upon a time I was happy.. Or am I just imagining that.

I complain to much.. Goodnight.

1 Confession of love | Write a love letter?

Big news [27 Aug 2003|05:17pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | The Wind - PJ Harvey ]

Did you know you can volunteer to do me a LJ layout :o.. Yes.. Yes you can..

So why wait?

Simply press comment within the next 400 hours to recieve your free cuddle for your servesces..

Special Offer - If you comment within the next 24 hours you even get an extra lick .. FOR NOTHING.

Usually valued at $999.95 this Lick will be full of slobber goodness and clean your face from hair to chin.. Wile leaving refreshing drool still hanging..

Take advantage of this offer and comment now

I repeat.. comment now

p.s o___o Hey it was worth a try, I've been watching to many infomercials =P.

Write a love letter?

Luff [23 Aug 2003|10:55pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Drive - Incu ]

Happy Birthday Laura (yes, yes I remembered, without any promting from Gem's journal -crosses fingers).

I hope you have an awesome Birthday and you will have to cuddle the penguin I gave you years ago =P (if yous till have it) I should send you something else if I get the money, and your addy.

-Lizzie Day Update-

Had Renees 21st b-day party/barbecu today (Birthday kinda day).

It was good, we played some games like bulderdash and trivia, lots of fun.. and I got to catch up with Jess which I havn't done since she became married and had her baby (neither her husband or her girl was their so It felt a lot easier to talk to her.)

I talked mostly to Amy though :3.. Ang's 5/6? year old sister, she is such a little sweetie.

We talked about how much she loves pink :o.. and her toy dinosaurs (ones a bird and the others a fat blob thing) that were apparently realted. We also tortured her older sister so I had fun ^__^.

Sound desk tomorrow =/.. I miss Sunday school but I know next week will be good =), so I'm not dissapointed.. Besides dileveratly causing feedback can be fun ;) -cackels-

5 Confessions of love | Write a love letter?

Hmmm [23 Aug 2003|10:46am]
My LiveJournal Sitcom
The glysipp Show (PBS, 10:30): glysipp (Vanna White) gets in trouble with the law when glysipp (Vanna White) discusses computers with an undercover cop. That night, shinoda (Danny Trejo) misinterprets an email from aramak (Caroline Rhea) and tries to get into the dump for free. At the same time, joshed (Joe Rogan)'s office's air conditioning is broken, and kawaiijakukie (Bill Paxton) shows up to fix it. That same day, pnaykittie (Annette Funicello) can't find gakkuto (Christopher Walken)'s mailbox and pretends it was never missing. TV-14.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)
5 Confessions of love | Write a love letter?

Sometimes I cry for no reason, and sometimes I laugh because I can. [21 Aug 2003|06:10pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Monkey Wrench - Foo Fighters ]

Well it looks like I'm addicted to updating again, predictable.. very predictable.

Amy is still sick and I'm feeling very intolerant of destractions at the moment.

Intresting note - Apparently I'm an audio leaner, the rarest type o.O;.. I prefer speaches to assignments and I like rythems and music to learn things. I'm very close to Visual and Kinestetic though, so I feel pretty average.

I'm really REALLY cold right now.. Well my feet are anyway, so much for socks working.

Music lessons tonight.. I have to get ready soon but I can't be bothered for some reason.

Me and mum arn't getting along at the moment, she keeps telling me about the crushes she has at work.. she dosn't seem to understand that I DON'T want to know..

I suppose I do judge her to much, but I wouldn't judge her if she didn't keep telling me all these things.. Okay so I'm not perfect.. no one is, I knew this already =/..

I don't see me and my mum ever having a deep relationship, we just tease eacother till it becomes an argument.. Its like we are from two different universes, I think all parents and kids have this problem, but I feel like I'm the only one sometimes ( even if its not true ).

I love mum...

Write a love letter?

Icecream [20 Aug 2003|08:53pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve ]

I did a new layout for my livejournal.

One day I will do that profile page >.>.. One day in a year or two.

2 Confessions of love | Write a love letter?

Shock Horror :o I'm Updating. [17 Aug 2003|08:29pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | Shannia Twain - If your not in it for love.. Radio.. bahhh ]

I have a new direction in life o.o.. Yes, yes I do.

Today I went up to Towomba with my best friend Leanneie =). I had finally decided that I wanted to follow this University idea, I mean no harm in looking right?

