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To the worthless shit in the vicinity of the Senator Theatre:
You are a perfect illustration of everything that is wrong with the world; going to an innocent night at the movies should not be excuse enough to become a victim of crime. And I would love nothing more than to take the can of spraypaint that you used to deface my mother's brand new car, as well as three others, and shove the full length up your juvenile criminal ass then release the rest of the contents of the can into your lower intestine. At the very least, I wish you could be caught and brought to pay for the repairs on all the vehicles.
Love, A Concerned Citizen Out For A Good Ol' Fashioned Ass-Whooping. ---------------------------------
Here's what happened. We were invited to go to a screening of Return of the King at the Senator Theatre in the balcony section, a private party with a potluck dinner and the show. It's fun, we did it last year for the second movie. And this year, everything went fine. Fine until we left the theater to drive back home at 11:30 and I spy, before anybody else, the words "BITCH!! I HATE PT'S!" on my mom's new PT Cruiser. My mom starts freaking out, my dad curses, Cassie just kinda stands there quietly shocked, and I pull out my cellphone to call 911. I give the operator all the info and hang up. At which point another person comes over saying "we had the same thing happen to us." Their message was along the lines of "BITCH! I TOLD YOU SO." Far more oblique than our message. Then we find out a third car was also sprayed. "ASK ME AND I'LL STOP," something completely pointless. One of the theater's manager's was also hit, but I never learned what was on his car.
Fifteen minutes later, my dad calls again, asking where our officer is, who should have responded not only to our first call, but also calls from the two other customer drivers. About ten or fifteen minutes after that, more or less a full half-hour since we called, a cop pulls up, writes out incident reports for the three vehicles, and we leave. There's nothing more that can be done, really.
I suppose we can count blessings. And in this case, they're fairly easy. Cheap spraypaint can come off fairly easily, probably even fairly cheaply. Definitely less costly than slashed tires, keyed paint, or busted windows. Or worse yet, having the car stolen. Or worse yet, being mugged or assaulted en route. Or worst of all, if we want to go all out, being victim to a drive-by shooting because "I HATE PT'S!" Heck, while we're at it, a second officer pulled up to the first as he was writing out incident reports and said "if you have this under control, I'll head to the domestic abuse." Others are getting a lot worse than their property spraypainted tonight.
But blessings or not, the simple fact is that it's deplorable that a person cannot feel safe from being the random victim of crime. It could have been any of the worse crimes. They definitely happen. It's the same reason that I genuinely fear walking back to my apartment at school after dark. Or that, if possible, I just avoid the city (D.C. or Baltimore) outright. It's a sad state to have to live as a victim without any crime being done to you, being bound only by the fear of the potential. It genuinely pisses me off. I don't know the solution. Not any more than saying that the worthless little shit who did this should probably be far more educated than he is; that if he's still in school, he should be so relieved to have a break from the rigors of classwork that he can do nothing more than collapse into bed at 10pm, or if he's of adult age, he should be so exhausted from working a decent job that he wants nothing more than to go home in his own PT Cruiser. The world sucks. This should not have to be a concern.