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Wed, Apr. 28th, 2004, 10:31 pm

Last chapter of Procul His- and I can't figur out how to start the effing thing!

(hits head against keyboard)

Mon, Apr. 26th, 2004, 09:32 am

Out of curiosity, how do all of you define Dark!Fic?

Mon, Apr. 26th, 2004, 09:24 am

Since the next two chapters are Buglands, I am stuck with nothing to do! (Actually that’s not true, I have orders to fill, a database to update, products to make, modifications to make to some commercial web scripts and a never ending assortment of animal cages to clean.)

But since I don’t want to do that, I am requesting your assistance in distracting =)

So, I’ll do an Ask Me Anything thing again. =) Go ahead, ask me anything.

Sun, Apr. 25th, 2004, 09:29 pm
Procul His Update: Chapter 29

Procul His 29 :: Stay :: 'Merlin, all he has to do is touch me...'

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

Sun, Apr. 25th, 2004, 09:34 am
Age Of Concent in HP FanFic / Procul His

It really surprises me the number of people that contacted us about the age of consent issue. Ok it wasn’t hundreds of people or anythign like that, but compared to the amount of feedback we usually get and how much we had this update and how many of those mentioned it and didn’t etc. There were quite a few private emails from people on the subject.

Why was this such a concern? Why immediately write us to say the AOC is 16? Is it because they want something to make it “OK” for the characters to be together? (that’s my guess). Yet almost all of these people pointed out that there were abuse of trust issues to make teacher/student relationships illegal even if the student was 16. (so this invalidates the ‘its 16 so its OK’ wishful thinking idea).

The HP books don’t take place “today”, they’re set in the 1990’s. As late as 1994 the age of consent was 21. It was changed to 18. Then in was changed to 16 in 2000. (The abuse of trust laws, which made Teacher-student relationships illegal was added with the change of AOC for gays at 16. Before that, with the higher AOC, there wasn’t a need for it.) Oh and I believe with the AOC at 21, both parties were criminalized, not just the older party.

So whether you use “today’s laws” or the laws in place at the time the books are set, the teacher/student relationship is illegal. Either because one characters is underage, or its because it’s a student and a teacher. Why does it matter so much to readers which it is?

And why is the UK law itself so important to people? My first assumption is to validate the relationships the reader wants to see as OK, however, the change to an AOC of 16 doesn’t do that in this case because of the Abuse of Trust addition. The only way it will “validate” the relationship is to take the AOC at 16 and ignore the Abuse of Trust law, on the grounds that its Wizarding law not UK law.

There is no canon on what the Wizarding AOC laws are. So writers need to decide what it is for their stories. Following UK law is easiest to do, and using the AOC of 16 and ignoring the Abuse of Trust issue is easiest and most conducive to a happy ending for many fics. That doesn’t mean there’s anything ‘wrong’ with other interpretations of what Wizarding Law might say on the subject. We’re all making this up after all- whether you think they have no AOC laws, or if their laws take magical bonds into account, or if they are so homophobic its illegal at any age (IMHO I don’t care what the writer thinks it is- it can be age 10 for all I care, just as long as it works in the story, rather then just being stated as a means to “excuse” a relationship that would ordinarily be considered illegal so you can have an easy to write happy-ending)

I know 21 isn’t “easy” or “fair” for the characters to deal with in our story, nor is it applied equally or fairly (as you will see). But this isn’t a story about how easy or fair life is when it comes to things you want. It has to be that way in our story/world, and you will find out why (uhm, just not in Procul His, so don’t wait up all night clicking refresh OK?) For those concerned, we did come up with an actual WW law on the subject, and reasons as to why their law is that way, and when they tend to be applied and when they tend to look the other way- so there’s a basis for this, we didn’t just roll dice or something to come up with the AOC. But it will be revealed gradually as Harry in our story gradually learns about, understands and has to deal with it (along with all the other crap in his life which isn't going away just because he became obsessed with someone!)

Sat, Apr. 24th, 2004, 07:43 pm
Something i'd like to see (a challenge of sorts?)

I dont really know if theres a good place (eg community) to post this, but Its been bothering me, so I wanted to throw thsis out in case someone would like to write this! Its funny to me as well because I really dont care for MPreg, but its a comedy so...

Ok, you need to have watched The Cosby Show. There was an episode called "The day the spores landed" in which the father (what was his name, Cliff I think?) fell asleep and drempt that there were spores that landed and got into the water i think- and these spores made all the men get pregnant. The boy (Cleo?) was being given greif for being an only father. At the end of the show, when they were "due" they rushed to the hsopital, and they all gave birth to weird things. One (A friend of cliff's i think) gave birth to a boat. Cliff gave birth to a Hoagie and an Orange soda, etc..

So would anyone write a little fic like that? Potion gone wrong or something and all the males at hogwarts get pregnant with stuff like that?

Edit: Ok, so that doesn't read so funny i think, I guess you had to see the show. I remember Laughing out loud when I saw it. I'm not so great at writing strictly comedy.

Sat, Apr. 24th, 2004, 01:18 pm
Procul His updated: ch 27 and 28

Procul His 27 :: Five Years
"We'll keep it a secret then, no one will know."

Procul His 28 :: Sex?
"Black would only have ripped my lungs out, but I suppose you want to talk."

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

Sat, Apr. 24th, 2004, 10:21 am

Wake up [info]bugland ! Wake up! Read over chapters so i can post them!

(impatiently jumps up and down and drinks some jolt to relax)

(They will probably be rather boring compared to last though, alas.)

Thu, Apr. 22nd, 2004, 10:15 am
Procul His :: Three New Chapters

Ok, Deep Breath.

