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Meagan's Mysterious Mind
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Meagan's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
    9:30 pm
    Okay, today was a nice day. I made cookies for Matt. (Which I actually like to do!) And then he and I met for lunch between his last class and work. That was fun. I bought his mom's Mother's Day present from me (which is Overboard on DVD. Great movie) and we looked at jewelry! (One of my favorite activities! lol)
    Other than that, I watched Ocean's 11 with Rach and tuned in for American Idol. George got kicked off, which is sad, but at least it wasn't La Toya or Diana. :)
    Anyway... I don't know what else to talk about. I feel pretty boring today. Although yesterday, I got "Woo hoo'd" at. lol Oh yes, I said "Woo hoo'd." This truck full of guys pulled by while I was washing my car and they "woo hoo'd" me. To tell the truth, I wasn't offended. It felt kind of nice, although I don't see why they would be attracted by ME. But I guess Matt does. When I told him it was weird, he said it wasn't weird, it was "cool." He always says he likes it when other guys find me attractive, cuz then he can be like "she's with me!" lol HE'S weird. :)
    Anyway... I guess that's all for my entry. Still a feeling a little rollercoaster-like emotionally, but eh, whatcha' gonna do? God, I miss Steffi.
    Okay...I'm outty. (he he)

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: The free stuff Matt got me! he he
    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    1:35 pm
    I have been back and forth the last few days. Insanely happy, depressed, laughing, crying, feeling nothing. I don't know what's wrong with me. Well, I sort of do. Adjustment period. I moved home again for the summer, I miss school, I just watched someone I grew up with get married, and I'm realizing who's who among my friends.
    Whcih brings me to this. Sometimes I wish I was more of a bitch! Why do I say this? Because I don't say anything when people hurt my feelings! "Oh you said you'd call me and you didn't...on 22 different occasions. Well, gee, that's okay. I'm Meagan. I'm happy about everything. My life is constant frickin' sunshine!!"
    "What? You want to hang out with me? Really? Is that why you never ask me to go anywhere? Oh well, that's just swell. I'm fine with having my hope stomped on all the time."
    "Oh, you want to stay in touch? I'm so glad you've written me, called me, and IM'd me... NEVER!!! I wasn't crying wishing someone would ask me how I was or anything. I don't do that. I'm Meagan, remember? No? You don't? Well...that's okay too..."
    Okay, right about now, I know I am sounding a little crazy... but do you ever just get to a point where you break? When everything you've been holding inside busts out?
    I know everything shouldn't bother me this much. I'm not stupid, I know people have lives. But so do I and I still do my best to let people know I frickin' care about them!
    Not to say no one cares about me, because I know people who do. It's just hard when you realize that some people don't, even though for YEARS you thought they did.
    My big question: Do they know that they're doing this to someone? Are there people who think this of me?
    I don't know. I try so hard it's hard for me to believe that people do. I return phone calls, I write e-mails, and if I have the time, I will spend it with someone! Isn't that what people DO!?! I guess not...
    I think this may be rambling... who cares.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: is my hideaway...
    Friday, April 30th, 2004
    4:19 pm
    I got a new car!!!!!
    As my subject screams, I got a new car! Isn't that so exciting! It's a "berry red" 2004 Saturn Ion Sedan. Brand new!! YAY!!!! I am so excited!!! Matt hasn't even seen it yet, but he will because he's coming over tonight. I'm excited for him to see it too. :) I LOVE IT!!!! he he It has air conditioning, a cd player, TONS of trunk space, keyless entry, power windows and locks... just everything I wanted!! It was so funny when we bought it because everyone in the showroom came and sang to me and my mom. Then they took my picture and stuff. They even gave me flowers! lol Go Saturn! :)
    Anyway...that's about all for now. I was just so excited. :)
    Tomorrow is Lindsay's and Charlie's wedding. I'm very excited for them. :) And, I'm going to take notes the whole time to help when it's time to plan mine! lol
    Okay... leaving now...

