Work SUCKS! |
[27 Aug 2002|12:11pm] |
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tired |
] |
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someone's radio in another office |
] |
Well, I've been working extra hard the past week or 2. My boss went on medical leave and left me all of his stuff to deal with. But he didn't give me sufficient directions or instructions. So.... One of his big projects is now officially a week late. His boss and I have been working a lot of overtime on this damn thing. We were both in 9 hours on Saturday and she was in for about 8 hours on Sunday, and yesterday I worked a 16 hour day. It isn't looking like it's going to let up soon.
The problem is that I'm actually working with code (what a shocker!) and it takes anywhere from 6 to 10 hours to build the damn thing to the point where I can compile. And each time I fix something I have to go through the 10 hour rebuild before I can check how it compiles! Stupid ass process. *grumble*
The other issue is whether I take comp days (paid vacation) or call in overtime... I just don't know. Therese (the boss's boss) said that comp is better than overtime, because there's a limited budget, but everyone else is telling me to go overtime. But with the amount of overtime I'm doing, can Xerox afford to pay me? Will people (including me) get in trouble for letting an intern work this much? *shrug* Who knows. Not me :-/
I Moved!! |
[19 Aug 2002|10:41am] |
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mood |
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worried |
] |
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The sounds of cubeville :] |
] |
Yay! I'm finally moved. Almost all of my stuff is at the new place and some of it is even unpacked! (Thanks Rob!) The only stuff not there is my day-to-day stuff, the bun and my plants. I'm staying at my parents until the new place is livable. So now I don't know where anything is and it's rather annoying....
Now, for work. My "manager" is out on medical leave (having surgery) and will be gone about a month. So, I've been given all his work. I'm now leading all his feature teams, leading international phone conferences (ok only one.. but it's still cool!), testing and going to big meetings. Woo hoo. Of course, I don't have permissions to half the things I need, so I'm using his username/passwd... Oh well. Should be interesting. I just hope I'm doing everything right, as he definately seems to have forgotten to tell me some things, and didn't leave a phone number....
Countdown to move: 18 Days |
[29 Jul 2002|12:47pm] |
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mood |
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bored |
] |
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Sheryl Crow - Soak up the Sun (In my head - over and over) |
] |
After picking up Cinn, I noticed that he was acting kinda weird and was still damp. She had promised me that she would blow-dry him, since rabbits that stay wet can get pnemonia and die. The fact that he was still wet meant that she didn't do that at all. So, even though I had gone home early, since I was sick, I got Cinn wrapped in a towel and held him and rocked him like a little baby and watched TV. Then after hopping around on my bed he layed between my legs with his ears sticking straight out and his head resting between my knees. He's so CUTE! Finally he got dry. He thought he liked my hair dryer, but decided that he didn't like it.
Yes, I have a life outside of my cute bunny... Saturday was spent putting up fliers of stuff I'm selling, cleaning and packing the house again. It is taking so long to do. I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!!! Then I got The Parental Units to take me out to dinner and rent a movie. We got Gosford Park. It SUCKED! The acting WAS good. The accents WERE cool. But it was SLOW. It took an hour and 45 minutes for the murder to occur, and it was supposed to be a murder mystery. A girl walked around and had convenient conversations in a cool Yorkshire accent taht told us all we needed to know. The cops were DUMB. They never caught who did it, but we found out, everyone (who knew in the movie) decided that it was a just killing and it ended. It was slow, there was no suspense at all, it was rated R for 3 bad words, and the ending just died out. Perfect movie for insomniacs.
Ponderings |
[26 Jul 2002|12:48pm] |
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mood |
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cold |
] |
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music |
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No Doubt - I'm just a Girl |
] |
Why is it that when you buy a sandwich/burger/something that comes on some form of bread that there is either never enough inside stuff, or way too much? That you either have 2 inches of plain bread all around the filling, or when you pick it up, it all squirts out the back? Is God simply telling me to stop wasting money buying lunch and to go to Wegmans and make it myself? "A penny saved..." "If you want it done right, do it yourself"? Or is it just one of those Murphy's Laws??
As for the rest of my life, the movers show up in exactly 2 weeks, 6 days and 21 hours. I'm slowing packing up my house. How does one accumulate so much stuff in just 2 years?!?!
