Wis[s]e Words

Ceci n'est pas un blog

Wed 24 Mar 2004


Kip at Long Story Short Pier says it all about Cerebus reaching its 300th issue. One of the great promises has been kept, the greatest project in (American) comics ever has come to an end --but unfortunately I can't celebrate much, since its creator, Dave Sim went crazy a long time ago...

So hail and farewell then Cerebus: you started life as a parody, but ultimately starred in some of the best comics ever published in English before your creator stepped into the abyss.

Rest us nothing but reread our copies of Cerebus, High Society and Church and State, part I and II and dream of what could've been.

Posted by Martin Wisse at 4:13PM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Fri 19 Mar 2004

Amsterdam's Red Light district is of course famous the world over and probably the most visited spot of Amsterdam, including the Rijksmuseum or Van Gogh Museum. Needless to say, various entrepreneurs offer guided tours through the area, pointing out places of outstanding beauty. Unfortunately, one group of people, the visual handicapped,has so far been excluded from these tours, for obvious reasons.

Happily, one particularly clever clogs has jumped on this opportunity and is now offering a "tactile tour" of the Red Light district...

That's going to be popular.

(As spotted on the local newschannel just now.)

Posted by Martin Wisse at 5:38PM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Do the handicapped go to hell? Blunkett should...

Why? Because he is charging wrongfully imprisoned people for the years they spent behind bars while innocent:

David Blunkett looking like a dickhead

On Tuesday, Blunkett will fight in the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the right to charge victims of miscarriages of justice more than £ 3000 for every year they spent in jail while wrongly convicted. The logic is that the innocent man shouldn't have been in prison eating free porridge and sleeping for nothing under regulation grey blankets.

Blunkett's fight has been described as "outrageous", "morally repugnant" and the "sickest of sick jokes", but his spokesmen in the Home Office say it's a completely "reasonable course of action" as the innocent men and women would have spent the money anyway on food and lodgings if they weren't in prison. The government deems the claw-back 'Saved Living Expenses'.

Paddy Hill was one of the Birmingham Six. He spent 16 years behind bars for the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings by the IRA. Hill now lives on a farm with his wife and children near Beith in Scotland. He has been charged £ 50,000 for living expenses by the Home Office.

Blunkett really is an asshat, isn't he?

The title of this entry of course refers to South Park, Episode 410 to be precise, as well as to Blunkett being legally blind.

Posted by Martin Wisse at 4:12PM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Thu 04 Mar 2004

For Sandra:

Posted by Martin Wisse at 9:21AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Downingstreet Says

Mysociety, an e-democracy action group, has just launched downingstreetsays.com. This site collects the daily press briefings by the UK's Prime Minister's spoke person, strips them by subject and allows commenting and trackbacking on it. It is a very neat gift to any blogger wanting to keep abreast of UK politics.

It is also a concept so simple that you wonder why this was not done before and why it took mysociety to do it. Were I a libertarian, there would be a whole thesis hidden in this...

Posted by Martin Wisse at 9:15AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Mon 01 Mar 2004

kyoot weird little Cambrian monster

This should restore some sanity points, after the mindsquick of the previous link. Yes, these are "scientifically accurate toys based on the half-billion-year-old fossils of the Burgess Shale of British Columbia", as the website has it.

If somebody would like to buy me an early birthday or late Christmas present, these would not be rejected out of hand...

Posted by Martin Wisse at 5:37AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

An entertaining link of sanity destroying, mind bending monstrosity

You can apparantely buy a CD recording of A Shoggoth on the Roof, a Lovecraftian reinterpretation of a certain musical. It features such songs as "If I were a Deep One", "Arkham Dunwich" and "Tentacles"...

Oh yes, there are MP3 samples...

Posted by Martin Wisse at 5:25AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Tue 24 Feb 2004

Clipping Service

Some links of interest, on which I have not a lot to say.

Posted by Martin Wisse at 2:23PM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

When do you get paid?

27th February is the day when the average UK worker who does unpaid overtime finishes the 40 unpaid days they do every year, and starts earning for themselves.

So says UK Trade Union Congress. You can see for yourself when you stop working for free and start getting paid through their unpaid overtime calculator

Posted by Martin Wisse at 11:55AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

Thu 19 Feb 2004

Some good news from the US for a change

two young gay blokes getting married

SAN FRANCISCO - It was only his 12th day as mayor of San Francisco, but Gavin Newsom decided that night -- the very night he attended President Bush's State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. -- that he was going to defy California law.


The group also started talking details. The California Family Code states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

They decided to proceed on the grounds that denying marriage licenses to gays and lesbians violates their rights to equal protection under the California Constitution.

There was also talk about which couple they should ask to be the first to tie the knot. Kendell suggested Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, lesbian rights pioneers who celebrated their 51st anniversary on Valentine's Day.


Wednesday afternoon, Kendell called Lyon, 79, and Martin, 83, asking whether they wanted to get married. The answer came 10 minutes later: ``Yes.''

From The San Francisco Chronicle by way of the Miami Herald and Burning Bird

Posted by Martin Wisse at 7:02AM PST [ Permalink] End of post.

