January 30, 2004

Ingrate, part 2

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Gwyneth Paltrow was saying she wanted to raise her child in England since it doesn't have the "weird, over-patriotic atmosphere" of America and it's much safer without all those nasty guns. Apparently her love affair with merrye olde England doesn't include the wonderful socialist healthcare system:

Pregnant actress Gwyneth Paltrow has been scared off giving birth in a British hospital, thanks to her famous pal Madonna. The stunning Sylvia star - who is expecting her first child with rocker husband Chris Martin - is now shunning the prospect of entering a London hospital on the special day after Madonna reportedly relayed terrifying stories of medical blunders to her. And the Material Girl hitmaker, who caused outrage when she labeled British hospitals "old and Victorian" while pregnant with son Rocco, evidently had an influential effect on Gwyneth - the screen beauty's now decided to give birth at her mother Blythe's Hollywood home. A source tells Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, "Madonna told her all these horror stories about how bad the English hospitals are. So now she has decided to give birth in Los Angeles. She has always wanted a home birth so she didn't think it would make much difference where she had it. But Madonna, who had lots of complications with son Rocco, told her that if something went wrong America would be the best place to be."

Let's hope she can put up with all the icky flag waving while she delivers her child.

Posted by Anthony at 09:56 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
January 27, 2004

Stone Cold Al Franken

Things are getting rough in the Democratic battle for New Hampshire, as the New York Post reports:

EXETER, N.H. - Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.

Body slam? We need details! Was it a German Suplex? Russian Leg Sweep? Samoan Drop?

Franken said he's not backing Dean but merely wanted to protect the right of people to speak freely. "I would have done it if he was a Dean supporter at a Kerry rally," he said.

"I'm neutral in this race but I'm for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down."

And that's the bottom line, 'cause Al Franken said so!

The trouble started when several supporters of fringe presidential candidate Lyndon Larouche began shouting accusations at Dean.

Franken emerged from the crowd and charged one male protester, grabbing him with a bear hug from behind and slamming him onto the floor.

Ah, it was a Free Speech Spinebuster. Way to go Al! Wait a minute... he said he was defending free speech. Doesn't a Larouchite have the right to free speech? Why should he be violently attacked by a rampaging Al Franken just for daring to defy Howard Dean? What's next for Franken? If President Bush is being heckled can we look forward to a run-in by Franken with a kendo stick? Will he slam a MoveOn supporter in the head with a folding chair? Clear out an anti-globalization protest with a cueball in a sock? Somehow I doubt it.

As the paramedics were putting a neck brace on the Larouche supporter, Franken grabbed a nearby microphone and proclaimed "Franken 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!"

Posted by Anthony at 04:31 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
January 19, 2004

John Rhys-Davies

john_rhys-davies-gimli.jpgLord Of The Rings actor John Rhys-Davies is in hot water for voicing his politically incorrect opinions. As we all know, anytime a white male talks about racial issues and doesn't toe the liberal line he gets branded a racist:

Outraged Islamic leaders in Wales demanded an immediate apology from Lord Of The Rings actor John Rhys-Davies, who claimed an increase in Europe's Muslim population was a "demographic catastrophe" threatening "Western civilisation".

He said: "There is a demographic catastrophe happening in Europe that nobody wants to talk about, that we daren't bring up because we are so cagey about not offending people racially. And rightly we should be. But there is a cultural thing as well.

"By 2020, 50 per cent of the children in Holland under the age of 18 will be of Muslim descent.

"I am for dead, (traditional) white male culture," said Rhys-Davies, who divides his time between his homes in Los Angeles and the Isle of Man.

"Many do not understand how precarious Western civilisation is and what a joy it is.

"From it, we get real democracy. From it, we get the sort of intellectual tolerance that allows me to propound something that may be completely alien to you."


I condemn these comments as being racist and ill-informed," said Adam Price, Plaid Cymru MP for Carmarthen East & Dinefwr.

"It is obvious that this man who now lives in the lap of luxury in Hollywood is out of touch with realities of the nature of present day European society.

"His attack on Muslims and comments about the threat that they pose to Western society shows his ignorance of world events and the true teachings of Islam.

The "true teachings of Islam"? At this point the true teachings of Islam are about as relevant as the true teachings of Jesus Christ are to a discussion about the KKK. Take a look at what goes on in the Islamic world:

  • Beheadings and amputations for minor crimes

  • No freedom of expression

  • "Honor" killings

  • Women are blamed for being raped

  • No tolerance of other religions

  • Irrational hatred of Jews

  • Sharia law

If a group of people hold these values then I think we can safely say that said people are a threat to Western Civilization. The Muslim immigrants coming to Europe aren't trying to escape this garbage, they're coming for economic opportunity and bringing their culture with them. That's what Rhys-Davies seems to be concerned about and I think he has a valid point. It's a shame that the politicians there are more concerned with being politically correct than with facing the problem and doing something about it.

Chief executive of the All Wales Ethnic Minority Association (Awema) Naz Malik agreed.

