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Somewhere out in America it's raining

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You think it's only fair to do what's best for you and you alone [03 Feb 2004|12:01am]
[ mood | scared ]

It's not partisan if I'd be equally pissed over a Democrat being a shitty president. My personal favorite is the animated "What I Been Up To." My only hope is that the fear expressed in many of the ads, namely that the public is being kept in a state of compliance through fear, can be overcome for the election and Bush is booted from office. And I will say that, yes, these ads are definitely one-sided, but it's the side that is not being said anywhere else.

Perhaps what upsets me more than the Bush presidency's term is the treatment of this nonprofit ad, which is precisely the type of valid and conversation provoking political discourse on which the nation is allegedly founded, by CBS. It wasn't aired. Flat out, the expression of a contrary (but again stress valid) political opinion is not broadcast on network television, which is one of the only outlets available to the vast majority of the public. The ads did air during halftime on CNN, a cable network, only available to the percentage of the population who can pay. The censorship effectively squashes free speech. Incidentally, the Bush White House did get a commercial spot during the Super Bowl, with their ONDCP (last ad on the page). A facade of caring about the kids looks good in an election year. So much for fair and equal treatment of political issues.

Comments: spin me a web.

Rose-tint my world keeps me safe from my trouble and pain. [29 Jan 2004|05:41pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Sheryl Crow "We Do What We Can" ]

Shane ([info]literaryartist) has just made me wax bittersweet nostalgic with his newest webpage. He unearthed a few pictures that remind me of some long receded memories. I wish the bad memories weren't there too; this should be rose-colored.

A few more choice shots: )

Comments: 2 webs spun :: spin me a web.

Don't let yourself grow cold, fox in the snow. [29 Jan 2004|04:18pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | David Gray "If Your Love Is Real" ]

I feel bad about not updating this journal often enough; it's hardly at all as of late. Maybe it's because my entries would become too monotonous: "Cassie and I are lazy people in love, and spend every weekend in bed watching movies. And school/work is thoroughly disinteresting." I don't really lack time to update, only new things to say.

I need to buy a small digital camera, take a page out of [info]sgrless' journal, and update largely in pictures. There are always so many interesting things to shoot when I have no means to do so. My life is composed of Cassie and uncaptured vignettes that strike my eye on daily walks. It is comfortable, though not very interesting to read.

This week has had some interesting problems. University of Maryland has dropped the ball a number of times this week with its snow policy, and has recovered poorly. It's put a definite cloud over the starting week; everybody is disinterested and lethargic, classes are a nuisance. There was also the hope that I could receive an evening parking permit for work Thursday nights; sadly, I've discovered that the only way to get a free permit for the evenings is to pay the Department of Transportation's exorbitant permit fee for the days, when I am fully willing to not contribute to global warming and the continuation of my fattening ass; instead I'd walk. I'll just be at risk at night, hoping that Nite Ride can cover my transportation back home in the dark. I'm going to be glad to free myself from these petty issues once I graduate (though employment's petty issues will take their places).

Comments: spin me a web.

It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics to set you on your feet again. [09 Jan 2004|05:11pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

This week at work, I developed a big blister where my right index finger meets the hand. I drained it, and have been keeping it in bandages, but it's really sensitive to any pressure (not to mention that I can't much bend the finger when it's taped up). I also managed to hit my shins, feet, and forehead (once) with the rubber mallet I was using that just so happened to also cause the aforementioned blister. This was all fine. Minor, ignorable nothingness.

Then, heading to lunch today, I tripped off a curb and lightly sprained my ankle. It's not very swollen at all, and there isn't pain through much of the range of motion. But the pressure and small area where it does hurt mean that driving stick is a somewhat painful experience.

As long as my ankle hurts too much to comfortably drive, I am not going to dare a trip up to Bel Air through rush hour. It's unfortunate, because I would have wanted to use this weekend to see Cassie, whom I always miss when apart, and Big Fish. Now I get to pleasurably spend it cleaning my apartment, watching DVDs I've neglected for a while (especially Excalibur, Life as a House, and spurred on my by purchase of the Series Season One I bought, the original Highlander movie), and noticing that I am quite alone in my apartment.

Comments: 1 web spun :: spin me a web.

I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches... [02 Jan 2004|08:21pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Paul Simon "The Cool, Cool River" ]

Cass is sick and exhausted right now. Sinus infection. It's so very sad to put her to sleep in her bed at eight, and leave her house while locking up behind myself. If there was anything more to do, I would have stayed. But I would have just kept her awake when she could hardly keep her head up or eyes open. I feel bad for her feeling bad.

Comments: spin me a web.

Wake up, little Susie, wake up. [31 Dec 2003|03:28pm]
[ mood | good ]

Maybe my parents are growing up.