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Whatever's playing in my NEW CAR!!!! lol
    Thursday, April 29th, 2004
    8:04 pm
    Real Quick Entry
    Okay, so I have been so busy already and summer break just started. I've been working on my room like a maniac, but it still looks like a pit. Also, I've been shopping, had some nice fights with my boyfriend (yay...) and been depressed about "friends" from home. I guess that's what happens when all your friends are getting married. Truths come out about people. Who's your friend anymore, who isn't. Who even cares!?!?!? Maybe I'll come back to rant about this, but for now, this has to be short.
    A few good things have happened: Matt bought me Big Fish on DVD! :) I love Ewan McGregor. We're thinking about having a Big Fish watching party on Sunday. I can invite people that I KNOW are still my friends. Okay... I'm sounding bitter. I don't mean's not my nature... it's just what I do when I hurt...
    Wow... everyone reading this is going to think I'm really depressed. I am not. I promise. :) Things are really okay... I do have friends, Matt loves me, and I might be getting a car tomorrow. :) :::crosses fingers::: Okay, I gotta run. Survivor's on. I hope I have no bad spelling errors in here... once again...I'm not checking. he he
    Monday, April 26th, 2004
    7:32 pm
    Home again
    What a BUSY weekend I had!!!! :) Friday we moved all of our stuff out of the apartment and back to E-rap! (ha ha) That was exhausting to say the least. But once we got everything unloaded, it was nice, you know? Anyway, that night, Matt and I went out to the Meijer in Charlotte and got some stuff for Rachel's commencement. That was fun.
    Anyway, Saturday was commencement. Rachel and Nicole both walked. It was insanely long, but worth it just to hear people's names butchered. Like this poor girl named Regina. They pronounced Regina like it was a part of the female anatomy. lol OR like my cousin Nicole's last name, which wasn't hilarious, but it will be a story she can tell for years.
    ANYWAY...after commencement, we did a photo shoot and then went to Red Lobster for dinner. MMMmmmm.... it was good. After dinner, Matt and I went to his house and hung out before going to Meijer AGAIN!! lol This time though we bought stuff for ourselves, then went to Taco Bell at like 11:30 at night! lol Ah well...
    Yesterday, I tried to unpack stuff and go through my room etc. etc. But even after working all day, I was still not done. Oh well, I got a lot accomplished was a start.
    After dinner that night, Matt and I went to Josh's house to work on music together. I actually had fun singing to the stuff that they wrote when they used to be in a band together.
    Anyway...after we "jammed" (lol) Matt and I went back to his house and watched Plainsong. I loved it. Go Hallmark Hall of Fame! Woo!
    So then today, I went to school with Matt at LCC (he only had one class, so I chilled in the library), then he took me to my dentist appointment which sucked. (I'll spare you from the rant I already subjected Matthew to) I am at my house trying to look up cars on the internet, finishing doing stuff in my room, and getting really annoyed by pop-up windows. AOL sucks.
    Okay...I better go.
    (does this entry flow at all? Does it make sense, go in a logical order? Does anyone care? Is it just an "I did this, I did that" kind of self-absorbed THING? Do I want to "enlarge my girth"?? -------Stupid pop up windows------..... Is my spelling okay? Who cares... I'm not going back to re-read...I'm too lazy...)

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: The Corrs
    Friday, April 23rd, 2004
    8:47 am
    RENT and moving out
    RENT last night was AWESOME!!! I am so glad that Kelsey and I went together. It was the best. :) I laughed, I cried, I smiled, and I was inspired. Then when I came back here, Rachel had me stand in a parking space for her. I was dancing around to the RENT music in my head and some guy looked at me like I was crazy. Which, I kind of am, but that's cool. Anyway, once Rachel moved her car into the space I was saving, I serenaded her with Another Day! lol It was great.
    Anyway, today is moving day.... so I have to pack my computer up now... :( Oh well, I'll be home soon! Yay!! That's a plus. Yet, for some reason, I do feel a little sad...

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: RENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
    11:29 am
    My journal's all girly like
    I changed the colors in my journal. Now it looks so girly. lol But I like it at the moment. :)
    Anyway, I need to start doing some packing and cleaning and stuff because we're running out of time! lol That's okay....

    Happy Earth Day! something nice for the planet, huh?

