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Ask the Builder: Build a dining room table in one hour
30-Jan-2004  Question: I have a dining room with eight chairs and no table. Ten days from now, I am having a dinner party and do not have the thousands of dollars to buy the table I really want. What in the world can I do?
Thinking fireplace? Think safety and energy efficiency
28-Jan-2004  If you're planning to install a new fireplace in your home, thoughts of warmth, comfort and romance are likely uppermost in your mind. For peace of mind and maximum enjoyment, however, you should also give some thought to safety and energy efficiency.

Green’s Garden: Some facts about phlox
29-Jan-2004  One of the backbone plants in the perennial garden is the mid to late-summer tall Phlox paniculata or tall garden Phlox.

Green’s Garden: Watering tips for houseplants and seedlings
27-Jan-2004  In the nursery business, there’s an old saying, "He who holds the hose, holds the profits." and it is as true in the home garden as it was in the old nurseries. Whoever does the watering determines the success or failure of the plants.

Flower Power: Forcing flowering branches
24-Jan-2004  Depending on where you live, you can get a jump start on pruning your flowering trees and shrubs, bringing the branches inside to bloom indoors to remind you that spring isn’t really that far away.

Room of the Month: A modern living room with a view
31-Jan-2004  You certainly don’t need an urban environment to appreciate a wide-open view from a big window. In fact, people who love the seaside or the country may argue that there’s no point in a view of gritty city life.
The Anxious Decorator: Drama in red
28-Jan-2004  Question: My client just purchased a 28th-floor one-bedroom condo in a Chicago high-rise. Her goal is to introduce a lot of drama in the main living space, an 18’-by-18’ combined living room/dining room, and she is passionate about having red walls.

Americans urged to test homes for radon
17-Jan-2004  The Environmental Protection Agency is urging Americans to test their homes for radon, a radioactive, invisible, odorless gas linked to lung disease.
Ask the Builder: White powder on new masonry can drive you nuts!
16-Jan-2004  Question: Our house is less than six months old, but we have ugly white deposits leaching out of our chimney, a wing wall that juts from a corner of our home and a retaining wall. What is wrong, and what can be done to fix the problem?

Home Plan of the Week: Trenton 1
01-Feb-2004  The Trenton 1 combines a contemporary look with the rambler style.
Smart Moves: How to market a home with a major flaw or two
29-Jan-2004  Suburbia has long been a part of the American lifestyle, but the turning point occurred almost 60 years ago, with the advent of low-cost but comfortable new subdivisions throughout the country.

Cleaning up with kids can be done
23-Jan-2004  When parents ask their children to clean up their room, the typical response is not enthusiastic. The good news is it doesn't have to be that way!
Treat yourself to better sleep in 2004
06-Jan-2004  "I’ll sleep when I’m dead," the old adage goes, but how you live depends on how you sleep.

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