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User:wordoftheday (35292) wordoftheday
Name:Word of the Day
Website:Pronunciation Guide
About:This journal provides one word (almost) daily, along with its definition for the verbalist in all of us.

wordoftheday uses's word of the day
to give you a new word each day!

Feel free to discuss the words in the comments.

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Interests:6: dictionaries, english, linguaphiles, vocabulary, word of the day, words. [Modify yours]
Members:1952: View Members .
Watched by:2588: 001, 00ems, 0100111, 10101, 1127, 161281, 16x2minus4, 1899, 1moreofthesame, 1tophi, 24fps, 270mike, 2gether, 2ndavemusic, 37punkyknight37, 4minutes33_2nds, 8hg9taaad5e5, 9sub9, _1945, __________panic, _______nuncora, __apartment, __crimson, __followthrough, __joel__, _avant_garde_, _cankerblossom, _citanul, _dedalus_, _dissonant, _downfall, _emolicious_, _fluffy_, _fuct_tape_, _h_bomb_, _ikhoudvanu, _jejune, _jules_, _justagirl, _laera_, _lastdance, _littlewing_, _manipulateme, _misao, _nondescript, _silent_bob_, _symphony_, _veracity, a_girl5000, abates, abbeyrd, abeautifulone, aberystwyth, abrasivereality, abraxas365, acidave, adamdaedalus, adameros, adelphe, adespota, adiligode, aditu, adolescencia, adolfairy, aeillill, aelita, aello, aerophilous, affectation, afraidnotscared, afterilovedyou, afteryou, agent00groovey, agent_teacup, agermain, ailehtac03, aimk13, aiquale, aisha, aisha777, aislincalum, aivalli, ajallan, ajeast, akilika, alannak, alaris20, alato, albertine, aleatoric, alexandrwolf, alexdiamond, alfawolph, alfredoalley, aliasa, alicat1621, alicexdeejay, alicorn, aligator, alister, alittlerayn, alizarincrimson, allisa, allmyvoices, allodoxa, ally_h, almostelusive, alocin, altroj, alvarez, amadeas, amanda3, amapola_t, amare, amator, amboy00, ambulancee, amby_guity, amikino, amiss, amphixious, amyspencer4, an0ther_atheist, anaksun, analyticaljane, andant, andrea42b, andrewdunny, andrewloog, android5, andshesaid, andthemoon, andthentherewas, andymariachi, anewbeginning, anewkindofpower, angel_boi, angelgurl21, angeljerk, angelocaduto, angelswouldfall, angron, angrycommunist, angrydwarf00, angstronaut, anibellee, anij, animachiara, anjaligads, annebonny, ...
Member of:3: communities, directory, quoteaday
Account type:Free Account

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