They both said it was fine for Cassie to stay here tonight after a bottle of wine makes driving a bad idea. This, despite the fact that they will not be here to be the ever-vigilant chaperones. A little trust feels good.

Comments: spin me a web.

He was a low-down, cheap little punk. [28 Dec 2003|02:40pm]
[ mood | angry ]

Sorry I'm not taking the time to resize, but here's three pictures of the vandalism. )

Comments: 5 webs spun :: spin me a web.

We're cruddy juvenile delinquents. So that's what we give 'em. [28 Dec 2003|01:45am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

To the worthless shit in the vicinity of the Senator Theatre:

You are a perfect illustration of everything that is wrong with the world; going to an innocent night at the movies should not be excuse enough to become a victim of crime. And I would love nothing more than to take the can of spraypaint that you used to deface my mother's brand new car, as well as three others, and shove the full length up your juvenile criminal ass then release the rest of the contents of the can into your lower intestine. At the very least, I wish you could be caught and brought to pay for the repairs on all the vehicles.

A Concerned Citizen Out For A Good Ol' Fashioned Ass-Whooping.

Here's what happened. We were invited to go to a screening of Return of the King at the Senator Theatre in the balcony section, a private party with a potluck dinner and the show. It's fun, we did it last year for the second movie. And this year, everything went fine. Fine until we left the theater to drive back home at 11:30 and I spy, before anybody else, the words "BITCH!! I HATE PT'S!" on my mom's new PT Cruiser. My mom starts freaking out, my dad curses, Cassie just kinda stands there quietly shocked, and I pull out my cellphone to call 911. I give the operator all the info and hang up. At which point another person comes over saying "we had the same thing happen to us." Their message was along the lines of "BITCH! I TOLD YOU SO." Far more oblique than our message. Then we find out a third car was also sprayed. "ASK ME AND I'LL STOP," something completely pointless. One of the theater's manager's was also hit, but I never learned what was on his car.

Fifteen minutes later, my dad calls again, asking where our officer is, who should have responded not only to our first call, but also calls from the two other customer drivers. About ten or fifteen minutes after that, more or less a full half-hour since we called, a cop pulls up, writes out incident reports for the three vehicles, and we leave. There's nothing more that can be done, really.

I suppose we can count blessings. And in this case, they're fairly easy. Cheap spraypaint can come off fairly easily, probably even fairly cheaply. Definitely less costly than slashed tires, keyed paint, or busted windows. Or worse yet, having the car stolen. Or worse yet, being mugged or assaulted en route. Or worst of all, if we want to go all out, being victim to a drive-by shooting because "I HATE PT'S!" Heck, while we're at it, a second officer pulled up to the first as he was writing out incident reports and said "if you have this under control, I'll head to the domestic abuse." Others are getting a lot worse than their property spraypainted tonight.

But blessings or not, the simple fact is that it's deplorable that a person cannot feel safe from being the random victim of crime. It could have been any of the worse crimes. They definitely happen. It's the same reason that I genuinely fear walking back to my apartment at school after dark. Or that, if possible, I just avoid the city (D.C. or Baltimore) outright. It's a sad state to have to live as a victim without any crime being done to you, being bound only by the fear of the potential. It genuinely pisses me off. I don't know the solution. Not any more than saying that the worthless little shit who did this should probably be far more educated than he is; that if he's still in school, he should be so relieved to have a break from the rigors of classwork that he can do nothing more than collapse into bed at 10pm, or if he's of adult age, he should be so exhausted from working a decent job that he wants nothing more than to go home in his own PT Cruiser. The world sucks. This should not have to be a concern.

Comments: spin me a web.

When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year [21 Dec 2003|11:15am]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Phil Collins "I Don't Care Anymore" ]

Further stolen from my twin [info]assie.

1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
Had an office job, something beyond disposable teenage work.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
There are never New Year's resolutions, but there are little goals that I make and drop every day.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I have a feeling that I'm stepping on somebody's toes by saying no, but I really can't remember anybody.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My friend Savesh died. He's had a rough couple of years, but it's still sad.

5. What countries did you visit?
I'm going to pretend that Hersheypark is a country.

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?
A diploma.

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The humorous exploitation of youth and sexuality at a college bar.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
It was a rather quotidian year. In lieu of anything really insightful, I'll say surviving this past semester from hell, hopefully with decent grades.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not having a winter job at Harford County Government.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing out of the ordinary minor stuff.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My mp3 player. I love that thing, splurge or not.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
The US soldiers.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The Bush administration's. And that football player who hid a cellphone in the endzone to call his mother for celebration.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Into the bank. At least briefly.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Having Fridays off.

16. What song will always remind you of 2003?
I don't know, but at this point in the survey, Neil Diamond just came up on my internet radio. I like Neil Diamond.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? Sadly, fatter.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Guitar playing.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Video game playing.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Shuffling. Cassie's family in Rising Sun first, then my family in Baltimore.

