On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again.... |
[26 Oct 2002|10:33am] |
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excited |
] |
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Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow- Pictures |
] |
Well, since I last left off I quit my job. This is close to a week ago maybe? I don't know time anymore. As of now though I got a new job. I am a shift manager at block buster. It is the same Block Buster Aaron works at so that is very very awesome. I am still trying to finish my book, "Trans-sister Radio." Which I might add is an awesome book by the way. My next book will probably be either "mirrors," or "House of Leaves."
I leave in just a few short hours for Atlanta. Why am I always the last one to pack? Ah well it'll get done soon enough. It is supposed to be in the 60's this weekend which is way cooler than fly infested Louisiana. It should take um 10 hours to get there. I always love these road trips though, cause we get to pass through more than one state. We have to go through Mississippi, Alabama, and some parts of Georgia to get to our hotel. Plus, Atlanta has a "Mall of Americas" which I have never been to before.
Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. See ya on Monday night. Remember, Dale, Jr., #8 rules!
(ride on the sex swing)
[21 Oct 2002|12:25am] |
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accomplished |
] |
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Affrmation- Savage Gardem |
] |
The sun kisses the window sill and I am still on my second cup of pity me.
Well, it's been a long tiring week from hell. My birthday was pretty cool. Monday night my parents and Aaron and I went to Bennigans for dinner. Then afterwards, we went to the casino for a little while. Damn a person can sure lose money fast. I need to stay away from there. As of lately though I am a boring ass person. All I do is work and work and work. Granted money is nice. But why if I don't have the time to spend it should I kill myself. So yes Veronica proves she is an idiot once again. I can't stand my supervisor. Everytime she makes an excuse it is cause she is pregnant: "can't tuck my shirt in cause I am pregnant", "can't pour the bleach into the bucket cause I am pregnant and don't want to inhale the fumes," "Can't lift trash up cause I am pregnant." Today I had enough of that pregnant shit. So she wanted to know if I could gaurantee that I would be there until March of next year. At right now I can't promise myself to be anywhere for any amount of time. Of course I said no. She got an attitude with me. Then she was pissed cause I didn't write a girl up last night for not taking a break. The reason she didn't take a break was because we were too busy and I refused to do so. So needless to say we exchanged words throughout the entire day today. So tonight before I clocked out around 11 I called my mom. I don't know why but yet I still tell my mom certain decisions in my life that our my choice. She was fine with it. Then I told Angela I quit. That is the end of my life at Auntie Anne's. Now maybe I can get some sleep?
It's ok though, Rite-Aid called me at the end of the week about Pharmacy Tech training. So maybe that will come up. Also I know have some time to work on my writing. That is the one thing I crave when I can't sit down for hours and do it. Another idea I had was I am going to the Kenner Theatrical Studio this week and see about maybe getting a chance to direct a Christmas play at the theater. I got my book, "Trans-Sister Radio" last Sunday. NO it's not that I am a slow reader it's that I don't have any time to read it, or I should said did have any time. But I am half way through it now. It is such a good book. It's about a woman in love with a man who is having a sex change and becoming a female.
One more thing, I am going to Atlanta Friday. YAY for another NASCAR race. Go Jr! Oh and I got a diet vanilla coke tonight. It's pretty good actually. Ok I am going to read and crash harder than John Denver into the mountains.
(ride on the sex swing)
[09 Oct 2002|11:37pm] |
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okay |
] |
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Steve Azar- Waiting on Joe |
] |
Well, I am back from Talladega. It was very fun. The race kicked major ass especially since my boy, DaleJr. We left Friday night after Scott got off work. We actually got home last night around 10 but I checked mail and went to bed cause I had a doctor's appoint today and had to work. The Alabama heat was killer and we all got sun burn Sunday. They had some really fun booths at the race track. I got a Jr. Skull cap (do-rag) and a leather red tennis type cap.
Alabama is all about the Confederacy. I was suprised when I went to the local Walmart. They had Confederate flag bed in a bags on sale. I guess thats to be expected though from the state. It was just weird cause I thought Louisiana was real rebel and backwoods like. But it's nothing compared to Alabama. We got into Mississppi around 6 and my folks were hungry so we stopped at the casino to eat dinner. It was really big and pretty. I still can't believe this time next week I am going to be 21. It kinda scares me to think about it but it also really has yet to hit me. I guess I am ready though. I hope I can still have this positive attitude when I lose my life savings at the black jack table. "Like Steve McQueen all I need's a fast machine and I'm gonna make it alive."
(2 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[05 Oct 2002|02:53am] |
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okay |
] |
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Nelly- Dilema |
] |
I realized my anxiety attacks are not as bad on nights I work. I guess it has to do with being productive. Yesterday we closed early cause of the hurricane. Today we were closed all day. Which was nice cause I had a chance to wash and pack some stuff for the trip. I do however, think the anxiety attacks are bad right now for the simple fact that I do hate this month so much.
