mmmm Dirty hair! [entries|friends|calendar]
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Meow. [20 Nov 2004|11:18am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Wow.. It's Been Awhile.. I Got A New Camera.. And Im Up To Two Weeks.

Roar. I <3 Dino-Saurs. )

3 !@$#!s|mmmm

[19 Nov 2004|07:47pm]


One week.
1 !@$#!|mmmm

[17 Nov 2004|08:50pm]

[ music | slunt ]

these were at a week, currently at a week and a half.
last run went 6 weeks.
mhmm. )
4 !@$#!s|mmmm

Newage.. [17 Nov 2004|10:49pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Daycare Swindlers ]

Just got my hair cut so it's only been about three days.

mornin' sunshine!


[17 Nov 2004|06:53pm]

here is a picture of when i hadnt washed my hair for a week and when it was long. It was great until i cut it over the summer, and the the curls were oh so fluffy.

ps,, always looking for new friends! :)
2 !@$#!s|mmmm

[17 Nov 2004|05:50pm]

[ music | this runs through ]

used to be [info]contagiousxkiss

whats up dirty hair )

13 !@$#!s|mmmm

[17 Nov 2004|08:46pm]

me and my boyfriend hate to bathe. <333
3 !@$#!s|mmmm

[17 Nov 2004|06:21pm]

[ music | my bloody valentine-sometimes ]

i like the way my hairs
growing out.
6 !@$#!s|mmmm

[17 Nov 2004|03:12pm]

My friends said they won't talk to me until I wash my hair. :(

It's been like, 4 days.

5 !@$#!s|mmmm

KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD [16 Nov 2004|06:31pm]

[ mood | dirty//like a hippie ]
[ music | hendrix ]

well, there was a protest at my school yesterday, so i did the hippie thing and didn't shower for a week. okay, okay. i didn't know about the protest until the day of it, but that's my excuse. they wanted to change our schedule to periods instead of blocks (which would cut a lot of art programs and result in the firing of many amazing teachers). 500 high school kids + a sit-in = craziness.
peace, love, and block scheduling )
1 !@$#!|mmmm

[16 Nov 2004|10:45am]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | le tigre ]

since i haven't posted in my on community in a long time....

yes that is me.
that is my hair.
i love you all.
the end.

14 !@$#!s|mmmm

[15 Nov 2004|08:50pm]

[ music | xzibit-multiply ]

4 !@$#!s|mmmm

[13 Nov 2004|01:16pm]

[ music | from monument to masses. ]

here is two pictures from when my hair wasn't washed for 2 weeks.

2 !@$#!s|mmmm

[12 Nov 2004|02:38pm]

It's been a few.

10 !@$#!s|mmmm

[08 Nov 2004|11:52am]

[ music | twelve tribes-chroma ]

hey people..i'm new. i love dirty hair. <3 i can't remember the last time i washed mine, i think it was about a month ago. it's starting to matte together. i wash my bangs every other day or so, because they get really stringy. the longest i've ever gone without washing 5 months or so. i pretty much had dreads, and it was cool. i am hoping to get back to that point. here's some relatively new pictures of me. click huurr. )

9 !@$#!s|mmmm

[06 Nov 2004|04:36am]

[ music | the cure. ]

this place is pretty slow as of late
so. I'm just going to post a picture here.

ironically enough, I think those photos were taken just after I had washed my hair
9 !@$#!s|mmmm

Filthy [06 Nov 2004|12:20am]

[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Placebo - Pure Morning ]

I dyed my hair about 10 days ago, haven't washed it since. This is what it looks like when I first get up. I didn't feel like doing anything with it.
Sideways )

8 !@$#!s|mmmm

[30 Oct 2004|03:23pm]

[ mood | silly ]

Thought you would like to see nine or ten days after noooo shampoo. Gettin' there..


[28 Oct 2004|02:29pm]

[ mood | dirty ]

I have a thing for not washing my hair. I bathe every other day or so... [shh] but I rarely wash. In fact, even applying Manic Panic yesterday did nothing.. I didn't touch the shampoo, just let cold water run through it. So. Here is me yesterday.. after not washing my hair for four days prior. Last time I had pink hair, I lasted 22 days... Who thinks I can go longer?

Read more... )


14 !@$#!s|mmmm

Been 8 days... [25 Oct 2004|08:59pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | the Cure - Close to Me ] dirty. I'm diggin' it. More pics under the cut, but they have my face in them... meh


8 is a magic number.... sorta )

4 !@$#!s|mmmm

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