The Wayback Machine -
Stephanie's journey across the country.....
December 2003
Wednesday, December 24th, 2003 01:48 am
Oh man, what a week. It started with Louis' Mom's service on Sunday. That was the most traumatic service I have ever been to. There were about 20 of her kindergarten students that showed sad. All my heart goes to Louis......everything I have to give. I've never known anyone to deserve it more.....

The service got overshadowed by the earthquake...I'm afraid. This is exactly what we have been waiting for. It sounds horrible....but the wineries really need this wake up call. Josh has been down there checking out the damage and it is not something to laugh about......thousands of gallons of wine has been wasted. Here is another photo from the destruction.....

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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003 12:29 pm
I am completely buried trying to be a point of contact during the earthquake aftermath.....I thought I would share a recent photo that just came in of one of the wineries down there. Things look pretty bad......

Current Mood: crushed

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Monday, December 22nd, 2003 01:03 pm
Josh is on his way down to check the damage.....we heard that Wildhorse Winery has suffered damage and injuries. If anyone hears of any other winery damage, please let me know.

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Monday, December 22nd, 2003 11:37 am

HOLY SHIT....we are rocking and rolling! EARTHQUAKE!

Current Mood: worried

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Wednesday, December 17th, 2003 05:01 pm
Jersey girl

Wow, I guess you can take the girl out of New Jersey, but you can't take the Jersey out of the girl.....

welcome home jersey kid.
Welcome home. You're SO Jersey. You know Wildwood
and Seaside are the most disgusting places on
earth, and only good for drunken after prom
vacations, you know there's always a
"short-cut" to someplace. Isn't
Jersey great? I mean, where else can you go 80
MPH and STILL be the slowest car on the road?

How JERSEY are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Mood: curious

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Monday, December 15th, 2003 03:46 pm
My God, the weather this weekend was crappy! The only people excited were those on their way or already in Tahoe! I'm guessing [info]laurenfem was one of those enjoying the precipitation!

We celebrated Noah's 10 month birthday and John graduating from grad school at Hooters this past Friday. I spent an hour in ToyRUs on Thursday trying to find a related gift for both of them. Believe me, that is quite a challenge. Thank goodness John is a good sport.....they both got their very own bibs. Well, they really needed them for eating all those messy wings! Then the girls took Noah up in the front of the restaurant to sing and dance for him. The staff is starting to remember him now because this is the third birthday he has celebrated there. Some of the girls posed for a photo with the man and he grabbed our waitresses boob right before the photo was taken. Of course everyone was dying laughing when he did that! She turned all red from embarrassment! Yikes! Then as we were leaving, I thought it would be nice for him to pose in front of the photo display near the door......oh my, what a keeper. I swear his friends will be jealous when he is older and shows them these!
The rest of the weekend was pretty mellow.....Marge came over and did some laundry. Sunday I had to finish up some work and then now back to the office. I hope to see Louis this week.....I had something sent over to his cousin's house. The service is planned for Saturday afternoon so that will be a long day. When his father passed, I could barely keep myself together during the service so I know this will be twice as bad. I wish I could turn off emotions sometimes because I really want to be strong for is just so darn difficult to do when tears are building up. This week should fly by because I have a zillion things going on.....Wednesday night is our laywers holiday party down in San Jose and then my work holiday party is Thursday. Friday night is a housewarming/holiday party at Sean and Sandy's new place and then Saturday will be dedicated to supporting Louis. Finally Sunday night we plan to exchange gifts with Kim and Erik and hopefully Will's girls. My Aunt Carol and 2 cousins arrive Sunday night from Colorado so I will need to fit them in as well. This time of year is out of control! I can't wait till January so that the calendar clears up just a bit! Happy Monday everyone!

Current Mood: content

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Wednesday, December 10th, 2003 01:31 pm
I received the call this morning that I have been dreading. Louis called to let me know that his Mom passed away last night. She has been fighting a bacteria infection for 2 months while waiting for a kidney transplant. His father had passed away 1.5 years ago from a sudden heart attack at 54 years old. I can't think of another person that doesn't deserve this! Louis is truly the most caring, dependable, loving, and fun person I know. His Mom was like everyone's Mom.....we all had a special bond with her. On the other hand, I am thankful that she will not suffer anymore and that she will join her husband once again. Its just extremely difficult to focus on that while my heart is breaking for him. I just pray that his strength will guide him through this terrible loss.

Current Mood: numb

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Monday, December 8th, 2003 07:49 pm
I am so glad I finished all my Christmas shopping already. During the days that I was laid up in bed, I went nuts ordering gifts online. I would estimate that I ordered 90% online and only had to go into a few stores briefly. For example, I couldn't justify paying for shipping on $15 worth of dog toys from Petco. Most everything else I ordered offered free shipping so it was well worth it. For those of you looking for some unique must check out this website - I found it a few months back and actually recently ordered a bunch of items for gifts. I was extremely satisfied with the items, prices and service. Not to mention they are constantly updating the site with new items.

We plan to bring Noah to Hooters again this Friday night......I gathered up the crew to celebrate his almost 10 month birthday. I swear those girls should know him by name now. We will probably celebrate John graduating with his MBA as well.....he is pretty excited!

I better get back to work......lots to do.