22. Did you fall in love in 2003?
Every day. And it's just aggregated; I've never fallen out.

23. How many one-night stands?
I pity people who need that.

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Queer Eye, televised Terps Football, and Family Guy on Adult Swim.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

26. What was the best book you read?
Casual reading... that'd be nice. Ender's Game and Order of the Phoenix over the summer.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
The mandolin. I want one.

28. What did you want and get?
The aforementioned mp3 player.

29. What did you want and not get?
An engagement ring for Cassie.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
I know there were a number of very good ones I got out and saw, but the most recent two in the theater may have been the best: Love Actually, and Return of the King.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Stayed in with Cassie and a bottle of wine. 21 is such a nice age to reach.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
A good summer vacation. It was perfectly wretched the way my family got along with me, and I don't think I was asking too much.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?
Recycled. It's nice and cheap just to keep the same clothes.

34. What kept you sane?
Weekends with Cassie and the discovery of Shiraz.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I really don't go in for adoring celebrities, but I saw a good sampling of Kiera Knightly's movies, and she's cute enough. And the accent's always a nice thing.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The unchecked governmental power of the private association RIAA. Utter bullshit.

37. Who did you miss?

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Not really a new person, since I had a passing acquaintance with him in high school, but my other roommate Karl.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Damned budget crunch killing my winter job with HarCo.

40. A song that sums up your year:
Norah Jones "Turn Me On"

Comments: spin me a web.

She pads, paws, pads, paws, and claws. [18 Dec 2003|02:20am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I finish my last paper of the semester, and triumphantly press Print...
...and run out of ink. How's that for being born under a bad sign?

Thankfully Karl let me use his printer.

Because I'm too stupid to just go right to bed, an amusing meme answer:

What Are You Most Likely to Utter During Sex by UMAJohnnie
Most Likely to Say"Oh my god, that's your back hair, I thought you were being mauled by a cat."
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Comments: spin me a web.

Every day I write the book [16 Dec 2003|07:29pm]
[ mood | silly ]

If anybody can find a screen capture of last night's Daily Show image of the "D Force Nine," I'll love them forever. And I mean it in the platonic way. (Sorry)

Comments: spin me a web.

Baby you can drive my car. [16 Dec 2003|06:27pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Finals are whooping my butt, but I have a day off tomorrow. It will be spent studying and/or writing an exam and a paper on Thursday, respectively. Come Thursday, I'm done, though.

Merchant's Auto should be reported to the BBB. When I tried starting my car Friday, it was dead. I got it going with a jump, but as soon as the engine was off, it would need another jump to start up again. Saturday, I took it over to Merchant's (after my first ever kick start), and they told me I needed:
An alternator. $250 plus $120 service.
Three belts. $50 plus $120 service.
Battery Terminals. $10 plus $50 service.
...or thereabouts. About $650 in parts and labor. Not trusting them, I took the car back unfixed. Today my dad came down to take a look and fix it. And I found out that the work Merchant's would have done WOULD have fixed the problem. For about $600 more than necessary. A battery connector snapped off the battery because of the cold, meaning there was no power exchange between the battery and the car. The alternator, the belts: perfectly fine. Bastards at Merchant's.

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 arduinnas a-yelling.
11 assies a-hacking.
10 drkndwhite7s a-twirling.
9 greystreet34s a-hugging.
8 inkblotzs a-grinning.
7 jeannieouis a-spamming.
6 leofelines a-hooting.
5 red literaryartists.
4 falling livewire4272002s.
3 Palestinian sailaliass.
2 donkey sgrlesss.
And a smallpinkdragon in a blackberry tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
I find it amusing that [info]literaryartist's adjective was the homonymic "red," and that a [info]livewire4272002 was falling.
Comments: 1 web spun :: spin me a web.

Why does it always rain on me? [03 Dec 2003|07:50pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

Bad news, but I'm not telling until I find out how it resolves.

Comments: spin me a web.

The bottom of every bottle. [24 Nov 2003|10:00pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Monday Night Football ]

The bottle is gone. And I am happy.

Comments: spin me a web.

White meat, dark meat. You just can't lose. [24 Nov 2003|08:25pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Matchbox 20 "Back 2 Good" ]

[info]sgrless, I don't know if wine makes me horny, but definitely happy. And cheap wine gets better the further down the bottle you get. I need to drink more, so I can drink more. (My roommate says that's very college of me.)

I'm infinitely glad that this is a short week. My teachers just aren't trying anything ambitious. There are no papers, tests, or for the most part, even regular work. It's a free week leading up to Thanksgiving. I'll be thankful for having real food. College makes me miss food that is homemade.