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: RENT!!!!!!!!!
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    8:41 pm
    Yeah Thelma and Louise.... he he
    Okay, so... Aural Perception.... !!!!!BOOOM!!!!!!! <~~~~That's the sound of me bombing the exam! lol But me and Kelsey were very Thelma and Louise about it (see her entry for further information, and quotes! tee hee) Anyway, yeah... I hope my other grades can help me in that class... we'll see.
    In other news... I had to type up two papers to send to my teacher, but Kelsey helped so it made it a little better. But Macs suck. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
    After the typing time, Kelsey and I went to return books at the library, then went to get money from Terion, then spent said money on Subway. :) Subway is yummy. It just hits the spot, you know? Mmm.
    Anyway, in the afternoon, there were juries. When I walked into mine Dr. Norris goes "Are you signed up for Choral Rep. next year?" I didn't expect to hear that at my jury, but I told him I was. Then he and the other faculty complimented me on NATS. That was nice. Then I sang, and it felt pretty great. I've sung Look to the Rainbow much better before, but Sei Mei Sospiri was just probably the best I've ever sang it. It felt good. After my jury, Dr. Norris complimented me. He said I sounded beautiful and have made lots of progress. Yay!! As Rach and I say: "Score!" So yeah...
    Also today was the choir picnic. Pretty fun, but cold. :) It was nice to see people. Another good part, I am, in Prof. Pool's words, "training to become Abby." Basically, I'm training to take over the library stuff for the choirs. Yay. I am actually very excited about that because I love doing that sort of thing. So, that's another "Score!"
    After the picnic, Bethany took me home which was very nice. I love talking to Bethany and we don't see each other too much. BUT, we will talk over the summer because she's just too awesome.
    Anyway... I need to get to packing and cleaning. We move out Friday. Wow.
    Tomorrow, RENT day!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! Kelsey and I are going to see it at Devos Hall! Yay!!!!! I love RENT!!!
    Here, have some RENT quotes:
    "Forget regret, or life is yours to miss."
    "No day but today."
    "To being an us for once, instead of a them!"
    "Measure in love."

    And the great:
    Mimi: They say that I have the best ass below 14th street, is it true?
    Roger: What?
    Mimi: You're staring again
    Roger: Oh no... I mean, you do, have a nice, I mean... you look familiar..."
    Mimi: Like your dead girlfriend.
    Roger: Only when you smile but I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else...
    Mimi: Do you go to the Cat Scratch Club, that's where I work, I dance! Help me look...
    Roger: Yes! They used to tie you up!
    Mimi:'s a living...
    Roger: I didn't recognize you without the handcuffs...

    I can't wait.
    12:21 am
    I realize now that I forgot to put the "is this e-mail rambling" thing in quotations, so right about now you're all scratching your heads going "what e-mail?" "huh?" "She's a crazy ho..." Actually, you might be doing that even if it was in's sort of an inside thingy. Ya know... can we tell how much I want to avoid doing real work? I need to stop posting in my livejournal for at least an hour or so. lol
    12:12 am
    It's going to be a long night...again.
    Have I mentioned that I am so ready to be done with school right now? I'm not one of those people who gets really sad about it. When I'm done with finals tomorrow I will be dancin' a happy jig, let me tell you! It's just that getting up to that point right now is bugging the crap out of me. I have to study like a mad woman for Aural Perception, and to tell you the truth, I think I'm still going to fail. I want to be optimistic about it, but I don't see that happening. Let's just hope I don't bust into tears mid-exam. That might make me look a little ridiculous, but whatever... lol I don't embarrass easily. Okay, sometimes I do, but not when I'm in this type of mindset. And what type of mindset is that, you ask? The type of mindset that has me screaming "I just want to be DONE!!!!!!" :) I know, I'm crazy. I loathe I'm becoming a teacher. Ha! But really, I have good motivation for that. Music got me through school, so hopefully, I can help others in that way. Plus, I just love music so much, and I love to teach. That's why I do this. Let me say it again, THAT'S why I do this. Okay... I'm feeling a little better. But I still have to write a paper and write out a few progressions and get all my crap ready for tomorrow. I should probably fill out my jury sheet too. (tee hee) I'm not too worried about my jury though. At least that's one thing. :) But I'm healthy, and I feel really prepared and I just want to go in and have fun. :) So, that's what I'm going to do.
    So anyway... is this e-mail beginning to ramble. I believe it is. Ah well... I'm not done yet! Ha! Losers! Okay, I don't know where that came from! lol
    But seriously... I have more to say.
    I was happy today mostly, even though my Music Lit. test was freakin' hard! I got an A- on my Brahms paper though which made me happy. I loved that paper. I actually liked writing it. (GASP!) And... yeah. An A- is pretty decent. Casey got an A+ which is very exciting. :) I was very happy because he came and talked to me today, which makes me think that I may have just been paranoid before. I hope so. I like Casey a lot, and I hope we can become better friends when we come back next year.
    Speaking of friends... I am so glad that Kate and Catherine have found me on LJ. :) You are both on my friend lists, and I'm so glad. Now when we can't see each other very much, you can read about me on here. I don't know if that makes you happy or scared... but hey. :)
    ANYWAY.... I really need to go get some stuff accomplished. I wonder if I'll be going to sleep tonight.... I don't know. I've been all insomniac like and not sleeping and whatnot... maybe it's stress related. Probably. Oh well, I'm done with finals tomorrow, so after the choir picnic, I can crash. Sounds good.
    Okay, this is getting long. I'll go........Now!