I took Cinnamon to the Vet today for a bath, brush and nail clip. Dropped him off on the way to work and will pick him up on the way home. It was interesting trying to get out of the house with a carrier case, a briefcase, keys and a cup of iced tea. When I got there, the check-in lady didn't believe me that when the carrier is down, Cinn is completely still, but when you pick it up, he hops in circles, from one end to the other, and shifts the center of gravity of the carrier constantly, making it extremely difficult to carry. Why doesn't anyone ever believe me?? *sniff* Anywhoo, Cinnamon is now 7.2 pounds. He's a big boy. Bigger than some cats I've known. But he's cute so it doesn't matter :]
Monday, bad; Tuesday, worse |
[09 Jul 2002|01:00pm] |
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blah |
] |
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Sounds from other peoples cubes |
] |
Yesterday I had nothing to do at work, until finally my boss called someone else to have them give me work to do. Although I couldn't keep my mind on anything at all. I had an audition for the Eastman-Rochester Choir right after work, I was tired and I just couldn't concentrate. The whole 4-day weekend totally threw me off.
So the audition went well, I guess, since I got in the choir. I had to do scales and stuff and sight read music I've never heard before, accapella. Icky. But I guess he liked me because he told me that he'd put me in as a Soprano II. (Not an Alto, for once!)
Today I'm trying to do testing, but things keep breaking (I can't even turn the damn thing on now), but I still can't concentrate, because Mom's in the hospital, having her parathyroid taken out and I know Dad called twice today, but didn't leave a message either time.... Sheesh. Besides, I stayed up until almost 1 am watching 16 candles last night. Don't ask me why. Just in an 80s mood, I guess.
4th of July |
[05 Jul 2002|08:05pm] |
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happy |
] |
My parents and I took my mother's Aunt Dorothy (she's almost 88) up to Canada to the Butterfly Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. We got to her house for lunch and had some sandwiches. (One choice was tuna fish with APPLES in it... Icky) Then I showed her some pictures of her and her great-grand-niece and a movie my dad and I took at the baby's baptism on the computer. She is always amazed at what we kids can do these days.
The ride up to Canada took almost 2 hours with going over Grand Island and getting over the border, missing our exit, ending up in St. Catharine's before we could turn around. The butterfly conservatory was really cool. There was a big enclosed room that looked like the tropics (but wasn't warm) and there were thousands of butterflies flying around. They landed on you and took a ride. I had one on my had for a while. It was so cool!! I'm easily amused. Aunt Dorothy had the greatest time. The gardens were beautiful, but we spent so long with the butterflies, that we didn't look around very long. 45 minutes later, we were back at her house, went out to dinner and came home.
It was really nice. I hope I'm like my Aunt Dorothy when I'm 88. She's spunky and fun. Hee it was cool :D
I feel useless |
[05 Jun 2002|05:16pm] |
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mood |
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blah |
] |
Well, this is my first week at Xerox and I have NOTHING to do. I do have a phone, I can call out and receive calls, but only when I'm there. The phone is connected to about 4 other phones, so I get their calls and they get mine. I also have no voice mail. I have a computer, but no account, so I might as well not have one at all.
Without a computer, I can do nothing. My boss tries to keep me occupied as much as possible by telling me about what I'll be doing once I can get on my computer. Monday was orientation from 7:30 until 2:30 with an hour and a half for lunch. Yesterday I went home early because my boss had a dentist appointment and there was nothing for me to do without him. Today I had a doctors appointment so I went home early. Tomorrow I come in just for the afternoon and Friday we have a "Team Picnic" from 12-6 so that's only a half day.
I feel like a bum and a leech :-/
Yes! |
[30 May 2002|12:01am] |
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mood |
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ecstatic |
] |
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ST: Voyager |
] |
I finally heard back from Xerox. I got the job! I start on Monday! It's so COOL!!!!
Woo Hoo!
This is SO weird |
[21 May 2002|08:33pm] |
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weird |
] |
I've been up all night the past two nights working on take home finals. This afternoon I was sleeping and I swear that Rob called to check up on me and asked if he could come over after work
I totally forgot about it until a little while ago and I called Rob to ask if he called me to see if he could come over. And get this! He didn't. I dreamed the whole thing. But it was so real!
Apparently he had been thinking about it, but just hadn't called yet.