He said: "I do not know why he has said these things. If 50 per cent of people in Holland under 18 are Muslims in 16 years time, so what? In Britain the fastest growing race is mixed race, people of dual heritage. It is a cause for great celebration that our cultures are mixed.

So the Dutch should celebrate that they'll be an ethnic minority in their own country, to be replaced by a repressive theocratic culture? By that argument the American Indians should have welcome the "diversity" brought by the repressive theocratic culture of white Europeans in the 16th-19th centuries.

"We live in a global society - we celebrate what is good in cultures and challenge what is bad in civilisations.

That's exactly his argument. The values held by Islamic "civilisation" are bad in comparison to Western values. The two are incompatible and Rhys-Davies believes the European values will be replaced by the "bad" aspects of the Muslim world. Despite what the Noam Chomsky liberals say all cultures are not equal, some are demonstrably superior to others.

"Does he ever listen to any music other than European? Does he eat Indian food? Does he ever appreciate art other than that from Europe?

Ah yes, anyone who doesn't like a certain culture must be a close-minded and ignorant racist who sits at home eating white man's food and listening to white man's music. This is an extension of the liberal superiority myth, anyone who doesn't agree with us must be ignorant, stupid, mentally ill or just plain mean. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a conservative opinion that is formed by a logical analysis of facts.

Posted by Anthony at 04:42 PM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
January 17, 2004

Watch ya self

For those who don't recognize the name, Mystikal is the man who brought us the timeless classic "Shake that ass" (Warning: link contains extremely explicit lyrics). Now he's going to be doing a little ass shaking of his own in a federal prison:

Michael Tyler, better known as the Grammy-nominated rapper Mystikal, was sentenced to six years in prison yesterday (Jan. 15) for forcing his hair stylist to perform sex acts. Tyler, 33, who pleaded guilty to sexual battery, was taken from the Baton Rouge, La., court in handcuffs.

The victim accused Tyler and two bodyguards of forcing her to perform oral sex after they accused her of stealing $80,000 worth of his checks. She denied stealing any money.

Judge Tony Marabella, who saw a videotape that the men made of the acts, said the victim had been "terrorized."

"The court is convinced that the defendant believes he is above the law and can take the law into his own hands," Marabella said.

Now that he's videotaped himself commiting a sex crime perhaps Mystikal will be nominated for an NAACP Image Award, just like fellow pervert R. Kelly.

Posted by Anthony at 10:05 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
January 16, 2004


Looks like we have another celebrity who can't stand to live in America:

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is ruling out the prospect of returning to America to raise her child - because she deems her homeland too dangerous. The Oscar winning beauty - who is pregnant with her husband Chris Martin's baby - has been living in London since settling down with the Coldplay star, and she has no intention of bringing up their child in a threatening environment. She says, "I worry about brining up a child in America. At the moment there's a weird, over-patriotic atmosphere over there, like, 'We're number one and the rest of the world doesn't matter.' And the guns in school - it's not great."

Well if you're looking for a country that doesn't think it's great, maybe you should leave America because the vast majority of people here believe this is a great country, and it will always be that way. With all the recent nanny laws and 4 million surveillance cameras in the UK I'd bet that a good percentage of Brits think the USA is "number one" as well, at least when it comes to personal freedom.

Here's someone who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her father was TV director Bruce Paltrow and her mother is actress Blythe Danner, never had to work a real job, became famous for dating Brad ("What's in the box!!") Pitt and she's complaining about how America scares her? And Britain is some kind of crime-free sanctuary? Maybe she should do a little research, like read a newspaper:

Britain has the worst record in western Europe for killings, violence and burglary and its citizens face one of the highest risks in the industrialised world of becoming victims of crime, a study has shown.

Guess what Gwynnie? All those icky guns? That's what keeps the crime rate down in America. When you disarm the law abiding citizens and prosecute people for defending themselves, you end up with runaway crime. Don't worry though, it won't affect you and your children, you can afford armed bodyguards and private schools.

Hope you enjoy the UK tax rates and high quality "free" health care.

Posted by Anthony at 02:46 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)

Back to Baghdad

Sel-important actor Sean Penn recently went back to Baghdad, this time with press credentials courtesy of Phil "Lizard Food" Bronstein and the San Francisco Chronicle. The resulting pair of long, boring articles shed more light on Penn's narcissitic personality than the realities of life in Iraq.

As I had made my cautionary opinions known prior to our military engagement, in a self-financed letter to the president in the Washington Post (Oct. 18, 2002), and then reiterated those thoughts after our invasion of Iraq in a self-financed ad in the New York Times (May 30, 2003), I felt a responsibility to change or reaffirm my position in the context of the new situation for our U.S. soldiers, and Iraqi civilians as well.

Cost of running the letter in the Washington Post: $56,000
Cost of running the letter in the New York Times: $125,000
Source: Fox News

This jackass spent nearly $200,000 just to spew his drug-addled "cautionary opinions". If he really cares about the people of Iraq he should consider a similar donation to Operation Give or Helping Iraqi Schools or any one of the many good charities helping people in Iraq.

The rest of his report is filled with a number of inciteful observations, such as:

  • Getting into Iraq is tough

  • Getting out is tough but a satellite phonecall to one's personal assistant in Los Angeles helps smooth things over.