Having to wake up at 7am when you went to sleep at 2 am is hard enough, but Leannes house is visited by a family of duckies in the morning, I want to keep a duckling .___. webbed feet are so adorable. Finally after Leanne spent an age pottering about her room collecting her bag and stuff we set off (with her parents). It was a rather long trip up there (2 hours), in a nice old bumpy car, but I passed it quite pleasently listening to Roswell music on a walkman. The landscape had lots of cactuses and cows.. lots and lots of cowwwssssss.

We arrived there finally and I finally saw my new destination in life, a big campus with huge grounds o____o. Towomba (sp?) is known as the Garnden City and has a festivel of flowers once a year (yes I know it sounds likes something out of Harvest moon rpg game). Its kinda dry looking (the grass that is), but there really is flowers everywhere you look, really pretty ones to =3.

We entered and quickly found the library with heaps of brochers and people chatting about all the different subjects. First I headed to the computer section and found some panflets on just general Computing Courses. Apperently you need around an op 12 or 13 to get in (I have 14 but my Cert 3 should boost it up high enough). I fained intrest but really I was cringing inside, computer courses are nice and all, but so anti-social.. I wanted a job with people.

Next I went to the Science Area because Leanne wanted to get documents on nursing (she is already enrolled in that course). I picked up a Psycology Leaflet while there and Leannes mum shoved some Nursing panflets in my hand and raved how good a course it would be for me to do.

Finally I grabbed some business panflets, not that I had any intrest in relaly doing a Business course. That was all I had time for as next thing I knew we were rushed away by some girls to look at Residental Colleges (The only section left really was teaching and childcare.. No thanks).

The residental Colleges were nice, but they reminded me of camp and bording school combined. It costs $200 a week and all meals - All days are included, along with internet and phone free (except on calls outside college). Also a bed and chelves, a common room and dinning room and some table tennis recreational thingies. I knew pretty much straight away I wasn't going to do this, besides me and Leanne don't really have the money for that.

We moved back to the University Area and wandered up to W block to look at the Nursing rooms and displays.. I knew as soon as I stepped in I would NEVER!!!! do nursing.. Just being in the white clean disinfectent rooms, and looking at the displays made me want to faint. I don't want to know about blood clots or anything else bad that can happen to me - Haveing to do a First Aid Course is gorey enough thanks.

After Leanne had finished looking at all the displays ( I amused myself in the drug Dusplay Section ) we decided to go upstairs and look at the Psycology section.. In exact oppisite to what had happend before, I knew as soon as I walked in that this was for me. I was greated by a big fake rollarcoaster simulation and lots of charts about how things can be confused. My favourite course at Tafe right now Is the communication one and I have always been intrested in how the mind works. Even better the only pre-requisite is a SA in english for 4 semesters.. I got a HA for the last 4 Semesters of school so no stress there.

Tomorrow I am going to apply, as tonight I had to do an assignment and my dad was busy. I really hope I get in, though I can't see why in earth I wouldn't =3. Its really good because I was so lost before I went. Anyway after we had lunch (pizzaaaaaaaa) we wandered to look at other housing options, they were all closed as it is Sunday.

We have decided what we would like though.. a 2 Bedroom appartment prefurably not furnished (its cheaper plus we already have a tv, fridge and sofa and my Daddy has a truckie- Brooooommmm). We would like $50 per week, and we might interview for a third person if it would turn out chepaer that way. Max we will pay is $70 per week at the moment.

I looked at all the help the goverment offers me and worked out that I can get $310 a fortnight, which if I budget right should do, and maybe I can even get rent assistance. Dad said I should focus on my course and not get a job. I'm going to wait until I've settled in and seen my workload to decide that. If I do get a job I would have to earn more then $310 per fortnight for it to be worth it, that is a lot of hours. Still I would like to put my sertificate 3 into practice.

I'm going to pay for Uni by hecs =/.. Which means I get to pay it off once I get a job in whihc I earn more then %21 000 a year. Still this is so the thing for me. I need to get away and this is the perfect oppurtunity to be inderpendan =). So for now it looks like its all going smothly.

Next Holiday I get we are going to go look at housing again. As far as I can see next year I will be starting Psycology hopfully.

The course is a WHOPPING 3 years full tiem.. Then another 1 Year full time.. and then 2 Years supervised or a Masters Degree before I can register with the Psycology Board.. I'm going to be a busy munchkin for sure.

Only downside is if I have internet I am really going to watch how much I spend on phone calls. I will probably get on on the University computers or something. I'm not thinking about it yet, to far in the future..


