March 17, 2004
Democrats Tally 'Misleading' Iraq Statements - President Bush and four top advisors made a combined 237 misleading public statements on the threat posed by Iraq, Democrats charged in a congressional report released on Tuesday. Update: Here is the report. Hey, Dubya. Refute this!
Log Cabin Republicans Launch First-Ever National Advertising Campaign to Defend the Constitution
Kerry calls on Clinton weekly for 'thoughts' - "He's given me a lot of thoughts,'' Kerry said. "He's had some very astute observations. He's one of the smartest observers of American politics.''
March 16, 2004
Experts: War on terrorism could spawn new enemies. Splinter groups may rise from crackdown on al Qaeda, they warn.
My favorite headline this week: Spanish Support for War on Terror Will Remain Strong, says Powell. Well if Colin Powell says so ...
Nation's Direction Prompts Voters' Concern, Poll Finds - Mr. Bush faces unrest over his management of the economy, while the public has doubts about Mr. Kerry's political convictions.
Democrats Seek Probe of Medicare Estimates - Claims that the Bush administration withheld cost estimates of last year's Medicare prescription drug law prompted Democratic lawmakers yesterday to demand investigations and a GOP leader to say the reports are hurting his party's credibility.
March 15, 2004
Candidates narrow focus to 18 states
More with Bush TV spots. Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising the benefits of the new Medicare law.
Bush officials on offense as Iraq war anniversary nears. Yah, good luck with that.
March 14, 2004
New York Times Editorial: October in March - [V]oters are entitled to a minimum level of honesty in the argument. On that score, Mr. Bush's initial attacks fall short.
Maureen Dowd: The Politics of Self-Pity - "President Bush has made the theme of his re-election campaign a whiny 'not my fault'."
The Washington Post - Kerry Suggests Monthly Debates With President. When Bush heard this, he promptly wet his pants and then ran away screaming.
March 13, 2004
March 12, 2004
Friday open discussion. What do you want to talk about?
March 11, 2004
John Kerry has the Repubs hopping mad. Thinking he was off camera, Kerry said, "These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group of people I've ever seen." Chairman of the Bush re-election campaign, Mark Racicot, claims, "Senator Kerry's statement ... was unbecoming of a candidate for the presidency of the United States." Since when is telling the truth is unbecoming?
Kerry and Dean, All Forgiven, Join to Unseat a Common Foe
After six months, Bush has finally named Anthony F. Raimondo to be "manufacturing czar" in his administration. Interesting choice since Raimondo's firm, Behlen Manufacturing Co., laid off 75 workers, four months after announcing plans for a new factory in China.
March 10, 2004
On February 22, Daniel Ellsberg asked in The Boston Globe, "Where are Iraq's Pentagon papers?" Today Salon answered by posting The New Pentagon Papers by retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski. I sincerely hope that this article gets the big media attention it deserves. (Thanks to Ellie)
MSNBC's Tom Curry reports on how Dems will beat ban on 'soft money'. Republicans step up their criticism of the "527" interest groups. Several of those groups are shown on the left side of this site - contribute today!
Kerry Sweeps Races in 4 States. Duh.
Bush Fund-Raisers Among Overnight Guests. Where is all that outrage that we heard when Clinton was President?
CIA director George Tenet faced some tough questions from the Armed Services Committee yesterday. Sounds like there is plenty of blame to go around for the intelligence failures.
March 09, 2004
Kerry campaigned in the sunshine state yesterday ahead of today's votes in Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.
New polls from Washington Post-ABC News and CNN/USA Today/Gallup show many Americans continue to be dissatisfied with Bush's performance as president.
A picture is worth a thousand words. How about a chart? Paul Krugman shows us the ridiculous jobs forecasts of the Bush administration.