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[01 Feb 2004|10:07pm]
Superbowl: The important things.

a)Jake Delhomme is way hotter than Tom Brady.
b)Flag + Poncho = Floncho. Kid Rock is dumb.
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[01 Feb 2004|11:55am]
Short Term:

Finish Shapely
Buy needles/yarn and CO for Tiptoe

Long Term:

hahahahahahahahaha "long term"
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[31 Jan 2004|06:46pm]
I had chuletas, arroz, habichuelas, and TOSTONES for dinner.

My mom's cooking > Aramark
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[31 Jan 2004|11:18am]
At first I was thinking: If I were at school now, I could have me some Tortilla Fresca sausage and egg tacos.

Then I remembered: LUNCH AT TEA HOUSE.

Tea House has the best eggrolls ever made. Ever.
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[31 Jan 2004|12:33am]
[ mood | satisfied ]

silky smooth legs = joy

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[30 Jan 2004|05:05pm]
[ mood | tremo ]

Powers just coined the term "tremo" for "tres emo".

I enjoy it. It is a good word. I'm feeling tremo now.
When I see my lovely Westwood Drama Childrens tonight, I will not be tremo. I will be HAPPY!

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[29 Jan 2004|12:38am]
We keep getting messages over the network or something.

Message from MICHAEL to TRINITY on 1/29/2004 12:30:50 AM

i love doggies

Earlier today he sent both the messages




Though it had the potential to be humorous maybe twice(though neither "poop" nor "i love doggies" was really humorous), this will get annoying mighty quick.

This MICHAEL character needs to learn his place.
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[28 Jan 2004|09:52pm]
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[28 Jan 2004|07:29pm]
I'm tired of being here already. I'll be home on Friday. That's comforting.
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[27 Jan 2004|08:54pm]
Quote of the Evening/Season:

Chappelle: "Get rid of Kim." [It was probably actually "Give it to" but it sounds like "Get rid of" and that's funnier]
Kim: "WHAT?!"

haha. kim sucks.
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[27 Jan 2004|07:49pm]
Update from the CAVE!
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[27 Jan 2004|03:36pm]
Three things: Children, Vulcans and Gap Jackets.

They're back! Today they amassed outside Laurie! Still adorable!

In my Ethics class, Professor Luper (Always, ALWAYS accidentally call him Lupin. Nerd.) was trying to illustrate a point about emotions using the Vulcans. Then, he said something about being out of touch with students, and asked how many people had never heard of the Vulcan species or Spock.
I was flabbergasted

Come on people This is Leonard Freakin NIMOY

How can you have NEVER heard of VULCANS?
I didn't expect everyone to know about Romulans, Ferengi, Q, maybe not even Klingons, BUT MR. SPOCK! This is a blatant gap in their popular cultural knowledge. Did they grow up inside a darkened cave?

Random Eddie Izzard Reference:
If all the named parts were beaming down, they were coming back. That's how it worked.
But if there was a new bloke beaming down with them... you got really worried about him, especially if he was wearing a RED jumper.

Random Family Guy Reference:
and Ensign Ricky!

Gap Jackets:
Everyone and their mother has this jacket:

Seriously, today alone I've seen it four times, and I generally see it at least three times a day. Also interesting is the fact that they're COMPLETELY sold out of it, in stores AND online. That's probably because EVERYONE ALIVE BOUGHT IT.
It is kind of cute though.

I'm done.

EDIT: Okay, I'm not. I found this jacket while trying to find the other one and it's most wonderful. *sigh*
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[26 Jan 2004|10:28pm]
So, after playing Double Dash allll the time for a couple of weeks, when someone whips out the SNES and plays classic Mario Kart, even Rainbow Road is a total anticlimax.

It is fun to watch though.
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[26 Jan 2004|04:10pm]
"Oh, I'm confused! I forgot I was rooting for the Panda!"

Myth lecture today was the awesomest lecture I've had all year. Erwin Cook is one of the top 30 coolest people ever.
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[26 Jan 2004|01:15am]
-watched the 5th Element. What a bizzarely horrible movie
-refined all of the storylines of the 4th Floor. The real one about Chapman, not the fake Juliette Lewis one.

The 4th Floor
-Chris is actually dead to begin with. At some point in the movie Hailey Joel Osment runs up to him and tells him this. Chris' universe explodes.

-James accidentally stumbles onto the roof before arriving at the 4th Floor. He becomes lost in a maze which just happens to be on the roof and encounters David Bowie and several Muppets

-Drew encounters Zombies. He goes undercover as a Zombie and has to eat brains in order to prove that he's loyal to the zombies. He ends up addicted to the Zombie brains and goes back to join the Zombies as some sort of triple quadruple agent for CTU

-Someone (Actor Unidentified) goes to the 4th floor of Cowles instead of Chapman, he or she doesn't understand why it's a big deal to go to the 4th floor.

-Brian's an Army Commander trying to find the secret item on the 4th floor. Insert video game references. He dies when he accidentally throws the pin and holds onto the grenade.

-Bethany is trying to get to the 4th floor when she hears a train whistle. She goes out onto the bridge to Halsell and sees a train. The conductor informs her that it's the Chapman Express. He takes her to the 4th floor (and/or North Pole) in the train and the King of the 4th Floor (Possibly Santa Claus, or the Architect of Chapman. In a room full of video monitors of Bethany) gives her a bell. When she rings it, only those who truly believe in the 4th Floor of Chapman can hear the sound it makes.
She survives to star in another Susan/Danielle masterpiece movie called:

"Tortilla Fresca: The Mexican Line" in which Jeremy falls face first onto a board with nails which just happens to be lying around on the floor of Mabee.
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[25 Jan 2004|02:08pm]
Last night we were this close > < to just driving to Austin on a whim, but then we didn't. And that was as exciting as it got. Although, as Susan says, Low Key Evenings are nice.
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[24 Jan 2004|02:07am]
I got 2nd in Baby Park by like a tenth of a second! And if it weren't for Jeremy and his STUPID RED SHELL I would have won! DSJY was proud.

Also, I watched "The Fourth Floor" today. It was horrible. The guy was crawling around under the packing peanuts, and everyone Juliette Lewis knew was creepy. Especially her insane singing/dancing weatherman husband, William Hurt. Who is ruthless. And will do what it takes.
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[23 Jan 2004|01:44pm]
Forgive me, for I have sinned. There's leaked Episode III footage.
Yes, there is, and I have watched it. (Bad Spoiler-Free Person!)
It's not exactly spoilery, really more of a behind-the-scenes look at various stuff, but it does focus on TEH DUEL.
You know the one.

Anyway, it was beautiful, and awesome, and I have no willpower. I'm off to watch it again.
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[23 Jan 2004|11:35am]
There are small adorable CHILDRENS! They are on campus! They are approximately four years old!
They amassed outside of MMS with their adult leaders, presumably, and sat, looking adorable.

I hope they are here for entertainment purposes. It would be nice to have a four year old in every classroom to play with when the teacher gets boring!
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[23 Jan 2004|01:03am]
Yeah, so we're going to get Walkie-Talkies. The kind with a 5 mile radius and then we can talk anywhere on campus. And we'll have code names and secret channels and we'll communicate with each other.
James' code name is going to be "DSJY" he hates that.
Drew will be "the CAVEmaster"

Other codenames are secret, just because secrets are fun.
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