I am finally getting excited for the trip. Hell I am excited to get out of Louisiana and away from work for a bit I guess. At least Hurricane Lili didn't do too much damage. Our bush in the front broke and the fence is broke in a few places but that's it. Some of my neighbors lost power which is weird cause we still have ours. Hopefully the hurricanes will give up a few weeks break before they kick Louisiana's ass again.
Oh yeah my hair is purple in the front. This is probably a result of boredom and being stuck inside all day due to the fucking storm. I see my purple hair color laying around and decided to be adventurous. Well, I was. Anyway, I better get some sleep. I've got an 8-10 hour drive tomorrow depending on the traffic leaving the city. Hope you all have a good weekend and see ya in a few days.
(5 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[03 Oct 2002|12:41pm] |
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pensive |
] |
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Pin Monkey- Barbed Wire and Rosess |
] |
Doesn't this just suck? Last week we had a tropical storm. This week a cat 3 hurricane is coming right for Louisiana. But the good news is my vacation my start a day earlier. I am supposed to leave Friday night for Talladega Alabama. But if Lili keeps heading this way I will probably leave tomorrow.
I have worked 4 straight days in a row. I still have 2 more to go. Last night I had to come home and go through 24 hours of store servalence tape cause one of the girls we work with has been accused of some things. Lucky me I guess. Thankfully though, I rack up with this over time like crazy.
Ok now I have a question. If you have a friend that always calls you "baby" how would you take that? Is it just being friendly or are they looking for something more? I can't read people when they do that shit and I sure as hell wish I could. Well, I am going to take a nap before my shift tonight.
(4 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[30 Sep 2002|12:56am] |
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mood |
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drained |
] |
Ahh my collection is almomst complete. I bought a new playstation. Now I also own every final fantasy game except one I can't find. I can't find Final Fantasy Chronicals. Other than that I am working my ass off. I didn' get home till 12:30 tonight. So now all I wanna do is relax and sleep. Thank god for my always off day of Sunday. Thank you Jesus Christ.
(ride on the sex swing)
[28 Sep 2002|02:16am] |
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mood |
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sleepy |
] |
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Talib Kweil- Too Late |
] |
We survived the hurricane. The kitchen took on water and my parents' bed room carpet got a little wet. The back yard is a pool. The hibiscus tree in the front is broken. There is tons of debris in the street. I live 2 blocks away from the lake, and a canal is at the end of my street so luckily that is the worst of what happened. I slept during half the storm though cause I had to fucking work. It was a crock of shit. Eli and I were stuck at work so I decided to close the store at 5 because of how fast the streets were flooding. We got out just in time too because they were blocking all the streets off. But it's over now and things are back to normal (for a while at least).
A good note, today was pay day. I can finally get something small I've been wanting. Don't laugh you jerks cause I know you will. My playstation broke last year. My favorite game in the entire world is Final Fantasy VII. So tomorrow after work Walmart has the playstation system for $50. The rest goes to the bank and for the vacation I am about to take. Plus, this used car dealer has an awesome 96 Yellow Mustang with black racing stripes for less than $9,000. If I can talk it down to $7,500 I may try to finance it. That bitch is oh so fine too.
On a small side note, I hate October. I don't celebrate my birthday and the closer it gets the sadder I get. Some of you guys on my friends list probably don't know why. My grandma died on my 16th birthday. Since then I have not really cared too much for my birthday. It just is another day from now on. But the anxiety attacks are getting worse. It got so bad Wednesday night my mom actually laid in bed with me until I fell asleep. I don't know if it's cause of that reason or the medication or what. But, something's got to give and soon. I can't handle much more of these. They take a lot of energy.
So I close tomorrow and Saturday. YAY! My check will have overtime though which kicks major ass. Also, I don't remember mentioning this or not but a friend I know told me about security positions at the air port. So I went this week to fill out some papers and talk to a lady. It turns out they are hiring 600 females. Another plus is its $23,000- $27,000 a year. It will be some class work learning but hell I will kiss some ass to make that kind of cash right now. This week I saw the Rookie and Monsters Inc. They were both cute. But I LOVED Boo from Monsters Inc. I want to buy that DVD and knowing me, I probably will. Ok tired must get sleep. PEACE~
(1 sex rider |ride on the sex swing)
Punch the clock, head for home, dream of you, Guess not much has changed |
[20 Sep 2002|11:48pm] |
Well, I have been pretty silent on lj as of late. I guess it is partly to do with always working. I am an old fogy now with a full time job. YAY to having ZERO social life. But an odd event happened Tuesday at work. We ran out of lemons and only had a tiny bit of lemonade left. So I called Walmart's produce department up and ordered 15 pounds of lemons so I could take the money out of the cash deposit for work needs box. Guess who answered the phone? "Produce this is Lanna how can I help you?" For a second I couldn't talk. Then I finally got it all out in the open. So, guess what happens next? I am a fucking pussy that's what. I sent my little crew girl Eli to get the lemons while I rolled out. How fucking pussy is that of me? But that's all right. I don't need her. I will take the beautiful girl in Chicago I dream about every night. IF SHE'D EVER STOP FUCKING STUDYING LIKE HER LIFE DEPENDED ON IT! I am kidding. Since it is going on midnight I guess I shall call it a night.
