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anxious |
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The Postal Service/We Will Become Silhouettes |
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I need a gun layout. This guy is shot, so I figure it's good enough for now. Basically, I am as bored as hell. It's 11:30 at night. I should be asleep, and I am tired, but whatever. I'll just become cripple when I wake up for the first day of school. No big deal.
Okay, so I went to a football game, and I'll say this: football = boring. What a neanderthal sport. Seriously, what underdeveloped caveman came up with football? But no one was really there for the game but the players. I saw plenty of people there, including... Andy???!!!!? What?! He grew out his hair, and it kind of curls like a piglet's tail, so he has all of these brown/blond sprockets growing out of his head. Apparently, this is a hot look.
And apparently Diana doesn't have enough faith in me to not make fun of her to tell me that. She always tiptoes around me with guys. What? Am I some anti-man machine or something? Diana, if you are reading this, then I'd like to know why you'd think that. And don't say "I don't", because I know you hate talking to me about guys. I'd like to let you know that I wouldn't insult your opinions unless I was certain that it would be in your best interests. Such as Little Miss Sann, who needed some help. I mean, you tell/talk to Carly about it (and other people) right in front of me and then refuse to tell me. And that makes me mad, in a jealous and hurt kind of way. An online quiz said that envy was my strongest of the seven deadly sins, and it's starting to show here.
Moving on! I really wasn't into socializing right then, so I kind of fell asleep in my brain. Whenever someone talked to me, I'd nod my head and agree.
Sarah: And them my mom had to drop us off - Me: Uh-huh. Sarah: ... and our bikes - Me: Yep. Sarah: ... and so then we all laughed. But what would you - (This is where I realize that she was talking to me, and I snap back into attention.) Me: No! I mean, yes! Wait, what did you say?
And then! Oh yes, then someone suggested we go to Big Boy's. *stabs whoever that person was* I mean, Big Boy's? At nine at night? I was so not up for this, but I wasn't about to be the one who took a dump on my friends' party. So I went.
And we drove down the rode in what I wanted to call at the time "The Crowded Van Of Upbeat Singers Who Enjoy Dirty Hip-Hop & Songs That Bring A Tear To One's Eye And A Bike". I promptly turned off my mind in what I liked to call "The 'Ignoring The Upbeat Singers Who Enjoy Dirty Hip-Hop & Songs That Bring A Tear To One's Eye And Relishing The Angry Sideways Glances Such Singers Receive' Method". And I continued to use this method all the way into the restaurant, where I found a seat near but separate from my friends, closed my eyes to get my contacts back in place, and lowered my forehead gently to the table.
Diana joined me, followed by Sarah, Abby, Alexia, Christine, and... that's it. I ordered what Diana ordered to save brain power, which I had cut the supply off of, and fiddled with my cell phone. As I am normally the one to start up a conversation when the previous topic dies, my friends found themselves disappointed in me and decided to call Lauren. I wasn't paying attention to their giggles and whatnot until I realized that in my hand was the cell phone. They had passed it on to me.
Hesitantly, I brought the phone to my ear. "Hello," I asked, more than said, tentatively. No response. "Hello?"
And then Lauren responded, and I was revived from my zombie mode! I batted away anyone who wanted to talk to her, and I found myself spilling some rather important secrets of my friends. That, I reasoned later, was what friends were for! She surprised me with some rather mean and sarcastic comments, much in the style of myself. Granted, I did relay them to my friends with my own flair ("He can sing with a lisp" became "I was wrong when I said he had no good traits, Sarah. You see, he can sing with a lisp! *complacent stare*"), but she was my inspiration. Ah, Lauren, where hast thou's "holier than thou" attitude gone to?
And then we drove back, and I was myself again. Oh, and today... er, is it twelve yet? If it is, supply a "tomorrow" where I put "today". Anyways, I rode my bike to 7 Eleven. Where I ate an Icee and paid for my friends' snacks. Yeah. Good times.
I don't want to go back to school.