And it's so nearly time to head home for a break. There is essentially no break between the start of the semester at the beginning of September and Thanksgiving. This year we had a day or two off for hurricanes, but that's not a scheduled break. And living without power was hardly a peaceful break. There's so little semester left after Thanksgiving that it's going to be hard as hell to motivate myself. (It's not been easy thus far. Senioritis.) I hold memories of reading Tocqueville by candlelight. Time hasn't passed enough to rose tint them.

Comments: spin me a web.

I was cuttin' a rug down at a place called the Jug [21 Nov 2003|01:02pm]
[ mood | amused ]

The funniest thing about going to a college bar on a night hovering around freezing: All of the underage sluts trying to ignore that it's cold as they wear shirts that cover nothing.

I decided to join Vera last night at Cornerstone after the film class. We got there early, 10:30 or so, and it was pretty relaxed at first. Not many people yet. I got a rum and coke, sat back, and just let the week wash off me. But around midnight or so, I started to notice that it was much louder and more crowded. That's when I began to actually look at the people coming in. The girls were all of the "push-up bra, tiny shirt, painted on jeans" variety. And you could tell that they were freezing when they first came in. Nothing unexpected.

Then I went outside to get some fresh air (the alternative when you are at a bar, and going inside is where you have a smoke). I decide to park myself for a bit near the bouncer, who is examining IDs for a group of girls who just came. Girls that, there was no question, were just little freshmen. One hands the bouncer her ID, and he just starts laughing. The birthdate on it was 1979. She was trying to be 24. She looked 14. She also couldn't tell him her zip code or height as listed on the card. You knew the other girls were squirming because they were just as young. The bouncer, being a typical jerk horny male, gives the girls an ultimatum. "You can just walk away, and I won't report you, but I'll have to take the ID (very nearly the legally correct course). Or, I'll ignore it if two of you kiss." Two girls, one of them the 24/14, give each other a little peck after much trouble. The bouncer says it's not enough. "At least three seconds, and I'd like to see tongue." Feeling very dirty watching this, I went back upstairs before seeing the money shot, but I know that it came. The girls came into the bar about three minutes after I sat back down. I feel bad for the girls having their dignity taken like that, for the benefit of a stupid bouncer. But then again, not too bad, because they didn't have to try and get into a bar with bad fake IDs on a Thursday night. That was their choice in going to a ridiculous mating ritual college bar dressed in their tiniest tops (one of the girls was in a tank top) on a very cold night, when I was chilly in two shirts and a coat.

Also, I was disgusted by how ass was constantly at eye level when I was sitting down. And how it was so crowded that if I tried moving my arms at all, I would inevitably elbow said ass.

Comments: spin me a web.

The chemicals displaced [11 Nov 2003|01:58pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Yes, this is nerdy.

You are an enzyme. You are powerful, dark,
variable, and can change many things at your
whim...even when they're not supposed to be
changed. Bad you. You can be dangerous or
wonderful; it's your choice.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Comments: spin me a web.

I am not worried, I've done this sort of thing before [11 Nov 2003|01:38pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I have a number of nervous habits when I am under stress. Now that I have given up nail-biting (note to self: trim nails), I have reverted back to another, similar habit that I had once abandoned. I am biting my lip. More accurately, I'm very nearly making a meal out of my lip. As a result, it has blossomed to far greater than its usual size, and I look like I have been punched. I feel stupid for it now, and remember why I had given it up. The lip will go down to regular size soon enough, but for now it's uncomfortable. Uncomfortable when I touch it, uncomfortable when I leave it alone. Hopefully when I quit again, I won't go back to nail-biting.

Comments: spin me a web.

He'll eat nutritious...high protein...and swallow raw...eggs. [05 Nov 2003|07:28pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Ryan Adams "Anybody Want To Take Me Home?" ]

The question came up in [info]sgrless' journal, and now I'm curious.

Is oral sex, sex?

Comments: 7 webs spun :: spin me a web.

You are my candy girl, and you've got me wanting you. [29 Oct 2003|10:41pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
cpcliff goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Trenchcoat Wearing Flasher.
drkndwhite7 gives you 13 light orange mint-flavoured gummy bears.
greystreet34 gives you 6 dark green blueberry-flavoured hard candies.
inkblotz gives you 18 white grapefruit-flavoured nuggets.
jeannieoui tricks you! You get an old sock.
literaryartist tricks you! You get a block of wood.
sailalias gives you 8 yellow chocolate-flavoured nuggets.
sgrless gives you 17 red-orange cola-flavoured hard candies.
smallpinkdragon gives you 6 light orange watermelon-flavoured gummy worms.
specsnny tricks you! You get a piece of string.
theatrash tricks you! You lose 44 pieces of candy!
cpcliff ends up with 24 pieces of candy, an old sock, a block of wood, and a piece of string.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

I guess that Nikki was telling the truth saying she didn't want my mint flavored gummy bears. But it's bad form to give them right back to me!
Comments: 2 webs spun :: spin me a web.

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