(1 sex rider |ride on the sex swing)
[16 Sep 2002|01:57am] |
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drained |
] |
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Craig David- Walking Away |
] |
Phew, finally done my 2 busy days of closing. The burn on my arm looks nasty. It is kinda itchy but when I go to scratch it it hurts like a bitch. At least I have tomorrow off. So if they call I aint answering that fucking phone.
Tomorrow all I want to do is catch up on sleep. I need to go to the book store and get something good to read. Aaron is going to come over so we can watch the race. Exciting, not really. Relaxing, most certainly. Tis it for now.
(ride on the sex swing)
Did you ever have that dream where you're walking naked down the street? |
[11 Sep 2002|11:53pm] |
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thankful |
] |
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Powerman 500- When worlds collide |
] |
My mom would always tease me when I was little by saying "God don't like ugly." OH MAN! I learned that first hand tonight. It was slow at work tonight so I let my crew clean up earlier than usual. Well, Eli was mopping and slipping all over the place. Tile is hard to walk on when wet. So she was trying to get to the back to do trash and was slipping. I helped her out sort of. Ok so I pushed her to the back and she landed into a bag of flower. It was mean but damn funny. About 20 minutes later I had to clean the oven cause my boss is doing inspection tomorrow. I burnt the ever loving shit out of my finger. It's nice red color right now. I learned my lesson, no more pushing people on freshly mopped floors.
I am nice at work though. I have closed 3 days in a row so they give me boring ass Thursday off. It's ok I will have 7 hours overtime next check. My mom called me at work tonight and said to bring home boxes. I think we are really moving to Florida. I guess I am fine with it. I just want out of Louisiana. But at the same time, I am scared of change.
I don't know how everyone feels about tomorrow. For me though, I don't think it should be considered an "American Holiday," because to me a holiday is something to celebrate. What is there to celebrate about death? It should however be recognized as a day of mourning. On the radio today they said the telemarketers are taking tomorrow off. That is a good thing. The year anniversary has gone by fast. I can still remember where I was at the time it happened. I know people are sick of hearing about it though, cause that's all we have heard about for a year now. I don't know where I am going with this. I guess I am just saying I am glad all you guys are alive and well. I am thankful for all your friendships. Though it is not said often enough, thank you all. I am no where near a religious person but, God Bless you all and take care.
(ride on the sex swing)
[11 Sep 2002|12:02am] |
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groggy |
] |
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Jennifer Paige- Crush |
] |
My father never called back again. It isn't killing me that I didn't answer the phone, but after that many years what the fuck could he possibly want with me? But instead he wrote me a letter. In the letter he told me I am as bitter as my mother is. He also said some bad shit about my grandmother. He doesn't know that she passed, and he never will. I have never met his parents. I know I hate him and don't want any kind of father/daughter relationship with him. But I can't understand why he can get to me sometimes. I don't want to give him that power.
Amazingly though, Scott and I have been getting along good these past few weeks. We have been watching sports and just doing things now and again. So I guess I am willing to try and like him. Plus I now work 40 hours a week, so I don't see him or my mom that often since we are all on different schedules. I like my job. The people I work with are fun. The scary thing is I am the oldest person on my shift. Why the hell did they choose to make me the responsible adult?? Lord only knows. I finally got my face plate today from ebay 3 WEEKS LATER YOU BASTARDS! It's real cool though. A chrome purple and it's shiny. I want to see "Jack Ass" the movie. I need to finish up my script and send it in soon. Also must remember to refill my effexor script this week. Have to make an appointment to get my blood drawn too. If these mother fuckers would just give me the at home blood test kit for my blood sugar they would save me the time and gas money every two weeks. Damnit why do people like making things extra difficult. Oh one more thing, I want to smack someone in the face with a fish now. I saw it on a show the other day and it looked fun. Well, not for the smacked but for the smacker.
Ok Vero goes rambling again so that means it's beady bye time. Either that or I need another Corona.