This is not a weblog. Nu-uh.

This is just a place for me to jot down some random thoughts and reactions to the news so I don't have to yell at the television or radio, or mutter to myself whilst reading the news.

Mail me.

weblogs against war logo

Self promotion

RSS Feed
Progressive Gold
Linkse Gedachten (in Dutch)
How Bush stole the 2000 election


treeoctopus tentacle
I support the Pacific
Northwest tree octopus!

red flag
Leftist parties of the world
Marxist thought internet archive

The blogging vanguard

Leicester based comrade.

The Early Days of a Better Nation
By Ken MacLeod, socialistic science fiction writer.

by Alister Black, Scottish socialist. Writes mainly about local issues.

Reasons to be Impossible
The weblog of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.

An Unenviable Situation
D Ghirlandaio on politics, art and the culture at large

Blogs and other stuff I like:

24-hour Drive-Thru
By Mitch Wagner, computer journalist and sf fan. Good on tech news and internet issues.

Alas, a blog
Political cartoons, politics, feminism, and whatnot by the entity known as Ampersand.

A List Apart
For people who make websites.

American Samizdat
The collective effort of some twenty, no, thirty, no, a great many veteran bloggers, concentrating on leftwing politics.

Aquarion is a bigger geek than you, but nice with it.

Graphic novels are good for you.

better left unsaid
Jason writes because his brain is filled with lots of screwed up stuff that he tends not to say out loud. According to himanyway.

Beyond the Wasteland
leftist politcs and gourmet food. By Kevin Batcho.

Boing Boing
Cory Doctorow and co find links to interesting, outrageous or plain weird places on the net. Cory's also good on commenting on the Intellectual Property wars.

Burning Bird
An excellent techy weblog which goes beyond mere xml/rfd/etc geeking. By Shelley Powers.

Caveat Lectorzilla
Written by Dorothea, this is an exuberant mix of geekery, personal issues and sharp observations.

Charlie's Diary
By science fiction writer, technogeek and old style UK liberal Charlie Stross.

Crooked Timber
A groupblog by a great many bloggers already on my blogroll. Quite impressive.

Davos Newbies
A year-round Davos of the mind, written by Lance Knobel.

Dive into Mark
Another interesting techie weblog.

Encyclopedia Astronautica
Incredibly cool site about the history of space travel, with lots of info about the various space programs. Recommended for all spacenuts.

Ethel the Blog
Long, interesting thorough posts on politics, economy and culture.

The liberal answer to Instapundit?

Frothing at the Mouth
Greg Morrow is a comics, RPG and science fiction fan as well as very smart.

Written by games designer/sf writer Greg Costikyan, focuses on what it says in the title.

A blog about globalisation. By General Glut.

Going underground
a blog about the London Underground.

Joel on Software
As the title indicates Joel writes about good software producing practises.

Kathryn Cramer
An editor of science fiction anthologies, Kathryn writes intelligently about sf and other stuff.

Long Story, Short Pier
Intelligent, erudite commentary. By Kip.

Mad Ape Pen
The MAD set put it in one or two or one and two or not at all. Way way rad log.

Max Speak
Written by Max Sawicky, this is an excellent, thoughtful weblog of a leftwing, liberal bent.

An American's experiences in Iraq and the Middle East. By Ben Granby.

Nathan Newman
A community and union activist, policy advocate and writer with an excellent weblog.

Notes from the Lounge
Julian Sanchez is one of the few sensible libertarians I've found.

has an uncanny ability to find quality links to cultural, historical and scientific information on the internet.

Everything that bored you to death in high school.

Pigs and Fishes
Avram Grumer is another thoughtful blogger, writing about politics and technology.

Plastic Bag
By Tom Coates. A very bright, clearly written weblog.

A political group blog.

RC3 Daily
Rafe Colburn is cool, calm and collected. Geekery and politics.

Riverbend/Baghdad Burning
What is really happening in Iraq.

Shadow of the Hegemon
Written by returned from the death Greek demagogue Demosthenes so is very eloquent.

The Sideshow
Avedon makes me think. Her weblog revolves around US politics.

Sore Eyes
Excellent science/science fiction/fandom/tech orientated blog.

This Land is My Land
Anna Feruglio Dal Dan has been talking sense in newsgroups like rec.arts.sf.fandom for a couple of years now. She now has her own weblog to talk sense in too, focussing on Italy and Italian politics.

Three-Toed Sloth
interesting mix of politics and science.

Tugboat Potemkin
How could you not love a blog with a name like that?

Uppity Negro
Good sense of humour, great style, nice vibe, not afraid to insult the special needs children.

Another example of the New Generation of thoughtful liberal weblogs.

Dutch language weblogs

Dutch political weblog.

Komma Punt Log
Brilliant and modest, or so he says.

Michel Vuijlsteke
An excellent weblog about lots of things.

voer eendjes, geen oorlog
Feed ducks, not war

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Webpage created 07-03-2002 Comments? Mail them to wissewords@cloggie.org