    Current Mood: naughty
    Current Music: I don't really feel naughty, I just thought that was funny
    Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
    8:23 am
    He he
    It's so great... I'm sitting here in my coca-cola t-shirt drinking free Pepsi (tee hee!) and writing a paper that's due today. Woo-hoo! I'm off to a good start for the day. Anyway, I can't talk long... I have a paper to write... but hey, I get distracted. lol Oh well... back to it I go.... :::pouts:::

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: Music Lit. stuff... boo!!!!! lol
    12:12 am
    How fun...
    I won a six pack of Pepsi. :) Isn't that great?
    Monday, April 19th, 2004
    9:22 am
    One more thing...
    I know, I'm a loser, but I had to mention something Matt said about a pair of shoes I got yesterday. "Yeah...the sides look like wood paneling...that's cool..." I don't know why but that cracks me up. :) The best part is that he picked the shoes out. They're actually way cute. :)
    Okay...that is all.
    8:23 am
    Excuse my 8:00 am brain farts
    Okay, next few years...supposed to be past few years.... and I know, to is too not t-o. I really should learn to spell check before I post... lol
    8:05 am
    And the finals begin to pour in....
    Okay, so it's Monday, the beginning of finals week. My only final today is theory, which for some reason I'm not too nervous about, but maybe I should be... I dunno... I'm more nervous about Aural Perception and Music Lit. But they're not today. Yay!
    Anyway, this morning I do have to crank out a few papers though. Nothing to big, a page or two each...
    But enough on all of that. The exciting part of all this finals stuff is that at the end of the week, I get to go home!!! But not without going to RENT with Kelsey first. That's going to be a blast! And then of course, after that, I go home. :) The only sad part of it, is that these are my last few days of Rachel as my roommate. :( It makes me very sad. I have absolutely loved living with my sister these next two years. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for next year and living with Kelsey, but I still am sad that this is it for me and Rach. BUT... Rachel does need to move on. I mean she's DONE with college! (Unlike me! :::pouts:::)
    NEW SUBJECT! (again)
    I'm going to talk about yesterday. Yesterday was another nice day. We moved some stuff out in the morning with mom and dad, then me and Matt went to the mall, where I bought lots of fun stuff. (2 pairs of shoes, a shirt, pants, and a Better than Ezra cd for $5.00!) Then we went to Applebee's for dinner! Mmm Mmm. After that, we passed these kids on our way back to the apartment who were selling Kool-Aid. It was sooo cute. So Matt turned around and we bought some from them. The kid that sold us the drinks was so cute. He was like "Thanks for shopping at MC Delights!" lol It was adorable. We gave them a $1.00 tip, so they were pretty happy with us.
    Anyway, after the Kool-Aid, we went to a dollar store just for kicks. I got two journal type books and Matt bought me Sugar babies. Mmm.... After the dollar store we picked up some milk and came home. But then Matt had to leave... :( I love my baby so much. At least he's coming back on Thursday. :)
    Anyway, laundry followed, and then ALIAS. Okay, Alias was so good last night. I won't recap it like I did to poor Matt, but OH!! It Was SOOO good!! :)
    Hmmm.... I don't think there's much else I can talk about. Actually, I can't believe I said so much already. It's only like 8:00 in the morning after all! lol
    Maybe I'll write again later.
    For the moment... I need food...yeah...
    P.S.-about Dream Theater-Thanks Chris for introducing me to it, and thanks Matt for buying me two of their cds and a dvd. :) I'm intrigued and moved, and I like it. :)