What comes up must come down but I hope this high lasts for a while.

Write a love letter?

.___. [08 Jun 2003|03:01pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Viva Forever - Spice Girls ]

My Sims children where born more talented then my actual Sims o.O;.. This worries me.

Today is a lazy day, all I have done so far is played The Sims on my beanbag. Tonight is a sleepover at Kelly’s. She is trying to reunite us all and Leanne can’t come. This means I will probably just talk to Kelly and no one else all night, I haven’t seen them all in so long. I didn’t talk to them much at school, so I doubt I will be anymore better at communicating my feelings.

Everyone in my family thinks I’m the sanguine socialite of the family, in reality, people scare me silly. I would much rather talk to the computer. I am loud, sure, but only with close people, that is why people often get confused =/.. Its not because I don’t like them that I don’t talk, its just I feel limited by my relationship with them. I confuse myself.

Well it will be nice to escape the house for a while at least.

1 Confession of love | Write a love letter?

Mweh [06 Jun 2003|11:03pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | One Side Zero - New World Order ]

I had to post a normal post without linking to a quiz, because I am scaring myself =D. Back to good old Quiz post loathing, unless of course it is my Quiz.

I made dinner tonight, Pasta with mushrooms, cheese, tomato, onion, garlic and tuna. Now I smell like garlic =P. I feel like huging people just ot get a reaction actually ;).

Nothing much else to report, cept Im bored, oh and my sim Sethie Dax married Ginger , In get a life. o.o;.. no this was not dilverate, just happend.. but you know what, I feel kinda proud =D. (Yes, I'm mad).

Ohh and I also vacumed today, I feel like such a good child =3. - Treats herself to some chocolate in the fridge.-

Write a love letter?

Ahhh [06 Jun 2003|10:59pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Tsunami Bomb - Lemonade ]

I don't "do" Quizs to often, but this one is just to cute.

Read more... )

Hehe, I think I am getting quizzila addicted.

Write a love letter?

Bored [06 Jun 2003|10:26pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Dont Dream Its Over - Sixpence none the richer. ]

I made another quiz.. Yes, and i took my own Quiz yet again =).

Read more... ) Fun Fun.

Write a love letter?

Ahem [06 Jun 2003|12:40am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Take the Quiz I created at
What victim are you?

Even i took it, so it must be good ;).. Or pathetically sad.
Read more... )

Write a love letter?

Music Review [05 Jun 2003|06:47pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Crawling - Linkin Park ]

A Quiz stolen from Kirra )

Have to go pick up my sister in a momment, she wants to come over. Anyways, that was kinda fun filling out. Makes me feel musical illiterate though, as far as all the bands out there are concerned.

Write a love letter?

Always going to worry about tomorrow. [05 Jun 2003|05:52pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | The fan o.O; ]

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee – Just felt like typing that.

Today was pretty darn good.

After being anti-social for a few weeks it was good to talk to someone, so now I can wallow with me, myself and I for another few weeks without going to stark raving mad.

I had a picnic in the forest today, me and Leanne went and shopped for all the food and then made a spiffy meal and carted it to the big oval in the middle.

After having 3 crows, 5 Kookaburras (big SP) and a dozen little birds (that eat out of your hand) devour most of our lunch we went and ogled a Koala named Billy =).. He was big fat and sleepy, I want one .____.

Interuption: - I just opened this in the mail while asking mum how to spell Kookaburras. –

Dear Virginia

We are pleased to offer you a place in Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work) for Semester 2, 2003.

This course will commence on Monday 4 July 2003 – blah blah blah.

-Prances- YESSSSSS! Score, I finally have direction in my life.

/ Interruption

After telling the Koala how cute it was and making babying sounds (poor thing), we climbed the really big view tour, felt dizzy and ended the afternoon with a walk around the paperback trail.

Feeling a little morbid on arriving home we preceded to create Sims and torture them, for the heck of it. Then I drove Leanne home, and I am currently studying my mail (as I got a few different letters), and feeling vastly important.

Happiness is: Driving on the highway with the windows down and rock music turned to full bass and really loud!


Dear Miss Clarke

Your application for a Suitability Notice for child- related employment has been considered and approved.

This is my day =).. Considering I applied for that back when I was working with the Korean kids in Febuary, the certainly took there time o.O; and its nciet o know they don't consider me a threat to kiddies. Its a blue card to >) -adds to wallet happily-.

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