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User:duinlas (3564) Paid User duinlas
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Location:In, Arizona, United States
Bio:What can I say about myself and not sound arrogant? I've studied a great many things in my life, and learned under some of the most gifted and beautiful teachers, but all these things have come to naught when it comes to my own destiny.

Where I end up from here is a question i know I will have to find out in due time.

I write poetry, I write fiction, I write love letters, I write. I read all I can.

I have loved. I have lost. I have never learned how to avoid either.

I have heard the most beautiful words from others. I have been blessed with the closest and best friends one could ever ask for, and yet I have not repaid them even a tenth of a percent of what is due to them. I wonder if they ever will understand what they've done for me.

I am walking into the future with open eyes, unafraid of the terror that locks my very voice. I am a warrior poet.

Version: 3.1
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Memories:58 entries
Interests:42: arabic, billiards, books, brains, breathing, bt, computers, concerts, dreams, eyes, fractals, free thought, games, girls, gundam wing, hair, handcuffs, laptops, lies, love, martial arts, moving, mp3s, music, myths, nethack, palm pilots, perl, poetry, pool, reading, science fiction, starcraft, starwars, swimming, taekwondo, the matrix, thief, webdesign, women, writing, xml. [Modify yours]
Friends:52: adrianj, aerasin, amelia, anduin, antarcticcircle, brand0n027, civilizationiii, cloudbound, czircon, diplomacy, dormando, ellie, emmzee, eyesclosedkiss, firelegend, ghent, halconai, jenwrites, jmanna, kaleene, kartos, keethrax, kvance, ldy, lipid, lj_maintenance, lorelai, lunar8, md, mentalguy, myth, nearby, nethack, nethackers, news, nightchyld, noodleboi, ntang, oceandream9, paidmembers, price, prosewitch, pvx, relsqui, rydianet, serij, sfwriters, taekwondo, teferi, terra, worldbuilding, zztzed
Friend of:45: adrianj, aerasin, amelia, anduin, asterick, brand0n027, carsonfire, cloudbound, demonwriter, dormando, ellie, emmzee, eyesclosedkiss, firelegend, food_court, ghent, halconai, iwows, jmanna, kaleene, kartos, keethrax, kvance, ldy, lipid, lorelai, md, mentalguy, mindlessthinker, myth, nearby, nightchyld, noodleboi, ntang, oceandream9, price, prosewitch, pvx, relsqui, satinblade, serij, teferi, terra, valuren, zztzed
Member of:17: civilizationiii, diplomacy, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_perl, lunar8, martial_artists, nanowrimo, nethack, nethackers, paidmembers, quill, seriouswriters, sfwriters, taekwondo, tolkien, worldbuilding
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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