Mmm, a surprise rainstorm! I love it. Although I am stuck working when I just want to go home and curl up in bed with someone, but that is not going to happen until around midnight tonight so I'd better resign myself. Also, my motherfucking car was filthy, and now it is not. Splendid!
Three different parents at school today commented on how tired I looked. Lame. It's true though- being on my period, combined with being a preschool teacher and a nanny combined with life in general has made me totally haggard over the past few days. And honestly, I feel like not only could I eat a large juicy steak right now, I feel like that steak wouldn't necesarily have to be cooked. Argh! What's happening to me?! I don't eat animals! So instead I'll just eat some bread dipped in A-1 to quell this craving. Blech.
Someone has arrived with my caffeine fix, so off I go.
i have been enjoying:
+ the word "besmirch"
+ our endless numbered days
+ the lemon thyme running rampant in the garden
+ dying hardboiled eggs at school
+ cheap asparagus
+ the latest skirt of my skirt-buying frenzy
i have not been enjoying:
+ insane gas prices
+ this insane craving for red meat
+ my kitty having one of his back claws ripped out of his toe
+ um... that's it, actually. life is decent.
Air America starts tomorrow!
Also, tomorrow I have no school. Thanks, Cesar Chavez! I am watching Saraah though, which ought to be fun considering that not only has she not pooped in a week, but she's suddenly decided to be a 2-year-old with a vengeance. Which means that every other word is "NO!" but then she counters it with a "You MY Wendi" and I can't stop myself from melting. They learn to manipulate so young. Sigh.
The co-op convention was great and I feel like I learned a lot- plus, it was just really refreshing to be with such a large group of people who share the same philosophy of teaching and parenting. There is a series of parenting classes taught by a woman named Ruth Beaglehole here in Echo Park that I plan on attending even though I won't be a parent for many years. She is absolutely amazing and the classes will be more about my own personal growth than anything.
Every part of my body weighs about a thousand pounds right now and I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. I'm convinced that I'm at least mildly anemic for this one week of every month. Bleh.
It's been agreed the whole world stinks
so no one's taking showers anymore.
The internet is such a dangerous place. You have to be able to keep a certain distance between it and yourself. Fortunately I learned that lesson long enough ago that it doesn't make me feel like vomiting when I think about it anymore. Does that make any sense? No. Whatever. I am in the crappiest of all crap moods tonight. Yesterday was a super emotional and very draining day in a series of such days, and last night the boy said/did something that really hurt. I was most likely being extra sensitive to things of that nature, but still. It hurt. And even though I know it was just something he said and there was no real intent behind it, it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. Ouch. I find myself thinking "man, I need to remember not to let my guard down," but that's probably not the best way to react to it.
Also yesterday I discovered that if I drink even just a small amount of milk in a smoothie, an hour later I will want to die. This must be why I want to die for three days after eating a piece of cheese pizza nowadays. And today on a blog somewhere (and god help me I can't remember where it was or I'd link to it) someone wrote that eating an egg is like drinking a liquid chicken, and oh fuck- they are right. Veganism, here I come.
Speaking of chickens. The other two left at the preschool were also knocked down by Marek's Disease. Cookie died over the weekend and Zena looks like she's on her way out. It's heartbreaking and I've cried every day at work this week. I can't deal! I can't deal!
My cell phone battery died three days ago and I still haven't recharged it. It's part of my strategy for avoiding any more stress if it is at all possible. Because there have been several points this week when I felt like I was on the verge of losing it completely.
Next weekend I am going to the national convention of parent-particiption nursery schools. Lucky for me, the convention is being held only 20 minutes away this year- in Glendale. I've signed up for such seminars as:
A Peaceful Approach to Anger Management*
Preschoolers and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Transforming Anger into Love*
Raising Your Spirited Child
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child
What To Do When Children Can't Talk About Their Feelings
*I am especially looking forward to these ones, because I tend to be an angry person. Maybe these will help me? Hmm. Wait, do I really want help? I think I enjoy my anger.
This weekend was nice and relaxing, mainly because we have no money to do anything, so we stayed at home and did a lot of work in the garden. Seriously. We are broke. As in, both of our checking accounts are overdrawn. Oooops!
But soon the money will be positively rolling in! I'm not going to specify, but damn! And then I get to spend an absurd amount in preparing myself for Erik's sister's wedding and our trip to Chicago.
How is it possible that I have less space on my hard drive after deleting about 3,000 pictures from it?
Anyway, here is a picture of Murphycat and I snoozing it up.