How weird is that? I have subconscious ESP.
Weird/cool |
[09 May 2002|10:46pm] |
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mood |
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excited |
] |
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music |
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Taped Smallville |
] |
I've been worrying all quarter about finding a coop. I'm supposed to be on coop right now. I'm freaking out about this because if I can't take a class in the fall (which is at a really inconvenient time) then I can't take the senior project, which lasts 2 quarter, and I don't graduate for an extra year.
Now I was all excited to get an interview tomorrow at Xerox, which is a dream job, and I might be able to take the course. Then I check my email and I'm offered a job that I never interview for. I just sent a resume and a transcript and they hire me sight unseen.
Now I don't know what to do. Do I take the cool, intelligence job at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome, NY, or do I hold out for the cool Xerox, project management job, that I may or may not get; but will possibly let me take the class I need to?
I'm all upset about no possibilities at all, and now I have two...
Not a fun weekend :( |
[10 Mar 2002|10:47pm] |
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mood |
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depressed |
] |
Well, I had a great birthday (lasting over 2 days). I got my network to work, installed my burner and had a little party with my family.
Saturday I got woken up by a phone call from dad that mom went into the hospital friday night about 20 minutes after I left their house. She thought she had a heart attack, but they think it's just unstable angina. No one really knows. So I spent the entire weekend in the hospital. Not a good time at all.
And now school's starting again...
Yes! |
[07 Mar 2002|11:52pm] |
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accomplished |
] |
And we finally have a running network and a working CDRW drive! Took bloody long enough....
What a way to spend my birthday - arguing with dad about what to do, messing around inside my computer and searching the city for multitudes of ethernet cords :-/
Damn Straight!! |
[20 Feb 2002|03:15pm] |
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amused |
] |
Which tarot card are you?
Everyone should bow before me! Hehehe :]
Don't worry I'll get around to posting about my weekend in NYC whenever I have time. I don't right now, I have a paper to write.
Ouchie |
[09 Feb 2002|01:47pm] |
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mood |
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sore |
] |
I fell down and went boom last friday, and it seems that I broke my wrist. Of course I don't know because the x-rays I got yesterday never got looked at. I've called many many times and no one can tell me if it's broken or not. So I have to wait until Monday to find out. If it is broken then I have to go to a hand specialist and who knows what after that. This sucks. It hurts like a bitch.
[29 Jan 2002|02:51pm] |
[ |
mood |
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exhausted |
] |
Projects suck. Especially when you procrastinate and you only have 5 hours to code the entire thing :P It ESPECIALLY sucks when you were awake all night, had to skip morning classes because of an "I'm tired" migraine, and didn't fall asleep until after 8am.
On the other hand, I did just get a phone call asking me if I wanted an interview. I was the first person they called!!
tired... pain... want to sleep.. it doesn't matter if I don't hand in just one project does it?
I talked to Samara!!! |
[15 Jan 2002|11:16pm] |
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bouncy |
] |
I'm so happy! I talked to my best friend in the whole world tonight on the phone (sorry Rob). She finally explained why she doesn't want to be a rabbi. We had a great long talk and we made some plans (hopefully) for me to go see her over president's day weekend in NYC and (i hope i hope i hope) that she could come up and stay with me over the summer. That would be so cool! I'm so happy I got to talk to her, I don't even really care that this is yet another night blown off, when I should have been coding 2 projects and studying for 3 midterms!
Yay!!! I got to talk to Samara!!
Night-time thoughts |
[07 Jan 2002|02:27am] |
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mood |
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tired |
] |
Why is it that the majority of the time you can't sleep is when you really need to??
Right now I am very tired. But I can't sleep. It's 2:30am and I have to get up at 7 for an 8 o'clock class. I don't even think I could sleep if I tried to. So I got up. Heated up some pizza, poured some coke and now I'm watching tv. The only good thing on is Contact. I don't really want to watch it but what else is there to do?
I have such a migraine. Lack of sleep == migraine == bad for Carol.
Why is it that when I look out the windows at the back of my house, the sky looks orange, but when I look out at the front the sky looks grey. And shouldn't the sky in the middle of the night be black?? Or at least dark? I can see outside, even ignoring the lights that are on, just as well as I can on a "typical" Rochester day. It's freaking me out.