    Current Mood: chipper
    Current Music: Dream Theater
    Saturday, April 17th, 2004
    11:07 pm
    Nats-day aka Saturday
    Okay, I was up at 4:30 am this morning to go to NATS! CRAZY! But it ended up being pretty worth it. I got third place in my category, and a check for $20.00. Not too bad. :)
    Anyway, I watched Velvet Goldmine when I got back. (It's a Ewan McGregor movie you know, with Christian Bale too which will make Matt happy) Anyway, it's a strange movie. I should watch it again so I can try to understand it better. I need to rent it or buy it though because tv editing sucks. They edited out bad words and replaced them with things like Forget you, instead of the other F.U., even though you could totally tell what they were saying, AND they didn't show the full Ewan. (His "huge talent" if you know what I mean. lol) When they edited that, Rachel was like "do you think they did that for tv or that it's just like that?" I said I thought it was just for tv. My reasoning: Movie directors like to have nudity, Ewan loves to do nudity, and I don't think people mind Ewan's nudity. lol
    Anyway... off the subject of nudity for a moment...
    We're supposed to move some more stuff out of the apartment tomorrow. Matt is spending the night and mom and dad are coming early in the morning (hopefully). So we will have all five of us to help.
    La de da.... I don't know what else to say really. I'm too tired to think anyway.
    Oh well, I guess I will go chill for awhile and WHATNOT. he he

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: RENT--we listened to it on the way home from NATS
    Friday, April 16th, 2004
    8:21 pm
    By the way...
    The word count below is based off of my LJ for those of you who may be confused and WHATNOT. <~~~~~HA! There it is!! Isn't that great and WHATNOT? <~~~~There it is again!!!!
    8:20 pm
    Got the link to this off of Kate's LJ... I don't say whatnot enough...:::pouts:::
    meponcho's Word Usage
    1. i (434) 26. him (44) 51. am (28) 76. or (18)
    2. and (263) 27. went (43) 52. lol (27) 77. going (18)
    3. to (219) 28. at (43) 53. day (26) 78. more (18)
    4. the (166) 29. well (43) 54. been (25) 79. get (18)
    5. a (138) 30. all (43) 55. too (25) 80. when (18)
    6. that (115) 31. love (42) 56. time (24) 81. night (17)
    7. my (110) 32. this (42) 57. go (24) 82. can't (17)
    8. was (98) 33. be (40) 58. very (24) 83. has (17)
    9. it (96) 34. anyway (40) 59. are (24) 84. home (16)
    10. but (88) 35. he (39) 60. up (24) 85. last (16)
    11. of (88) 36. like (38) 61. what (23) 86. how (16)
    12. in (84) 37. not (38) 62. good (23) 87. band (16)
    13. me (74) 38. now (36) 63. don't (22) 88. nice (16)
    14. i'm (73) 39. matt (32) 64. stuff (22) 89. happy (16)
    15. for (66) 40. really (32) 65. today (22) 90. his (16)
    16. so (65) 41. then (32) 66. see (22) 91. even (15)
    17. we (64) 42. much (32) 67. things (22) 92. new (15)
    18. it's (62) 43. you (32) 68. fun (21) 93. our (15)
    19. with (62) 44. as (31) 69. got (20) 94. life (15)
    20. have (61) 45. out (30) 70. can (20) 95. i've (15)
    21. is (53) 46. had (29) 71. other (19) 96. friends (14)
    22. on (52) 47. do (29) 72. from (19) 97. one (14)
    23. just (48) 48. some (28) 73. great (19) 98. want (14)
    24. know (47) 49. because (28) 74. that's (19) 99. still (14)
    25. about (45) 50. people (28) 75. if (18) 100. would (14)
    Word Count by Hutta.
    7:28 pm
    Oh beautiful Friday
    I had a very pleasant day today, I must say. It was so beautiful outside. But I'll get to that in a minute.
    Anyway... my day started off with me, mom, and Rach moving some stuff out of the apartment. Still, my room is full of TONS of stuff, so I think moving day is still going to be torture. That's okay though.
    After that, I went to Music Lit. Pretty boring... what's new? lol Casey stole Paul's seat, which would have been better if Paul had come to class. Naughty Paul Michael (I know his middle name because my friend Angela got it out of him. I think it's cute) Anyway, speaking of Casey...he's been acting weird to me for the last few days. Don't know why. It did seem like we were becoming pretty good friends, now he barely says anything to me. Maybe I'm imagining things, I don't know. I just... I feel like not many people in the music department truly know me and like me, and I just really want them to. I'm a nice person, right? Oh.... I'm sounding sad. I don't want to. Today was nice.
    Because after Music Lit. I hung out with Kelsey. Then I had my piano final which went pretty well I think. Whether or not I get to pass or not, I don't know. But I'm done worrying about it.
    Anyway, after that, me and Kelsey hung out some more and she sang me her songs for NATS. (Which we are going to REALLY, REALLY early in the morning)and then we just kind of hung out and talked and whatnot. I must say, she and I have a connection. I am so glad we're living together next year!! YAY!!!
    So...getting sidetracked... lol
    After we chilled, we went to lunch which was Subway, and I must say, it hit the spot! Mmm Mmm!! Then I went to Theory for 15 minutes, after which Angela and I went for a walk and sat by the pond and talked. That was really great. I love talking to Ang when it's just me and her and we can just be. It's good times. :) I don't know if I've ever known anyone quite like Ang before.
    Anyway, after that we met up with Jeff and then went and layed out in the sun with Kate and Catherine (Because, as I said in the beginning, it was BEAUTIFUL outside today.) Then Chris came over too, and me and him talked for a long while before he took me home. We talked a long time on the way to my apartment too. Chris is a cool guy. I met him basically through Kelsey and Brad (who is not at GVSU anymore... :::pouts:::) But anyway, yeah, we talked about relationships, life, near death experiences! lol For real! And yeah... it was nice.
    And once home, I lounged and watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on tape. Then me and Rach ran some errands, and now I am on my computer. I love my computer. My computer is great, and I love it. (Wow, I sound like a bigger nerd today than I did yesterday! lol)
    The only thing that could make this day better would be seeing Matt. I miss him SOOOOOOO much! I want to share this weather with him. He appreciates nature, probably even more than me, and to sit with him outside today would have wonderful. I love him so much. When I was talking with Angela, we were talking about what we wanted to do with our lives. And I told her that some people think I've given up stuff because I would rather spend my life with Matt than pursue any type of fame or anything. I mean, I made it clear that if I could do something and it wouldn't interfere, I would do it in a second, but I don't feel held back by Matt. I feel blessed, and I don't need anything else. Then I told her that even if Matt told me tomorrow that he didn't love me anymore, I would say, "Okay, but you can't ever be out of my life." That's how much I love him and need him with me for the rest of my life. He is inseparable from my soul. She told me she can't even imagine such a thing. I said that I had never used to either, but now... I can't see it any other way. As I told Matt once "I love you like you love me. That's the only thing I can relate my love to. Nothing else compares. I can say I love you like I love life, but I love you more than I love life. So I love you like you love me, and I always will."
    And on that note I guess I will draw this to a close.

