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  January 13, 2004
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Contents: Week of January 12, 2004

Up Front

Reporter's Notebook: Highlights from the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association Rick Shenkman

News at Home

Howard Dean Would Be a Disaster for the Democratic Party Thomas Fleming

Dems in 2004 Should Run on Bush's 2000 Theme: It's Time to Restore Honor and Integrity to the White House P.M. Carpenter

Pete Rose--A View from the Capital of Gambling William Thompson

News Abroad

King Chirac: Off with Their Scarves! Wayne te Brake

Lessons from the Mexican War We Ignore at Our Peril John C. Pinheiro

Review of Chalmers Johnson's The Sorrows of Empire Stanley I. Kutler

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? Jack Miles

Are Democrats in Denial About 9-11? Daniel Pipes





Contents: Week of January 5, 2004

News at Home

Should Pete Rose Be Forgiven? Ron Briley

News Abroad

Why You Should Still Worry About Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East William Lambers

America's Abominable Record in Okinawa Chalmers Johnson

Historians & History

The Failure of American Academics to Speak the Truth About the Middle East Daniel Pipes

Fact & Fiction

How True to History is Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai? Jonathan Dresner

Culture Watch

James Wechsler: The Editor Who Dared Challenge J. Edgar Hoover Murray Polner


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Breaking News

AHA Business Meeting unanimously approves resolution sponsored by Historians Against the War (HAW) affirming the rights of free speech.

Over opposition of Yale history department chairman, the AHA Business Meeting approves a resolution critical of Yale's campaign to stop the formation of a union for graduate students; first amendment rights emphasized.

Hooligans rampage through India's illustrious Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, destroying an invaluable ancient book and ms. collection.

National Park Service controversy after officials agree to put on sale at bookstore a Creationist account of the formation of the Grand Canyon; the book claims the Grand Canyon is just a few thousand years old, not more than 5 million years old as the NPS claims.

THE discovery of bones of soldiers killed nearly two centuries ago in the Battle of Salamanca--the Duke of Wellington's crushing victory in Spain--is fuelling a campaign to prevent construction of a highway.

William Wallace, the 14th century Scottish hero popularized in the film Braveheart, to receive a final burial as a result of a historian's campaign; coffin will be empty.

Aided by a Republican-controlled Congress, President Bush is on track to become the first chief executive since John Quincy Adams in the 1820s to complete a full term without vetoing one bill.

Rome finally plans to erect a proper memorial to recognize U.S., British and Canadian troops who liberated Italy from the Nazis.

Artist, in a first, is using the raising of the Confederate H.L. Hunley, the first submarine to sink an enemy vessel, to create an accurate painting of the vessel.

A renowned German art historian said he was still very much alive yesterday, after one of the country's most prestigious newspapers was tricked into announcing his death by the fraudulent placing of an advertisement in its births, marriages and deaths section.

Divers ready to find out if a vessel sunk near Rhode Island is Captain James Cook's Endeavour.

New Swiss law takes effect pardoning citizens who were penalized — even jailed — for helping Jews escape from Nazi Germany nearly six decades after the fact and too late for many who died with the burden of misplaced shame.

Internationally recognized orthopedic surgeon from Ukraine, says the story of Joan of Arc emerging from poverty, answering God's call to save France, then being burned at the stake, is a cover for intrigue and double-cross at the highest levels of the French court; bases conclusion on examination of corpses in French royal tombs.

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