Procul His 24 :: His Father :: "I envied him."
Procul His 25 :: Harry Potter Severus Snape :: "What is happening here?"
Procul His 26 :: Eschar :: "I have not done this thing."

There is a caution on chapter 26 for those sensitive to self harm issues.

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

Wed, Apr. 21st, 2004, 10:24 am
Dictionary questions for MSWord 2000?

1. Is there a Dutch dictionary for MS Word? Any chance of findign one free/cheep?

2. I figured out how to install the UK English dictionaries instead of the US ones in MS. However, the UK dictionary accepts different spellings of some words (eg: both -ize and -ise word endings). Is there a way to remove one of these from the dictionary? Its really annoying because Bugland uses -ize and I use -ise so when I'm compiling our writing, sometimes I miss some of the -ize words and it goes through. Which I think looks bad, having words spelled two different ways in the same story (or chapter even!) BTW I tried using autocorrect to change -ize to -ise but this doesn't work because it only autocorrects newly typed words, not documents that I open from bugland's computer, nor sections I copy/paste from bugland's documents into mine.

Wed, Apr. 21st, 2004, 07:53 am

These next 2 chapters I have to write are NOT FUN! And you're all going to hate us, I just know it =(

And I updated my LJ Style, not a drastic difference. Doesn't look to christmas-y does it?

Tue, Apr. 20th, 2004, 12:20 pm
Random Stuff

When I write I feel like someone who paints but is blind. Whenever I’m done with a chapter I have to give it to bugland and ask what in the world Harry is thinking or feeling! It is annoying. More annoying, is why can’t I do it for myself?

I hate surveys people send me that ask things like “why do you think this pairing is popular?” How would I know? Even if I had a clue, I wouldn’t know I had a clue nor could explain it. I don’t even know why I like certain pairings over others, much less be able to mind read why others would.

I hate the weather as well. It was 70 out the other day and it was TOO HOT. I need a summer home in Alaska. First I need money. =(

I saw a link in my stats page today that I think was the first one I’ve seen rec’ing (well, not quite, mention of and link to) The Platform. I thought everyone forgot about it. =( although I should not have expected it to get a wide viewing, what with taking forever to download, and being black and white and silent as well. Well, its not that bad, not as if It was a b/w silent film based on Un Chien Andalou =P

I am enjoying reading the contest entries for Procul His. Some of them- I think, where did they get that idea from? Others are spot on. Others are just so very close, but not quite. When we reveal the entries and answers and the winner, I’ll have to comment specifically on the questions.

I am going now to write more Procul His. Which reminds me. I find it amusing every time I see PH listed in a rec someplace and they just copy the blurb on our website that says “The Lestranges have escaped from Azkaban and Harry needs to learn to block against dark mind control curses.” Because that’s not really what its about is it? (not that I could explain what its about, stupid stupid brain). Well, it will be more apparent if not already in a few more chapters when Remus gets involved.

Tue, Apr. 20th, 2004, 12:34 am
Another Procul His Update

New Chapter: Procul His 23: He's Going To Kill Me

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

Sat, Apr. 17th, 2004, 04:58 pm
Procul His 21 and 22 online

New Chapter: Procul His 21: Want
New Chapter: Procul His 22: Half Alive

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

(Editted: Wrote Half Dead instead of Half Alive, Ooops.)

Thu, Apr. 15th, 2004, 09:05 pm
??? on rec sites

I was just talking to bugland. Are there any rec sites (HP or otherwise) that story summeries and recs by different reviewers that is searchable. So when people have those questions the post to lists like "hey, i'm looking for this story and all I remember about it was that it was hp/ss and they played chess a lot and harry almost died? where can i find it?" Then they could go to this rec page, type that in and come up with matches, and also reviews (preferably by diffrent people so you had different opinion) of all the matching stories?

Is there anything like this?

Only thing i can think of is the search functions on archive sites like ink stained fingers or FF net, but thats just whats archived at that site right? and not reviews or keywords that people might remember the story for?

Tue, Apr. 13th, 2004, 08:32 pm
About the Licking... Ch. 19 (and 20) of Procul His.

New Chapter: Procul His 19: Indistinguishable
New Chapter: Procul His 20: Cold

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

I have to run to the store, i'll do the ML's, skyehawk and email updates later.

Sat, Apr. 10th, 2004, 09:51 pm

Bugland just walked in to see where I was in Ch.19 of Procul His. Had this to say: Harry's a Pervert!

He hears voices through the bathroom door-
Poppy: What is Harry Potter doing in your bathroom?

Er, guess.
And its all down hill from there...

Sat, Apr. 10th, 2004, 04:00 pm
Guess What? Procul His 18.

Updates, again.
I think thats a record, 3 updates in a week?

Procul His, Chapter 18: What You Think Is Right
(Snape's a Bloody Lunatic)

Next chapter will probably be a little longer than er, what was this last one, 1 day, heheh, to get out. Its long, and lots in it. I'd so like to just tell you right now whats in it, but that would just ruin it wouldn't it. Can't do that. Nope. Gonna have to wait. (Evil Grin.)

Fri, Apr. 9th, 2004, 02:48 pm
Generic 'ask anything' post.

Ah we've done this before. Good way for me to pass the time until bugland is ready to go over soem detail work in next PH chapter. So....

Ask me something. Anything. ‘ Can't promise an answer to everything but I promise I won't bite hard. =)

Fri, Apr. 9th, 2004, 05:03 am
Procul His Chapter 17, Online

New Chapter: Procul His 17: Giving Thanks

Also, if you're wondering about what Dumbledore was thinking when he told Poppy about Harry's rope burns, you can find info in the appendix under the entry for "piano". Some of you though might just read it and say "oh, I know where that's from!", in which case, virtul gold star for you!

PS. Don't forget about the contest!

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