(ride on the sex swing)
[10 Sep 2002|02:32pm] |
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okay |
] |
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Soniqe- Fly |
] |
Ok, we all remember Lanna right? The produce girl at walmart that I crushed on for a while. Well my new job is at Auntie Anne's. Auntie Anne's is inside walmart. It is also about 15 feet from the produce. I have seen her once since I started there. I have yet to say anything to her. She will probably come up to me one day at work and ask me "Can you please stop stairing at my tits." Not that I do though. Cause seriously I don't.
Now my boss wants me to come in on my wonderful lazy day off and close. Hell it's money but I am tired. What to do what to fucking do? I don't have to come in till after 6 so I may do it. But first I must shower.
(2 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[10 Sep 2002|09:49am] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
So yeah, last night my parents spring on me the fact they want to move to Florida. Hmm ok, what the hell. But Scott is getting transfered probably so I don't know what the hell is going to happen.
(3 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[06 Sep 2002|08:16pm] |
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mood |
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tired |
] |
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wwe smackdown |
] |
Darlington was fun. But Gordon won and DaleJr., in 15th. Oh I got a job. I am shift Manager at Aunt Annie's. It's pretty cool I guess for now. I am hopefully going to see Kristy for New Years this year I cant wait. But I am out of it right now so I will write more later.
(ride on the sex swing)
[31 Aug 2002|12:54am] |
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mood |
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bouncy |
] |
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the news |
] |
So today My family and Aaron and I were all just sitting at home and my mom mentions the NASCAR race being in South Carolina. Aaron said "hey I'm game I don't have to be back at work till Wednesday." So Scott got on line and ordered 4 tickets to the race in Darlington South Carolina this Sunday. But there were no hotels in SC So we are staying in Lumberton North Carolina. I am pretty excited cause I have never been to either state. I had an interview tomorrow at Cingular for 10 a.m. but Scott said fuck it since it's Labor Day holiday. So we are all going to probably sleep until around 3 a.m and head out since it's about a 14 hour drive to the hotel from here. So since I wont see you guys or talk to you all till after the holiday, have a nice and safe Labor Day.
(ride on the sex swing)
[30 Aug 2002|08:28am] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
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Fleet Wood Mac- Don't Stop |
] |
YAY, Last night I went to a local Minor League Ball game. It was very fun despite the 90 degree weather. I caught a fly ball which rocked. A few of the guys even managed to sign it, which rocked even more. Then after the game they had a kick ass fireworks display since it's the last home game of regular season. I love fireworks.
I got home and turned on the TV hoping the rerun of the VMA's would be on. Knowing how MTV likes to air everything over and over, luckily it was. Haha Pink cracked me up when she said she was too drunk. Then Eminem wouldn't touch Christina Agulair (sp). Damn Kelly Osbourne lost weight and looks good well better now. But um the end confused me. Was that really Guns N Roses cause it sucked so much ass it's not even funny?
Ok well I am going to take a midol and attempt sleep now. ~PEACE
(2 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[27 Aug 2002|08:53pm] |
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mood |
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cheerful |
] |
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American Idol |
] |
Ok Nikki has got to go. BUT WOAH KELLY. My god she rocks my socks off. She sang 2 mellow songs and rocked the house with them both. SO EVERYONE CALL THIS NUMBER
(1 sex rider |ride on the sex swing)
[23 Aug 2002|09:20pm] |
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mood |
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confused |
] |
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Default- Deny |
] |
I am kinda not ok right now. My actual blood father just called. My mom and I looked at the caller I d at the same time and she was like "it's up to you." I couldn't do it. It's like I have all these feelings and words built up inside that I want to get the guts to tell him but I know it will never happen. The last time he called was because he got some of the insurance papers and wanted to know and I quote "why the hell I cost so much money." My mom handled that call. But I am not old enough to handle this myself. I just don't know how. I guess I am a better person without him. He has written me letters asking me if I wanted to visit him. But as far as phone calls and other things go I get nothing from the man. And as much as I do dislike Scott he is more of a father than my real father. I just don't know what to do. Should I find out what he wants? Or should I just let him not get the best of me and never know what's become of the daughter he left? Blah, this sucks real bad.
(4 sex riders |ride on the sex swing)
[23 Aug 2002|04:20pm] |
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mood |
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curious |
] |
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big brother live feed |
] |
Anyone on anti depressants. Do they cause you to have fucked up dreams?
| | | TittyBitch Name: Closets are for clothes User: 48059 Created: 2001-01-26 Post Count: 765 | IF YA SMELELELELELELE WHAT MY LJ IS COOKIN! | Strengths: my fist Weakness: always horny Special Skills: are you calling me retarted? Weapons: AK 47, My Fist, Allies: women
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(1 sex rider |ride on the sex swing)