Pretty soon we’ll hear them sing a long. [entries|friends|calendar]
I'll Be Your Shooting Star

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CLICK THIS YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!! [23 Feb 2004|09:38pm]

*15 People that sang their <3's outSpill your <3's Out*

FRIENDS ONLY BISH! [10 Feb 2004|10:54pm]
*6 People that sang their <3's outSpill your <3's Out*

HEYYYYYY [26 Jan 2004|11:41pm]
everyone join mine and amandas community!!
[info]sultry_shit! <333
*21 People that sang their <3's outSpill your <3's Out*

BEST communities EVERRRRRR [19 Jan 2004|01:47pm]
[info]soco_community EVERYONE JOIN! & [info]sultry_shit





This will be updated as soon as i get accepted into more lol. Everyone check them outttttt!
*55 People that sang their <3's outSpill your <3's Out*

haha [04 Dec 2003|11:23pm]

I did it in 6 seconds.
I deserved an A+!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
Spill your <3's Out*

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