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Josh Groban...I'm listening to him right now. lol
    Thursday, April 15th, 2004
    5:48 pm
    okay, today!
    Okay, it's Thursday again. lol
    I am actually in the process of getting ready for my third concert this week. Band was Tuesday, Select Women's was last night, and tonight is University Singers. :) I was most excited about tonight, but now I'm just a tiny bit down about it because Matt isn't coming anymore. This was going to be the one he could come to, but he can't now. I understand though, and it's not his fault at all. He is REALLY sick. Actually, I'm glad he's staying home because I would be too worried about him otherwise. He went to the hospital yesterday and they gave him a lot of medication, but I still worry about my baby. :( He should be okay to come up on Sunday though which would be nice because we're going to move some stuff home. Not everything, mind you, because we need to get through finals week, but some stuff.
    Anyway, I know I'm probably rambling but I'm in a talkative mood. :)
    What can I talk about next? Well, how about today. It was a really nice day, great weather, but I've been mostly inside. It's all good though. I went to aurual perception first thing in the morning and I made a complete idiot of myself. It's always nice to have Dr. C. think I'm a complete moron. BUT anyway, after that I practice piano for about 40 minutes before working with my teacher. Then I turned in my dress for choir and me and Kelsey sorted through the music for Women's Ensemble. Then we had some lunch and whatnot and I came home.
    Once here, I just hung out for awhile talking with my mom and my sister. Then we had a bite to eat and I packed some more stuff up, and now, like I said way back at the top of this entry, I'm getting ready for my concert. Woo hoo! :) I'm a nerd, I know.
    Anyway, I better run. Gotta finish getting ready.
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