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User:missravenx (65039) missravenx
Sexy in black vinyl....
Name:Dick Trickle
Location:Dallas, Texas, United States
AOL IM:AIM status missravenx (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 17554165 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status missravenx (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Currently I go full time to brookhaven college during the day. I haven't really decided on a major yet since I'm intrested in so many things, like cybernetics, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, semiconductor technology, quantum mechanics, neurology, and electronics. I'm also into oil painting. I paint landscapes, abstract, figures, portraits, or anything else.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:150: 24, 42, accordians, alien sex fiend, anatomy, androids, angband, anne rice, aristotle, art, asimov, astronomy, bad religion, blood, books, brains, brookhaven college, cannibal! the musical, cannibals, cats, chaos, chocolate, computers, concerts, cooking, cows, cybernetics, cyborgs, daemons, dale earnhardt, dancing, darren, dave matthews band, death, deep thought, dj rap, dna, douglas adams, dyed hair, einstein, electrical engineering, eyes, fingernail polish, flying, flying decadence posse, fog, freedom, fx, geeky stuff, genetics, glowing things, goa, goth, hacking, happy ice, hardware, independence, intelligence, john flansburgh, john linnell, junkyard wars, kaos, kevin harvick, kiefer sutherland, kissing, leonardo da vinci, licking, lightning, linux, love, lucid dreams, mexican food, mike doughty, money, motherboards, mountain dew, movies, mp3s, muds, my boyfriend, my soulmate, nascar, networking, newton, night, nine inch nails, nofx, paperclips, personality, philosophy, physics, piercings, playing in the rain, poetry, propaghandi, punk, purple, quake, quantum mechanics, quantum physics, rain, ramen, reading, red dwarf, relativity, robert heinlein, rocky horror picture show, rollerblading, rollercoasters, safty pins, salvador dali, schrödinger's cat, sci-fi, science, science fiction, semiconductors, serial killers, sims, soul coughing, star trek, starcraft, stars, stephen hawking, strength, sushi, tarot cards, tattoos, technology, the lexx, theory, they might be giants, thinking, thoughts, thunder, time travel, tmbg, tolkien, tony stewart, tori amos, trance, understanding, universe, unix, vampires, van gogh, violins, viruses, voodoo, writing, x-files. [Modify yours]
Friends:112: 5percentnation, _echo_, asghar, bandofdans, baritone_kid, bluelampshade, bradfitz, brb1081, chrissmari, cowgod, cyberpunk, dallas_music, dallasdarkside, darkroland, dfw_atheists, dfw_lj, dfwtx, dreamerz, dreamjournal, drstevechaos, efnettmbg, ericjevitts, erin_bo_berin, esotericfeline, evilsedusa, four, fx0, georgelazenby, girlgeek, googlewhack, hillhouse, hmfeelyat, illscientist, jetstream, jish, john_flansburgh, john_linnell, junkyard_wars, kandea, kaon, kermo, killdashnine, kkbb, kurtkwagner, lexxians, lizzbeth1, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_support, ljfreaks, loshombres, lostangels, meganmorrone, mezaneen, miagee, missravenx, mistyb, modnar, monica, mrhorrible, nameless, nathanblack, news, nincure, oddfood, off_the_hook, ogonzoo, orangerose, philosophy, phlagm, pinkycam, plug_in_tomato, pokesmot, quixotic, rainbowrobot, ravior, reality_review, red_dwarf, rescueboy, rld, rockygrrl, rozziland, sh4dd0w, shpadoinkle2, sisterpuff, spifftronica, spiffyroxy, starbellybabies, stilldocked, stmachiavelli, suggestions, sweetsheetmetal, t3knomanser, technicolor, thedward, themonkey, thp, tmbg, tomasland, twisted6669, txcstrpnk, unknown_lj_tag, vaxocentric, vintageoveralls, violetlovestars, weepday, whosaidilied, wordoftheday, xdrumrboi, xgray
Friend of:38: acidphreak, asghar, brb1081, chrissmari, cowgod, darkroland, dildobucket_1a, dreamjournal, drstevechaos, ericjevitts, esotericfeline, four, fx0, hmfeelyat, jish, kaon, killdashnine, kurtkwagner, miagee, missravenx, monica, nincure, phlagm, pinkycam, plug_in_tomato, quixotic, rainbowrobot, rescueboy, rozziland, sh4dd0w, spifftronica, spiffyroxy, starbellybabies, twisted6669, violetlovestars, weepday, xdrumrboi, xgray
Member of:27: 5percentnation, cyberpunk, dallas_music, dallasdarkside, dfw_atheists, dfw_lj, dfwtx, dreamerz, efnettmbg, gamers, googlewhack, junkyard_wars, lexxians, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_nifty, ljfreaks, ljladies, lostangels, oddfood, off_the_hook, orangerose, philosophy, red_dwarf, shpadoinkle2, tmbg, unknown_lj_tag
Account type:Free Account

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