Current Mood: happy

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Monday, December 8th, 2003 12:48 pm

What a crappy weekend.....I'm kind of glad I was stuck inside for most of it. Marge had knee surgery on Friday so we invived her to stay at our place for the weekend so that we could babysit both her and Noah. It was so nice getting to hang out with Noah during the day and not when he was exhausted and wanting to go to sleep. He is the cutest darn thing in the morning. I couldn't resist giving him one of his presents to open on Saturday. I mean, he needs to practice opening gifts, right? So, he got to open his very first X-mas present EVER. I got him his first football. On Saturday night we went to Josh's work Christmas party. We got there a half hour late because of the downpour, but we managed to arrive just in time to sit down for dinner. Then as soon as dinner ended, people started taking off so we barely got to socialize with anyone who wasn't sitting at our table. Oh well.
After the party we headed home to drop off the car and put Marge and Noah to bed. We finally got a cab and arrived at Loft 11 around 11:30. My cousin works for Stuff magazine so he had us on the VIP list for the show, but stupid me forgot my ID. So Josh took a cab back to the house and finally we ended up going in at midnight. I ran into Jackie though.....she used to date a friend of a friend back in the day. They have broken up and we lost we were able to reconnect. Now she will join us for Ladies night on the far I've rallied 15 females. I hope that isn't too many.....I hate when there are too many people and it gets hard to move around.
Back to work today.....Josh leaves for LA on Thursday so we are trying to take care of business stuff before he leaves. This should be a long week!

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Thursday, December 4th, 2003 02:02 pm
Oh my God.....I just got a peak of the photos from Noah's trip to Paris! Here is one.....this makes me want to run out and have one!

Current Mood: excited

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 08:28 pm
Quick Random Thought

Its bad enough that I am stuck at the office at this unreal hour, but when I walk around the floor of my building it looks like a normal day. There are barely any people NOT in the office! This is nuts!

Current Mood: shocked

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 06:37 pm
I know I'm buried at work when my e-mail extends beyond one page. It is now 1.5 pages therefore I am planning a late night. Ughhhhh.

Current Mood: busy

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Friday, November 28th, 2003 02:37 pm
Gosh, so much going on lately. I'm actually heading out of town later today till Sunday. I just need to escape for a few days so I won't be able to update till Monday. T-day was fun....we spent the day in Danville. More to come.....

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Monday, November 24th, 2003 07:31 pm
My friend just launched a new community network site.....his hopes are to grow this worldwide. He is working with some networking sites overseas now to hopefully link up in the future. Here is the link to join.....

Click here to join Yonja:">

Current Mood: sick

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Monday, November 24th, 2003 05:33 pm
I've been sick since yesterday.....not able to keep food down. Just wanted to post some pics from the party this past Friday. I can't wait to plan next years! I will write more when I am feeling better.....

Current Mood: sick

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Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 11:15 am
I love Sundays! Football is just so much fun to watch....

This past Thursday night I had 5 of our friends over to get the photos together for Friday night. It was actually very hilarious with everyone sitting around sharing their photos between the laptops. We ended up having 3000 different photos to have for the following night.

Friday night was the private party.....we got there at 6 to set everything up. Thank goodness I told everyone it started at 6:30 because most people did not show up till 7:30 (typical). It was such a success and everyone had such a great time. We ended up staying there till 11 or so and then headed over to Loft 11. Our buddy Mike was spinning so it was great to see was actually a lot of fun. I was so excited about the night that I couldn't get to sleep till 5 AM. Needless to say, yesterday was a lounge around day while taking little naps. I am feeling much better today and want to head over to the gym shortly.

My Cowboys are in the lead right now so I am pretty excited about that!

Current Mood: cheerful

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Thursday, November 20th, 2003 10:59 am
Today is a better day. I had a bunch of the girls over for dinner last night. Plus today I am going to lunch with Kim to talk.

I found a new housekeeper and she came yesterday for the first time. She did such a good job, much better than any of the other people I have tried recently. Only problem is that she just moved to Davis, but she doesn't seem to mind the traveling now. I'm certain that eventually it will become a drain....oh well, we shall see.

Tonight Carter is coming over to work on the photos for tomorrow nights party. I really wish we had much more time because I have so many ideas that would make it more entertaining. So far we have almost 40 people coming so we should have no problems spending $500 to cover the deposit to hold the bar. This should be lots of fun!

Current Mood: calm

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2003 12:23 am
Yikes, I can't believe I am writing about this but I am hoping that it settles my nerves a bit. I have been with my finace for 6 years now - I honestly can't believe we are not married. I am starting to wonder if I really should be getting married. I am so confused......please help!

p.s....I've had outside influences contributing to this random intercourse.


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Monday, November 17th, 2003 08:33 pm
My Gosh, Noah is just so much fun to babysit. We are chilling to watch Monday Night football......too bad the 49ers are winning.

I want to get him a smaller football for Christmas...

This week is so hectic....we have dinners every night of this week. That gives me no time to prepare everything for the party on Friday night. Yikes!

Current Mood: enthralled

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Monday, November 17th, 2003 10:07 am
Well, I guess its ok to spill the beans girlfriend from high school, Christine is pregnant and due in April. She just sent out the announcement. Here is a shot of Christine, her friend and myself the night of her bachelorette party....

I'll be an aunt again! Not to mention I get to watch Noah after work today.....this is getting scary, I'm becoming surrounded by babies and I'm not even married!

I went for my ultrasound today and am 20 weeks and 4 days. I am halfway through!!

The baby is 13 ounces and doing great...the picture we have it's sucking it's thumb. I would love to tell everyone that its a girl or a boy...soon to find out April 6, 2004. The doctor was about to tell us the sex and I felt Tom's glare so we will find out on the big day of arrival.

Current Mood: excited

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