
Sunday | January 18, 2004

Halliburton Redux

Aron Trauring: Not all the Stand Down members support "war is a racket" as being one of the prime motivators of Bush & Co. But for many of us, it is the only hypothesis that provide a comprehensive explanation of all the pre- and post-war behavior of the administration. While no one contends the war was fought on behalf of any one...  Full post

19:33 | Link | Comments (24) | TrackBack (0)
Saturday | January 17, 2004

The Lighter Side of Regime Change

Jim Henley: Gene Weingarten in the Sunday Post Magazine, brought to you a day early by the Antiwar Website That Cares: Me: As you know, a can of Raid was one of the many fine products found in Saddam Hussein's hideout. I was wondering if you guys are planning a marketing campaign around that. You know, maybe, "Raid: The REAL Weapon of...  Full post

09:14 | Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Let's Give a Big Stand Down Welcome To . . .

Jim Henley:  . . . our newest member, Brendan of Third City. Brendan has been promoted out of the comments section because he hates war and loves America and that gets us right where we live. Look for the same great contributions to the site, but from the top of the thread too....  Full post

09:03 | Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Friday | January 16, 2004

The Truth Is In There

Jim Henley: With all due respect to Brother Max, I have 40,000 reasons to think the Bush Administration doesn't really plan to "bug out" of Iraq, by any definition of "bug out" that I would accept (actually leaving)....  Full post

23:01 | Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Weapons of Misperception

dc: Weapons of Misperception (The Atlantic Monthly) - Kenneth M. Pollack, the author of "Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong," explains how the road to war with Iraq was paved with misleading and manipulated intelligence. Also check out The Atlantic Monthly's latest issue, which has a long story on how the administration purposefully tried to limit planning for the post-war...  Full post

14:28 | Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


Max Sawicky: This has been trampled over pretty thoroughly, but most people have missed the point. In a similar vein, we would like to remind you of the U.S. Occupation's upholding of Saddamist labor law. The concession to Islamic supremacy over secularism is not some short-term slip out of pragmatism. It is fundamental to U.S. hegemony in the Middle East, and always...  Full post

11:36 | Link | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
Wednesday | January 14, 2004

administration admits troop suicide rate up

skippy: abcnews confirms what most of blogtopia (y!wctp!) has been speculating for the past 6 months: the rate of suicide among soldiers stationed there is higher than normal: u.s. soldiers in iraq are killing themselves at an unusually high rate, despite the work of special teams sent to help troops deal with combat stress, the pentagon's top doctor said wednesday… winkenwerder...  Full post

21:12 | Link | Comments (18) | TrackBack (2)