  • There are lots of guys with AK-47s in Iraq but none are as dangerous as the evil private security companies, the "mercenaries" of the evil DynCorp. They took his video camera at gunpoint and viewed the footage before giving it back! And some employees of DynCorp did some bad things once. And they're in the same business as a division of Haliburton, Dick Cheney's private army.

  • Sean Penn takes a lot of Ambien.

Over 10,000 words that basically tell us nothing substantial about Iraq. Nice value for your money, Bronstein.

Posted by Anthony at 12:02 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
January 10, 2004

The Bush Immigration Plan

This doesn't have anything to do with celebrities but I wanted to weigh in on the recent announcement from the president of a new plan to deal with illegal immigration. I'm not crazy about the plan but the fact is something has to be done, the current situation is destroying the California economy and is a major national security risk.

Despite what some pro-illegal immigrant groups may say, illegals are a huge drain on the economy. Welfare, education, health care and crime are all impacted by millions of people who pay no taxes. The argument that many of them are having taxes deducted from their pay but not filing tax returns and receiving refunds is ludicrous. If that's true, where's the IRS? Whether you have to pay in or not, the IRS will be all over anyone not filing a return. Something must be done to get more revenue out of these people to at least partially offset the costs. Bush's "guest worker" plan is a step in the right direction but I really don't think it will amount to much. Unless there's a serious crackdown on employers who hire illegals there's not much incentive for them to register. Once registered a worker will need to be payed at least minimum wage, given benefits, etc. Unregistered illegals will still be willing to work for less and employers will hire them without the threat of prosecution.

Posted by Anthony at 10:31 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
January 09, 2004

Just what we needed

Did you know MTV used to play music videos? Seriously, they really did. Those days are long gone, MTV is now a crap factory, cranking out endless supplies of garbage like The Real World, Road Rules and all the rest. Now comes word that a new music channel is starting up, one that will play music videos. Good news for music lovers? Eh, not so much:

Universal Music Group, the top dog in record labels, is attempting to launch an uncensored, 24-hour music television channel.

The proposed name for the channel "1 AM" pays homage to the first amendment. The new channel is being financed by Eminem's Shady Records, porno company Vivid Entertainment Group and the Endeavor Talent Agency.

With quality people like that behind it you know it's going to be a high class operation.

Posted by Anthony at 03:07 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
January 02, 2004

Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be liberals

Looks like smoking all that pot has finally taken it's toll on Willie Nelson:

Country music icon Willie Nelson has written a Christmas song with an edge -- a protest against the war in Iraq that he hopes will stir passions in those who hear it.

Nelson, 70, told Reuters on Wednesday he wrote "Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" after watching the news on Christmas Day and will play it in Austin, Texas on Saturday at a concert to benefit Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich

Nothing wrong with peace on earth but given that he's backing Kucinich I don't expect it to be about peace through superior firepower.

The song opens with the line "How much oil is one human life worth?" and swings into the chorus: "Hell they won't lie to me/ Not on my own damn TV/ But how much is a liar's word worth/ And whatever happened to peace on earth?"

That's right, it was all about oil. Oh, and Bush lied, people died. Come on Willie, you used to be a great songwriter, can't you come up with something more original than taking your lyrics from posts at Democratic Underground?

The funniest part of this article is the obligatory Reuters shot at Bush:

Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in March saying that Saddam Hussein threatened U.S. security by possessing weapons of mass destruction, but no such weapons were found.

It's so unrelated to the story, it's like an email signature line.

Posted by Anthony at 09:37 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
December 15, 2003

We got him


Via Right Wing News

"My name is Saddam Hussein. I am the president of Iraq and I want to negotiate." - Saddam Hussein in his rat hole.

"Well hello Mr. Fancypants. I got news for you pal. You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit, and Jack left town." - Bruce Campbell, Army of Darkness

"We didn't stay there long. It smelled really bad" - Unidentified US soldier

"The capture of Saddam Hussein hasn't made America safer" - Howard Dean

"We've already gleaned intelligence value from [Saddam's] capture," Hertling said. "We've already been able to capture a couple of key individuals here in Baghdad. We've completely confirmed one of the cells. It's putting the pieces together and it's connecting the dots. It has already helped us significantly in Baghdad." - Brig. Gen. Mark Hertling of the Army's 1st Armored Division

"I can't believe this. I'm crying here. I feel that we now don't have a chance in this election." - "Carrie", Howard Dean supporter (via Right Nation)

"God Bless Iraq; God Bless America; God bless the Allies." - Alaa, Iraqi blogger

"This is the end of tyranny.. congratulations .. a great day.. for Iraqi and all the good people.. share us our great day.. I can’t express my feelings.. thanks to the coalition forces and all the honest people who helped in that great operation….thank you thank you thousand times.." - ays, Iragi blogger

The tyrants' hour has finally came. I went down to the streets to share the joy with my brothers. This is our day, the day of all the oppressed and good people on earth. Tears of joy filled the eyes of all the people. - Omar, Iraqi blogger

Posted by Anthony at 04:20 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)